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जल्द रिलीज होने वाली कॉमेडी हिंदी फिल्म “रंगीला दारूवाला” का पोस्टर लॉन्च कर दिया गया है। अगले माह इसका ट्रेलर और म्युज़िक लांच किया जाएगा। फ़िल्म के निर्माता निर्देशक संजीव आर सिंह हैं जबकि इस फ़िल्म में डैशिंग स्टार अशोका ठाकुर और गंगा अधिकारी ने […]
Breaking News“WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave” organized various Events in a day on 19th May at Hotel Fern. These events were managed by “ShreOM Communications & Solutions”. The day started with Keynote speech “Multiplying your own money” by Alpa Shah Powered & Presented by “Uprise Grrow” […]
Breaking NewsMiss International Peace Beauty Queen “ Angel Tetarbe in Los Angeles attended Universe Multicultural Film Festival . It was a great event with different countries participating for films n Great fashion show by China in USA . I Felt Happy to be there ,it was […]
International NewsBreaking News Latest News
Sisters Pryma and Pallavi, Daughters of Biswajit, Sisters of Prosenjit Chatterjee. Biswajit said, inspite of holding Durga Pooja in Mumbai from more than a decade, he still misses the aroma of Durga Pooja being held in Kolkata. Puja Khawar and Pryma at Biswajit’s Chatterjee Family Durga Puja in Mumbai. Biswajit informed happily that his youngest daughter Pryma Chatterji had been helping him day and night in arranging the Puja. He specifically mentioned that the decoration of the Mandap was entirely conceptualized and handled by Pryma which added a new dimension to the aesthetics of the Puja environment. ———-Wasim Siddique(Fame Media)]]>
Actors Latest News News
अपने प्रशंसकों और अपने चाहने वालों को उन्होंने तहे दिल से शुक्रिया कहा जिन्होंने खास दिन को और भी खास बनाया… इसके साथ ही इश्मीत जी जल्द ही कई प्रोजेक्ट्स और बिग बजट मूवी में अभिनय करने की तैयारी में है,अपने चाहने वालों को तो आनंदित किया ही और उन्होंने अपने बड़प्पन होने का सबूत भी दिया…]]>
Bhojpuri Films Bhojpuri News
फिल्म ‘बिटिया, छठी माई के’ ट्रेलर रिलीज़,बदल रहा भोजपुरी सिनेमा छठ महापर्व पूजा पर आधारित यश कुमार की फिल्म ‘बिटिया, छठी माई के’ का ट्रेलर रिलीज कर दिया गया है, जिसमें यश कुमार कई शेड में दिख रहे हैं या यूँ कहें की यश कुमार अब तक के सबसे बेहतरीन रोल में दिख रहें हैं । एक बार फिर यश कुमार के इस जलवे को देख पुरा फ़िल्म उद्योग स्तब्ध है और ट्रेलर देख ऐसा लगता है जैसे भोजपुरी सिनेउद्योग बदल रहा है। भोजपुरी सिनेमा के अन्य कमर्शियल फ़िल्मों से अलग ,द्वीअर्थी संवाद व आइटम सोंग से अलग अश्लीलता मुक्त,पारिवारिक फिल्म की कहानी महिला सशक्तिकरण और बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ की मुहीम को आगे बढ़ाने वाली लगती है। बता दें कि छठ पूजा के थीम पर बनी अब तक की यह पहली फिल्म है, जिसमें यश कुमार,प्रीति सिंह और अंजना सिंह एक बार फिर से नजर आ रहे हैं। जबकि श्यामलि श्रीवास्तव फिल्म के ट्रेलर में छठ मईया की भूमिका में नजर आ रही हैं। फिल्म ‘बिटिया, छठी माई के’ के ट्रेलर में यश कुमार एक ऐसे पिता का किरदार निभा रहे हैं, जिसका काफी सीधा-साधा गांव का एक निर्धन है। मगर उसकी ख्वाहिश एक बेटी की होती है और वह इसके लिए छठ मईया से मन्नत मांगता है। उसे बेटी मिलती भी है, वह उसकी परवरिश कैसे करता है और फिर जब बच्ची बड़ी हो जाती है, तब उसे किन – किन कठनाईयों का समाना करना पड़ता है। ये सब फिल्म में रोमांचक तरीके से देखने को मिल सकता है। ऐसा दावा है फिल्म के निर्देशक सुजीत वर्मा का, जो ‘बिटिया, छठी माई के’ के जरिये डायरेक्शन के क्षेत्र में डेब्यू कर रहे हैं। फिल्म के निर्माता दीपक साह और निर्देशक सुजीत वर्मा हैं,जिन्होंने बिहार के महापर्व छठ पूजा को अपनी फिल्म से जोड़ कर लोगों तक एक संदेश पहुंचाने की कोशिश करते नजर आ रहे हैं। तन्वी मल्टीमीडिया के बैनर तले निर्मित फिल्म ‘बिटिया, छठी माई के’ के बारे में अपने धुन के पक्के यश कुमार का कहना है कि इस फिल्म की कहानी पिता-पुत्री की संवेदनशील व मर्मस्पर्शी रिश्तों को दिल की गहराइयों तक छू लेने वाली कहानी पर बनाई गई है। इसमें मेरा किरदार बेहद सार्थक है और उसमें मैंने सेट पर भरपूर तरीके से जीया है। उन्होंने कहा कि पूर्वोतर भारत में छठ महापर्व अतिविशिष्ठ है। इसमें पूरा समाज इस महापर्व को बहुत ही हर्ष और आस्था से मनाता है, लेकिन आजतक इस विषय पर कोई फ़िल्म नहीं आ पायी थी। जिसे लेकर हम इस बार अपने दर्शकों के सामने हैं। मुझे लगता है कि यह फिल्म कई मायनों में अलग है, जो रिलीज के बाद दर्शकों को भी पता लग जायेगा। हमारी यह फिल्म छठ पूजा के अवसर पर रिलीज हो रही है। [embed][/embed] बता दें कि फिल्म की कहानी यश कुमार व एस के चौहान की है। स्क्रीनप्ले व डायलॉग एस के चौहान ने लिखा है। पीआरओ सर्वेश कश्यप हैं। संगीतकार धनंजय मिश्रा, अविनाश झा घुंघरू हैं। गीतकार प्यारेलाल यादव कविजी, आजाद सिंह व मुन्ना दूबे हैं। छायांकन आर आर प्रिंस, नृत्य कानू मुखर्जी, राम देवन है। कार्यकारी निर्माता मोनू उपाध्याय हैं। फिल्म मुख्य कलाकार यश कुमार,अंजना सिंह, प्रीति सिंह,श्यामलि श्रीवास्तव,उधारी बाबू, बृजेश त्रिपाठी,अनूप अरोरा, अमित शुक्ला, बेबी अदिति मिश्रा, बेबी मन्नत शर्मा तथा राधे कुमार हैं। ——पी.आर.ओ (सर्वेश कश्यप) ]]>
Bhojpuri News Breaking News
मालूम हो कि फिल्म ‘बैरी सूरतिया’ की मुख्य भूमिका कुलदीप कुमार, अनुरूपा चक्रवर्ती, कृष्ण भट्ट, अमित के सिन्हा, राज सिंह और नीलम पांडेय नजर आयेंगे। फिल्म के सह निर्माता राजेश कुमार व नवीन पटेल, एग्जक्यूटिव प्रोड्यूसर कुलदीप राउत, संगीतकार अमन श्लोक व चंद्रमा चंद्राही और पीआरओ संजय भूषण पटियाला हैं।]]>
Breaking News News
देवी दुर्गा के जयकारे से गूंज उठा महिला विकास संघ का माता की चौकी लाल जोड़े में डांडिया के साथ रज – रज कर झूमी पटना की महिलाएं पटना। शारदीय नवरात्र में राजधानी पटना धीरे – धीरे देवी दुर्गा की उपासना में डूब रहा है, यही वजह है कि हर जगह इस नवरात्र कई भक्तिमय आयोजन देखने को मिल रहे हैं। ऐसा ही एक आयोजन महिला विकास संघ की ओर से माता की चौकी का आयोजन आज होटल ग्रैंड सेलीब्रेशन, न्यू बायपास पटना में किया गया, जहां देवी दुर्गा के जयकारे से पूरा माहौल भक्तिमय हो गया। इस दौरान मंच की महिलाओं ने लाल रंग के खास परिधान में माता की चौकी को काफी मनोरम बना दिया था। माता की चौकी के अलावा यहां नवरात्र का प्रसिद्ध नृत्य डांडिया प्रतियोगिता का भी भव्य आयोजन किया गया, जिसमें मंच की महिलाएं रज – रज कर झूमी और पूरे आयोजन को यादगार बना दिया। वहीं माता की चौकी के आयोजन के मौके पर महिला विकास मंच की मुख्य संरक्षक वीणा मानवी ने बताया कि शक्ति की प्रतीक माँ दुर्गा के आगमन पर महिला विकास मंच हर साल इस तरह के कार्यक्रम का आयोजन करती है, जिसका मकसद माँ दुर्गा की आराधना तो होता ही है। साथ में महिलाओं की समृद्धि को भी दिखाना होता है। हम बताना चाहते हैं कि बिहार की महिला किसी से कम नहीं है। यही वजह है कि हम अपने परम्परागत त्यौहारों को बहुत शिद्दत से मनाते हैं और समाज को बताना चाहते हैं कि महिला अबला नहीं है। वीणा मानवी ने कहा कि इस मंच की परिकल्पना समाज के उन महिलाओं के लिए किया गया था, जो आर्थिक, सामाजिक, शैक्षणिक रूप से कमजोर हैं। इसके लिए हम बीते सालों से काम करते रहे हैं, जिसके कई सकारात्मक परिणाम भी आये हैं। अब हमने इसका दायरा बढ़ाया है और हम बड़े स्तर पर देशभर में इस मंच के माध्यम से काम की शुरूआत कर चुके हैं। बता दें कि माता की चौकी में कांति केसरी, बबिता सिंह, वंदना रॉय, रेणु जायसवाल, कंचन माला, फाहिमा, सीमा सिंह, ज्योति, भावना शर्मा समेत बड़ी संख्या में महिला विकास मंच की महिलाएं माता की चौकी में शामिल हुईं।]]>
Breaking News Latest News News
भूमि एंटरटेनमेंट हाउस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड के एमडी रकम सिंह राणा ने यहां मीडिया से बातचीत के दौरान बताया कि उनका सम्बंध उत्तर प्रदेश के सहारनपुर से है। वह एक बिल्डर हैं और पोलिटीशियन भी हैं। मुम्बई जैसे शहर में वह 12 वर्षो से कार्यरत हैं। फिल्मो का शौक उंन्हे इस हद तक है कि उन्होंने इस प्रोडक्शन हाउस की स्थापना की है और इसके तहत फ़िल्मे प्रोड्यूस करने वाले हैं जबकि वह कुछ इवेंट्स भी इसी बैनर के तहत ऑर्गनाइज करेंगे। रकम सिंह राणा ने निर्माता निर्देशक अनिल शर्मा का शुक्रिया अदा करते हुए कहा कि मेरी ऑफिस के ओपेनिंग के अवसर पर अनिल शर्मा जैसे निर्देशक का आना मेरे लिए बड़े गर्व की बात है। मुझे इससे और भी हौसला मिला है। रकम सिंह राणा ने बताया कि वह एक रियलिटी शो जज़्बा सीज़न 4 प्रोड्यूस करने जा रहे है। जिसका फिलहाल ऑडिशन जारी है। यह गायकी, डांस और एक्टिंग का नेशनल कंपटीशन है, जिसका ऑडिशन पूरे देश मे हो रहा है। इसके द्वारा नए और प्रतिभाशाली टैलेंट को खोजा जायेगा और उन्हें एक प्लेटफॉर्म मुहैया कराया जाएगा। [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed]]]>
Actors Breaking News Latest News
और यह भी पता चला है कि इश्मीत अपने जन्मदिन के अवसर पर गरीबों में अन्न दान करके उनके साथ अपना जन्मदिन मनाएंगे.. हमारे तरफ से भी इश्मीत जी को उनके जन्मदिन के लिए हार्दिक बधाई ,और हम यही चाहते हैं कि उनके चाहने वाले उनको और चाहे और उनके बीच में हमेशा चमकता सितारा बन कर रहे…]]>
Breaking News Events Latest News
WEE members enjoy benefits of Networking, getting platform to promote & sell products and services, Start-up Counselling Sessions, Wealth Management Sessions, Media and Marketing assistance, Financial Assistance (By getting Connected to Investors), Motivational Sessions, etc. The Event was inaugurated by Mrs. Nandita Om Puri, Head of Om Puri Foundation who was Chief Guest at the Exhibition. It’s Media partner is Navbharat and Navrashtra, and Web partner is Wonder Web World. [embed][/embed] Other celebrities present at event as Guest of Honor were Merlin Dsouza, India’s Leading Woman Music Director, Bollywood Actress, Director & Producer Ms. Sajni Srivastav, TV and Theatre Actress Ms. Roma Navani, Mrs. Asia 2017 & Social Activist Pinky Prashant Rajgariah, Ms. Bharati Chhabria – Celebrity Fashion Designer & Vice President, BJP Mahila Morcha, Best Selling Author Ms. Neelam Kumar, Mrs. Anjali Rajput – Mrs India n Mrs Universe Asia Queen 2017, Ms. Nidhika Behl – International Bestselling Author & Celebrity Life Coach, Ms. Ranjana Ghoshal – Personal Branding Coach, Dr. Bhavi Mody – Health Evangelist, Blogger, Ms Shradha Salla – Celebrity Tarot Reader & many more…. [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] “वी का शानदार प्री-फेस्टिवल एक्सहिबिशन”। “वी” का शानदार प्री-फेस्टिवल प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन ११ ऑक्टोबर २०१८ को सहारा स्टार होटल में ‘वीमेन इंट्रप्रेनर्स एन्क्लेव’ द्वारा किया गया, जिसके संस्थापिका चैताली चटर्जी हैं। इस आयोजन का उद्देश्य महिला उद्दमियों को एक ठोस प्लेटफॉर्म देना है, जिसके जरिये उन्हें व्यापार में व्यापक अवसर प्राप्त हो। वी के पूरे हिंदुस्तान में १२०० से ज़्यादा सदस्य हैं। इसके मीडिया पार्टनर नवभारत एवं नवराष्ट्र हैं, व वेब पार्टनर वंडर वेब वर्ल्ड हैं। ओम पुरी फाउंडेशन की प्रमुख श्रीमती नंदिता ओम पुरी, मुख्य अतिथि रही, साथ ही गेस्ट ऑफ ऑनर महिला संगीतकार मर्लिन डिसूज़ा रही, इनके अलावा अन्य मेहमान बॉलीवुड की सजनी श्रीवास्तव, एक्ट्रेस रोमा नवानी, मिसेज़ एशिया २०१७ पिंकी प्रशांत राजगृह, भारती छाबरिया, लेखिका नीलम कुमार, अंजली राजपूत मिसेज़ इंडिया २०१७, निधिका बहल, रंजना घोषाल, डॉ भावी मोदी, टैरो रीडर श्रद्धा सल्ला एवं अन्य।]]>
Breaking News Latest News News
‘Stool Pigeon’ a.k.a. ‘Khabri 420’ is a love story between a police commissioner’s daughter and a police informer (stool pigeon). Like its paperback version, the film will be an eye-opener against the heinous acts of children at NGO shelter homes, especially girls including the disabled ones pushed into flesh trade. It highlights real-life stories that have been published in the media with burning issues from Kolkata (West Bengal), Muzaffarpur (Bihar) and Devaria (U.P.). Abhik Bhanu is finding his foothold as a litterateur, editor, script writer and filmmaker for movies like many others which includes the well-known and veteran writers like Khwaja Ahmed Abbas, Rajinder Singh Bedi, Krishen Chander, Saadat Hasan Manto, Bharati, Rajkamal amongst many others.]]>
Fashion Designer Latest News Leo News
th October 2018: An epitome of heritage, culture and opulence; Baaya Design, a home decor store, and design studio hosted an event dedicated to art and wellness of the mind. To showcase the philosophy of ‘old things do not become extinct’, this boutique store organized an engaging session by Farhana Vohra- licensed Heal your Life workshop leader. Madhoo Shah- actor, Mr. Kiran Nagarkar- writer and applauded architects Zubin and Krupa amidst eager enthusiastic design lovers. The afternoon began on a spiritual note as the esteemed guests of honor undertook the lamp-lighting ceremony. Succeeding the ceremony, Farhana Vohra introduced Shibani Jain, CEO, and Founder, Baaya Design where the latter took the opportunity to enlighten the audience about the purpose and inception of the store. She added, “My travel expeditions led me to discover the traditional art forms and the talent that is hidden in every nook and corner of India. We at Baaya, aim to offer the Indian audience with exceptional ancient craftsmanship in the form of contemporary products and also contribute towards the welfare of the skilled artisans of India.” On a similar note, she also emphasized various objects of art and explained the symbolism behind the tree of life. Elaborating on the current trends in interior design, the celebrated architect Zubin said, “The biggest trend is to de-clutter a space and add elements that give a personalized essence.” Talking about incorporating designs inspired by the heritage and culture of India, Krupa expressed, “One should incorporate Indian culture to cherish it and not merely for face value.” On the joyous occasion, Shibani announced the launch of the ‘Ocean Pearl’ range which is inspired by the sea, corals and various influences from life under water. As the event progressed, the guests awed at the fine craftsmanship and high quality of Baaya’s diverse products. From wall arts and soft furnishings to accessories and jewelry; every product at the store was a true amalgamation of traditional and contemporary elements. To highlight the theme -‘Positive Psyche, Positive Me’, Farhana Vohra preached the audience about the art of positive living. To achieve this, she carried out various activities with the guests, which enabled them to learn the bigger ideologies of life in the simplest manner. Emphasizing on the aspect of positive intelligence, the master of reiki said, “Happiness is not a destination. It is a journey.” With this interactive and insightful session, the event marked its end. Not only did the guests take home insights about the world of art and Karigri but also rejuvenated themselves with mantras to leading a positive and happy life. As a token of appreciation, the team at Baaya Design offered gift bags to its guests for extending their support and love.]]>
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However with incessant outburst by devotees, we are forced to remove unwillingly our popular show “Bhajan Amrit” conducted by late Rajesh Johri and Anup Jalota. The primary reason to pull out the program from 2B Platform is evident that the listeners who are devotees could not accept the personal side of “Bhajan Samrat” which has been witnessed in Big boss program. We started getting negative feed back from the very first day when he came out with his relationship with Jasleen on the big boss show. His statement that their relationship started as “guru shishya”, in vogue is having girl friend etc. probably hit the sentiments of his devotional fans and aggravated the situation beyond control. To intensify further, the outrage of the viewers accelerated when Anup Jalota sang the bhajan of Meera “aise lagi lagan” eying Jasleen . 2b Radio CEO Dr Kaajal Rohira says that “Anup ji was very supportive with us at 2b radio and he is a very good human being but we had to respect the sentiments of our viewers as his devotional fans have not accepted his this personal side with Jasleen which is showcased in the big boss house”. 2B रेडियो डिवोशनल एप्प ने बिग बॉस के प्रतियोगी अनूप जलोटा के हर गीत को अपने एप्प से निकाला। टू बी रेडियो और अनूप जलोटा का साथ दो वर्ष से ज़्यादा नही चल पाया। अनूप जलोटा के भजन प्रेमियों ने अनूप जलोटा के बिग बॉस के घर में नवयुवती जसलीन मथारू के संग शामिल होने पर उग्र विरोध जताया। भजन प्रेमियों के रिएक्शन टू बी रेडियो को सितम्बर के प्रथम सप्ताह में ही मिलने शुरू हो गए थे, परंतु उस वक़्त अपने पन्द्रह मिलियन उपभोक्ताओं को, लगभग औसतन तीन लाख रसिको को इससे वंचित नही रखा। पर जब लगातार भजन प्रेमियों का विरोध बढ़ता गया, तब उन्होंने अपने लोकप्रिय प्रोग्राम “भजन अमृत” जो स्वर्गीय राजेश जोहरी व अनूप जलोटा द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया जाता था, उसे तत्काल रूप से हटाने का निर्णय लिया। दरअसल टू बी प्लेटफार्म पर भजन प्रेमियों को अनूप जलोटा का जसलीन के साथ रिश्ता और उनका बिग बॉस में शामिल होना, नही भाया, उन्हें इसमें एक भजन गायक का चरित्र हनन होता हुआ दिखाई दिया, इसलिए जबरदस्त विरोध के चलते यह फैसला लिया गया। ऊपर से अनूप जलोटा का पहले जसलीन को अपनी शिष्या बताना, तत्पश्चात उसे अपनी गर्ल फ्रेंड के रूप में दर्शाना भजन प्रेमियों के भावनाओं को ठेस पहुंचा गया। सोने पर सुहागा हो गया अनूप जलोटा का भजन जिसमें वह जसलीन को निहारते हुए मीरा का भजन गाते हैं ‘ऐसी लगी लगन’। टू बी रेडियो की सी इ ओ डॉ काजल रोहिरा का कहना है “अनूप जी एक बेहद अच्छे इंसान हैं, और काफी सहयोगी भी, परन्तु हमें अपने दर्शकों की भावनाओं का भी सम्मान करना होगा जो अनूप जलोटा और जसलीन के रिश्ते से आहत हुआ है।]]>
Latest Films Latest News Trending News
Romantic songs in Bollywood are now getting a classical twist with ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ from the movie ‘Dassehra’ . ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ just seeps through the senses and touches the heart every time you listen to it. Real music is a combination of resonance of lyrics and sound. ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ perfectly portrays this combination. Actors Neil Nitin Mukesh and Tina Desai look beautiful in their characters. Their chemistry as a love couple makes you fall in love with them. [embed][/embed] Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh is seen heart broken and distressed upon the death of his love interest played by Actress Tina Desai. Their love and bonding looks unbelievably real. ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ sure hits the right romance chords in every listener’s heart and soul. ———-Abhishek Dubey (PRO)]]>
Actress Bhojpuri News Exclusive News
शिव के शिवानी नाम के अल्बम को लोटस म्यूजिक ने रिलीज़ किया है। मधुकर आनंद के संगीत पर संदीप साजन ने इस गीत के शब्द लिखे हैं जिन्हें काजल राघवानी ने अपनी मधुर आवाज से इसे खूबसूरत बना दिया है। काजल राघवानी का यह पहला भोजपुरी देवी गीत है जिसे नवरात्रि के उपलक्ष्य में जारी किया गया जिसे श्रोताओं और दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार मिल रहा है। आपको बता दें कि खेसारी लाल यादव और काजल राघवानी की जोड़ी फिल्मों में खूब पसंद की जाती है। अब जिस तरह बतौर सिंगर काजल राघवानी का पहला गाना यूट्यूब पर व्यूज़ बटोर रहा है, इससे अंदाज लगाया जा रहा है कि काजल के फैंस उन्हें गायिका के रूप में भी ढेर सारा प्यार दे रहे हैं। काजल राघवानी की जबर्दस्त फैन फॉलोइंग के कारण ये गाना यूट्यूब पर काफी लोकप्रिय हो रहा है. —–Akhlesh Singh (PRO)]]>
Latest News Leo News
Latest News Leo News
Rahul Rawail is an Indian film director in Bollywood known for his films like Love Story (1981), Betaab (1983), Arjun (1985), Dacait (1987), Anjaam (1994), and Jo Bole So Nihaal (2005). He was nominated for Filmfare Award for Best Director twice. He started his carrier as assistant to Raj Kapoor. Later Sandeep Marwah presented Rahul Rawail with the life membership of World Peace Development And Research Foundation.]]>
News Trending News
Suratwala’s pop song is conceptualized by Lala Bhai Suratwala. Lala Bhai Suratwala is also going to don the cap of the Director of the song. Shivam reveals while sharing his excitement with his fans that the song which is shot in Mauritius will be a visual treat for them and will be a chartbuster instantly on releasing on the digital platform. ————Pigeon Media(Abhishek Dubey)]]>
News Trending News
Romantic songs in Bollywood are now getting a classical twist with ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ from the movie ‘Dassehra’ . ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ just seeps through the senses and touches the heart every time you listen to it. Real music is a combination of resonance of lyrics and sound. ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ perfectly portrays this combination. Actors Neil Nitin Mukesh and Tina Desai look beautiful in their characters. Their chemistry as a love couple makes you fall in love with them. Actor Neil Nitin Mukesh is seen heart broken and distressed upon the death of his love interest played by Actress Tina Desai. Their love and bonding looks unbelievably real. ‘Aeri Mayi Re’ sure hits the right romance chords in every listener’s heart and soul. Presenting second Sad song from the film @Dassehra1 @NeilNMukesh @tinadesai07 @Aparna50507263 @thrillerbadshah singer @ustaadrashidkhan ————Pigeon Media(Abhishek Dubey)]]>
Breaking News News
th of August in this regard. Since Sofia Foundation, a local NGO involved in children’s issues, and other individuals like Amenla Jamir had been extending their unstinting support to the Nani Teri Morni project from its very inception, Find Studioz enlisted their help for the proposed screening as well. As there was initially no response to the Email dated the 30th of August sent by CFSI, on the 3rd of September, Amenla Jamir personally delivered the hard and soft copies of the said Email to the Chief Minister’s Office and the Advisor, Art and Culture Department. Thereafter, a formal proposal was put up before the Chief Minister’s Office on the 19th of September. Since the team comprising of Rebecca Changkija Sema, members of Sofia Foundation and Amenla Jamir could not get an appointment to meet the Chief Minister, they were advised to meet Mr. Abhishek Singh, Commissioner and Secretary to the Chief Minister of Nagaland, which they did on the same day. The said officer seemed receptive to the proposal and requested the team to submit a revised budget. A further request was made by the Commissioner and Secretary to hold the screening in Kohima as well. It was therefore agreed that the screening would be held for three days in Dimapur and two days at Kohima. Acceding to the request of Mr. Abhishek Singh, the team prepared a revised budget of Rs. 10 lacs. On the 26th of September, Rebecca Changkija Sema also met the Personal Secretary to the Chief Minister. It may also be noted that the CFSI in subsequent Emails had proposed that the bonanza be held on 8th and 9th October at Kohima and 10th-12th at Dimapur since these dates were suitable for the CEO, CFSI, to attend the events. In response, the Office of the Commissioner and Secretary replied that they were in the process of finalizing the program in a day or two. These communications and the personal interactions with the concerned officials, including the Commissioner and Secretary, were taken as being clearly indicative of the positive response from the Government of Nagaland. [embed][/embed] However, on the 28th of September, the team received information that a similar proposal had been put up before the Secretariat. On the 3rd of October, upon receiving copies of the said proposal, it was apparent that the same had been put up by none other than Mr. Abhishek Singh, Commissioner and Secretary to the Chief Minister. Thereafter, Rebecca Changkija Sema received an invitation from Mr. Abhishek Singh to attend a meeting on the 4th of October. A Circular dated Kohima the 4th of October, 2018, was also issued by the Department of Art & Culture with regard to the said meeting where Rebecca Changkija Sema, Find Studioz, and Sophia Foundation were requested to positively attend the meeting. Other departments directed to attend were the departments of School Education, Youth Resources & Sports, Information and Public Relations and Art & Culture. At the said meeting, the team was met with a totally unexpected turn of events where they were told in no uncertain terms by Mr. Abhishek Singh that the event was to be held at Kohima. Secondly, Mr. Abhishek Singh had issued instructions to the Deputy Commissioners of other districts to hold screenings at their respective district headquarters. Thirdly, no screening was to be held at Dimapur and that the team could organize the program at their own expense. It was also shocking that these decisions, evidently taken unilaterally by Mr. Abhishek Singh, were conveyed with a display of arrogance and unprovoked anger that was totally unbecoming of an officer of his stature. Mr. Abhishek Singh also had the audacity to mock individual members of the team including the film industry as a whole. During this episode, Mr. Abhishek Singh also categorically stated that none of the members of the team had any right to question the Government. To this, we reply that every citizen of this democratic nation has a right to question every member of the Government. This is the cherished and inalienable right of every Indian citizen. It is now apparent that the entire purpose of convening the meeting dated 4th October, 2018, was to deliberately belittle and undermine the efforts put in by Rebecca Changkija Sema and members of her team. To this, we also reply that the work and contributions of Rebecca Changkija Sema and other members of the team speak for themselves and are worthy of applause. Following these events, Akash Aditya Lama, the director of the film, has also personally conveyed his refusal to attend the screening of the film to Mr. Abhishek Singh. In this regard, it may be noted that the sole desire of Akash Aditya Lama was to bring attention to, and showcase the State of Nagaland before a national and international audience. It saddens us that his vision has been entirely scuttled by the narrow mindset of Mr. Abhishek Singh. It is in this respect that we wish to express our deepest disappointment that a public servant could choose to abuse his authority in a manner as displayed by Mr. Abhishek Singh. We would like to remind Mr. Abhishek Singh that “Nani Teri Morni” was a labour of love first conceptualized by Akash Aditya Lama and Rebecca Changkija Sema who were inspired by the heroic courage of Mhonbeni Ezung, herself a daughter of the State of Nagaland. Mr. Abhishek Singh is also to be reminded that it was at the insistence of Akash Aditya Lama that the film was shot in Nagaland thereby providing a cinematic bridge between the State of Nagaland and the rest of the Nation. Thereafter, the decision to hold the inaugural screening in Nagaland with the collaboration of the State Government was taken by production team and accordingly conveyed to the CFSI. As such, there can be no gainsaying the fact that the entire project from its genesis has been carried forward with the support and encouragement of institutions such as the CFSI under the chairmanship of Mr. Mukesh Khanna and individuals like Amenla Jamir and members of the Sofia Foundation. He is also to be reminded that “Nani Teri Morni” underscores the message of basic humanity and dignity – qualities expected from all despite their stature in life. Although their invaluable contributions have been mocked and belittled by Mr. Abhishek Singh, we conclude by expressing our deepest gratitude for the selfless sacrifices made by Amenla Jamir and members of the Sofia Foundation.]]>
Breaking News Latest News
Horror movie AMAVASAI is bilingual film made in Tamil and Hindi Language. Cast : Jai Akash ( of South ), Nupur Mehta, Shravan,Jeeva,Sabu, Kota Srinivas, Rakhi Sawant, Ruby Khan, Rishabh Jain, Pankaj Pareek,,Preeti Singh and Late Rajesh Vivekji( Veerana and Lagaan fame and also this film will be the last film of Rajesh Vivek) alongwith sensational and sexy Mumaith Khan in a seductive dance number. [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] More Songs Click Below LinksSongs]]>
Indywood Latest News
Directed by Biju Majid, the movie is produced by Abhini Sohan in the banner of Aries Telecasting PVT LTD. Sohan Roy has played roles of project designer and lyricist. The rest of the crew comprises the following: Screenplay, Dialogue: K. Shibu Raj. Camera: P.C Lal. Editing: Johnson Iringol. Music Director: Biju Ram. Production Controller: Anil Angamaly. Stills: Saji Aleena. P.R.O: A.S Dinesh Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar will be dubbed into 10 languages including English, Hindi, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. It would be released in 15 countries including Australia, USA, UK, Malta, Austria, Hong Kong, Japan, Lebanon, Kenya, New Zealand, Singapore, Russia and Ireland on 12th October and in the GCC countries on 19th October. Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar, which would witness the debut of 175 new faces, will create history by becoming the first Indian movie to be released in Lebanon. “It is our duty to help Kerala, which is going through its most devastating situation in a century, in every possible way. Aries Group is very happy and proud to be able to do such a service for the state. Both Aries Group and the cast and crew of Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar were active in rescue and relief efforts during the floods in Kerala. They took up rescue efforts with the help of modern and lightweight rafts to get stranded residents to safety besides distributing relief materials including food, water and other necessary items. This is not the first time that we are offering a helping hand to the needy. We had been at the forefront of relief and rescue efforts following Nepal earthquake and Chennai floods in 2015. In Nepal, we could successfully built 200 homes besides relief and rescue works. In Chennai, we designated two teams of officials and staff for rescue and relief works. We have also donated the entire revenue from our first CSR movie to the homeless in Idukki and also distributed relief materials to the flood victims in Kuttanadu”, said Sohan Roy, Chairman and CEO of Aries Group.]]>
Latest News News Trending News
Sung by Rekha Bhardwaj And Madhushree, the song would qualify for the Razzies. At the same time, credit must be given where it is due – the song is perfect to rile up all the front-benchers. Directed by Manish Vatsal , Produced by Aparana S Hosing and Creative Head of the Movie Saurabh Chadhary, the music has been composed by Vijay Verma. The lyrics of the song have been penned by Manthan. [embed][/embed] Social Media Tweets: Presenting the first video song #MaeeRe from the movie #Dassehra, under Rush Production @NeilNMukesh @tinadesai07 @rekha_bhardwaj @MadhushreeMusic @Aparna50507263 @thrillerbadshah @manish_vatsalya]]>
Bhojpuri News Breaking News
उल्लेखनीय है कि दीपक शाह की तन्वी मल्टीमीडिया के बैनर तले बनी एक्शन पैक्ड फिल्म ‘खुद्दार’ के निर्देशक दिनेश यादव हैं। फिल्म के लेखक मराठी भाषी किशोर कुमार जाधव हैं। छायांकन आर आर प्रिन्स, संकलन गुरजंट सिंह का है। फिल्म में मुख्य भूमिका में गुंजन सिंह, अंजना सिंह, निशा दूबे, सन्नी सिंह, मनोज टाइगर, संजय पांडेय, बालेश्वर सिंह, अनूप अरोड़ा, बंदनी मिश्रा, महेश आचार्य, करन पांडेय, अजय सिंह, राधे कुमार, डांसिंग स्टार सीमा सिंह, सोनिया मिश्रा, रीतू पांडेय, दिनेश यादव, सोनू पांडेय, श्रवण तिवारी सहित कई कलाकार हैं। दीपक शाह ने बताया कि भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘खुद्दार’ दो ठाकुरों के बीच की पुस्तैनी लड़ाई पर बेस्ड है, मगर इसमें मनोरंजन और कथानाक को भी खूब स्पेश मिला है। फिल्म में रोमांस और कॉमेडी भी दर्शकों को खूब इंटरटेन कर रही है। फ़िल्म निर्देशक दिनेश यादव ने कहा कि गुंजन सिंह की अभिनय के चर्चे इन दिनों इंडस्ट्री में है। दर्शकों ने बम्पर ओपेनिंग दी है। सभी दर्शकों को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद देता हूँ। गुंजन सिंह ने अपने फैंस और सभी दर्शकों को तहेदिल से धन्यवाद देते हुए कहा कि मुझे बहुत खुशी है कि आप सभी दर्शक और मेरे चाहने वालों का मैं आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ। आप सब ऐसे ही अपना प्यार, आशीर्वाद मुझ पर बनाये रखिये। अभी मुझे और भी मेहनत करना है और इसी तरह अच्छी अच्छी फिल्में लाता रहूंगा। ———-Ramchandra Yadav (PRO)]]>
Bhojpuri News Breaking News
उल्लेखनीय है कि खुशबू फ़िल्म इंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले निर्मित फिल्म इश्क़वाले के निर्माता मोहम्मद शमीम हैं। सह निर्माता नूर मलिक आलम हैं। कुशल निर्देशन किया है निर्देशक प्रदीप आर शर्मा ने। कथा, पटकथा व संवाद सोम बी. श्रीवास्तव ने लिखा है। गीत-संगीत मुन्ना दूबे का है। छायांकन साहिल जे अंसारी व राहुल सक्सेना, संकलन धर्म सोनी का है। फिल्म प्रचारक रामचन्द्र यादव व सर्वेश कश्यप हैं। फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार अविनाश शाही, समीर खान, शिखा मिश्रा, प्रियंका महराज, उमेश सिंह, जीतू शुक्ला, गोपाल राय, आनंद मोहन, संजय वर्मा, संदीप मिश्रा, गुड्डू यादव, करन मिश्रा एवं बबली गोस्वामी हैं। [embed][/embed] इस फिल्म में अविनाश शाही, शिखा मिश्रा एवं समीर खान, प्रियंका महाराज की रोमांटिक जोड़ी में प्यार, रोमांस का अनोखा संगम के साथ साथ फिल्म में कॉमेडी और एक्शन का भरपूर डोज है। यह फिल्म एक प्रेम कथा पर आधारित है जिसमें रोमांचक एक्शन भी दिखेगा। यानि यह कह सकते हैं कि यह फिल्म हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करने वाली है। ———-Ramchandra Yadav (PRO)]]>
Breaking News Latest News Videos
The Tamil version has already been passed by the censors with an A certificate. Jai Akash ( of South ), Nupur Mehta, Shravan,Jeeva,Sabu, Kota Srinivas, Ruby Khan, Rishabh Jain, Pankaj Pareek,,Preeti Singh and Late Rajesh Vivekji( Veerana and Lagaan fame ) alongwith Mumaith Khan in a seductive dance number are in the main cast of the film. ]]>
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As you all know SPST has pass out students of noted acting institutes like ice balaji, actor prepare, barry jhon acting institute etc , who are now working in theatre, [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed]]]>
Latest News Leo News
Noida: The 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was celebrated at Asian Academy of Film And Television with the media students at Marwah Studios, Noida Film City.
“The idea of having Mahatma Gandhi Forum within the campus is to learn the ideology and thinking of Mahatma Gandhi. There may be thousand of books available but it is very important to practice that ideology,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios expressing different stories related to Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Sushil Bharti of Radio Noida 107.4Fm spoke at length and narrated few stories also related to Lal Bahadur Shasrti who’s birth anniversary also falls on 2nd October.
Tonu Sojatia alumna of AAFT and now part of National Film Archives of India Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India spoke on the current celebrations of 150th years of Mahatma Gandhi.
A Gandhian by ideology Parul Kumar Vice President of Prabhav Foundation expressed her views along with students Ram, Vivedata, Riya Mittal and Himani from Asian School of Media Studies.
The event was also attended by the delegation from Uzbekistan and renowned journalist Zarrin Abdukhalik –Zade who spoke about the importance of Lal Bahadur Shastri at Tashkent.
]]>Latest News Leo News
To this Meghna Ghai Puri, President, WWI added, “Cinema is something connected to humankind, human relationships and in India, especially to our soul. Given the nature of our country, we are closely attached to our culture and the Indian cinema. It is amazing to be a part of the Indian cinema and it’s truly a privilege to commemorate the same.” The grand fest kick-started as the talented actor, Abhishek Bachchan inaugurated the ‘Frames 75’ exhibit – a rare collection of portraits of the legendary Amitabh Bachchan. He appreciated the platform of Celebrate Cinema and said, “The best part of this festival is that it’s open to everyone, letting everyone to experience, learn and love the magical world of cinema. It is so important to preserve the history, document and catalog the film legacy that we have. Congratulations to the team of Whistling Woods International for keeping the fire burning and giving a platform to showcase the history of Indian Cinema, which I feel will help in making better filmmakers in future.” Speaking about the campus, he further added, “I love Whistling Woods and the facilities they have over here. If we had these kind of facilities when we were training, I would have loved to be a part of it. It’s wonderful to have a structure under which everybody has something to do with filmmaking. I truly wish them all the very best and would love to come back.” The event progressed as Anjum Rajabali, HOD, Screenwriting, WWI moderated a masterclass with the acclaimed actor and the director of ‘A Death In The Gunj’, Konkona Sen Sharma; editor, Manas Mittal, and production designer, Siddharth Sirohi. Providing the engaging audience with a key take away from the session, Anjum Rajabali said, “To make a good movie you need three things – best of the story, best of the shot and best editing.” Keeping in tune with the technological advancements, this year’s Celebrate Cinema organised a panel discussion about Cinematic Virtual Reality with Rahat Kulshreshtha, Founder & CEO, Quidich Innovation Labs; Vedanta Saxena, Co-Founder, Enso Immersive; Shaharbin Aboobacker, Inner Circle Entertainment; Bhavya Seth, Co-Founder, Lucid Dream Studio; Chaitanya Chinchlikar, Head, WWI Jio VR Lab and moderated by Anand Gurnani, Founder, Vamrr. During the discussion, the experts shared the pre-requisites required for an individual who aspires to enter and pursue a career in the VR domain. A panel discussion on Creative Collaborations was organised with esteemed dignitaries, Sohaya Misra, Founder & Designer, Chola the Label and Adhuna Bhabani – Hairstylist and Co-Founder at BBlunt. On an inspiring note, Sohaya highlighted about having a clear vision about one’s career choice and equally emphasized on work ethics and trust when collaborating with a partner. Adhuna further explained, “Be able to listen. If you can listen you can communicate well and if you communicate, you can collaborate.” The first day concluded with a panel discussion on Cinematic Musical Video, Wonderland, with the contemporary dance maestro – Terence Lewis. At the discussion, Terence along with Arkodeb Mukherjee, Cinematographer, and Aarambhh Singh, Assistant Director, shared the ideation process for ‘Wonderland’, a musical short film. Talking about the USP of the short film, the famed dancer stated, “The beauty about Wonderland is that the audience decided who is right in terms of the character.” The day two of the event unfolded with a buzzing topic – ‘How To Be A Great YouTuber’. This panel discussion included the highly recognized digital media influencers: Satya Raghavan, India Head, YouTube; Aditi Shrivastava, Co-Founder, PocketAces; Anisha Dixit, Rickshawali; Ranveer Allahbadia BeerBiceps; Paula McGlynn, BhaDiPa and Madhura Bachal, MadhurasRecipe. On pursuing a career in YouTube, Ranveer shared, “Enter the domain only if you have pure love and passion for what you’re doing.” The second-panel discussion – ‘Star in the Character’ primarily celebrated all the actors who don’t take on to lead roles but leave a mark in the memory of the audience. Highly renowned actors – Kumud Mishra, Seema Pahwa, Rahul Bose, Sahil Vaid, and Rajshri Deshpande shared inputs on their journey and process of characterization. In a conversation with Anjum Rajabali, Rahul Bose explained his inclination towards choosing unconventional roles. In addition, Kumud imparted knowledge on the process of characterization and how observation was the main key to projecting the traits of a character successfully. The talented alumnus of WWI, Sahil and Rajshri spoke about their journey in the movies. As an advice to young aspirants on handling success, Seema said, ‘To be successful you need to be true to yourself. And always remember to owe credit to everybody who has been a part of your success because everybody’s efforts are what made you.’ The sessions took an interesting turn with the panel discussion – ‘Brave Voices, Courageous Choices’. With this discussion industry stalwarts – director and actor Rajat Kapoor; director Shashanka Ghosh and Advait Chandan showcased different perspectives on the unconventional choices they made with their movies and acting. The highly educated and experienced panelist also analyzed the issues prevailing in the society. From the role of women in the movies to portraying political and religious viewpoints, the optimistic and creative talents gave the audience insightful takeaway philosophies to ponder upon. Staying true to its tradition of imparting education to one and all, Whistling Woods International conferred Dilip Kumar, and Lata Mangeshkar scholarships to the deserving students. Commenting on the initiative, Meghna Ghai Puri, said, “One of the biggest goals in building WWI is to offer a platform to the aspirants to make a mark in the industry.” In addition, Motion Pictures Association in association with WWI presented scholarship to the student from Salaam Baalak Trust. Along with Subhash Ghai Vidya Daan scholarship and a special scholarship – Sunanda Murli Manohar was awarded to meritorious students. As the concluding session for the day, the illustrious event organized a panel discussion titled, ‘Travelling Sound of Music – 1950-2020’ with the legends of the music fraternity – Pyarelal ji; Music Composers Ajay-Atul; and Amitabh Battacharya, Lyricist. As a tribute to the legendary musicians, the students of WWI School of Music performed songs from the Hindustani, Tamil and Korean genres. The interaction mainly enlightened the audience about the journey of music in cinema from the year 1950 till present. While reminiscing the glorious musical journey, Pyarelaji added, “No music is ever bad. No change is bad. We should all progress towards advancements and continue to enjoy the music in every era.” As this year’s edition of Celebrate Cinema marked its end, all those present at the Whistling Woods International campus parted with a heart full of joy and memories to cherish forever. About Whistling Woods International Whistling Woods International (WWI) is Asia’s premier Film, Communication, and Creative Arts Institute. Founded by one of India’s leading filmmakers – Subhash Ghai, WWI is one of the largest and best media institutes in the country. ‘The Hollywood Reporter’ has rated Whistling Woods International as one of the Ten Best Film Schools in the world in 2014, 2013 & 2010. WWI offers courses that vary in duration from 1 year to 3 years catering to all major verticals of the Media & Entertainment industry, namely Acting, Animation, Cinematography, Direction, Editing, Game Design, Music, Producing, Production Design, Screenwriting, Sound, Visual Effects, Media Management, Fashion Design and Visual Communication Design. All the courses are accredited by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS).]]>
Breaking News Latest News Videos
Horror movie AMAVASAI is bilingual film made in Tamil and Hindi Language. Cast : Jai Akash ( of South ), Nupur Mehta, Shravan,Jeeva,Sabu, Kota Srinivas, Rakhi Sawant, Ruby Khan, Rishabh Jain, Pankaj Pareek,,Preeti Singh and Late Rajesh Vivekji( Veerana and Lagaan fame and also this film will be the last film of Rajesh Vivek) alongwith sensational and sexy Mumaith Khan in a seductive dance number. ]]>
Latest News Leo News
Organiser of this movement Awareness Public Charitable Trust Chairman Dr. Vimal Rathi and Hon. Secretary Mr. Pravin Vora quoted that they were very happy by connecting so many people from India & people from other countries across the Globe for the noble cause of ‘Go Green-Mission Oxygen’, & ‘Mission Cleanliness’-Mera Shahar Swatch Mera Bharat Swatchh.Mission Cleanliness Campaign “Mera Shahar Swatchh Mera Bharat Swatchh was in association with Mr. Nihar Saraswala of World Records Foundation & Mrs Gujarat Queen Leena Shah.Swatcchata Commanders Recruited around the nation would Promote the Mission in the times to Come. This glorious event was witnessed by over 1200 Dignitaries from 24 Cities including 10 Beauty Peageant Winners and 2 International Awardees. DR VIMAL RATHI, Mr. PRAVIN VORA ,NIHAR SARASWALA deserve KUDOS FOR THIS OUTSTANDING EVENT AND THIS IS THE BEST EVENT OF THE YEAR.]]>
Actress Latest News Leo News
Again pairing the black boots with the dainty white dress is meant to show off the unconventional sense of Fashion and confidence of the character. Amyra had to undergo a week of trials until they finally managed to narrow down on the looks. Catch few pictures from her transformation to Ira here:]]>
Latest News Leo News
Bulbeer Gandhi, Lifestyle Event Director, ABEC Exhibitions & Conferences Pvt. Ltd. shares, “We are really enchanted to announce the upcoming edition of ‘GLITTER’, and like all the previous years we have ensured bringing in the best from across the nation for our visitors. Our well curated and hand-picked exhibitors through their authentic flavors, innovation, new product lines and launches, including clinching deals are sure to floor the attendees.” GLITTER, this year will be seen hosting over 70 exceptional brands like Akansha Creations ( Rose By Anupama) of Delhi; Aleah Ahmed of Delhi; Bharat Sons Jewellers of Mumbai; The Cappuccino Collection of Mumbai; Charu Jewels of Surat; Golank Diamonds of Mumbai; Johri of Mumbai; Libaas Vatika of Delhi; Mehak Creation of Delhi; Monica Bhayana of Delhi; My Best Friend of Mumbai; Nona’s Exclusif of Delhi; Pink Story of Kolkatta; Samoohi Design Studio of Mumbai; Sanzany Jewellers of Mumbai; Sola Jaipur of Jaipur; Ushnakmal of Banaras; Lalit Dokania of Kolkatta; Polkie of Faridabad; Ritu Gadhaiya of Jaipur; Shrivas by Archita Mehta of Udaipur; Begums of Chandigarh; Sid N Vani of Delhi; Pransh of Jaipur to name a few. Come indulge and experience luxury and style as never before and witness India’s best festive fashion under GLITTER 2018.]]>
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म्यूजिक कॉंसर्ट में दोनों स्टार मीडिया से मुखातिब हुए। उन्होंने गाँधी जी के विचार और उनके आदर्शों पर चलने और अपनाने का सन्देश भी दिया। इस दौरान मिस्टर अय्यर ने प्राइम मिनिस्टर नरेंद्र मोदी की भी जमकर तारीफ की। मि.अय्यर की माने तो उन्हें मोदी में सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल की छवि नज़र आती है। मीडिया से बातचीत के दौरान स्नेहा ने नाना पाटेकर और तनुश्री दत्ता विवाद पर अपना पक्ष रखा और कहा कि सेक्शूअल हेरेसमेंट केस से दोनो को गुज़रना पड़ता है! चाहे वह पुरुष हो या महिला और कहा कि अगर कोई इस चीज पर बोल रहा है तो वह अपना जिगरा बड़ा रखता है तभी वह बोल सकता है! [embed][/embed]]]>
Albums Breaking News Exclusive News
संगीतकार अफरोज खान ने इस अवसर पर कहा कि ‘दर्द ए जिगर’ एक ऐसा म्यूजिक एलबम है जिसमें कई रंग के गाने होंगे, इसके गीत संगीत पर विशेष तवज्जो दी जा रही है और एक अलग सा एलबम बनाने की योजना है. आपको बता दें कि इस एलबम के मुहूर्त के साथ साथ कौशल फिल्म प्रोडक्शन हॉउस ने अपना एक अपकमिंग हिंदी टीवी सीरियल ‘कैसी यह होंठों की लाली” का भी मुहूर्त किया. इसका कांसेप्ट कैलाश कुमार कौशल का है और वही इसके निर्माता भी हैं. इस धारावाहिक के निर्देशक प्रकाश श्रीवास्तव होंगे जबकि संगीतकार अफरोज खान हैं. इस टीवी सीरियल की पटकथा और डायलॉग मोहम्मद अतीक ने लिखा है. —-Akhlesh Singh(Publish Media)]]>
Bhojpuri Films Bhojpuri News Breaking News
उल्लेखनीय है कि इंडियन म्यूजिक के बैनर तले निर्मित की गई इस फ़िल्म के निर्माता धर्मेन्द्र त्रिपाठी (अविनाश) हैं। निर्देशक अविनाश त्रिपाठी हैं। सह निर्माता राधेश्याम तिवारी हैं। वाराणसी के आनंद मंदिर सिनेमाहाल सहित बहुत से सिनेमाघरों में यह फ़िल्म दर्शकों को बेहद पसंद आ रही है। नायक समर सिंह और नायिका दीक्षा सिंह की रोमांटिक जोड़ी खूब मनोरंजन कर रही है। फिल्म के लेखक अविनाश, प्रीतम हैं। गीतकार व संगीतकार आर. एस. प्रीतम हैं। कार्यकारी निर्माता व डीओपी ज्ञान यादव हैं। नृत्य जितेन्द्र तिवारी, मारधाड़ हीरालाल यादव, संकलन विनोद चौरसिया का है। मुख्य कलाकार समर सिंह, दीक्षा सिंह, रश्मि शर्मा, संतोष पहलवान, साहेब सिंह लालधारी, आर एस प्रीतम, दीपक सिंह आदि हैं। ————Ramchandra Yadav(PRO)]]>
Actress Bhojpuri Films
फिल्म मेरी जंग के निर्माता मनोज चौधरी हैं। निर्देशक राजू सिंह हैं। छायांकन आर आर प्रिंस का है। उनकी आने वाली भोजपुरी फिल्म मेरी जंग अलावा हिंदी फिल्म माँ पूर्णागिरि है, जिसे आदिशक्ति एंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले निर्मित किया है। पलक तिवारी ने अब तक भोजपुरी फिल्म फूल और कांटे, जानम, रंग आदि में अपने अभिनय व नृत्य का जलवा बिखेरा है। उन्हें फिल्म मेरी जंग और माँ पूर्णागिरि से काफी उम्मीद है। ————Ramchandra Yadav(PRO)]]>
Actors Latest News News
एक्टर राजा “बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ” से जुड़े। एक्टर राजा कुमार हिंदुस्तानी, टीवी के कमर्शियल विज्ञापन “बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढ़ाओ” के लिए अनुभन्दित हुए। यह महिला सशक्तिकरण के लिए एक सरकारी जागरूक अभियान है, जिसका निर्माण ‘रेड वन एंटरटेनमेंट लिमिटेड के बैनर तले हो रहा है। इसके निर्माता भी रेड वन एंटरटेनमेंट लिमिटेड ही हैं, लेखन व निर्देशन अरहान अख्तर का है, सह निर्माता वीरेंद्र प्रताप यादव हैं, संगीत साहिल रेहान, गीत अरहान अख्तर एवं कैमरा अकरम खान का है। एक्टर मुश्ताक़ खान, रीवा अरोड़ा, सानिया मीर, हर्षिता शर्मा, आईरा खान इस कमर्शियल में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभा रहे हैं, साथ ही कई अन्य कलाकार नज़र आएंगे। इसके एंकर की भूमिका में एक्टर, गायक व राजनीतिज्ञ मनोज तिवारी हैं, २१ ऑक्टोबर २०१८, से इसकी शूटिंग मुंबई के फिल्मसिटी में प्रारम्भ होगी। ——-Wasim Siddique(Fame Media)]]>
Fitness Icon
Mr. Sam Khan is now directing the Kumite 1 League in Mumbai. Mr. Khan is not only a Bollywood Director but also the CEO of Mud Skull Adventure Pvt. Ltd. Mike Tyson, the incredible American Boxer launches Kumite One League. It is by Kumite One Association. The launch itself on September 29, 2018, will begin with an immense where Team India will fight against Team UAE. Sahil Khan also will now mentor MMA fighters from India in this league. Sahil Khan quoted, “Mike Tyson has always been my Idol since childhood. It’s a pleasure to be a part of K1L and being a mentor for my Indian MMA fighters”.]]>
Breaking News Latest News Web Series
For a long time, the Indian film industry and the television industry have been in two different leagues. While, Indian films have been making waves globally with its content, our television industry has refused to re invent itself and remains stuck to the same melodrama which we have been watching since years.” Alchemy Vision Workz” with their entry into producing web series will aim to bring about a fresh wave of content for the Indian audience. Alchemy vision Workz debut venture, was the dramedy webseries “WHITE MATTER” Produced for the digital platform Hotstar was a co-production between Alchemy Vision Workz and East West Dream Work Entertainment starring Actor Nassar and was Released in Digital Platform Hotstar on 28th September 2018. Ravi Singh Who is part of the Alchemy Vision Workz Team joined the team as Executive Producer from the Webseries White Matter. Alchemy Vision Workz is co producing Super Deluxe an upcoming Tamil language film written and directed by Thiagarajan Kumararaja of ‘Aaranya Kaandam’ fame, produced by Tyler Durden And Kino Fist, in association with East West Dream Works Entertainment .It features Vijay Sethupathi, Fahadh Faasil, Samantha Akkineni , Ramya Krishnan, Mysskin and Jackson Joy Bagavathi Perumal, P.S. Vinod and Nirav Shah are handling cinematography, while Yuvan Shankar Raja is the music director. Directors Nalan Kumarasamy, Neelan and Mysskin are reportedly co-writers. Alchemy Vision Workz is in the preproduction of a Marathi Movie which will be directed by a successful & critically acclaimed National award winning Director & is expected to hit the Floors in November. Follow & Like Us On Facebook & Instagaram]]>
Latest News Trending News
Along with all the basic moves of Zumba inspired by Latin dance styles like the Merengue, Cumbia, Salsa, Latin-Pop, Reggaeton, Bachata, Samba, and many more Zumba has now added world rhythms that also includes Indian music and dance styles. Knowing the pulse and interest of the audience Zin Varsha Naik made a playlist exclusively for the SPICE Club members that included Indian rhythms and styles like Bhangra with a touch of Bollywood. It was a great opportunity for the staff to know about this fitness program and stay healthy and active. Varsha believes that such corporate initiative is a positive step towards the wellbeing of the staff and is thankful to the SPICE Club of this opportunity. Varsha has conducted many corporate fitness events and wants to spread the fitness movement to as many people as possible.]]>
Breaking News Latest News
She champions the cause of women from poor families, she provide the good platform for people from such families and encourage them to stand independent in real life. ‘ Swawlamban’ is the name Her NGO which truly indicate independent her moto. She is social activist working on various political and economical issue eased by farmers , labourers and women facing injustice in India.]]>
Breaking News Latest News
“I haven’t yet read the book, but I will read it soon. I have read the synopsis of it and I think whoever believes in this, it (book) will be helpful to them,” added Rajeev. The book is basically magic oils, generally called conjure oils is a blend of essential oil with a carrier or a base oil to create a specific outcome. The author has worked with these aromas for a decade now and the recipe sold in the bottles had never given a client reason to complain many have got married, earned riches and success stories are uncountable! Hence decide to pen down these formulas to help mass in helping themselves with these basic skills. Issha loves what she is currently doing and wants to help people by empowering them to create a greater change which they always tried looking for outside but never found as it always was within. The book is now available online and across all leading book stores.]]>
Breaking News Latest News
Other important awards include: 1. Best Documentary (Feature) – Ask the Sexpert 2. Best Short Film (International) – The Bridge – Ponte 3. Best Short Film (Indian) – Everything is Fine 4. Best Music/ Background Score – Secret Superstar (Amit Trivedi) 5. Best Cinematography – Ee. Ma. Yau (Shyju Khalid) 6. Cinema of the Seller (Gold) – YRF Marketing (Sui Dhaaga) 7. Cinema of the Seller (Silver) – Ogilvy & Mather (MP Tourism) 8. Cinema of the Seller (Bronze) – Social Kinnect Catch (Bejod Rishta) 9. Audience Award – Kuch Bheege Alfaaz 10.Audience Award – Tu hai Mera Sunday Mr. Basant Rathore, Senior Vice President – Strategy, Business Development & Brand at Jagran Prakashan Ltd., commented on the occasion, “We are delighted with the response from the audience as well as the Film industry..We had initiated this with an aim to bring aspiring and experienced cinema lovers under one roof. To see everyone getting involved, talking about cinema, sharing ideas motivates us.” Mayank Shekhar, Festival Director, Jagran Film Festival said, “We have the 10th one coming up. Need support from the Bombay film industry, more than anything else, to make it epic.” Jagran Film Festival, the grand content curating event in the field of Cinema and Music, has had a successful ride for its 9th edition, which commenced in June in Delhi and culminated in Mumbai, today. In between, JFF mapped and interacted with diverse film buffs across 16 more cities including Kanpur, Lucknow, Allahabad, Varanasi, Patna, Dehradun, Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Bhopal, Indore, Gorakhpur, Agra, Ludhiana, Hissar, Meerut and Raipur. Traversing nationwide, Jagran Film Festival became the biggest ever show to generate inspiring content across regions, cultures, languages, themes and subjects. Initiated by Dainik Jagran, this was the 9th season of the much loved tale generating event. Jagran Film Festival is a Dainik Jagran initiative. For more updates, visit]]>
Breaking News Latest News
The second season is currently underway and is being shot in the picturesque country of Georgia. Fans will have to wait to see what happens of Zarina Malik and Bhai Sahab and what turn the show takes.. For now, it is time to celebrate!!]]>
Fashion Designer Latest News News
About the collection – The collection is about bringing back the rich grandeur of Indian tradition, giving it a modern touch. It’s more stylish and colourful, a perfect match with the festivities. Womenswear : The collection is inspired from the global influences and time-honoured techniques, creating contemporary pieces that feel both old and new. Natural materials, tactile surfaces and intricately decorated designs gain prominence.The new range reflects a traditional advent with ornate embroideries, woven silk inspired prints, jewel and gold combinations, rich textures with a splash of festive colours.Earthy tones like rust and mustard with black highlights bring out the warmth of the range. Maxi length printed shirt dress forms the key, A-line dresses with folksy embroidery, kimono sleeves, treggings with lace up detail are a few highlights to watch out for in this season’s collection. Menswear: For today’s millennial minds, this collection aims to draw inspiration from the modern way of life. Today’s youth is tech savvy, less patient, fast paced and always on the move. They are open to experiments and try and get the best out of life. Drawing the good vibes from this attitude, the collection is features fabric patchworks with textile base, paint splatter textures and loose weave shirtings along with gritty textures brush strokes enhance the artsy nature of the range.Subtle silhouette experiments are included keeping the outgoing and bold personality in mind.]]>
Breaking News Latest News
According to her instagram post it seems that she has allegedly joined the hands with the director Kasthuri Lal or roped opposite to the Ranjhana of Bollywood Dhanush who earlier wooed his fans with his popular South films, song Kolevari De and the blockbuster Bollywood film Ranjhana. Her fans are still waiting for the confirmation on the same.]]>
Bhojpuri News Breaking News
वहीं, फिल्म के पी.आर.ओ. संजय भूषण पटियाला ने बताया कि भले ही काजल ने अब तक ज्यादा फिल्में नहीं की हैं, मगर जितनी की है। वो ब्लॉकबस्टर रही। अभी वे कई प्रोजेक्टस पर काम भी कर रही हैं। फिल्म की शूटिंग जल्द ही शुरू होने वाली है, ऐसे में फिल्म में उनका आना काफी फायदेमंद होगा। उन्होंने कहा कि काजल यादव के खून में ही अभिनय है। काजल यादव ने अपने अभिनय कैरियर की शुरुआत हिंदी फिल्म ‘गार्जियन’ से की थी, इस फ़िल्म को उम्मीद से कम सफलता मिली, लेकिन काजल को इस फ़िल्म से पहचान जरूर मिलने लगा। काजल की पहली भोजपुरी ‘मोहब्बत’ थी प्रदीप पांडेय चिंटू । ———-HUNGAMA MEDIA (Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala PRO)]]>
Breaking News Indywood Latest News
Confident group CEO Dr.C.J.Roy, will use the occasion to announce his rehabilitation initiatives for the flood hit including the reconstruction of around 40 houses and many other measures as well. The 7 crores project would give homes to 30 families in Kerala and 10 in Coorg. The event is also expected to witness similar or may be more exciting announcements from other members of IBC as well. Sohan Roy, Aries Group CEO and Founder Director of Project Indywood made an announcement through a press release last month, on rebuilding 100 houses for the families who lost it during the flood in Kerala as a part of rehabilitation initiative. “Aikkarakkonathe Bhishagwaranmar” Indywoods upcoming CSR movie also aims to contribute its entire collection for the effective rehabilitation of the flood hit as well as welfare of the Cinema Industry. This event would also witness the Cast and Crew Launch of the said CSR movie. Launched in 2017 December in Hyderabad, IBC has now turned out to be of prime significance as a body uniting India’s greatest business tycoons to revolutionize the country’s entertainment Industry and is as the name suggests,a part of the USD 10 Billion project, Indywood. About Indywood Billionaire’s Club The Indywood Billionaire’s Club is an elite network of India’s wealthiest individuals with people with an asset value of INR 100 crore or more as its members. *Founded with the agenda of elevating the value of the Indian Rupee and make it on par with the dollar*, IBC members will be exposed to investment opportunities that can help in the nation’s rebuilding process and will provide local job opportunities. IBC envisions a developed India by 2030.The club, through its investment initiatives, would boost Foreign Direct Investment in the entertainment sector. The Indywood consortium is an umbrella network connecting 2000 influential and wealthy individuals with the latent potential of India’s multi-billion dollar film and entertainment sector. The consortium plans to produce 1000 movies over the next 5 years with added focus on the Indian Animation and Television industry. The consortium also aims at a more effective monetization of Indian cinema’s potential and raise its share in Global Cinema by 40%. Several Mega Film and theater projects and a host of multi format cinematic infotainment programs such as Educational Content and Sporting events are now known to be in the making. India’s most expensive movie- the 1000 crore Mahabharata and world’s first 8K Multiplex Project at Uduppi have the members of the consortium involved in them. Plans say that India would have at least 1000 8K screens by 2020.The zeal of the consortium has been recognized by cinema powerhouses like S. Korea, Nigeria, Iceland, Czech Republic, and even non-cinema nations like Saudi Arabia. Indywood’s Second CSR Movie ‘Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar’ is a 100% charity venture Kochi (19-09-2108) – A movie and its crew are gearing up to mitigate the hard times blanketing God’s own country caused by one of the most devastating floods witnessed in history. Promising 100% of the revenue to flood affected people and Film Industry Welfare, “Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar” marks a novel exemplar of pacification. “Aickarakkonathe Bhishaguaranmaar” is the second CSR movie initiative by U.A.E based Aries Group by putting to use Corporate Social Responsibility (C.S.R) fund. Decision was already taken by Aries Group to utilize 25% of the income from the movie for up gradation and promotion of film field. The remaining revenue will be used for relief/rescue operations and rebuilding the homes of flood victims. The movie will be released in over 100 major theatres all around Kerala on the October 5th, 2018. Movie develops from the basic thread of picturizing the life of common people in a village named Aickarakkonam. Talented artists like Vipin Mangalassery, Samardh Ambujakshan, Sinseer Muhammad, Miyashree, Hridya Nijilesh, Lakshmi Atul, Shyam Kurup, Prabhiraj Natarajan, Mukesh M Nair and Basil Jose, chosen meticulously from the national level auditions conducted by Indywood Talent Hunt show bring the characters in the movie to life. Along with them, long celebrated actors Lalu Alex, Shivaji Guruvayoor, Sunil Sukhada, Boban Samuel, Pashanamm Shaji (Saju Navodaya), Jafar Idukki, Kottayam Pradeep, Santhosh Keezhattoor, Seema G Nair and Manju Pathrose are also presenting their incredible acting skills. Directed by Biju Majid, the movie is produced by Abhini Sohan in the banner of Aries Telecasting PVT LTD. Project Designer, Lyrics – Sohan Roy. Story, Screenplay, Dialogue: K. Shibu Raj. Co-Production: Prabhiraj Natarajan. Camera: P.C Lal. Editing: Johnson Iringol. Music Director: Biju Ram. Production Controller: Anil Angamaly. Stills: Saji Aleena. P.R.O: A.S Dinesh “It is our duty to help Kerala, which is going through its most devastating situation in a century, in every possible way. Aries Group is very happy and proud to be able to do such a service for the state. This is not the first time that we are offering a helping hand to the needy. Aries Group had provided the entire revenue of its first CSR movie ‘Jalam’ for the homeless in Idukki. Aries Group had also delivered the flood affected people of Kuttanadu with essential commodities,” said Sohan Roy, Chairman and CEO of Aries Group.]]>
Latest News Leo News
This india Fashion & Beaut y Awards give the platform to all makeup n hair stylist through competition and awards distribution. Winner of this competition will awarded by SONAKSHI SINHA. And all other participant is awarded by tv celeb Rajshri Rani and Soni Singh. For More details call / whatsapp Promod sharma : 9084882200 / 9557892635 यह घोषणा करने में प्रसन्नता है कि आईबीबीए एसबी इवेंट्स और टैलेंट फुलन के साथ 30 फरवरी को श्री फोर्ट ऑडिटोरियम दिल्ली में भारत फैशन और ब्यूटी पुरस्कार नामक एक कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर रहा है। इस पुरस्कार में बॉलीवुड दिवा सोनाक्षी सिन्हा प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ति अतिथि के रूप में आ रही है। और दो टीवी सेलिब्रिटी राजर्षि रानी पांडे सीरियल सुहानी से एक लकीकी और बड़ी बॉस के सोनी सिंह की प्रसिद्धि इस घटना में आ रही है। यह भारत फैशन और ब्यूटी वाई पुरस्कार प्रतियोगिता और पुरस्कार वितरण के माध्यम से सभी मेकअप एन हेयर स्टाइलिस्ट को मंच प्रदान करते हैं। इस प्रतियोगिता का विजेता सोनाक्षी सिन्हा द्वारा सम्मानित किया जाएगा। और अन्य सभी प्रतिभागी टीवी सेलेब राजर्षि रानी और सोनी सिंह द्वारा सम्मानित किया जाता है। अधिक जानकारी के लिए कॉल / व्हाट्सएप प्रोमोद शर्मा: 9084882200/9557892635 [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed] [embed][/embed]]]>