This unique initiative ia taken by the well known renowned Celebrity and Business Life Coach Anjali
Anjali, the coach,well known name in media,having quite interesting journey
To know how people get involved in crime especially educated & people of decent family back ground. That inspired Anjali to be a criminal lawyer. 6 years practice as criminal lawyer, not really a good experience, but experienced only 30% to 40 % crimes are planned. Rest are because of circumstances, the main reason behind it is imbalance of emotions & lack of control on our self. The second thing she experienced was people has plans, thoughts, ideas and solution of problems but ACTION part was missing completely.
So, career line has changed, to consulting, guiding and as life business coach. Till now Anjali guided 1000+ people. And with that learning process is going on. Hunger of learning more and more was always there with her.
Journey didnt stop here just after being life coach credential, as maximum of her clients are senior people, credentials as business coach & executive coach was a great
Coaching process became more strong and beneficial for clients as she certified with NLP practitioner and administrator of EI skill assessment process. Tony Buzans mind mapping practitioner certificate was an add on for success strategic planning for herself and for clients too.
As an author motivational and challenging quotes and articles are always appreciated and life altering for clients.
Thats not enough interest in occult sciences, reading about planets movement and their impacts on human, Astrology (have lots of followers) or reading horoscopes and to paint on and off is also a part of life.
The journey of learning is on…
. * Neuro Linguistic is a strong tool in behaviour alteration, adaptions and dealing with stress and anxiety *
Destination coaching is all about exploring new places which is not yet explored having nature aspects like Hills Beaches and Forests. having workshop and other tools and techniques of workshop will be done live with nature and will actually create difference and magic in life for a person.]]>