National & International News Of Trending Topics
Mumbai : Bollywood celebrities highlighted the need for promoting gender inclusivity in films at an event organized by Breakthrough Trust in Mumbai. The event “Reframe by Breakthrough: Reimagining Pop Culture” featured prominent figures, including actor Huma Qureshi, writer and director Vijay Krishna Acharya, director Vikramaditya […]
Digital NewsMeet Mrs Almas Anfar Kathuria, India Middle East 2024 Mrs India Middle East 2024 (Dubai) Mrs Tourism International 2024 (Thailand)representing India. Almas is the proud winner of Charity Queen (For highest contribution towards charity charity)Thailand and also the Regent Smart City Queen (Thailand). Almas based […]
Breaking NewsAt the 70th National Film Awards ceremony in New Delhi, Sooraj Barjatya and Neena Gupta proudly accepted their awards from President Droupadi Murmu, marking yet another milestone in their illustrious careers. Barjatya, the iconic filmmaker known for his grand family dramas, has won the prestigious […]
Breaking NewsThe Teaser of JAI BHEEM app was launched last week at the Mid-day International Icon Awards event that was held in Dubai by Girish Wankhede . The First Look of the Short-Video app fell ‘nothing short’ of creating a huge buzz in the international arena amidst film celebrities and even the international media present at the event. Suhail Galadari, Co-Chairman of Galadari Brothers graced the event along with Bollywood stars Vivek Oberoi, Neha Sharma, Aditi Rao Hydari, Zarine Khan, Sandeepa Dhar, Daisy Shah and Dr Bu Abdullah.
“We are launching a Short Videos App that hones the skills of the youth in small towns that don’t get the opportunity to express their creativity. It will shape their careers by sharing the revenue with those whose videos go viral and the well performing short videos. It is an opportunity for youth offering them a career in entertainment as well as it makes them our ‘Revenue partners’,” announced Girish Wankhede, the Entertainment Industry Expert and the Chief Executive Officer of this app that is headed by a Board of Directors.
JAI BHEEM app aims to unleash the creativity of youth and hand-hold to lead them into international competition by offering the short video creators a space to connect to anybody across the globe to create their identity. Therefore its first look was launched in Dubai to make it a Global entity that is catering to the masses as well as classes as it has something for everybody with a combination of entertainment and entrepreneurship.
With the ban on several Chinese short video apps, there exists a huge space in apps for short videos format with some existing apps like Mauj, Josh, Takatak and Chingari, the short video app space is becoming hotter with youngsters from all strata of B Tier town and C tier towns now getting a chance to showcase their talent and get recognized and also be gratified.
The promoters of JAI BHEEM app aim to redefine the Es in the business. This app will not only talk about entertainment as right now but it would also specifically concentrate on monetization of Entertainment and thus promote entrepreneurship.
“Our app has social consciousness. It will have all the elements that international short form video apps have. The novelty of our app is that it will have more drive for creativity and entrepreneurship,” they added.Apart from Entertainment and entrepreneurship, it will also have some elements of social education.
The beta version of JAI BHEEM app is expected to function in a week and the app creators are taking time to build up a better proposition and right mix of entertainment and entrepreneurship and by December end it will see a Global Launch.
Personifying Indianness and equality, this interactive app’s vision is to reach the maximum creative people across the worldwide space, felicitate them, make every youngster conscious and open up their entertaining creative minds, thereby opening a plethora of entrepreneurial avenues in their respective fields.
“We aim to channelize the creative energies of the new generation who may not be aware of any rewarding platform, thus creating a bridge and motivate them to unleash their talent in a better and constructive form. This App will add on aspirational value as well it will engage them in more creative pursuits,” revealed Girish Wankhede.
No wonder that JAI BHEEM app’s byline is – UNLEASH YOURSELF. It intends to create a bridge and motivate the youth in remotest corners of India to unleash their talent in a better and constructive form.
“वसई में संपन्न हुआ यूनिक ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट एवरग्रीन ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट”
आम तौर पर 30+ महिलाएं ये समझती हैं कि जीवन में उनके करने के लिए कुछ नहीं बचा है। उनके सपनों की उड़ान फीकी पड़ने लगी है। लेकिन उनकी इस सोच को इस प्रतियोगिता ने गलत साबित कर दिया। अगर जुनून हो जज्बा हो तो उम्र के किसी भी पड़ाव पर हर कोई नारी अपने सपनों की उड़ान को एक नई दिशा दे सकती हैं बस जरूरत है उन्हे प्रोत्साहित करने की । न सिर्फ देश में बल्कि विदेशों में भी सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिताएं बहुत होती हैं ।लेकिन उनमें 18से 20वर्ष की लडकियां ही हिस्सा लेती हैं।क्योंकि इससे अधिक उम्र की लड़कियों के लिए वहां एंट्री नही होती। ऐसे में वरिष्ठ पत्रकार ,समाजसेवक और फिल्मकार देवेंद्र खन्ना ने 30+महिलाओं को एक ऐसा मंच प्रदान किया जिसमे 30से लेकर 67वर्ष तक की उम्र की महिलाओं ने भाग लिया और अपने टेलेंट को दिखाया । जी हां,पिछले दिनों वसई में ३० + की महिलाएं रैंप पर उतरी ।यह एक अनोखा कॉन्टेस्ट था। आयोजक देवेंद्र खन्ना ने बताया कि आए दिन कई सौंदर्य प्रतियोगिताएँ होती रहती हैं मगर फिर भी ऐसी लाखो महिलाएँ हैं जो किसी न किसी कारणवश इस तरह की प्रतियोगिताओं में भाग लेने से वंचित रह जाती है । मगर कुछ कर गुजरने का जज्बा आज भी उनमें है ।ऐसी ही महिलाओं को मंच देने के लिए हमने एवरग्रीन ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट की शुरुआत कि जिसे आत्म साथ करने के लिए सुशीलनिर्मल फाउंडेशन व लायंस क्लब ऑफ वसई भरारी ने सहयोग दिया।
ये प्रतियोगिता 10 अक्टूबर 2021 को वसई (पश्चिम) स्थित पी पी पैराडाइज हाॅल में संपन्न हुई ,जिसमे 14 कंटेस्टेड ने भाग लिया ,जिसमे दीप्ति जोशी विनर रही ।फर्स्ट रनर अप वर्षा पाटिल और सेकंड रनर अप रीता इस्सर रही ।
विजेताओं को जहां क्राउन पहनाया गया वही उन्हें कुछ स्पॉन्सर की तरफ से गिफ्ट दिए गए, साथ ही उन्हें वेब श्रृंखला में काम करने का सुनहरा अवसर भी मिलेगा । विनर्स की घोषणा पाटिल एंड पवार ज्वेलर्स के हरीश पवार जी ने की। इस इवेंट में साउथ व हिंदी अभिनेत्री तृष्णा प्रीतम , जाने माने डायरेक्टर आलोक नाथ दीक्षित, डायरेक्टर अतुल गुप्ता, अभिनेता वीरेन्द्र मिश्र, ब्यूटी कॉन्टेस्ट विजेता वीना अलमिडा, दिव्या शिवदास व लेखिका सुचिता पाटिल जज के रूप में मौजूद थे। इस पूरे इवेंट को अपनी गायकी व एंकरिंग के हूनर से दर्शकों को बांधे रखने का काम ग्वेन लॉरेंस ने अपनी टीम के साथ बखूबी निभाया।
इवेंट में कोरियोग्राफी सदानंद दास व ज्योति की थी।
Our Team Congrtulates Winners of Evergreen Beauty Contest Season-1
खेसारी लाल यादव और काजल राघवानी की आखिरी फ़िल्म ‘प्यार किया तो निभाना’, देखिये क्या है दोनों के बीच का विवाद
सुपर स्टार खेसारीलाल यादव और स्टनिंग एक्ट्रेस काजल राघवानी के बीच ऐसा क्या हो रहा है कि दोनों के बीच का विवाद खत्म होने का नाम ही नहीं ले रहा है। अभी हालही में काजल राघवानी ने खेसारी लाल यादव से कहा कि उसके लिए प्यार- मोहब्बत खिलवाड़ है ना तो अब मैं उसे दिखाती हूं कि सच्चा प्यार होता है क्या? अब मैं उसे उसकी औकात दिखाउंगी? मैं दिखाउंगी उसके और मेरे बीच का अंतर क्या है? ये सब कहकर काजल ने मीडिया का ध्यान अपनी ओर खींच लिया है। जो सोशल मीडिया से लेकर सभी जगह पर ट्रेंड करने लगा है। और इस बात से एक बार फिर से खेसारी लाल यादव और काजल राघवानी की जोड़ी चर्चा में आ गई। अब दोनों के बीच का विवाद और बढ़ गया है। जिसे लेकर उनके फैंस भी परेशान हैं।
आरे भाई जरा रुकिये गलत मत समझिए हम बात कर रहे हैं खेसारी लाल यादव और काजल राघवानी की हालिया रिलीज भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘प्यार किया तो निभाना’ जो आज यानी कि दुर्गा पूजा के अवसर पर रिलीज हो गई है। जिसका ट्रेलर हालही में इंटर10 रंगीला से आउट किया गया था, इसी ट्रेलर में काजल ने खेसारी को ललकारते हुए कहा है कि अब मैं दिखाउंगी तेरी औकात ।
यशी फिल्म्स के बैनर तले बनी फिल्म ‘प्यार किया तो निभाना’ के निर्माता अभय सिन्हा,रंजीत सिंह और निर्माता-वितरक निशांत जम्मूवाला है। फिल्म में दर्शकों को लंदन खूब भा रहा है। भोजपुरिया दर्शक भोजपुरी फिल्मों में वही पुरानी गांव देहात की लोकेशन देखकर बोर हो चुके हैं। अब भोजपुरी फिल्मों की शूटिंग देश के बाहर विदेशों में होने लगी है। जिसका फायदा ‘प्यार किया तो निभाना’ को मिल रहा है। पहले भोजपुरी फिल्मों को केवल मिडिल क्लास दर्शक ही देखते थे, लेकिन अब इन फिल्मों को उपर क्लास के दर्शक भी देखना शुरू कर दिए हैं ।
फिल्म को लंदन में बड़ी ही खूबसूरती के साथ शूट किया है चर्चित निर्देशक रजनीश मिश्रा ने। जिन्होंने फिल्म की कहानी का फिल्मांकन बड़े ही सूंदर ढंग से किया है। फिल्म की डोर रजनीश मिश्रा के हाथ है, तो समझा जा सकता कि कहानी कितनी बेहतरीन होगी। रजनीश मिश्रा ने फिर दिखा दिया है कि आखिर वे इंडस्ट्री के सबसे अलग निर्देशक क्यों है ।
अभय सिन्हा ने फिल्म को लेकर कहा कि भोजपुरी दर्शकों का टेस्ट में बहुत परिवर्तन आया है। अब वे भोजपुरिया फिल्मों में विदेशी लोकेशनों को देखना पसंद करने लगे है यही कारण है कि फिल्म को दर्शकों का अच्छा प्रतिसाद मिल रहा है। फिल्म में खेसारी और काजल की केमेस्ट्री दर्शकों को खूब भा रही है। जिसका फायदा फिल्म को हो रहा है ।
आपको बता दें कि फिल्म प्यार किया जो निभाना’ में खेसारीलाल यादव और काजल राघवानी के साथ संजय महानंद, दीपक सिन्हा, माया यादव, अनन्या बोरह, महिमा गुप्ता और हिंडोला चक्रवर्ती मुख्य भूमिका में हैं। निर्माता अभय सिन्हा, रंजीत सिंह और प्रशांत जम्मूवाला हैं.
रजनीश मिश्रा ने निर्देशक और म्यूजिक दिया हैं। रेणु विजय फिल्म्स फ़िल्म को सभी सिनेमाघरों में वितरित कर रही है। यूके के लाइन प्रोड्यूसर विपुल शर्मा हैं।
प्रोजेक्ट सुपर वाइजर प्रशांत शेल्के हैं। लिरिक्स आशुतोष तिवारी, अजीत हलचल और रजनीश मिश्रा हैं ।
As the name refers “AAJ KA KARMVEER” glorifies the most diligent and deserving personalities around us. By doing so, it extends its gratitude to recognize and honour prominent personalities, role models, Social reformers and many more in their respective fields. With the idea of acknowledgement and recognition we at Aaj Ka Karmveer look forward to predominately work in upholding the socio-cultural spectrum of the community by giving “Aaj Ka Karmveer Award 2021″ on 17th October 2021.
The launch of the Awards was done last week with a Media Press conference alongside the Founder R.P. Singh, Co-founder Anupama Singh and CEO & Producer Pancham Singh. They shared their vision for the awards and are extremely delighted to bring the same on the 17th October 2021.
Founder R.P. Singh shares that, “This is our humble attempt to recognize the work done by the Upcoming Karmveers by the establishment Karmveers of the same field. It gives them a motivation that yes though they are Upcoming their work is seen and noticed by the stalwarts of their industry only.”
Pancham Singh adds that “I feel extremely blessed to be a part of this award. As this is our first year, we are doing our best to reach the right Karmveers and Aaj Ke Karmveers too but every year we promise that it will be bigger and better than the previous year.”
“There are many stalwarts who will be attending the awards like Kripashankar Singh ji, Yashomati Thakur ji, Aditi Tatkare ji, M.S. Bitta ji, Ashok Chavan ji and many more”, says Anupama Singh. Actress Aditi Govitrikar will be the host of the ceremony.
Magic FM is the Official Radio Partner for this event.
The first IIFTA award was launched with a lot of fanfare and it had an envious celebrity turnout. The intellectual property is owned by two enterpreneur Shripal Jain & Tusshar Dhaliwal to commemorate true and deserving talent from the film and television sector. The event was held on 3rd October’ 2021 at one of the major venue in Mumbai. Many celebrities attended the glorious event, which include Hiten Tejwani, Swwapnil Joshi, Arvinder Singh, Sangeeta Vardhan, Dimple Jhangiani, Fenil Umrigar, Neetu Wadhwa, Vijay Bhatia, Dev Sharma, Shweta Rathor, Payal Ghosh, Malvi Malhotra, Angela Krislinzki, Nyra Banerjee, Nikita Rawal, Kate Sharma, Mannara Chopra and the list goes on.
We spoke to Mr. Tusshar who owns the Intellectual property IIFTA and here is what he has got to say, “It was an unbelievable beginning to the show. We have exceeded our expectations. We had thought about this award to commemorate some very deserving talent from the industry and we know absolutely no limits. We are filled with confidence and we are looking for a great season 1 already. A huge thank you to everyone for their support and I extend my gratitude to all the attendees. There is a lot of fresh talent in the industry who need support and that is where we come in. So happy to help people in my own way.”
Those are Tusshar’s wise words, we wish him and his team all the success ahead.
With their values in place, they are going all out to reward and award the talent who richly deserves it.
Kajal Rochwani, Chairperson of “Royal Femme Club” recently organized a small ritual on day of “Mahalaya”. This day is celebrated by Bengalis to invite Maa Durga to her “Maika” (mother’s place), ritual called “Maa er Aagomon”. Ladies gathered and performed the ritual by blowing “Shankha” (divine conch) and with sound “Uluu” (a sound created by toungue)
Royal Femme Group is brain-child of it’s Founder Mrs. Kajal Rochwani. This club is created to help and support Women to empower themselves and grow socially. It also supports women entrepreneurs by offering interacting and Networking opportunities through social media and Events. Along with this, Royal Femme Club supports various talents to associate and grow in Entertainment Industry by giving them platform to showcase their talent. Royal Femme Club also has planned various cultural events in future under it’s umbrella.
To connect for further events: Email at
The song is well picturised and Actress Kanchan Bhor is so thrilled after the release of this solo number. “The totel out put of the song was too good and I am very excited to see the results of the song. Audience is likening it very much and I am looking forward to do more songs for Prajakta Films and will also love to do movies. ” Says Kanchan Bhor. She is the great admirer of Madhubala and Madhuri Dixit.
Being produced by Rekha Surendra Jagtap, it has music by Raja Ali, Lyrics by Jamil Ahmed, sung by Anupama, videography and choreography by Imran Malgunkar, recorded at Feeling Studios, D. O. P. is Saddam Shaikh and Mohd Javed is the production head.
Prajakta Film Production has just released his 1st hindi single ” Jism Ko Jism Se” Under the label of P. F. P. Music company and the song hits the nation and on top playlists on all
Romantic lead is played by young and talanted Kanchan Bhor and Ajit Pandit. This romantic song is being picturised on the locales of Kelwa Beach and touches the heart and soul.
The producers are so excited to the results of there maiden song. “Jism Ko Jism Se” and planning to produce more albums and films in future.
Highlights: –
Mumbai, 8 October 2021: Celebrating the contribution of the digital influencers in the modern era and acknowledging & rewarding them in keeping the industry vibrant, Born Event and Entertainment Pvt. Ltd is launching the first edition of Global Influence Awards’ 21. MTV is the Telecast partner for the awards. Celebrities and top industry influencers including Apoorva Agnihotri, Gurmeet Choudhary, Rannvijay Singha, Payal Ghosh, Karanveer Mehra, Kanish Malhotra among others celebrities are associated with the event. Mr. Kamal Giachandani, CEO, PVR Pictures Ltd, Mr. Saurabh Varma, CMO, Jio Studios, Mr. Alok Tandon, CEO Inox Leisure Ltd. And Mr. Devang Sampat, CEO, Cinepolis have been confirmed for jury at GIA Event.
Global Influencer Award’ 21 will recognise contribution of digital influencers in 20 categories which includes Lifestyle, Food, Fitness, Digital Media, Fashion, Technology, Automobile, Education, Lifestyle among others. Registration for the awards has started on October 2, 2021
Launching the event curtain raiser, Vivek Iyer, Director, Born Event and Entertainment Ltd, said, “Influencers are dreamers, they are leaders with a vision and The Global Influencer Awards (GIA) is an initiative to acknowledge and appreciate their contribution. We interact, engage, discuss and support creators and their community. We are passionate about their stories that make us laugh, cry and touches souls. The GIA commemorates India’s digital talent through the luxurious showdown to be held on the 15th of January, 2022. The event is a vibrant, ornate fete filled with prodigal talent, cherished household names and a musical gala.”
“GIA also provides sponsors with an assortment of audiences buzzing to support their treasured regional and national internet faces on a leading music channel. Our event is the perfect opportunity to deliver preeminent influencer marketing at a thrilling value, for our sponsors.” said Vivek Sudhindra Kulshrestha, Managing Partner, Global Influencer Award.
Starting with 5000 participants in the first round, fan’s dedicated voting will propel the top 500 contestants to the next round. After that, GIA hosts 20 thrilling categories with three grand finalists in each category that move into the final battle, where 20 of the most beloved finalists will be crowned winners at a grand event held on the 15th of Jan 2022 at Film city, Mumbai.
GIA is a trailblazing platform for India’s digital creators to compete against each other through an audience-based, rigorous voting process. With the international digital content industry hustling to create enthralling pieces of art, India is a leading terrain that overflows with exceptional talent and soulful stories. It will be one of the biggest entertainment evenings ever. The event will be ornamented by various performances ranging from Bollywood hits to Rap wherein the audience will enjoy a glorious evening filled with Music, Dance and Comic entertainment. Thus, the much-awaited GIA show will be a carnival of a lifetime amongst our beloved stars.
Born Event and Entertainment Ltd is also coming up with a Global Influencer Award in August 2022 to be held in Dubai
What the Industry stalwarts says about GIA: –
Gurmeet Choudhary said “GIA is a perfect opportunity for influencers to prove their popularity and fan base.”
Ranvijay Singha said “GIA is the ideal platform where winners in 20 categories are decided by fan engagement and a very transparent process.”
Nyraa Banerjee shared her point of view “This is the first time where the influencers are recognized category wise and this gives a fair chance to everyone as some categories are more popular than the others.”
Kanisha Malhotra said “GIA will not only bring the upcoming influencers in the spotlight, but it will also be a great source of talent & publicity for the brands associated with it.”
Karanveer Mehra said “Most of the events nowadays are digital, but it’s a great idea to take this Award on- ground. The telecast of the event reaches people who are not net savvy.”
Apoorva Agnihotri summarized “GIA is the sure shot way to stardom and popularity and I am sure that the influencers and the brands will see the potential and opportunity this platform offers.”
For more info or nomination please visit our website
Noida: “Not very long ago we created Indo Kyrgyzstan Film and Cultural Forum to develop and promote relation between the people of two countries through art and culture. The association has grown bigger today with the inauguration of Festival of Films from Kyrgyzstan designed by Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in New Delhi in association with International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry at Marwah Studios,” said Sandeep Marwah President of ICMEI.
“Films are the best ambassadors of culture of any country. Film festivals are the best platform to project these cultures. Films have only one language and that is language of emotions,” added Sandeep Marwah also Chair for Indo Kyrgyzstan Film and Cultural Forum. The event started with the exhibition of paintings and photographs from Kyrgyzstan followed by fascinating fashion show by the students of AAFT School of Fashion and Design inspired by the culture of Kyrgyzstan.
“Two-day festival will show case three very important and popular films from Kyrgyzstan. The film festival today in association with ICMEI is one of the major programs to celebrate 30 years of Independence of Kyrgyzstan. It will be followed by many other interesting art and culture programs as a part of festivity. I am thankful to everyone who all have come and brought best wishes to our association,” said H.E. Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to India.
The audience was shown a classic film based on the work of Chyngyz Aitmatov: “Mother’s Field”, as well as feature films of Kyrgyz filmmakers of a new generation “Kurmanzhan Datka” and “Song of the Tree”.All Kyrgyz films made a strong impression on the audience and were highly appreciated by the honoured guests of the ceremony.
“The cultural activities like film festival brings lots of positive energy. Cinema is not only entertainment, but it also teaches us many more things in life through well carved stories,” said Ganesh Prasad Saha IPS Deputy Commissioner of Police Noida.
The event was attended by H.E. Dilshod Akhatov Ambassador of Uzbekistan, H.E. Nurlan Zhalgasbayev Ambassador of Republic of Kazakhstan, H.E. Andrei Rzheussky Ambassador of Republic of Belarus, H.E. Gudni Bragason Ambassador of Iceland, and many other diplomats from different countries including Ekaterina Tyuina from Russia, Zakaria Bin Amjad from Bangladesh, Anastasiya Vorakh from Belarus, Deepika Sachdev from Iceland, Azamat Seidibaliev and Aigerim Zhakypbekova from Embassy of Kyrgyzstan.
Later Sandeep Marwah presented mementos to all the dignities. A research book prepared by the AAFT School of Fashion and Design was also handed over to H.E. Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to India.
The New Hair and Scalp Immunity Booster in town!
Having good hair and skin is the need of the hour, both being a part and parcel of our personality. The value of the treasure sitting on our heads is appreciated deeply by those who start losing it due to various causes of hair loss.
Maintenance and grooming of hair is a daily routine for most people and it is not uncommon to see people investing a huge amount of time and money on hair care, which has created a huge industry selling a lot of hair care products to fulfill the demand. India too is undergoing a hair revolution with markets flooded with products promising instant beautification of hair.
Beauty Essentials Marketing Pvt Ltd has always been at the forefront in surprising the market with the most avant-garde products. It has launched a new feather in its cap with its Marula Oil and Tea Tree Oil range by De Fabulous. This comes as good news to people who want to use professional shampoos and conditioners that are sulphate-free and deliver lavish results for the premium they pay for it.
Bid goodbye to dull, dry and damaged hair now with Marula Oil Shampoo, Conditioner and Masque enriched with the goodness of Marula Oil along with Quinoa protein. Marula Oil is proven to be more potent than argan oil and hence, is 3 times more effective than argan oil #3XArgan.
Keep your scalp concerns at bay with Tea Tree Oil, infused with Tea Tree oil along with marula oil and quinoa protein. It gives an invigorating luxury experience to those who use it due to its cooling effect. It has tremendous medicinal benefits by being anti-oxidant, anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory #AAABenefits which will help clean your scalp of any concerns.
Let’s not just focus on our body’s immunity but that of our hair and scalp too! Boost your hair and scalp immunity this festive season with the new Marula Oil and Tea Tree Oil collection from De Fabulous, launched in India by Beauty Essentials Marketing Pvt Ltd.
अभिनेता वेद थापर ने किया “माई लॉन्ड्री डॉक्टर” एप लांच
अब डॉक्टर करेंगे आपके कपड़ों की धुलाई,
एप के जरिए होगी आपके हेलमेट की सफाई भी
मुंबई, अब कपड़ों की धुलाई करने वाले देश भर के लॉन्ड्री संचालकों को भी एक एप के जरिए डिजिटल बनाया जारहा है। आप इस एप के जरिए लॉन्ड्री वाले को आॅनलाईन बता सकते हैं कि लॉन्ड्रीकर्मी कब कितने बजे आपके यहां कपड़े लेने आएं और कपड़ों की डिलिवरी आपको कब और कितने बजे चाहिए। आपके बताए समय पर लॉन्ड्री संचालक आपको आपके कपड़े अत्याधुनिक तरीके से धुलाई कर और प्रेस कर तथा आटोमेैटिक मशीन के जरिए पैक कर आपके घर पर पहुंचाएंगे। इस एप और सेवा का नाम है ” माई लॉन्ड्री डॉक्टर” ।
इस एप की शुरुआत कंपनी के ब्रांड एम्बेसडर वेद थापर ( हीरो धारावाहिक राजा और रेंचो फेम ) ने किया। मुंबई के गोरेगांव स्थित इस कंपनी के कार्यालय में आयोजित एक पत्रकार वार्ता में “माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर ” के फाउंडर और सीईओ कालीचरण राज ने बताया कि वे कई बड़े होटलो में लॉन्ड्री मैनेजर रह चुके हैं और उन्हे इस बात की हमेशा चिंता होती थी कि दुनिया जब डिजिटल हो रही है तो लॉन्ड्री संचालक आखिर इस तरफ क्यों नहीं बढ़ रहे हैं। बस इस तरीके से यह आयडिया आया और हमने तथा हमारी टीम ने लॉन्ड्री संचालकों से बात की। आज “माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर” से 150 से ज्यादा लॉन्ड्री संचालक जुड़े हैं।
इस अवसर पर वेद थापर ने कहा कि ऐसा पहली बार होने जारहा है तब देश में इस तरीके से लॉन्ड्री को लेकर प्रयोग किया गया है।” माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर “एप के जरिए कोई भी अपना हेलमेट, बैग, मंहगे और सस्ते कपड़े तथा घर के पर्दे भी धुलवा सकता है और समय पर डिलेवरी पा सकता है। “माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर” के जरिए जो कपड़े आपको धुल कर मिलेगें उसके लिए अत्याधुनिक केमिकल का इस्तेमाल किया जाएगा जिसमें आपको सुगंधित भी रखेगा। यह पूछे जाने पर कि “माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर” में डाक्टर शब्द का इस्तेमाल क्यों इस पर कंपनी के ब्रांड एम्बेसडर वेद थापर ने कहा कि जिस तरीके से चिकित्सक अपने मरीज का पूरा उपचार करता है उसी तरह “माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर’ भी कपड़ों को तंदरुस्त रखने का वायदा करता है।
‘माई लॉन्ड्री डाक्टर’ के जरिए आप अपने हेलमेट को सिर्फ अस्सी रुपए में केमिकल के जरिए धुलवा सकते हैं। और घर पर उसकी डिलेवरी भी पा सकते हैं।
इस अवसर पर कंपनी के फाउंडर और सीईओ कालीचरण राज और कंपनी के ब्रांड एम्बेसडर वेद थापर,को -फाउंडर और डायरेक्टर दिनेश कुमार जेना,एसओपी मैनेजर संदीप झोन्देलकर,मार्केटिंग मैनेजर धवल देसाई, प्रोजेक्ट मैनेजर शिवल अलमेड़ा,बिजनेस एसोसिएट मुम्बई समीर मधानी,राजकुमार सोनार और लॉजिस्टिक मैनेजर रंजीत महतो भी मौजूद थे।
–शशिकांत सिंह
Namrata Sharma actress of rare calibre has just completed the shoot of her debut song Dard E Tanhaai In Kullu Manali With Mandeep Gujjar. As a debut acting assignment she has done justice to her role and has given million dollar performance to her character. She is also the producer of the album which is being released very soon on popular channel and social media platforms.
About song Dard E Tanhaai it has been recorded in the golden voice of Mohammad Irfan And Sana Aziz and melodious music of Nikhil Kamath. It is being produced under her own banner of Namrata Sharma Productions with lyrics and direction by welknown director Alok Shrivastava..
When asked about her experience on working with well known director of bollywood Alok Shrivastava She says ”it was like a dream come true I had never thought even in my dream that one day i will be working with established director and that personality will be directing me in my debut assignment, I thanks God for giving me such an opportunity, she adds working with Alokji gave me confidence in facing camera and he is very polite and soft spoken personality I have ever met.
She has planned to release this song very soon once post production is completed with proper planning. First she will be releasing the teaser of the song. She is so excited with the result and making of song she has planned to go on making her first Bollywood Film once this song Dard E Tanhaai is released.
We the team of Wonder Web World Wish her Best Wishes for her Beautiful Film Journey.
Feliciated by Shripal jain and Producer Directer Rakesh sabharwal and Creative Head Bharti Panwar
Its a Proud Moment for Soumi Dutta , Kolkata girl achieved the title of Queen of Asia international 2021 in Mumbai on 3rd Oct 21.
This young psychologist stepped in the pageant world in the 2019 ,when she achieve mrs India Universe Kolkata crown in Mauritius .
From there the real professional journey was started as a runway model and show host and in so Many field in the entertainment industry.She has also achieved women empowerment award 2020. She is successfully endorsing few brands in Kolkata (Aakar,Marcy&vision ngo etc ).
Finally This year she is launching her New multifacility digital studio and fashion grooming hub in Kolkata,which is Studio Blackbox.
Now onwards she is all set to represent India for other international platform.
Recently new OTT platform was lauched in Mumbai called VCR. The Managing Director Commando Sanjay Singh Chauhan, Amrendara Avasthi Kapil Rajput and Nikhil Shrivastav belive in providing this launching pad for the young generation, and their aim is to create neat and clean content for the audiance.
VCR would bring back the memory of golden days of past, where entire family could sit together and watch movies together.
The event was graced by celebrity from bollywood like Rajpal Yadav, Music Composer Ram Shankar along with his daughter Sneha and son Aditya Shankar, comedian VIP was also present along with singer Priya Malik.
Other guest and invite for the OTT launch were Bobby Kataria, Managing Director Rajesh Shrivastav.
The event was well managed and organised by Raju Tak.
I am Riya Mohan, a 23-year-old young, dynamic woman from Pune, with an ambition to reach the sky and fly high, making the purpose of my life worth it.
I have studied B.Sc in Fashion designing. This course has further enhanced my confidence in the glamour world. I have an exceptionally pedagogic way of life, which always allows me to explore every opportunity optimistically with my affirmative attitude that resigns within me. I believe in conquering the world. The liveliness within me makes me an enthusiastic learner and a predicament solver. I have a self-assurance attitude within me which has always permitted me to face challenges of life courageously and with total excitement and exuberance.
With 15 years of hardships, up and downs, I gained recognition and acceptance from the people in the industry and people who encouraged my uphill struggle. Today I am really happy, blessed and thankful when I look back at the difficult days of my life to get established. My audience and people around me have love and accepted me. Today as I walk down the memory lane, I picture myself as a dancer, an actress and a model who managed to create inspirational stories for new enthusiasts in the field.
The recognition did not come in a day or a year. There are many accomplishments in my baggage today that I gained due to my hard work, hard work and self-confidence, which made me reach the position where I am today. I have won numerous dance competitions.
My Modeling career started in 2018. To name a few accomplishments that I could add as a feather in my cap are Winner of Kala ki khoj 2015. I succeeded amongst the Top 30 Contestants in 2Mad Dance Reality show, featured at Colors Marathi Channel. Besides, I have got the opportunity to work on three short films, namely Shaala Patti, Paari , Dustbin .
In due course of time, God has been kind to me that I made my way as a winner of Miss Pune-2018, Winner of Miss Maharashtra-2019, Winner of Soundaryavati Maharashtra-2019. I have also won a few more titles to add in my honour: Miss Active Pune Pride-2020, Miss Glamour Confident-2020, Maharashtra’s Super Model Most Impressive-2021, a TV Reality Show. I am really delighted to get the opportunity to participate in Miss India 2021 and Justify the expectations built for me by winning as the 1st Runner Up. It was a real honour that I could come up as the winner of Miss Universe-2021.
I am sure many more opportunities are knocking on my door. Still, all the opportunities have always been challenging, and the upcoming opportunities too would be the same for which I have to put in the best effort.
I believe that I am blessed to taste such success at my age. All these awards have just reinforced me to move ahead and keep flying higher, coiffure away all the hardships, and work towards the betterment of society. People have loved me and believed me. My message to the world is to follow your dreams until you reach your goal and always be a beautiful person inside out.
I would never let them down and keep working for society.
સૂરત એક અનોખો રિયાલિટી શો “હમ હૈ ગલી ગાય્સ બોયઝ એન્ડ ગર્લ્સ” શરૂ કરવામાં આવ્યો.
શોના આયોજકો 2 બાળકો શમ્સ રાઠોડ અને જયંત બગડા
રિયાલિટી શોની વધતી જતી લોકપ્રિયતાને જોતા, એક અનોખો પ્રકારનો રિયાલિટી શો “હમ હૈ ગલી ગાય્સ બોયઝ એન્ડ ગર્લ્સ” આજે સુરત માં હાજર છે.
લોન્ચ કરવામાં આવી હતી ત્યારે આજે ટીમ સૂરત વેશું ખાતેપ્રેસ વાર્તાનું આયોજન કરાયું હતું આ ટેલેન્ટ હન્ટ શોની ખાસ વાત એ છે કે તેના આયોજકો 2 બાળકો શમ્સ રાઠોડ અને જયંત બગડા છે. આ રિયાલિટી શોની પ્રેસ કોન્ફરન્સનું આયોજન સુરત ની પ્રેસ ક્લબમાં કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું જ્યાં મોટી સંખ્યામાં લોકો હાજર રહ્યા હતા આ ટેલેન્ટ હન્ટ ઇન્ડિયા 2021) આગામી ફેશન શો તમામ પ્રકારના કલાકારોને તક આપશે. આમાં ભાગ લેવા માટે મફત નોંધણી કરાવી શકાય છે. આમાં ભાગ લેવા માટે કોઈ વય મર્યાદા રહેશે નહીં અને ત્યાં કોઈ લેવા, ફરીથી લેવા અને ઓડિશન લેવાની જરૂર નથી. આ અનોખા ફેશન શોમાં રેમ્પ વોક, રિયાલિટી શો, કોરિયોગ્રાફી, ફોટોશૂટ, મેક ઓવર, માવજતનો સમાવેશ થશે.
આયોજક શમ્સ રાઠોડે જણાવ્યું કે આ શો 3 દિવસ સુધી ચાલુ રહેશે. તેથી જો તમે કલાકાર છો તો તમે નોંધણી કરો અને આ સુવર્ણ તકનો લાભ લો.
3 દિવસ સુધી યોજાનારી આ ઇવેન્ટમાં ફ્રી રજીસ્ટ્રેશન થશે, ઓડિશન લેવામાં આવશે નહીં. આ શો સુરત ના એક મોટા રિસોર્ટ અથવા ફાઈવ સ્ટાર હોટલમાં થશે.
શો બિગ બોસ, જે સલમાન ખાન દ્વારા એન્કર કરવામાં આવી રહ્યો છે, 3 મહિના પછી નક્કી કરવામાં આવ્યો છે જ્યારે હમ હૈ ગલી ગાય્સનો અંતિમ કાર્યક્રમ માવજત સાથે 3 દિવસમાં યોજાશે.
આ રિયાલિટી શો સાથે સંકળાયેલા ઘણા લોકો લોન્ચ સમયે હાજર હતા. આયોજકો બાળકો ઉપરાંત શમ્સ રાઠોડ અને જયંત બગડા, નદીમ શેખ, પ્રિયા બગડા, ઇકબાલ વોરા, પ્રિયા રાઠોડ, નીતિન તાયડે (પ્રમુખ મારિયા ક્રિકેટ એકેડમી આઝાદ મેદાન), મુશ્તાક ચનાવાલા (ઉપપ્રમુખ) ઉપસ્થિત રહ્યા હતા.
આ રિયાલિટી શોનો પોતાનો એક અલગ જ ખ્યાલ છે જ્યાં પ્રથમ વખત બે સગીર બાળકો આવા ફેશન શો, રેમ્પ વોકનું આયોજન કરી રહ્યા છે. બંને બાળકો, શમ્સ અને જયંતના શબ્દોમાં જે આત્મવિશ્વાસ દેખાતો હતો, તેણે ઘણી તૈયારીઓ કરી હોય તેવું લાગ્યું. તેમ છતાં તેણે કહ્યું કે તેના માતાપિતા આ સમગ્ર મામલે ખૂબ જ મદદ કરશે, કારણ કે માતાપિતાએ તેને ઘણું પ્રોત્સાહન આપ્યું છે અને અમે આ સ્પર્ધામાં ભાગ લેવા માટે દેશભરમાંથી પ્રતિભા ઈચ્છીએ છીએ, અમારી ટીમ તેમની પ્રતિભાને નિખારશે અને તેમને પ્રદર્શન કરશે. માટે પ્લેટફોર્મ
પ્રિયા બગડાએ કહ્યું કે, આ રિયાલિટી શોના વિજેતાઓને પ્રિયા ફિલ્મ્સ સિને વિઝનના બેનર હેઠળ તૈયાર થનારી મ્યુઝિક વીડિયો અને ફિલ્મોમાં અભિનય કરવાની તક પણ આપવામાં આવશે. પ્રિયા ફિલ્મ્સ સિને વિઝન પ્રસ્તુત હમ હૈ ગલી ગાય્સમાં ભાગ
આ રિયાલિટી શોમાં ઇવેન્ટ મેનેજમેન્ટ અને પીઆર ની જવાબદારી ફેમ મીડિયા (વસીમ સિદ્દીકી અને નજમા શેખ) દ્વારા નિભાવવામાં આવી રહી છે.
—-Fame Media (Wasim Media)
~ Offers instant, synchronous, collaborative socialization; Collaborate and communicate in real-time without sharing screen, device, or browser ~
Pune-based Togethring Media Labs Private Limited has announced the launch of Togethring, a revolutionary Super App, a social entertainment and social commerce platform, where you can do everything online together. It’s an instantaneous, synchronous, real-time, and collaborative socio-business platform, which requires no screen/device sharing. It’s the first ever launch of an Indian communication Super App, that is far and beyond the offerings by the existing world majors.
Right from watching media (video & pictures), watching games, listening to music, shopping, socialising, and ordering food to book tickets, study, and read together – users can do all at the same time while chatting or video chatting, but still maintaining privacy. The App is currently available for Android OS and web browsers.
Togethring is the world’s first and industry-first unique idea embedded into one application. It’s a purely Indian platform, built by Indians for Indians and the world. The Togethring Super App is for everyone – users, creators, influencers, gamers, small businesses, and big businesses, large enterprises.
The Togethring platform offers you social entertainment, social commerce, and gaming – all bundled into one Super App. You can open your account and instantly start selling your products/services by defining your own business rules.
Commenting on the launch of Togethring, Mr. Maadhav Bhide, Founder & CEO of Togethring Media Labs Private Limited, said, “Despite being built as a socio-business platform, Togethring is a fun platform, a lifestyle product. It’s a private Clubhouse that can be turned public with just one click. With the initial focus on Social entertainment, this synchronised platform has both emotions and business in it and offers complete privacy and security. Once you download the Togethring App, you are never alone from the very moment. You will be connected to your loved ones and friends, all the time, everywhere, or wherever you are in the world. It’s a Sampoorna Atmanirbhar platform.”
Why Togethring? With just a click, users can convert their devices into a theatre, shop, or mall, instantly. Consumers or businesses can start enjoying the media or perform activities such as shopping, booking tickets, ordering food, watching movies, web series , games, or any user-generated content, together, instantly, and simultaneously along with chatting or video chatting as if they are together in a physical store or theatre.
The App helps everyone to connect more closely despite being in different locations or parts of the world. Togethering is different from any of the existing social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, YouTube, Zoom, etc. It offers all the features of these apps in one single platform along with co-viewing or perform co-activities online.
“The fun and exciting USP of the platform is that it allows registered users/businesses to invite their friends or customers to do activities together even if they are not registered on the platform. With just one click, the invitees who are not registered still get an opportunity to join the chat or video chat to start enjoying media or performing activities together. And while doing so, no participant needs to share the screen or device,” informs Maadhav.
The other differentiator is the t-café, which offers a Smart Display Box to create your own channel or Clubhouse for all types of media (public or private), which can be used to build profiles and promote content, product, or services. It acts as a distribution channel for instant social entertainment or social commerce, armed with all social media features.
The important difference is that the users can easily segregate their own curated content which can be used for various B2C & B2B use cases. Togethring offers tightly integrated and seamless, instant, synchronous, collaborative socialization for D2C, C2C, B2C, and B2B. It is an Indian communication Super App – Far and beyond the existing world majors.
Important features of Togethring are:
– Instant Togethring: Registered users can invite non-registered users (up to 10 participants) to enjoy, show or conduct business with controls and all the features.
– No screen or device sharing
– Offers simultaneous multiple-user control but still maintains privacy
– End-to-end encrypted messaging
– Private chat/message within one multi-user group, communities
– Shall be available in 11 Indian languages (Currently offers Marathi and Hindi)
– Multiple shows within the same group
– Offers 360° & VR experience together
– Device friendly: Can be used across all android mobiles, tablets, PCs, and laptops
– Users can upload stories/status
“The company’s mission is to empower users to become entrepreneurs and creators to build their own communities and offer immersive experiences for their fans, followers, and consumers,” added Maadhav.
“Togethring Super App offers a unique industry-first idea/opportunity for content creators to start channels instantly and offer a partnership to OTT players, TV/Media channels. The Togethring platform helps you to maximise eyeballs, create great engagement and earn more revenue on every bit of the content you create/upload/stream. We allow content creators or partners to write their own business rules to fix terms regarding how consumers can enjoy their content as if they own the Togethring platform,” Maadhav further stated.
GURIQBAL SINGH SOHAL is the Official Mode Lensman, Digital Marketer Stills Editor, Reel Composer, Auteur & Paparazzo at Mode Tenors. He is having a creative insight and brilliant outlook towards his imagination and making the picturesque transformations in accordance to compose and construct and transform it in Digital Avatar using the latest tech and tools and play with the lens and the cameras.
Previously, he had worked as Assistant Director, for Jashan Nanarh in various Punjabi songs naming, Gunde No. 1 sung by Dilpreet Dhillion, Ha di Tyari (Singer: Kulwinder Billa), 10 mint (Singer: Sippy Gill), 302 (Singer: Geeta Zaildar), Narma (Singer: Jenny Johal), also worked as a Continuity Lensman in “Vakh Barata Chaliya”.
He is having a crude experience of around a decade in freelance Paparazzo, handling commercial Advertisements and Videography.
He had worked with famous Punjabi artists like Kanwar Grewal, Prabh Gill. He is having international exposure in this field from Canada and currently running his independent brand in the Name of Meraki Arts.
His previous work includes advertisement creation for Punjla (a prominent brand for Pashmina Shawls), Runway Fashion, and Shubham Bridal. Also, had worked as a Content & Continuity Photographer in a web series launched in 2020 on Heeroz.TV titled, ‘Wah Zugni Wah’, he is vibrant and versatile and also did many fitness photography consignments namely Famous Vlogger, Fitness Advisor for ‘Gurtej Baidwan’ and done numerous shoots, created an advertisement for Bicycle company ‘Outdoor 91’.
He is currently working on many projects with International Brands like Oud Arabia Dubai & Zakhrat Oud handling e-commerce, digital marketing, product photography, and advertisements.
Moreover, served recently as an Assistant Director for a shoot tangled with, ‘Regdfilms’.
You can follow him on Instagram @Merakiartsofficial
कवयित्री शशि – परिचय
शशि एक बहुत ही योग्य कवयित्री होने के साथ साथ गीतकार एवं कहानीकार ( लेखिका) हैं। जैसा कि हम सभी को विदित है कि हमारा भारतवर्ष गांवों का देश है। ये बड़ी मेहनत एवं लगन से एमकाे म्यूज़िक प्रा. लि. कंपनी के लिए हिन्दी फ़िल्म की कहानी ग्रामीणों के जनजीवन के विकासपूर्ण उद्देश्य से लिख रही हैं।
ग्रामीणों की तरक्की, समृद्धि एवं उज्वल भविष्य हेतु अपनी कलम से यह फिल्म की कहानी देश को समर्पित करना चाहती हैं। आशा है कि निकटतम भविष्य में एमको म्यूज़िक कंपनी इस कहानी को हिन्दी फ़िल्म के जरिए देश एवं दुनियां को समर्पित करेगी।
कवयित्री: शशि
** गणित **
यह गणित बड़ा दुखदाई है
छात्र छात्राओकी आफ़त आई है
स्कूल से जब घर जाते
दस बीस सवाल निकलते
मानो दिमाग में काई है
यह गणित बड़ा दुखदाई है
यह रखता है और भी शाखाएं
बीज गणित और रेखाएं
पर सब में है कठिनाई
यदि होता मेरा राज यहां
क्यों होता जग में गणित भला
जग कहता यह बड़ा सुखदाई
मैं कहती यह बड़ा दुखदाई
कवयित्री : शशि
** नेक सलाह **
खाना चाहते हो तो ” गम” खाओ
पीना चाहते हो तो ” क्रोध” पियो
पहनना चाहते हो तो ” नेकी” का जामा पहनो
देखना चाहते हो तो ऊंची निगाह से देखो
लेना चाहते हो तो सिर्फ़ आशीर्वाद लो
छोड़ना चाहते हो तो सिर्फ़ पाप और अत्याचार छोड़ो
रखना चाहते हो तो ” इज्ज़त” रखो
बोलना चाहो तो सदा ” सत्य” बोलो
जीतना चाहो तो ” तृष्णा” को जीतो
मारना चाहो तो बुरी इच्छा को मारो
देखना चाहो तो अपने आप को देखो
भोगना चाहो तो सन्तोष को भोगो
फेंकना चाहो तो ” ईर्ष्या” को फेंको
हारना चाहो तो ” अनीति” को हारो
दिखलाना चाहो तो दया दिखलाओ
करना चाहो तो समाजसेवा करो
सीखना चाहो तो अनुशासन सीखो
पढ़ना चाहो तो अच्छी पुस्तक पढ़ो
——सौजन्य से: अरुण शक्ति मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर
——एमको म्यूजिक प्रा. लि. मोबाइल नम्बर: 9468467100
Teen – Mr – Miss & Mrs Universe 2021 Grand Finale was held in Mumbai recently with great fan and fare. Contestants came from all over India at finale after their selection from their city auditions. Respectable Jury members were Ragini Chaurasia (Actres – Model), Mrs Tarannum Shaikh ( Mrs India International Queen Dubai), Dipti Shendre ( Miss Universe 2020 1st runner up), Yash Thorat (Mr Universe runner up) With Priya Rana (Official Groomer and Choreographer).
Chief guests of The event who made this show remarkable were Mayuri Shubhanand ( TV Actress), Babu Patel – Businessmen, Kunal Thakkar – Associate Partner, And Rakesh sabharwal Producer – Director and Distributor of Many Films.
Teen – Mr – Miss & Mrs Universe 2021 is presented by Sandy Joil organised by Joil Entertainment. Sandy Joil has the distinction of organising many successful pageants in the past and giving winners and participants a successful career in showbiz and modelling and specially for Ms and Mrs respect at every stage of life. Jury were of the opinion that all the participants are the winners as they have reached finale after many auditions. Jury had very tough time to select winners and runner ups.
Founder – Sandy Joil Associate partners : Dr Sandaya – Gifting Partner, Vaibhav Salve- Costume Partner, Phushpak Pashine ( photography partner ), Natasha Tilwani ( celebrity makeup artist), Leena Biswal – Groomer, Associate partner – Sanjay Kenchari, Ragini Chaurasia – Actress, Rahul Rajput ( creative head ), Khizar Hussain ( fashion choreographer), Ashwin Rajput – Entrepreneur, Bharat Gupta ( celebrity stylist).
Winners :
Mr Teen Manan Malik – Winner, Sub title Photogenic
Uzair Aziz Shaikh – Mr.Teen Shining Star, Mr Teen 1st runner up
Anjaleena Rana – winner, Subtitle Miss Shining Star
D pooja 1st runner up , sub title Body Beautiful
Riddhi Wagh 2nd -runner up , sub title Photogenic
Riya Mohan -winner, sub title Best Ram Walk
Bhakti Jamsandekar -1st runner up, sub title Best Photogenic
Swagatika Das– 2nd runner up, sub title Miss Popular
Ayush Lotlikar – winner, Sub title best Ramp Walk
Swarup Thakur – 1st runner up ,sub title Perfect Body
Parth Pawar – 2nd runner up, sub title Mr Attitude
Yogita Pawar – winner , sub title Mrs Shining Star
Pooja Pathade – 1st runner up , Mrs Photogenic
Soni Pillai – 2nd runner up , Sub title Mrs Beautiful Hair
Sub Title Winners
Sanjay Desai – Mr. Glowing Skin
Kartik Damodar Belgekar – Mr Photogenic
Akshay Vijay Bidvi – Mr. Popular
Prabin Chawda – Mr. Active
Sub Title Miss category
Anu Singh – Miss Attitude
Surbhi Supekar – Miss Style Icon
Sub Title Teen
Anushka Harake – Beautiful Hair
Team of Wonder Web World congratulates all the winners, runner ups and participants reaching finale which itself is equal to winner.
On 17th Sept Finale Of Miss & Mrs Top model 2021 was held in Jaipur. Mr Rakesh Sabharwal Bollywood Producer Director of Prince Movies was invited as Jury with other 4 Jury members. Actress Model Ragini Chaurasia from Mumbai, Dr Pareen Somani from UK, Dr Shalini Rajender Sharma along with Ruby Khan made the presence felt and glamourised the show. Crowning was Done by Mr Rakesh Sabharwal and other respectable Jury Members.
Contestants all over India participated and gave their marvellous performance Jury member were at task to select a single winner and runner ups.
सोनाली यादव बनीं मिस टॉप मॉडल इंडिया 2021, सांगे चौम थोनगन के सर पर सजा मिसेज टॉप मॉडल इंडिया 2021 का ताज।
— कीर्ति आडमने ने अपने नाम किया मिस टॉप मॉडल इंटरनेशनल 2021 का टाइटल क्राउन।
आलमीन स्टूडियो की ओर से आयोजित मिस व मिसेज केटेगरी के नेशनल लेवल ब्यूटी पेजेंट “मिस एन्ड मिसेज टॉप मॉडल इंडिया सीजन 2” के ग्रैंड फिनाले का आयोजन शुक्रवार को राजधानी जयपुर में आमेर रोड स्थित होटल गलिट्ज़ में किया गया। जिसमें फिनाले के लिए सेलेक्ट हुईं टोटल 30 पार्टिसिपेंट्स ने ट्रेडिशनल, इंडो वेस्टर्न व स्पार्कल डिजाइनिंग आउटफिट्स थीम पर टोटल तीन राउंड्स में कम्पलीट हुए फैशन सीक्वेंस में रैंप वॉक कर अपने टैलेंट को शोकेस किया।
आयोजक अशफाक शाह ने बताया कि यह राजस्थान में आयोजित होने वाला नेशनल लेवल का ब्यूटी पेजेंट है। इस पेजेंट में देश के पाँच अलग अलग राज्यों से प्रतिभागियों ने हिस्सा लिया है। टोटल 30 मॉडल्स का चयन फिनाले राउंड के लिए किया गया है। जिसमें मिस केटेगरी की 13 व मिसेज केटेगरी की 17 मॉडल्स शामिल हैं। सभी ने अपने अपने लेवल पर डिफरेंट एक्टिविटीज के जरिए जूरी मेंबर्स को इम्प्रेस किया।
इस ग्रैंड फिनाले इवेंट में ड्रेसेज कलेक्शन डिज़ाइनर रजनी कौर खान व शालिनी शर्मा द्वारा एवं ज्वेलरी कलेक्शन ममता राठौड़ ने शोकेस किया। मॉडल्स का खूबसूरत मेकओवर जया सोलंकी व ज्योति मनराल द्वारा किया गया।
पेजेंट के जूरी पैनल में डॉ शालिनी राजेन्द्र शर्मा, रागिनी चौरसिया, डॉ परीन सोमानी, राकेश सभरवाल व रूबी खान उपस्थित रहे। कार्यक्रम में स्पेशल गेस्ट बिमल अग्रवाल व पूर्व मेयर ज्योति खंडेलवाल रहे। इस पेजेंट के मेंटर पवन टांक व अयूब मंसूरी हैं। इस पेजेंट की कोरियोग्राफी व ग्रूमिंग दीपाली खमर ने की।
मिस केटेगरी में राधिका कुमारी फर्स्ट रनरअप, खुशी अरोड़ा सेकेंड रनरअप, प्रियंबदा थर्ड रनरअप रहीं। वहीं मिसेज केटेगरी में कल्पना शर्मा फर्स्ट रनरअप, शमा दुबे सेकेंड रनरअप रहीं।
मिसेज केटेगरी के प्लस साइज कम्पटीशन में सिया शर्मा विनर, सुपर्णा मैत्री फर्स्ट रनरअप और कीर्ति छेत्री सेकेंड रनरअप रहीं।
Team of Wonder Web World congratulates all the winners, runner ups and participants reaching finale which itself is equal to winner.
Royal Femme Club is a ladies group launched on 26th September at Andheri West by it’s Founder Mrs. Kajal Rochwani along with it’s Co-Founder Chaitali Chatterjee and it’s Core Founding Member Runa Chowdhury.
Chief Guest Dr. Bharati Laveker inaugurated the Event along with Guest of Honors Shri Yogiraj Dabhadkar – Corporater Ward 60, Ranjana Patil – Corporater Ward 63, Mrs. Deepa Udit Narayan, Ms. Nandita Puri, Producer & Director Shri Rakesh Sarang, Actor Ali Asgar, Actor Anang Desai, Actress & Producer Rituparna Sengupta, Dr. Atul Wankhede (Practicing Orthopaedic Surgeon Sports Injury & Knee Replacement Specialist)
Other Guest of Honors were Producer Animesh Sarang, Successful Entrepreneur Maria Samuel, Personality Groomer Sima Babani & Social Media Influencer & Indian actress Leslie Tripathy.
The entire Event was managed by “ShreOM Communications & Solutions” and Community Partner for the Event was “WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave”.
An amazing group performance was presented by Sneh Kala Kendra.
Royal Femme Club thanks it’s Supporters Mr. Naveen Kumar from Insurance Industry, Meenu Verma (Director of IFTM), Sushmita Srivastav (Owner of Global Chaska), Shivani Creations, Jyoti Zevar by Jyoti Agarwal, Buffy Hygienic & ISO Certtified Products.
Gifting Partners for the Event were Vedi Beauty Products, Meh-Man Gifting Solutions, Floral Designer & Event Planner Shaoli & Natures Vibe Hygiene Products.
Royal Femme Group is brain-child of it’s Founder Mrs. Kajal Rochwani. This club is created to help and support Women to empower themselves and grow socially. It also supports women entrepreneurs by offering interacting and Networking opportunities through social media and Events. Along with this, Royal Femme Club supports various talents to associate and grow in Entertainment Industry by giving them platform to showcase their talent. Royal Femme Club also has planned various cultural events in future under it’s umbrella.
To connect for further events: Email at
World Book of Records ( UK ) and South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) felicitates 100 personalities of global presence conducted by Santosh Shukla- Supreme Court , Advocate ( President and CEO , World Book of Records ) and supported by Usman Khan Music Director , Vice President – WBR – India
Hon’ble Shri Ramdas Athawale ( Union Minister , Govt . of India ) , Shri Akhilesh Mishra ( High Commissioner , Republic of Ireland ) , Shri Udit Narayan and Shri Sameer Anjaan graced the occasion.
INDORE : One of the prestigious organization working at global level , World Book of Records , London ( UK ) with the collaboration of South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) has organized Award Ceremony . The ceremony was held in Indore ( Madhya Pradesh ) India to honour and felicitate those who performed well in their respective fields . This was informed by Shri Santosh Shukla , Supreme Court , Advocate ( President and CEO , World Book of Records ) .
The Award Ceremony was graced by Hon’ble Ramdas Athawale ( Union Minister , Govt . of India ) being the chief guest along with Shri Akhilesh Mishra ( High Commissioner , Republic of Ireland ) , Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe ( Chairman , All India Council for Technical Education ( AICTE ) ) , Dr. Diwakar Sukul ( Chairman , World Book of Records , England ) , Shri Shankar Lalwani ( Member of Parliament ) , Shri Udit Narayan ( Legendry Playback Singer ) , Shri Sameer Anjaan ( Prominent Lyricist ) , Shri Sanjay Shukla ( Principal Secretary , Govt . of MP ) , Major General Arvind Kapoor ( India Army ) , Shri Varun Kapoor , IPS ( Additional Director General of Police ) , Shri Shaileshbhai Mehta ( MLA ) , Shri Sanjay Shukla ( MLA ) , Shri Sanjay Singh Masani ( Vice President , MPCC ) , Usman Khan ( Music Director , Vice President – WBR – India ), Parul Chawla (Picture N Kraft ) and other prominent guests .
On this occasion , esteemed guests presented certificate and mementos to all Awardees of World Book of Records and certificates to South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) . At the ceremony , Overseas Volume of World Book of Records , London and Alma Today were released by esteemed guests . Meanwhile , bestowing of Certificate of Investiture of South Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( SACCI ) were presented by the guests of the ceremony .
Shri Kalraj Mishra ( Hon’ble Governor , Himachal Pradesh ) , Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot ( Hon’ble Governor , Karnataka ) , Shri Virendra Sharma ( Member of Parliament , England ) , Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan ( Hon’ble Chief Minister , Madhya Pradesh ) , Shri Rajeev Shukla ( Former Union Minister , Govt . of India ) congratulated for the Success of the ceremony .
The ceremony was conducted by Shri Santosh Shukla , Supreme Court , Advocate ( President , World Book of Records , London ) and vote of thanks was given by Shri Vikram Trivedi and Dr. Bharat Sharma ( Ministry of Culture , Govt . of India ) .
A believer of ‘The Show Must Go On’ Santosh Shukla who lost his father on the day of the award show marked his presence at the event despite the grief.
Amarcine Production’s of Mumbai managed by Amar Bedi . He started producing short films , award shows,events from a very young age.Mr Amar Bedi produced first webseries FUKRI FAMILY, for which the shooting us going on in mumbai and near by areas.The webseries was conceptualized by Team of Fukri Family.
The main Castof Fukri family is Amar Bedi , actress Daljeet Kaur, Famous Singer Ashoo Punjabi and Aleem Tahil .In every episode new characters are introduced . By This is a comedy serial which is full of humour and laughter. Recently Amarcine conducted Press confrence to announce the telecast of First episode of Fukri Family.
Title Music to Fukri family song is given by Tarun Jaitley and sung by Ashoo Punjabi jee.
NAGMA KHAN Ethereally Gorgeous model who has great sense of Style Whether on ramp or otherwise whatever she does. She is a person who is all about good vibes amazing experiences higher goals and keeping focused on what makes her unique.
NAGMA is a girl whose smile is open and whose expression is so glad has a kind of beauty No matter what she wears.
Though Beauty is hard to define but it’s easy to recognise but only by the persons who have a pure and beautiful mind.
Still , from time to time, the definition of beauty has been changing. In today’s world beauty has been defined as a combination of certain qualities such as shape colour figure features and form, that pleases the aesthetic senses especially the sight. Beauty isn’t just how you look outside but who you are on the inside is what determines true beauty .
And this pretty girl NAGMA is as pretty outside so is she pretty at heart. Beauty is the radiance of your soul. She is a strong believer of the fact that dreams do come true if seen with candid eyes and crystal clear heart. Her persistence paid her off with numerous awards and Titles in various pageants coutures and fashion shows.
NAGMA is a girl with extraordinary vibrancy and she set about her task with Zeal. An adorable girl
With a zest for life. She believes that simplicity reveals the true beauty of life and it’s quite right as the Nature itself is pleased with simplicity and mind it , Nature is no dummy.
Keep going dear until you reach your destination.
NAGMA, a sweet charming alluring attractive vivacious voluptuous glamorous beautiful and being in media and social activities and above all very very talented artiste with 5.4 inch without heal with fantastic figure.
At present she has been signed to play lead in romantic music video, song rendered by Munni Badnam Hui fame Mamta Sharma n penned by Ravi Chopra.
This song is picturised by director Keval Kumar.
During rehearsal we have seen her dancing skill, director Keval Kumar is sure this song will make are super dancer with her talents.
At present she is director in world’s first event MOM DAD GOD OF UNIVERSE , which will honour the parents who have given best to their children.
For Nagma Khan Sky is not limit for her… Space is the limit for her.
We wish all the best to Naghma Khan.
The World book of records, London, honored Miss World America Washington Shree Saini for her relentless efforts in the fight against COVID-19. Her efforts were awarded with a ‘Certificate of Commitment’ and was globally acknowledged for her efforts and tireless work in battling the pandemic.
The official account of Shree Saini took to Instagram and shared the news with everyone. She wrote, “Honorable Wilhelm Jezler, the head of all Europe operations, sent “The World Book of Records” certificate for my loving service work with COVID Relief. This certificate came as an encouraging gesture because I have been volunteering with hundreds of nonprofit organizations. For this recognition, I was nominated by Mr. Bharat Goradia ji. He called me to congratulate me for my social service work. I am deeply grateful to him for being my mentor.
World Book of Records – Switzerland has launched a Global Pledge Campaign to promote safety and universality against Covid-19. This Pledge is an effort to make our planet a happy and livable place for one and all. Shree Saini is associated with hundreds of NGOs across globe during this covid pandemic she has donated clothes, groceries, food and raised funds to help needy people.
Shree Saini gives her heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Julia Morley, Mr. Steve Douglas, owners and team of Miss World organization for inspiring her to make a positive change.
——-Pigeon Media (Abhishek Dubey)
Raj Surani discovers a rapper in Shanmukha Priya as she delivers her first ever Rap Performance at the Teaser Launch Of their music series along with Indian Idol winner Pawandeep Rajan and Arunita Kanjilal.
She is pretty. She is young. She is vivacious and what is more? She has her feet firmly planted on the ground. She is Shanmukha Priya, the one who won the Netizen’s hearts for her fabulous performance across Indian Idol 12!
Not being from the entertainment industry didn’t stop her from proving her mettle in the industry! Shanmukha Priya chose to hone her vocal histrionics well before she entered the industry. “It was a great learning experience. I didn’t even join Indian Idol to win, I joined because I wanted to sing. The fact that I got selected itself is a victory!” Noticed for her stellar performance in the same, Raj Surani signed her for a multi-song series alongwith her Indian Idol contemporaries!
Apart from realm of music, Shanmukha Priya is also a newly turned sensation on social media. With close to a three hundred and fifty thousand followers on her verified Instagram profile, her posts garner thousands of likes and hundreds of comments from well-wishers and fans alike! A true fashionista in the making, she has also proved to be a role model for youngsters with her new braided hairdo complimented with a red and jazzy bright jacket as she accompanied fellow Indian Idol contemporaries, Indian Idol 12 winner Pawandeep Rajan and runner-up Arunita Kanjilal.
Produced by Raj Surani under the Octopus Entertainment banner, the 5-song musical fiesta includes stellar performances along with fellow Indian Idol contestants and newly crowned winner Pawandeep Rajan along with runner-up Arunita Kanjilal. Held at their studios in Andheri, the fun-filled musical fiesta saw Shanmukha Priya set the stage on fire with her rap number. “She touched the soul of rap fans in India with her hard-hitting rap vocal delivery,” he said while adding, “She’s got a voice that is international and is as unique as it gets!”
Having received critical acclaim and love for her versatility and musical prowess, Shanmukha Priya has taken Indian classical music form and has often, effectively, blended with western vocals across multiple genres including Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Roll, Jazz et al. Interestingly, inspired by Kishore Kumar, she also took on yodeling and has repeatedly enchanted the audience with her vocal style and technique.
Her performance, alongside her contemporaries in Raj Surani’s music series has been trending on the social media-verse ever-since! Watch out this space for more…
Tashkent: The second day was marked to India after the grand opening of Tashkent International Film Festival -‘The Pearl of The Silk Road’ at Alisher Navoi Cinema Palace Tashkent Uzbekistan. The show was stole by the renowned film, television and media personality Sandeep Marwah, the seven times World Record Holder in media, while addressing the international audience.
Sandeep Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios, and founder Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, He is teacher to 19000 Media professionals and producer of 3000 short films. He believes in film tourism and Marwah Studios has attracted three million people from 145 countries of the World to Noida Film City including Uzbekistan.
“Indo Uzbekistan Friendship Zindabad. Indo Uzbekistan Film and Cultural Forum is trying the level best to develop and promote relation between the people of India and Uzbekistan through films, television, art, and culture. We are trying to bring love, peace and unity through art and culture. I extend my special thanks to H.E. Manish Prabhat Indian Ambassador to Uzbekistan and H.E. Dilshad Akhtov Ambassador of Uzbekistan to India ,” said Sandeep Marwah who was invited on the stage for number of times.
Ambassador of India to Uzbekistan H.E. Manish Prabhat, renowned producer director and actor Randhir Kapoor, film director Rahul Rawail and Umesh Mehra, Actor Mithun Chakraroborty, Rahul Bhat, Art Promoter Karim Morani & B.R. Saini. BJP Leader Anand Sahu, President IIFF Russia Sarfaraz Alam, Additional Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Government of India Neerja Shekhar, Director Lal Bahadur Shastri Centre for Indian Culture Tashkent Prof. Chander Shekhar and ADG Prasar Bharti Sunil were also present there.
The organisers of the show are 2 kids Shams Rathod and Jayant Bagda.
In view of the increasing popularity of reality shows, a unique type of reality show “Hum Hai Gully Guys Boys & Girls”was launched in Mumbai. The special thing about this talent hunt show is that its organisers are 2 children Shams Rathod and Jayant Bagda. The press conference of this reality show was organised in the Press Club of Mumbai where a large number of media was present.
This Talent Hunt India 2021) upcoming fashion show will give a chance to all types of artists. Free registration can be done to participate in this. There will be no age limit to participate in this and there is no take, no retake and no audition. This unique fashion show will include ramp walk, reality show, choreography, photoshoot, make over, grooming.
Organizer Shams Rathod told that this show will continue for 3 days. So if you are an artist then you register and take advantage of this golden opportunity.There will be free registration in this event to be held for 3 days, audition will not be taken. The show will take place in a big resort or five star hotel in Mumbai.
The show Bigg Boss, which is being anchored by Salman Khan, is decided after 3 months while the finale of Hum Hain Gully Guys will be held in 3 days with grooming.
Many people associated with this reality show were present at the launch. Apart from the organisers children Shams Rathod and Jayant Baghda, Nadeem Sheikh, Priya Baghda, Iqbal Vora, Priya Rathod, Nitin Tayde (President Maria Cricket Academy Azad Maidan), Mushtaq Chanawala (Vice President) were present.
This reality show has a different concept in itself where it is happening for the first time that two underage kids are organizing such a fashion show, ramp walk. The confidence that was visible in the words of both the children, Shams and Jayant, seemed to have made a lot of preparations. Although he said that his parents will be very supportive in this whole matter, because parents have encouraged him a lot and we want talent from all over the country to participate in this competition, our team will hone his talent and make him perform. will provide the platform for
Priya Bagda said that the winners of this reality show will also be given a chance to act in music videos and films to be produced under the banner of Priya Films Cine Vision. To participate in Priya Films Cine Vision Presents Hum Hain Gully Guys and to get more information on this matter, you can visit this website to see the details.
The responsibility of Event Management & PR in this reality show is being performed by Fame Media (Wasim Siddiqui and Najma Shaikh).
——Fame Media (Wasim Siddique_
Chintan Bakiwala And Parhham Presents Chale Jane Ke Baad Song Releasing on 1st October 2021 it is Tribute To Corona Warriors.
एक भावपूर्ण श्रद्धांजलि गीत चले जाने के बाद सभी कोरोना योद्धाओं, कोविड पीड़ितों, पैरामेडिकल टीम, अग्रिम पंक्ति के योद्धाओं और उनके परिवारों को समर्पित है, जिन्होंने महामारी के दौरान अपने प्रियजनों को खो दिया है । 1 अक्टूबर 2021 को दुनिया भर में प्रदर्शित होने जा रहा है। इस गाने को गायक चिंतन बाकीवाला ने गाया है, संगीत दिया है समरपित गोलानी (मुंबई) ने ,गीतकार राहुल यादव (मुंबई), अर्पित दवानी (मुंबई) ने डायरेक्ट किया है, मिक्स एंड मास्टर्ड दीपेश शर्मा बटालवी (एल.ए.) और एडिटिंग देव प्रजापति (मुंबई) ने किया है।
Watch The Teaser Of the Song
Tashkent: Renowned film and television personality and Chair for Indo Uzbekistan Film and Cultural Forum Sandeep Marwah was the special invitee at the Tashkent International Film Festival 2021 open today here at Alisher Navoi Cinema Palace in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
“It is great pleasure to attend the film festival almost after two years of Pandemic in any country to that scale. The excitement and enthusiasm is at its peak. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet film makers and artist from almost 15 countries including USA, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Israel, India, Italy, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Poland, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan,” said Sandeep Marwah founder President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts.
“It is the beautiful amalgamation of cinema and other arts. The grand opening of the festival won the hearts of every film person from so many countries. Music , dance and singing added colours to the show. Tom we will enjoy the India day,” added Marwah.
The festival will move till 3rd October. Indo Uzbekistan Film and Cultural Forum will highlight all the points of film festival. Large number of members from Indian Film Fraternity could be seen at the festival.
Sandeep Marwah was accompanied by Mrs Reena Marwah.
सिंगर संदीप के नए गाने ‘राइट टू लेफ्ट’ को के2 रिकॉर्ड्स एंड मैक जी द्वारा रिलीज कर दिया गया है। पीटीसी पंजाबी चैनल पर इस गीत का अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर रिलीज हुआ। इस गीत को मशहूर गीतकार कप्तान ने लिखा है जो बॉलीवुड सनसनी सिंगर नेहा कक्कड़ के कई गीतों को लिख चुके हैं। यह गीत रिलीज होते ही श्रोताओं के बीच काफी लोकप्रिय हो गया और देखते ही देखते मिलियन व्यूज मिल गया। संदीप के इस गाने के प्रति लोगों की ऐसी दीवानगी रही कि जिस एप पर रिलीज हुआ उसका सर्वर क्रैश हो गया। अपने गाने को पसंद किए जाने पर संदीप ने ऑडियंस का धन्यवाद ज्ञापित किया।
इसके पहले संदीप की तीन गीतों ‘जट्टी दी यारी, चॉकलेट और गोली वरगी’ ने म्यूजिक मार्केट में तहलका मचा दिया था।
आपको बता दें कि भारतीय मूल की पंजाब के बरनाला में जन्मी संदीप का बचपन से ही संगीत की ओर झुकाव था। आज भारत की यह बेटी यूके में रहती है किंतु अब भी अपने जन्मभूमि की मिट्टी से जुड़ी है। इन्होंने पढ़ाई करते हुए अनेक संगीत प्रतियोगिताओं में हिस्सा लिया। बचपन के शौक को उन्होंने पूरे जद्दोजहद से अपने जीवन का अभिन्न अंग बनाया। इसके लिए संदीप ने विधिवत शास्त्रीय संगीत की शिक्षा उस्ताद हरविंदर सिंह मोहनी के संगीत अकादमी से ग्रहण की जो पंजाब के मोहाली में स्थित है।
संदीप को 50 और 60 के दशक के क्लासिक गाने सुनना बेहद पसंद है। उनके पसंदीदा गायक लता मंगेशकर, आशा भोंसले और मो. रफी हैं।
सुखविंदर, आतिफ़ असलम, श्रेया घोषाल और अरिजीत भी संदीप के पसंदीदा गायक हैं। वहीं पंजाबी गायक निमरत खैरा, सुनंदा शर्मा और रूपिंदर हांडा उनके पसंदीदा गायक गायिका और प्रेरणा स्त्रोत हैं। वर्तमान समय के पंजाबी गायिका अफसाना खान और गुलरेज अख्तर के गाने संदीप को बेहद पसंद है और इनके गाने उन्हें आगे बढ़ने और गायन क्षेत्र में कुछ नया और अलग करने की प्रेरणा देते हैं। 60 के दशक के फिल्मी गानों को सुनने की वह जबरदस्त शौकीन है।
विद्या बालन उनकी प्रिय अभिनेत्री है। वह निर्देशक संजय लीला भंसाली की फिल्मों को ना देखे ऐसा संभव ही नहीं हैं। संदीप को कविता, सूफी गीत और साहित्यिक पुस्तकें पढ़ना अच्छा लगता है।
संदीप कहती हैं कि वर्तमान समय में मैं यूके में रहती हूँ, जो मेरे जीवन का बेहतरीन समय है। मैं एक माध्यम वर्गीय पंजाबी परिवार की लड़की हूँ। भले ही मैं यूके में रहती हूं पर पंजाब मुझसे दूर नहीं है और यूके की सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि यहाँ मुझे भारत की हर वस्तु आसानी से उपलब्ध हो जाती है, चाहे वो खाने पीने की वस्तु हो या बाजार, गुरुद्वारा और मंदिर। लेकिन मैं यूके की संस्कृति को भी सीखने की कोशिश कर रही हूँ।
के2 रिकॉर्ड्स मेरी रिकॉर्ड कंपनी और मैनेजमेंट है। इन्होंने मुझे बड़े बजट के गाने दिलवाए हैं और मेरे सभी गानों को दुनिया भर में रिलीज किया गया। जिसे संगीत प्रेमियों और दर्शकों ने खूब सराहा। तीनों गीत को यू ट्यूब और सोशल मीडिया पर लाखों व्यूज और शानदार कमेंट्स मिले। ‘राइट टू लेफ्ट’ विश्व प्रसिद्ध डॉक्टर ज़्यूस के साथ में हैं जिसे प्रसिद्ध पंजाबी गीतकार कप्तान ने लिखा है। इस गीत के म्यूजिक वीडियो को यूके की ऐतिहासिक शहर ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड में फिल्माया गया है।
संदीप आगे कहती हैं कि अभी मेरे पास दो गीत विश्व प्रसिद्ध रैपर और संगीत निर्माता रोच किला द्वारा निर्मित गीत है। इसके गीतकार मेरे पसंदीदा गीतकार कप्तान ही हैं। गीतकार कप्तान द्वारा लिखे सभी गानों को एक साथ एक संपूर्ण एल्बम के रूप में पेश करने की सोचा जा रहा है। जिसके लिए पूरी दुनिया से विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रसिद्ध म्यूजिक निर्माताओं को एक ही स्टेज में साथ लाने की योजना बना रहे हैं, जल्द ही इसकी घोषणा के2 रिकॉर्ड द्वारा कर दी जाएगी। मेरे पास कई फिल्मों के प्रस्ताव आ रहे हैं, लेकिन मैं 2022 तक अपनी कंपनी की ओर से अपनी पहली फ़िल्म निर्माण की योजना बना रही हूं। इसकी तैयारी के लिए फ़िल्म कलाकारों का एक ग्रुप हमारे पास है। जिस तरह एक पॉप आर्टिस्ट को यूके में प्रमोट किया जाता है उसी पैटर्न में मेरे करिअर को आगे बढ़ने के लिए के2 मुझे प्रमोट कर रही है। उनकी एक निश्चित योजना है जिसके तहत मेरी हर चीज की जिम्मेदारी उनकी है। के2 रिकॉर्ड्स द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए विशेषज्ञों के द्वारा मेरी छवि, ड्रेस, रंगरूप आदि की देखभाल की जाती है। मेरे पास मेरे लुक्स और छवि को उभारने और सजाने के लिए मेरे साथ काम करने वालों की एक टीम है।
जाने-माने लेखकों का एक समूह मेरे लिए गीत लिख रहा है। मेरा काम अपनी सिंगिंग और अपनी फिटनेस पर ध्यान देना है। मेरे जीवन के सभी पहलुओं को के2 रिकॉर्ड्स ने संभाल लिया है। मुझे उम्मीद है कि एक दिन मैं पार्श्वगायक के रूप में बॉलीवुड में काम करूंगी।
बॉलीवुड में पार्श्वगायक के रूप काम करना मुझे पसंद है और मेरा सपना है। यूके में स्थित अपने परिवार और के2 रिकार्ड्स तथा उसके पूरे स्टॉफ, साथ ही चंडीगढ़ के सारे स्टाफ सहित मुम्बई के राहुल को मेरा साथ देने के लिए धन्यवाद देती हूँ।
Meera of literature : POOJASHREE Writer – Poet
PoojaShree, who trampled the scorching sands of Rajasthan and reached Mumbai ,The Mayanagari, while preserving the art and culture of India in her literature Poojashree, who has created more than 18 books in both Hindi and Rajasthani languages, was born on March 29, 1951. Since childhood, Poojashree, who has given form to thoughts, feelings with her words, is a literary gem in the Master of Arts. She has full authority over Hindi, Sanskrit, Rajasthani and Urdu languages. At the same time, she holds the highest position in today’s Hindi literature. Poojashree boldly does not hesitate to attack the evils, policies of the society with her writing and continues her literary journey.
‘Panghat’ (poetry collection), ‘Rekhain’ (poetry collection), ‘Rat Hai Ratnalia’ (Rajasthani Poetry Collection), ‘Nari If Chahte Toh’ (story collection), ‘Mere Aaradhya’ (devotional poetry collection), ‘Desh Me’ (Desh Bhakti Songs), ‘Ram Katha and Tulsidas’ (Prose and Poetry), ‘Pranay Parag’ (Poetry Collection), ‘Pseudovesh’, ‘Olakh Ra Ujiara’ (Rajasthani Story Collection), ‘Shubh Mangal’ (Rajasthani Poetry Collection), ‘Tishnagi’ (Nazm Collection), ‘Rosni Ri Sui’ (Rajasthani Poetry Collection), ‘Zindagani Ri Jogan’ (Rajasthani Poetry Collection), ‘Abhilasha’ (Saras Akhand Poetry), ‘Melo’ (Rajasthani), Many books like ‘Vande Mataram Children’s Literature, Children’s Literature’ (Rajasthani), ‘Satyamev Jayate’ (Hindi), and ‘Yog Kaval’ by Poojashree have reached the readers. Three other books of Poojashree are under publication at present.
Considering her authorship quality, Sahitya Award by Manas Sangam (Kanpur), Smt. Jai Devi Shukla Award by National Spirit Memorial, Janpadiya Award for Rajasthani Songs and Sahitya Shree Award by Manav Kalyan Sangh (Sahitya Lok), Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh. , Public honor by Hum Sab Sanstha (Thane, Maharashtra), Kavitri Mahadevi Varma Award by Akhil Bharatiya Sahikar Abhinandan Samiti (Mathura, Uttar Pradesh), Letter of Honor by Sahityakar Sammelan (Ujjain), Munshi Premchand Sahitya Puruskar by Maharashtra State Sahitya Akademi, Narayani Sahitya The Academy (Delhi) has been honored with Narayani Samman and many other awards. Poojashree, who has been published in all the major newspapers and magazines of the country and abroad, read her first stage work on the soil of Mumbai and is known as Meera of Literature. Poojashree struggled a lot to spread the message of service, dedication, cooperation and goodwill through literature and her struggle continues even today.
According to Poojashree today English is dominated. In today’s era, Hindi literature seems to be coming out of the courses… This is not a good sign. I have dedicated my time, life and everything to literature. I wish that the message-oriented literature reaches the readers.
I wish to serve the society through literature untill my last breath….
In spite of corona pandemic scare looming large, Chairman and Managing Director of Pearl Group of Companies as well as Chief Executive editor and owner of Cine Buster Magazine Pvt Ltd, Mr Ronnie Rodrigues decided to fly the entire staff working with him alongside his family, relatives and close friends to London, United Kingdom. On 18 September 2021 the banquet hall of Tower suites by Blue Orchid Hotel was abuzz with party preparation since morning. Ronnie sir has flown an ace DJ Alex from India for this particular party and he along with one of the local event organisers made impressive arrangements. Mr Ashwin and Mr Kevin from Cine Buster, too were working hard to make the party success.
In the evening everyone, who were flown in from Mumbai, gathered to welcome dear Ronnie sir. A few local Indians, known to Mr Ramakant of Munde News channel, who is a photo news editor of Cine Buster magazine were too invited for this bash. Everyone welcomed Ronnie sir who was escorted by a quartet of London beauties. Immediately the dance floor was thrown open and Ronnie sir in his impeccable style gave superlative dancing performances along side London beauties. Most of the guests joined him and the dance floor witnessed different flavours of dancing.
Ronnie sir must be the only host who gave away plenty of currency notes, showering them in an Indian tradition. He must be the Only host who indulged in a British currency shower on the dance floor. The dance floor was in the sea of sterling pounds. All Londonites were awestruck watching this as they never have witnessed a scene like this in any party hosted by an Indian in London. That’s the uniqeness of Ronnie sir as he always maintains that Indians are no less supreme than any countrymen, including Britishers.
There was fun and floric around as the dance floor witnessed Ronnie sir gyrating to his favourite Bollwood numbers including ‘Main Hun Don…’,
‘Deva ShriGanesha….’. There was booze flowing around in abundance and Continental food was served. But the only snag was that in place of Indian rice, Italian rice was served. ‘Italian rice is expensive all around the world but it’s eaten in the slums of Mumbai’s Dharavi province’, expressed Ronnie sir. Irony is the poor people in the slums of Dharavi eat this kind of rice which is served as a delicacy in Five Star hotels abroad at an exorbitant price.
Indian film producer, director and actor Nielesh Malhotra flew in from Germany to attend this Birthday bash. British Indian businessman Hemant Kukhedia, alongwith his better half Harshika,
attended this party despite a hip replacement surgery done a few months back. Noted Indian still photographer, Ratan Bhatia, who gets a call from Shahrukh Khan the moment SRK lands at the Heathrow airport, London, also attended this do with his better half, Reema. Ratan ji is a very respected name in Bollywood still photography and after doing Yash Raj Film’s “Mohabbatein” starring Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai and Shahrukh Khan, he shifted base to London.
The next day Ronnie sir celebrated his cousin Savio’s birthday, with a lot of pomp in London. With a heavy voice Savio expressed gratitude and was extensively happy.
The man with the golden heart, Ronnie Rodrigues treats his employees as a family. Another example being one of the employees, Sonali, is getting married in a couple of months and Ronnie sir gave her a surprise gift which brought tears to her eyes. Ronnie sir presented her an expensive diamond studded Choker necklace as an advance wedding gift. This gesture made many teary eyed. This party too was a success with heavy duty music, dancing and dining. This party too witnessed heavy “currency shower” from Ronnie sir. Another aspect of his gold hearted personality being he heavily tipped in sterling pounds to the hotel staff for the hard work they put in during the party.
All in all, everybody had a gala time and a blast in Indian businessman Ronnie Rodrigues’ mind blowing birthday party in London.
Pics : Ramakant Munde
Namrata Sharma actress of rare calibre has just completed the shoot of her debut song Dard E Tanhaai In Kullu Manali With Mandeep Gujjar. As a debut acting assignment she has done justice to her role and has given million dollar performance to her character. She is also the producer of the album which is being released very soon on popular channel and social media platforms.
About song Dard E Tanhaai it has been recorded in the golden voice of Mohammad Irfan And Sana Aziz and melodious music of Nikhil Kamath. It is being produced under her own banner of Namrata Sharma Productions with lyrics and direction by welknown director Alok Shrivastava..
When asked about her experience on working with well known director of bollywood Alok Shrivastava She says ”it was like a dream come true I had never thought even in my dream that one day i will be working with established director and that personality will be directing me in my debut assignment, I thanks God for giving me such an opportunity, she adds working with Alokji gave me confidence in facing camera and he is very polite and soft spoken personality I have ever met.
She has planned to release this song very soon once post production is completed with proper planning. First she will be releasing the teaser of the song. She is so excited with the result and making of song she has planned to go on making her first Bollywood Film once this song Dard E Tanhaai is released.
We the team of Wonder Web World Wish her Best Wishes for her Beautiful Film Journey.
डॉ राज सिंह की लिखी देशभक्ति गीत ‘वंदे भारत’ की हुई रिकॉर्डिंग
मुम्बई। हाल ही में बॉलीवुड के मशहूर संगीतकार दिलीप सेन ने डॉ राज सिंह द्वारा लिखी देशभक्ति गीत ‘वन्दे भारत’ को सुप्रसिद्ध पार्श्व गायिका साधना सरगम की आवाज़ में रिकॉर्ड किया। ओम मोशन इंटरटेनमेंट के बैनर तले बन रही इस अलबम के निर्माता राकेश पांडे और मुकेश पांडे हैं वहीं पंकज जयरथ लाइन प्रोड्यूसर हैं।
आपको बता दें कि डॉ राज सिंह गवर्नमेंट ऑफ इंडिया के अंतर्गत मिनिस्ट्री ऑफ कॉरपोरेट अफेयर्स में बतौर रीजनल डायरेक्टर पदस्थ हैं। साथ ही वे साहित्य जगत से भी जुड़े हुए हैं और अब तक उनकी लिखी सौ से भी अधिक कविताएं विभिन्न अखबारों में प्रकाशित हो चुकी हैं।
‘वंदे भारत’ म्यूजिक वीडियो के साथ डॉ राज सिंह बॉलीवुड में डेब्यू करने जा रहे हैं।
निर्माता राकेश पांडे और मुकेश पांडे ने कहा कि हम प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी को यह गीत समर्पित कर रहे हैं। इसकी वीडियो शूटिंग बहुत जल्द शुरू की जाएगी तथा अगले महीने किसी अच्छे म्यूजिक कम्पनी द्वारा रिलीज कर दी जाएगी।
———Fame Media
Excusive News by RAJA SARFARAZ
Everything that has Emotion of art, Heritage and Aesthetics is Precious treasure of our society and its Nation especially.Girls these days are doing wonderful from Earth to space, Science,technology,craftsmanship, Education,Medicine, Sports .Finding new inspirational stories we came across a New Wonder Girl Kavya Kiran a Self made Talent Crafted as a skilled Classical Dancer and having an excellence in Acting now.Kavya one of the Promising Actress not only Bollywood but Ollywood who is already Apple of eye to millions.Besides Acting and Dancing the wonder girl is in Timeline of TV commercials and Print Shoots as well Showcasing its diversity of Talent and being appreciated.
Kavya has not only brought Laurel to her family but her Native State and as a Youth Icon and one of the Top rated actress in regional Cinema as well. She has a long list of renowned Projects including some regional films as well as Bollywood films.
“RANG-E-ISHQ” (Hindi) on 24 April 2015
“RAMRATAN” (Hindi) released on 3rd Nov 2017
“RAHASHYA- The mystery within” (Odia) released on 14th Dec 2018
“3G (web series) released on 5th May 2019
“KHUSHI” (Odia) released on 23rd August 2019
“NASHA MENU CHAD GAYA” I have featured T Series promotional song for the movie called ‘ONE DAY-Justice Delivered’ released on 5th July 2019
“FAFUNDI “(Dilemma of Rape Victim) short film is released On Jan 2020.
“BETIYAN” I’m also part of Rajeev Walia’s ministry documentary song.
“RANJHANA” odia music vedio released on
“72 HOURS” (webseris) Taranga Production’s Odia web series Released on 27th March 2020
“RAGHU SARDAR”(Odia) released on 16th August 2021
Kavya Has completed several projects which will be released soon while speaking to here when asked about Upcoming projects she says”
Smiling ! well “I have completed few interesting project which I want to come in-front of audience as soon as possible.It’s very challenging time to show your talent being an outsider!
one Sufi Music Videos music by Rishi Singh soon going to release in 2021. I’ve shot a feature film with Shukhwunder Singh it is titled “NARTAKEE” (Hindi) & PRANK- Webseris (Hindi) as well as Rajeeb Mohanty’s “BHOKA” (Odia) which is yet to release in front of the audience soon but is rather ll be seen in Film festivals.
About Up Next Kavya says
“I have a couple of interesting and content-driven projects in the pipeline which’ll start soon, I am doing Krishna Reddy’s DEVI (Hindi) it’s a bilingual film, I am shooting for two regional projects, One Short film called “Thirteen” & “Expose” web series based on politics”.
The super dedicated girl has no barriers in craftsmanship but follows the methodology of the character and works on it.
When asked about the Lockdown situation Kavya answers were far less than Covid made us strong especially in this tough time we made out inner temperament more Intense, learned a lot from it keeping her fitness at the top.
When asked about message for those who are in industry pr looking forward to joining it Kavya says:
“I want to make actors aware that, we should financially and mentally be strong before entering this industry because it’s very unpredictable, it may take a long time to get proper projects or characters, lots of actors failed to handle rejection! So internally we all need to b strong for those, who belong to small cities.
Such an inspiring story and an iconic remark of Odisha Making Her family and Nation more Proud.
The Odia Girl is creating Magic with talent, beauty and Best Human Nature.
Producer Namrata Sharma has just returned to Mumbai after completing debut music song Dard E Tanhaai with Mandeep Gujjar And Ashmit Shrivastava in the beautiful Locations of Kullu Manalli. Dard E Tanhaai has been recorded in the golden voice of Mohammad Irfan And Sana Aziz and melodious music of Nikhil Kamath. It is being produced under the banner of Namrata Sharma Productions with lyrics and direction by welknown director Alok Shrivastava.
Mohammad Irfan And Sana Aziz have rendered the song very well and is bound to be hit everywhere. The song Dard E Tanhaai has been picturesied on Namrata Sharma which is her debut song as an actress with welknown actor Mandeep Gujjar. She has planned to release this song very soon once post production is completed with proper planning. First she will be releasing the teaser of the song.
Fans of Mandeep Gujjar, Mohammad Irfan And Sana Aziz are eagerly waiting for the song.
New Delhi: The 5th edition of Dr. Sarojini Naidu International Award for Working Women brought light to the 7th Global Literary Festival Noida 2021 when one hundred prominent women were given award for their untiring contribution to the society from India and abroad.
The award was constituted by Asian Academy of Arts in association with AAFT University of Media and Arts, International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry and a powerful women organization called International Women’s Film Forum six years back in a board meeting to highlight, support and honor women who all have contributed to the nation through their services to different strata of life and works of humanity.
“Women is the store of Wealth be it an education, humanity, social science, love and affection, family bonding and so on. She is the master of overall development be it at home or outside, she is a motivator, her presence bring enthusiasm in life and she is the one who teaches Nationalism. I salute all the winners of the prestigious Dr Sarojini Naidu Award,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Chair for SNIAWW.
“Females are the most beautiful, gorgeous creatures in the whole world. And I think that we are gorgeous no matter how we look like. You don’t have to play masculine to be a strong woman,” said H.E. Matsepo Molise-Ramakoae Minister of foreign Affairs and Internal Relations, Government of Lesotho in the capacity of Chief Guest of the show.
A strong woman is a woman determined to do something others are determined not be done,” said H.E. Jacqueline Mukangira High Commissioner of Rwanda to India.
“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness,” added H.E. Hayet Talbi Ambassador of Tunisia to India.
“We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free” said Angelique Monet President of AFI World Peace Initiative “Once you figure out what respect tastes like, it tastes better than attention,” said H.E. Lineo Irene High Commissioner of Lesotho to India.
Dr. Divik Ramesh renowned writer was presented with Life Time Achievement Award by Asian Academy of Arts in the presence of Large audience he narrated his journey and thanked AAA.
The program was conducted by Albeena Abbas Director AAFT Online, vote of thanks proposed by festival Director Sushil Bharti The event was supported by World Peace Development and Research Foundation, International Film and Television Club, International Film And Television Research Centre.
Aamnaa Singh, Aishath Rishmy Rameez (Maldives), Aishwarya Taneja, Aisshwarya Waankhaday, Alaknanda Dasgupta, Amina Omrane (Tunisia), Anamika Gaytam, Anjana Karmakar, Anjana Rawat, Anjana Soni, Anu Priya Arora, Anu Sinha, Arushi Maggo, Asha Deepak Vyas, Asma Arshi, Beenu Gupta, Bharti khatri, Bhavisha Buddhadeo, Chand Trehan, Chandana Raul, Deepa Gupta, Deepika jain, Deepika Masih, Dipti Joshi, Divya Agarwal, Guru Kcalpana Bhushan, H.E. Hayet Talbi (Ambassador of Tunisia), H.E. Jacqueline Mukangira (High Commissioner of Rwanda), H.E. Laila Rahhal El Atfani (UAE), H.E. Mrs. Lineo Irene Molise – Mabusela (Lesotho), Honorable Matsepo Molise-Ramakoae (Lesotho), Jaishree Bhargava, Jasbirr Grover, June Ann, Jyoti Saini Siddiqui, Jyoti Shrivastava, Kaajal Choudhary, Kalpana Makhijani, Kaushaki Sondhi, Kavita Thapliyal, Keya Chanda, Kiran Chopra, Lalita Nijhawan, Liza Varma, Lovely Arora, Madhumita Acharyya Biswas, Mahika Kohli, Mamta Grover, Manisha Bhati, Manisha Chetan Shah, Mavayna Manav(Mansi), Maya (Maryada kulshreastha), Meena Yadav, Meenakshi Mohanty, Minakshi Bansal, Minal Bharat Khona, Minty chhabraa, Minu Puri, Mokshi Virk, Monica Seth, Muthmainnah (Indonesia), Nancy Sahu, Navneet Kour, Neelam Mansharamani, Neena Goel, Padmini Krishna, Parul Mehra (UK), Pooja Rastogi, Poonam Duneja, Poonam Matia, Priti Ojha, Suraiya Bano, Rabia’ah Bhatia, Rajeswary Thyagarajan, Rajita Kulkarni, Rajni Rao, Rameswari Nanda, Rania Lampou (Greece), Ranjana Patel (New Zealand), Reena Arora, Retired Lieutenant.Rita Gangwani, Richa Mehta, Rinki Sharma, Riya Vashist, Roohi Dhingra, Sana Murab Saini, Sangeeta Kabra, Sarita Sarvria, Sarla Sharma, Seema Negi, Shakila Banu N, Shanoli Ray, Shweta Agarwal, Sujata Singhi, Suman Khanna Aggarwal, Swati Wangnoo, Tasneem Ali, Tina dharamseys, Vani Madhav and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar were the awardees.
Our Team congratulates all awardees on receiving this prestigious Award.
New Delhi: “The literary festival is directly connected to culture of the country. It has become more auspicious when being inaugurated on the special occasion of Hindi Diwas. I extend my heartiest congratulations to the organisers- Asian Academy of Arts for their valuable addition,” said His Excellency Bhagat Singh Koshyari, honourable Governor of Maharashtra while inaugurating the 7th Global Literary Festival Noida 2021 online.
“It is interesting to be global but do not forget the motherland and mother tongue. You can always express better and powerfully in the language you have been brought up with. We have to admire our country where we have love and respect for large number of our own languages. We must also learn to respect the art and culture of other countries to bring in cordial relations,” added Mr Koshyari.
“We at Asian Academy of Arts believe that love, peace and unity can be brought to the land through art and culture. The literature is the base of protection of any culture. The level of society can be measured with the level of literature,” said Sandeep Marwah, President of the Festival and Marwah Studios while giving the description of the formation of Asian Academy of Arts and Global Literature Festival.
While attending the occasion, H.E. Dilshod Akhatov, Ambassador of Uzbekistan highlighted the strong relationship between India and Uzbekistan. He also invited the delegates to the forthcoming Tashkent International Festival.
H.E. Dr Roger Gopaul, High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago congratulated the organisers and thanked them for inviting Trinidad and Tobago as partners of the event. He emphasised on the reading habits and supporting publishing of books.
Head of the Consular Affairs, Embassy of Burkina Faso Coulibaly D Herve, Charter President of Lions Club Gaurav Gupta, Chairman of MSMECCI Indrajit Ghosh, and Dr Shikha, Director of AAFT University also spoke on the occasion.
“This time 12 major events, 60 countries, 3 award functions including Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Award, Dr. Sarojini Naidu International Award for Working Women and Atal Bihari Vajpayee National Award for Promotion of Art and Culture will be presented in the next three days, informed Festival Director Sushil Bharti.
The event was supported by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, World Peace Development and Research Foundation, International Film And Television Club and AAFT University of Media and Arts.
Literature unites and how!
खेसारी लाल यादव, काजल राघवानी की फ़िल्म लिट्टी चोखा दुर्गा पूजा पर ऑल इंडिया होगी रिलीज
भोजपुरी सिनेमा के सुपर स्टार खेसारी लाल यादव और ड्रीम गर्ल काजल राघवानी की मोस्ट अवेटेड भोजपुरी फ़िल्म लिट्टी चोखा दुर्गा पूजा के शुभ अवसर पर ऑल इंडिया के सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज होने जा रही है। बता दें कि लिट्टी चोखा भोजपुरी समाज और संस्कृति से जुड़ा हुआ सिर्फ एक शब्द ही नहीं बल्कि पूरी भोजपुरी सभ्यता और इसके ट्रेडिशन को भी दर्शाता है। बिहार यूपी में अगर आपने लिट्टी चोखा नहीं खाया तो क्या खाया। यह फिल्म भी ऐसी ही है, जिसे हर भोजपुरिया दर्शक पसंद करेगा। यह फिल्म भरपूर मनोरंजन के साथ साथ दर्शकों को एक संदेश भी देगी।
इस फिल्म को लेकर खेसारी लाल और काजल राघवानी के फैन्स के साथ साथ भोजपुरी फिल्मों के तमाम दर्शक बहुत एक्साईटेड हैं। निर्माता प्रदीप शर्मा और निर्देशक पराग पाटिल ने फिल्म लिट्टी चोखा के द्वारा बिहार और उत्तर प्रदेश के दलित, उत्पीड़ित और पिछड़े जातियों के शोषण को उजागर किया जायेगा। इस फिल्म के माध्यम से जाति, धर्म और वर्ग में भेदभाव को खत्म करने का प्रयास किया गया है। क्योंकि लिट्टी चोखा शब्द उस मिट्टी से जुड़ा है, जहां हर घर में लिट्टी चोखा होता है।
सामाजिक मुद्दे पर आधारित इस फिल्म में सुपरस्टार खेसारीलाल यादव और काजल राघवानी के अलावा मनोज सिंह टाइगर, पदम सिंह, श्रुति राव, प्रीति सिंह, उत्कर्ष, देव सिंह, करण पांडेय, प्रकाश जैस जैसे एक्टर भी हैं।
गौरतलब है कि बाबा मोशन पिक्चर प्रा.लि. के बैनर तले बनी फ़िल्म ‘लिट्टी चोखा’ के निर्माता प्रदीप के शर्मा हैं। फिल्म का बेहतरीन निर्देशन किया है निर्देशक पराग पाटिल ने। समाज को जागरूक करने वाली इस फिल्म के लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी हैं। सह निर्माता अनीता शर्मा और पदम सिंह हैं। फिल्म में सुमधुर संगीत ओम झा व मधुकर आनंद का है। गीतकार प्यारेलाल यादव, श्याम देहाती, यादव राज, कुंदन प्रीत, उमालाल यादव, आशुतोष तिवारी, टुनटुन यादव हैं। डीओपी आर आर प्रिंस, एडिटर गुरजंट सिंह, फाइट मास्टर हीरा यादव, कोरियोग्राफर कानू मुखर्जी, मार्केटिंग हेड विजय यादव हैं। कला विजय श्रीवास्तव की है।
फ़िल्म प्रचारक रंजन सिन्हा व रामचन्द्र यादव हैं।
भोजपुरिया में दम बा में दिखा विनय आनंद का दम
स्काई फ़िल्म क्रिएशन बैनर के तले निर्मित बॉलीवुड और भोजपुरी अभिनेता विनय आनंद की भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘भोजपुरिया में दम बा’ रिलीज हो चुकी है। जिसे दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार मिल रहा है। फिल्म को बंपर ओपनिंग मिली है। आज उत्तर प्रदेश के प्रयागराज एक सिनेमाघर में दर्शकों का हुजूम देखने को मिल रहा है।
जिसको लेकर इंस्टाग्राम पर विनय आनंद ने एक शार्ट वीडियो शेयर किया है। जिसके साथ उन्होंने लिखा है कि प्रयागराज (उत्तर प्रदेश) में मेरी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘भोजपुरिया में दम बा’ रिलीज हुई, इस कोरोना के माहौल में भी पब्लिक की भीड़ दिखाई दे रही है,यह भोजपुरिया जनता का प्यार है, दिल से धन्यवाद जो आप लोग मेरी फिल्म देखने आए, मेरे दर्शक मेरे लिए भगवान है। जब बिहार लगेगी तो खूब प्यार मिलेगा यही आशा करता हूँ।
फिल्म के बारे में विनय ने कहा कि फिल्म को उत्तर प्रदेश में अच्छा प्रतिसाद मिल रहा है। पब्लिक ने दिल खोलकर हमारे काम को सराहा है, तभी तो सिनेमाघर में पैर रखने के लिए भी जगह नहीं है। और लोगों की फिल्म के प्रति उत्सुकता तो वीडियो में देखी जा सकती है। जो सिनेमाघर में जाने के लिए कितने एक्ससाइटेट हैं।
आगे विनय ने कहा कि मैं फिलहाल दो बॉलीवुड फिल्मों में काम कर रहा हूँ। और एक अच्छे बैनर के साथ बॉलीवुड के नए प्रोजेक्ट पर मेरी बातचीत चालू है। जल्द ही एक अच्छा खबर आप सब के साथ साझा करूंगा। एक बार फिर से दर्शकों को बॉलीवुड में विनय आनंद का फेलेवर देखने को मिलने वाला है।
उल्लेखनीय है कि भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘भोजपुरिया में दम बा’ के निर्देशक हेमराज वर्मा और निर्माता शम्स जिया खान हैं। कॉन्सेप्ट हेमराज वर्मा का है। गीत-संगीत जाहिद अख्तर का है। छायांकन ओम मिश्रा, नृत्य विवेक थापा, मारधाड़ दिनेश यादव, कला सौरभ मिश्रा का है। लाईन प्रोड्यूसर जीतेन्द्र गुप्ता जीतू हैं।
Dr Kishor Navandar Chairman and Managing Director of Blue Billions group recently received Nelson Madela Nobel Peace award 2021 in category Leadership , Business Excellence and Transforming Lives.
He is also known for constantly achieving the significant targets and growth of company.
His excellence in contributing ideas and views of expansion to the various business mention below.
-Founder Council Director and National Executive Chairman of Global Chambers of Consumer rights.
-Founder Chairman Marwadi Chambers of Commerce, and many more such businesses.
In 2021 – He was recently honored with Doctorate in hospital conferred by the ST. Mother Teresa University for Digital Education along with Cambridge UK and Howard University USA.
He is currently CMD of Blue Billion Group which is an ISO 9001-2015 certified organization with operations in the Real estate,Energy,Hospitality,Media,Beverages ,Adventure.
Integrating multiple businesses under a single umbrella entity, blue billion group has evolved into a brand that caters to a niche class of discerning customer
S under his leadership.Through its premium real estate projects and classy hotels, He aims to elevate the lifestyle quotient of customers, bringing to them an elite world of extravagant facilities, privileges and out-of-the-world experiences.
Constantly creating new benchmarks in service excellence, He believes and endeavours to offer best value for money to its patrons – everyday and in every possible way
To take India to its full potential as a global powerhouse, the Blue Billion Group has harnessed the huge potential of power generation, and made its mark in this segment.Blue Billion Group has also ventured into Adventure sports and non alcoholic beer “BUDDY” coming soon which is 0.00% one of its kind Non Alcoholic along with other projects to be followed by.
He has recently been invited as a Jury Member in Mrs India Universe 2021 which is known to be one of the most prestigious Beauty Pageant Globally happening in Dubai in the month of December this year with accepting this invitation he has also shown his inclination towards women empowerment.
Mumbai : The sensational singer, Sandeep is all set to mesmerize the audience with her new song ‘Right To Left’. With World Premiere ON PTC. This song will be released on 26 Sept 2021 under the Label K2 Records. This song release has the lyrics written by famous Punjabi lyricist Kaptaan who has even written songs for renowned Bollywood singer, Neha Kakkar earlier. Sandeep has had three songs released worldwide by K2 Records namely Chocolate, Jatti Di Yaari, Goli Wargi which had catapulted her to overnight fame as music lovers globally were enthralled with her spirited performance.
Sandeep of Indian origin has her roots from Barnala in Punjab, and has been pursuing singing as her passion from childhood itself. This super talented Indian might have settled in the UK but her heart still beats for her land of birth, India. She had participated in several music competitions and won in most of them, while pursuing her studies and her childhood passion became an integral part of her life thereafter. This multi talented singer took formal training in classical music from Ustad Harinder Singh Mohni at his music academy in Mohali, Punjab.
Sandeep has been listening to old classical songs from the 50’s and 60’s and the evergreen legendary singers like Mohammed Rafi, Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhonsle are her favourite singers. The singers like Sukhwinder Singh, Atif Aslam, Shreya Goshal, Arjit Singh also feature in her list of favourite singers. She even confessed that Nimrat Khaira, Sunanada Sharma, Rupinder Handa are all great Punjabi singers whom she admires and are her inspiration. Meanwhile, Afsana Khan, Gurlej Akhtar who are her peers continue to motivate her as inspiration.
Sandeep has a fascination for Bollywood songs from the 60s as she is a big fan of the movies made in this golden era. She is in awe of actors like Vidya Balan who is her favourite and she never misses any movie of Sanjay Leela Bhansali. She loves to read poetry, Sufi poems and literature which provide her creative gratification.
Presently, Sandeep resides in UK, and finds life to be thrilling and fascinating there. She is from a middle class Punjabi Sikh family and is a true Indian at heart. She loves the fact that in spite of staying in the UK, everything available in India is also present there. So the places of worship like Gurudwara, Mandir and Masjid are all there in the vicinity. She even loves the mouth watering, spicy Indian food available in UK restaurants serving Indian cuisines. However, she wants to learn more about the UK culture and reveals that the music scenario is different there.
Sandeep has had three releases till now. K2 records is her record company and even manages her work completely. She is glad that K2 records gave her lavish budgets for all the songs which had witnessed worldwide release and were highly appreciated by the audience. It was like a fairytale experience as all her three songs had millions of views and music lovers and enthusiasts showered her with mind blowing comments and praises on YouTube and social media.
Sandeep is elated about her forthcoming song ‘Right To Left’ which marks Sandeep’ s collaboration with world famous Dr. Zeus while the lyrics have been penned by the famous Punjabi lyricist Kaptaan. This splendid video was filmed in the UK at the historical city of Oxford. She is on cloud nine, as this much awaited song will be premiering worldwide soon and it will be released on K2 records official Youtube channel. The audio will be available on all digital platforms including Itunes, Jio Saavn, Spotify, etc.She further adds that she has two songs which are under production by the world famous rapper/music producer Roach Killa. The lyrics have been penned yet again by her favourite lyricist Kaptaan.There are also plans being made for a full album release with all the songs penned by Kaptaan, and it will showcase music by several renowned music producers from all around the world. It is still in the pipeline but the stage is being set for few collaborations which are in the planning stage. Sandeep’s fans are keenly waiting for the official announcements to be made soon about this project by K2 Records.
She further stated that though she has several exciting film offers in hand, she will be making her debut in 2022, as grand preparations are being made by her company for her first movie with an ensemble star cast.
She is loving the way K2 records is promoting her and developing her career in the pattern of how pop artists are promoted in the UK. Her company takes care of even the minutest details in order to showcase Sandeep to the world as per their strategic planning.So, whether it is her image, looks or styling everything is taken care of by specialists provided by K2 records who have dedicated staff working exclusively round the clock for her. She is even upbeat about the fact that a group of acclaimed writers are writing songs for her and her primary focus is to concentrate entirely on her singing and overall fitness. She is relieved that all the responsibilities and concerns regarding her professional and personal life have been taken care of by K2 Records.
The future looks bright for this pretty damsel with a golden voice as she has aspirations to sing in Bollywood as a playback singer in future. Sandeep thanks God, her supportive family and her unparalleled management company, K2 Records including their staff in UK, Chandigarh and Rahul in Mumbai for their incredible work in taking care of her as an artist and she thanks everyone including her fans for their relentless support !
Singer Sandeep will mesmerize you with her latest song ‘Right To Left’
विनय आनंद को गणपति बाप्पा ने दिया तोहफा
विनय आनंद की अनाम फिल्म का मुहूर्त संपन्न
बॉलीवुड और भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के जाने माने अभिनेता विनय आनंद को आज कौन नहीं जाता है। वे इंडस्ट्री में किसी पहचान के मोहताज नहीं हैं। उन्होंने कई बॉलीवुड और भोजपुरी फ़िल्म में अपने अभिनय से दर्शकों को चौंका दिया है। विनय ने अपने घर पर 11 दिन के गणपति बाप्पा की स्थापना की थी। आज जहां उन्होंने नम आंखों से गणपति बाप्पा का विदाई दी है, तो वही बाप्पा ने जाते जाते विनय के ऊपर अपनी कृपा दृष्टि बनाते हुए उनकी झोली में एक और बॉलीवुड मूवी डाल दी है।
जो कि उनके प्रोडक्शन हाउस से बनाई जाएगी। जिसका मुहूर्त आज के दिन ही संपन्न हुआ है। विन्नयरनान्ध एंटरटेनमेंट प्रालि की निर्माणाधीन अनाम फिल्म का निर्देशन कर रही हैं विनय आनंद की धर्मपत्नी ज्योति आनंद। जो इस फिल्म से अपने निर्देशन की पारी शुरू करने जा रही है। ज्योति बहुत ही टेलेंट कोरियोग्राफर भी हैं। उन्होंने कई वर्षों तक इंडियन माइकल जक्शन यानी कि प्रभु देवा को असिस्ट किया है। उन्होंने कई फिल्मों और म्यूजिक एलबम्स में अपनी कोरियोग्राफी से चार चांद लगाए हैं।
इस मौके पर विनय ने कहा कि आज मैं खुद को बहुत भाग्यशाली माना रहा हूं। क्योंकि आज के दिन बाप्पा की कृपा से मेरी एक और बॉलीवुड फिल्म का मुहूर्त हुआ है। ।मैं इसको लेकर बहुत खुश और उत्साहित हूं। और मेरी पत्नी ज्योति इस फिल्म को डायरेक्ट करने वाली हैं। जिसके लिए मैं उनको शुभकामनाएं देता हूँ। उनकी इस नई जर्नी के लिए। फिल्म की शूटिंग जल्द ही शुरू की जाएगी।
आपको बता दें कि विनय जल्द ही डिजिटल डेब्यू की भी तैयारी कर रहे हैं। वो अपने प्रोडक्शन हाउस के तहत एक हिंदी फिल्म बना रहे हैं, जिसे जल्द ही OTT प्लेटफॉर्म पर रिलीज किया जाएगा। बताया जा रहा है कि इसका पोस्ट प्रॉडेक्शन का काम जारी है। इसके साथ ही उनकी फिल्म ‘तेरी आंखों में वो जादू है’ भी जल्द आने की बात सामने आई थी। इसमें उनके साथ रानी चटर्जी और पाखी हेगड़े भी लीड रोल में हैं।
विनय भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘भोजपुरिया में दम बा’ में भी नजर आने वाले हैं। फिलहाल उनका ये इंस्टाग्राम वीडियो काफी चर्चा में हैं, जिसे देखकर फैंस अब फिल्म के आने का इंतजार कर रहे हैं।
Film producer, distributor and founder of OTT platform Don Cinema Mahmood Ali has launched Don Studios in Suburban Malad. On the occasion of inauguration, MPs Rahul Shewale, Riva Arora, Sunil Pal, Dilshad Khan, K Ravi Dada, Just ad name Bhoomika Kalita (Don Cinema Creative) Rohit Prohit, Pandit Gyan Prakash, Jai Prakash, JP (Jagdish Pandiya), Trinayan Sharma (Director), Sameer Gore, Don Cinema North East, MPs Abdul (Art Director) were specially present.
The studio has a wonderfully designed superb four set of hospital, police lockup, court and office. The grand launch of Don Studios has been successfully done with the blessings and support of all.
Mehmood Ali said that this step has been taken to execute the creativity of films, serials, web series under one roof of Don Studios. Here, production companies can complete their projects as per their wish.
———Fame Media (Wasim Siddique)
भोजपुरी के रजनीकान्त हिट मशीन खेसारी लाल यादव की चोरी चोरी चुपके चुपके के पोस्टर को फैन्स ने दूध से नहलाया
भोजपुरी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री के रजनीकांत और प्रभास बने खेसारी लाल यादव, फैंस ने दूध से नहलाया पोस्टर
आज तक हमने सुना व देखा है कि साउथ इंडियन फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री के कलाकारों को उनके फैंस मंदिर में पूजते हैं या दूध से पोस्टर को नहलाते है। आप ने अक्सर देख होगा कि अभिनेता रजनीकांत के फिल्म के पोस्टर को फैंस ने दूध से नहलाया है, वही कुछ समय पहले ऐसी ही दीवानगी इंडस्ट्री के बाहुबली यानी कि प्रभास के लिए भी देखी गई है। अब भोजपुरिया फैंस ने अपनी दीवानगी जाहिर की है।
हालही में यशी फिल्म्स प्रा. लि. के बैनर तले बनी भोजपुरी सुपरस्टार खेसारी लाल यादव और अभिनेत्री सहर आफसा स्टारर भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘चोरी चोरी चुपके चुपके’ रिलीज हुई है और खेसारी के फैंस ने बिहार के स्थित छपरा के पंकज सिनेमाघर में उनकी फिल्म के पोस्टर को दूध से नहलाया है। अगर हम ये कहे कि खेसारी लाल यादव भोजपुरी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री के रजनीकांत बना गए है तो ये कहना गलत नहीं होगा। क्योंकि ऐसा पहली बार हुआ है कि किसी भोजपुरी कलाकार को पब्लिक का इस तरफ से सपोर्ट मिला है।
फिल्म को बिहार और झारखंड के सिनेमाघरों में बंपर ओपनिंग मिली है। फिल्म को दर्शकों से अच्छा प्रतिसाद मिल रहा है। दर्शकों को फिल्म बेहद पसंद आ रही है। इसमें खेसारी और सहर की जोड़ी ने दर्शकों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित किया है।
अगर फिल्म की कहानी की बात की जाए तो सहर आफसा और खेसारी लाल यादव के बीच जबरदस्त केमिस्ट्री देखने के लिए मिल रही है। इसमें देखने के लिए मिल रहा है कि एक्टर रिश्ते की आड़ में सहर आफसा के परिवार से (फिल्म में) पैसों की ठगी कर रहे होते हैं और जब उनके बारे में एक्ट्रेस के घर वालों को पता चलता है तो सभी का दिल टूट जाता है। वहीं खेसारी को भी बाद में सहर से प्यार का एहसास होता है। और फिर शुरू होती है रिश्तों की जोड़ तोड़ की कस्माकश।
फिल्म ‘चोरी चोरी चुपके चुपके’ की शूटिंग लंदन और बिहार में की गई है। इसके प्रोड्यूसर अभय सिन्हा, प्रशांत जम्मूवाला और निशांत उज्जवल हैं. मूवी का निर्माण यश फिल्म्स प्रा. लि. के बैनर तले किया गया है।
वहीं, अगर इसके डायरेक्टर की बात की जाए तो इसे राजनीश मिश्रा द्वारा निर्देशित किया गया है।
Nelson Mandela Nobel Prestigious peace award was held on 04th September 2021 in Taj Skyline Ahemdabad by a non profit organisation and was inaugurated by Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyariji.
The Honorable chief Guests who are a part of this prestigious award ceremony are:-
Hon. Shri Ramdas Athawale
Hon. Shri Suhas Mantri
Col.Dr Shailendra Singh
Arc. Bishop. Dr.K. Johnson
Hon.Shri Udit Narayan
Amb Adeshola Helen Onadpe
Ms Zarine Manchanda
LT.CO.LD DN Sharma
This Ceremony held was to honour the people who have taken the initiative towards our society wellbeing and by their social work and doing a great deed for all human being. This initiative later have been inspired and admired by everyone around the mother Earth. Especially the One’s who have been highly inspired by his thoughts and initiative for social working and spreading happiness. So such individuals who have contributed there effort and their countless love for Nelson Mandela vision and being part of his caravan.
Name of the such respected individuals who were been awarded are.
Dr.Nutan Sunil Aher
Dr.Gaurav Mittal
Dr.Shri.Rajendra Pralhad Gute
Dr.Ulhas Ramchandra Shewale
Dr. Nilesh Javerchand Jain
Dr.Santosh Ramesh Harpale
Dr.Ashish Chopra
Dr.Aashwini Bhadoriya
Dr. Zarine Manchanda
Dr. Vishwas Vitthal Sondkar
Dr. Kishor Navandar
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sahoo
Dr.Yugandhar Sudhakar Pagar
Dr. Leela Padiyar
Dr.Vinay Karan Mathur
Dr.Akshay Kumar
Dr.Govind Singh Rajput
Dr. Jaykar Bhagwan Nikam
Dr. Vijay Narayan
Dr. Anand Patil
Dr. Viral Sakhiya
Dr. Rajaram L. Tripathi
Dr.Niraj Omprakash Waghmare
Dr. Bharat Annaso Latthe
Dr.Sonal Rajan Patil
Dr. Rajeev Mishra
Dr. Prashant Ramchandra Chavan
Dr.Shalini Prakash
Dr. Shri. Ajay Kumar Sharma
Dr.Shri.Anand Mahadev Kasavekar
Dr. Uttam Shantaram Jadhav
Dr. Anil Mukundrao Patil
Dr. Ajit Harishchandra Palekar
Dr. Dharmend Singh Bhadauriya
Nelson Mandela Nobel peace award is an non organisation which helps to recognise those who have given their life to social, medical ,business, science, education and various fields and also to those people who has given a contribution towards the society and build up their power towards the people.
Their constant humble and great effort is to felicitate them for their effortless contribution And recognizing them with this Nobel peace award this Noble work will give them and other’s inspiration to work more towards the society and encourage the youth generation with their Nobel work so that every one can be responsible towards the development of the society.
The award ceremony encourages the youth generation to take this as a challenge so that in the coming years they can celebrate the victory and contribution towards society and facilitate them with Nelson Mandela Nobel peace award.
The next award ceremony is now taking place on 30th October 2021 In India’s Financial capital and the city of dreams Mumbai.