To build up the much required momentum, four Rotary Districts 3141 (Mumbai), 3142 (Thane, Navi Mumbai), 3131 (Pune) and 3170 (Kolhapur & Goa) across Maharashtra and Goa initiated one of the Mega Multi District Cooperative projects “Rotary Humsafar 2018-19”, led by Rotary Club of Bombay North (Dist. 3141), where nearly 100 cars decorated with awareness stickers will travel from Mumbai to Goa spreading the much needed awareness about Skin, Eye and organ donation and prevention of Diabetes. This is a three days event starting from BKC on 25th January, 2019. Flag off is at 6.00 AM from BKC with first stop at Navi Mumbai, then to Pune and proceed to Kolhapur. Night halt at Sayaji Hotel. At each place we have meeting being organized by respective District Governors Rtn. Dr. Ashesh Ganguli (Dist. 3142), Dr. Shailesh Palekar (Dist. 3131), Dr. Ravikiran Kulkarni (Dist. 3170) on the Theme ‘Donate Skin, Eye and Organ, Save Life. “And Prevent Diabetes. On 26th January, 2019, After breakfast we proceed to Goa and check in at Vevanta by Taj and Cidade De Goa where there will be lectures and public meeting on “Donate Skin, Organ and save life and Prevent Diabetes. Nearly 400 Rotarians will be attending this event.
Lead District 3141’s Governor Shashi Sharma and Past RI Director Rtn. Ashok Mahajan will be there with their cars to lead this event. We expect to get recognition by Guinness Book of World Records.
We would request you to spread the message “Donate Skin/Organ, save life and prevent Diabetes and Donate Eyes to give sight. “
Rtn. Dr. Satya Agarwala MD FRCP
Avenue Chair, Community Service, Medical II.
Rtn. Chetan Desai
Group Chief Avenue Head, Community Service.]]>