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रंगों और उमंगों के महापर्व होली के शुभ अवसर पर, एसके तिवारी अपनी टीम के साथ एक शानदार और रंगीन होली गीत लेकर आए हैं – *”होली खेलें सरकार”*, जो अब रिकॉर्ड लेबल तिवारी प्रोडक्शंस के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल : TPS म्यूजिक के पर रिलीज़ […]
AlbumsDirector S K Singh Rajput is quickly making waves in the film world. His talent and respectful & humble attitude are winning over actors. This director’s journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput didn’t become a director overnight.His path included early learning and […]
Celebrity NewsDeltin, India’s leading gaming and entertainment brand, is thrilled to announce the return of its flagship poker festival, ‘iMMORTALS’ – Season 2. The same will be hosted at Deltin Royale ,Goa, India’s most iconic floating casino destination, between 18th to 25th March 2025. Building on […]
Business NewsFrom: 19th to 25th November 2024 VOY-AGE Solo Show of Paintings By Renowned artist Swati Roy VENUE: Nehru Centre Art Gallery Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 Timining: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 8910812801 Recent work of a luminary from Govt College of Art and Craft […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 19th to 25th November 2024
Solo Show of Paintings
Renowned artist Swati Roy
Nehru Centre Art Gallery
Dr. Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai 400 018
Timining: 11am to 7pm
Contact: +91 8910812801
Recent work of a luminary from Govt College of Art and Craft and a renowned contemporary artist Swati Roy is showing in a solo art exhibition at Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 from 19th to 25th November 2024. This series made in watercolours on art paper using Gouche technique will exemplify subtle nuances of her skillful application of apt colours in thoughtful pragmatic thematic perceptions.
Swati Roy had her art education upto diploma in fine arts followed by diploma in Indian style drawing and painting from Govt. College of Art and craft, Kolkata. Then she displayed her thematic work in solo and group art exhibitions at renowned galleries all over India such as Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata, Lalit Kala Academy New Delhi etc.
The present series VOY-AGE highlights subtle nuances of the thematic conceptualizations based on fundamental concepts and their skillful application via apt colour tones to suit thematic peculiarities. Her works have a magical sensibility via essence of both Indian and Western arts. Perfections in her style command over the medium and techniques adopted and expertise in presenting non figurative abstraction compositions are commendable. Her work is in the genre of classic modernism and expressionism which are bold pictorials of her deepest thought. Her thoughts & Inspiration received from nature find a prominent place in the creative endeavors.
Her faith in phenomenal nature as the ultimate source of forms and configuration, duly reflects in the creation by selection of the recollected memories of the observed contents as configuration of colour-masses with shapes defined by contour lines on dimensional pictorial surface divided into flat colour areas. These shapes and spaces being the residues of images of the phenomenal terrains, sky, land, roads, plants etc become expressive. The various contour lines with which she encloses the shapely colour masses endow the shapes with a strange kind of organic rhythm thereby rendering expressionism to the work. In a way her works are at a junction between representationalism, formalism and expressionism. She has adopted suggestive colours and common symbols upheld by plastic rhythm and inventive shapes. The insistent flowing vegetative rhythms of semi-abstract and abstract combinations find a significant place in her creations which are both eloquent and lucid as well as thematically relevant.
VOY-AGE Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Swati Roy In Nehru Centre Art Gallery
The entire unit of Gujrati Film 31ST, which is being produced by Bhaumik Patel,Jayesh Patel and Jayesh Parmar is releasing on 20th December was Felicitated by Dada Saheb Phalke Chitra Nagari awards which was organised by Cloud Land Entertainment and Bombay Entertainment in Ahmedabad. The […]
AwardsThe entire unit of Gujrati Film 31ST, which is being produced by Bhaumik Patel,Jayesh Patel and Jayesh Parmar is releasing on 20th December was Felicitated by Dada Saheb Phalke Chitra Nagari awards which was organised by Cloud Land Entertainment and Bombay Entertainment in Ahmedabad.
The organizers of the event are Bhaumik Patel ( Cloud Land Entertainment )and Raju Tank (Bombay Entertainment) said that ,this is for the first time that this prestigious award function is being held in Ahmedabad.
To honour their contribution in cinema and in the world of art famous artist from mumbai Surendra Pal (Drona Acharya of Mahabharat),Hiten Tejwani(Famous TV Artist) and International Tarot card reader Dr. Jyoti Jangiani and many renowned artists were present.Among those who were felicitated were Maya Bhai Ahir, Usman Meer , Hemant Chouhan, Geeta Rabari, Sunita Bawa, Kajol Solanki, Aarti Joshi and Birju Barot. Gujrathi film 31 St is being written and directed by Pranav Patel stars Heetu Kanodia, Shraddha Dhagar, Prachi Thakar, Chetan Daya and Parikshit Tamaliya. Its based on a true story which is slated to release on 20 th December.
Gujrati Film 31 ST Unit Felicitated By Dada Saheb Phalke Chitra Nagri Awards
My hearty Congratulations to The President Donald Trump Victory in USA. It feels Great to have him back as President in USA . Donald Trump was Elected 47th President of the United States on 6th Nov 2024”. With a win in Wisconsin,Trump cleared the 270 […]
Celebrity NewsMy hearty Congratulations to The President Donald Trump Victory in USA.
It feels Great to have him back as President in USA .
Donald Trump was Elected 47th President of the United States on 6th Nov 2024”.
With a win in Wisconsin,Trump cleared the 270 electoral votes needed to clinch the presidency.
Trump pledged to bring a golden Age to the United States ,praising what he called ‘the greatest political moment of all time .
Angel lives in Los Angeles n currently shooting for a short film in Hollywood.
“Angel says – “USA and India together stands for World peace ,we are united and let’s spread Love ,Peace and Happiness in this World “
Angel Tetarbe
Miss Glamourface World India “
International Peace Ambassador “
Jai Hind
Congratulations To The President Trump Victory In USA-Angel Tetarbe International Peace Ambassador
बीरगंज मेट्रोपॉलिटन सिटी, नेपाल – चीता जीत कुन डो ग्लोबल स्पोर्ट्स फेडरेशन के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष डॉ. चीता येजनेश शेट्टी, नेपाल के बीरगंज मेट्रोपॉलिटन सिटी में आयोजित गर्ल्स सेल्फ डिफेंस प्रोग्राम में तीन विश्व रिकॉर्ड तोड़ने के लिए तैयार हैं। यह उल्लेखनीय उपलब्धि युवा लड़कियों […]
Celebrity Newsबीरगंज मेट्रोपॉलिटन सिटी, नेपाल – चीता जीत कुन डो ग्लोबल स्पोर्ट्स फेडरेशन के संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष डॉ. चीता येजनेश शेट्टी, नेपाल के बीरगंज मेट्रोपॉलिटन सिटी में आयोजित गर्ल्स सेल्फ डिफेंस प्रोग्राम में तीन विश्व रिकॉर्ड तोड़ने के लिए तैयार हैं। यह उल्लेखनीय उपलब्धि युवा लड़कियों को आत्मरक्षा प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से सशक्त बनाने की एक बड़ी पहल का हिस्सा है।
* आत्मरक्षा कार्यक्रम के लिए 18000 लोगों की सबसे बड़ी भीड़ ने गनीज़ बुक ऑफ़ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड तोड़ा।
* सिजो ब्रूस ली की जयंती मनाने के लिए 18000 लोग एकत्रित हुए
* चीता येजनेश शेट्टी ने अंतरराष्ट्रीय मैदान बीरगंज महानगर में सभी रिकॉर्ड तोड़ दिए
भारत भर में 1,050,000 से अधिक लड़कियों और महिलाओं को प्रशिक्षित कर चुके डॉ. शेट्टी को बीरगंज महानगरपालिका के मेयर राजेश मान सिंह ने नेपाल में बड़ी संख्या में लड़कियों को प्रशिक्षित करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया है। मार्शल आर्ट के क्षेत्र में 18,000 से अधिक लोगों के एकत्र होने के साथ, इस कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य आत्मरक्षा प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से बीरगंज की युवा लड़कियों पर सकारात्मक प्रभाव डालना है।
डॉ. शेट्टी के प्रभावशाली ट्रैक रिकॉर्ड में 150 फिल्मी सितारों जैसे अमिताभ बच्चन, अजय देवगन, अक्षय कुमार और प्रियंका चोपड़ा के साथ-साथ बेन किंग्सले, रोजर मूर और जैकी चैन जैसे अंतरराष्ट्रीय सितारों को प्रशिक्षित करना शामिल है।
13 नवंबर, 2024 को आयोजित होने वाले इस कार्यक्रम को नेपाल के सद्भावना राजदूत अशोक बैद द्वारा समर्थित किया गया है। डॉ. शेट्टी की विश्व रिकॉर्ड तोड़ने वाली उपलब्धि युवा लड़कियों के बीच आत्मरक्षा और सशक्तिकरण को बढ़ावा देने के प्रति उनके समर्पण को दर्शाती है।
चीता जीत कुन डो ग्लोबल स्पोर्ट्स फेडरेशन के बारे में चीता जीत कुन डो ग्लोबल स्पोर्ट्स फेडरेशन मार्शल आर्ट और आत्मरक्षा प्रशिक्षण में एक अग्रणी संगठन है। व्यक्तियों, विशेष रूप से महिलाओं और लड़कियों को सशक्त बनाने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए, फेडरेशन वैश्विक स्तर पर आत्मरक्षा जागरूकता और कौशल को बढ़ावा देने में सहायक रहा है।
इस कार्यक्रम में प्रमुख गणमान्य व्यक्तियों ने भाग लिया, जिनमें शामिल हैं:
श्री प्रदीप यादव, केंद्रीय जल मंत्री
श्री अशोक बैध, नेपाल भारत सयोग मंच
श्री डी.एस. मीना, महावाणिज्यदूत, बीरगंज, नेपाल
श्री सी.डी.ओ.
श्रीमती निर्मला
मास्टर थापा (गुरुजी), अध्यक्ष, नेपाल कामगार सेना भारत
श्री सागून बाग, फिल्म निर्माता और निर्देशक, कुबेरन्स टेक वेंचर्स प्राइवेट लिमिटेड। लिमिटेड, मुंबई
श्रीमती श्री देवी शेट्टी, संस्थापक, कुसमीडिया एंटरटेनमेंट
श्री हरीश शेट्टी, व्यवसायी, कर्नाटक
श्री प्रदीप सिंह, सह-संस्थापक और अध्यक्ष, गोल्समेट एविएशन अकादमी
श्री अशोक वैद्य, महावाणिज्यदूत
श्री देवी सहाय मीना, प्रतिनिधि सभा के सदस्य
प्रभु हाजरा, राज्य सांसद
श्रीमती वीना शर्मा, मुख्य जिला अधिकारी
श्री गणेश आर्यल
एसपी श्री कुमोद धुंगेल
प्रसिद्ध मार्शल आर्टिस्ट डॉ. चीता येजनेश शेट्टी ने नेपाल में तीन विश्व रिकॉर्ड तोड़े, जिसमें एक गनीज़ बुक ऑफ़ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड भी शामिल है
Dr. Dharmendra has changed the lives of millions of people across the country with his vision of bringing medical facilities to all Dr. Dharmendra Kumar the doctor who can only think big and the mastermind behind the organisation of free Mega medical camps in the […]
Celebrity NewsDr. Dharmendra has changed the lives of millions of people across the country with his vision of bringing medical facilities to all
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar the doctor who can only think big and the mastermind behind the organisation of free Mega medical camps in the country, benefitting lakhs of people from all walks of life. Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, Chairman and Founder of the R.K HIV/AIDS Research and Care Centre and Doctor 365, has achieved a remarkable feat by making his way into the Guinness World Records and Asia Book of Records. Dr. D Kumar has been recognized for his outstanding contribution to the field of prevention detection and management HIV AIDS and research and care. Dr. Kumar was born and brought up in Madeshilapur Andar siwan- Bihar in 1973, Dr. Dharmendra has come a long way to become a renowned figure in the Maha Aarogy shibir world’s largest free general medical camp
As a child, he was always socially inclined, which led him to pursue his education in Siwan West Bengal, Patna and Mumbai. It was during his time as the Chief Medical Advisor various, corporate company that he realized the need for an NGO to help rural communities. Witnessing the death of a widow due to HIV in Jamnagar, Gujarat, sparked a change in him, and he immediately began the RKHIV Research Care Foundation in 1998. His achievements have been recognized by the Guinness World Records and Asia Book of Records, which have honoured him for his tireless efforts to promote HIV/AIDS awareness and care. Dr. Kumar’s research and care center has been instrumental in providing world-class treatment and care to HIV/AIDS patients in India.
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar achievement is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the cause of HIV/AIDS research and care. He has been a source of inspiration for many, and his work has touched the lives of countless people. Dr. Kumar’s accomplishment has put India on the global map in the field of HIV/AIDS research and care, and his dedication and hard work will continue to inspire others to follow in his footsteps. His achievement will be celebrated across India and the world, and it will inspire others to take up the cause of HIV/AIDS research and care. The R.K HIV/AIDS Research and Care Centre and Doctor 365 team will continue to work towards providing the best possible care and treatment to HIV/AIDS patients and contribute to the global fight against this disease.
IA Book of world records. During the corona First Phase, RK HIV AIDS RESERCH AND CARE CENTRE distributed more than 1CR of people, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Gujrat, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal and Orissa for food, ration kit, medicines, masks and sanitizers for more than 1CR. RK HIV AIDS RESERCH AND CARE CENTRE got IA BOOK OF WORLD RECORD.
During the second phase of corona, we provided ICU at home for corona infected people and more than 8,000 people got the benefit for ICU at home facilities and they were 100% successfully recovered for corona infected at home.
The Guinness World Records and Asia Book of Records recognition is a significant milestone for Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and his team at the R.K HIV/AIDS Research and Care Centre and Doctor 365. The recognition acknowledges the hard work, dedication, and passion of Dr. Kumar and his team provide world-class care and treatment to HIV/AIDS and T B patients. Since then, Dr. How a noble Dr. Dharmendra Kumar has changed the lives of millions of people across the country with his vision of bringing medical facilities to all and his team have conducted over 29,500 medical camps that have benefited more than 4 million patients. The foundation has organized 12,000 seminars on health and hygiene awareness programs across India. The team has even set a Guinness World Record and Asia Book of Record for organizing the world’s largest free general medical camp, serving 311,000 patients at MMRDA Ground, BKC, Bandra (East) Mumbai – India.
The foundation has also created history in Gujarat by serving 185,900 patients on a single day, of which 165,000 patients were insured for Rs.200,000 each, on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 147th birth anniversary on 2nd October 2016. Specializing in the treatment, management, and research of antiretroviral cases, the foundation also conducts medical camps in slums and rural areas where health services are not available. Through their mobile medical vans (MMVs), the foundation has adopted 1300 villages across India and has distributed lakhs of hand sanitizers, masks, soaps, and medicines to slums and villages across West Bengal, Jharkhand, and Maharashtra. Dr. Dharmendra’s vision and hard work have made him the cornerstone of the organization, and his passion for serving the needy has brought about a positive change in many lives.
Recently on March 26,2023 free Maha Arogya Shivir, is being organised for professionals in Bollywood and the media industry in the city. The free medical camp was taken place on 26 March at the Chitrakoot Ground in Andheri West where hundreds of doctors and nurses were present.
Dr. Dharmendra Kumar, President of the RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre in association with Doctor 365 which is India’s Leading Home Health care service provider and Dheeraj Kumar, Actor Producer and Director ,CMD of Creative Eye Ltd. have organised the medical camp. It was the first time that a massive medical camp has being organised for the members of the film fraternity including technicians, crew members and their families. Apart from this, families of Mumbai Police w also taken advantage of this free medical camp.
Besides free health and medical checkups, the Maha Arogya Shivir have donate 30,000 spectacles and 500 wheelchairs to those in need.
Little Known Facts About Dr Dharmendra Kumar Popularly Known As Doctor 365
According to reliable sources within the event management and hospitality industries, NOVEX NOC songs are now highly sought after for corporate entertainment parties and marriage celebrations, including sangeets, bachelor parties, and cocktail parties. NOVEX’s extensive library, featuring renowned music labels like Yash Raj Music, Zee […]
Business NewsAccording to reliable sources within the event management and hospitality industries, NOVEX NOC songs are now highly sought after for corporate entertainment parties and marriage celebrations, including sangeets, bachelor parties, and cocktail parties.
NOVEX’s extensive library, featuring renowned music labels like Yash Raj Music, Zee Music, and TIPS Music, has become a favorite among DJs at Corporate and Social events.
A significant trend observed lately is that event managers and wedding planners prioritize obtaining the necessary NOVEX NOC before utilizing these popular tracks.
This development marks a significant milestone in advancing India’s Musical Copyright Act, demonstrating robust support for the Bollywood music industry.
The Novex Musical Copyright License for marriages is a pressing topic, especially with Indian weddings becoming increasingly lavish.
Recently, the Indian government released a public notice putting their July 24, 2023, notice into abeyance, which stated musical copyright licenses weren’t required for wedding events.
However, Novex successfully appealed this decision before the Punjab and Haryana High Court, leading to the government’s revised public notice.
Social events, including:
* Wedding-bachelor parties
* Sangeets
* Cocktail parties
* Mehendi ceremonies
Require careful scrutiny by NOVEX’s Copyright License team.
To play copyrighted music, hotels and event management companies must obtain permission or a license from NOVEX.
Playing copyrighted songs or music without Novex NOC is prohibited.
In an interview with renowned Event and Film trade analyst Rajeev Chaudhari, Pratik Gandhi ( Legal Advisor of NOVEX COMMUNICATIONS P. LTD )shed light on the significance of Novex NOC for corporate and social events.
Gandhi emphasized, “It is imperative for event organizers to obtain a Novex NOC when utilizing Novex-licensed music at their events.
Gandhi stressed that obtaining Novex NOC is crucial for compliance with India’s Musical Copyright Act, demonstrating support for the Bollywood music industry.
The interview highlighted the importance of Novex NOC for:
* Corporate events
* Social events (weddings, sangeets, bachelor parties, etc.)
Event organizers must secure Novex NOC to legally play copyrighted music.
Rajeev Chaudhari’s insightful conversation with Pratik Gandhi provides valuable guidance for the events industry.
NOVEX’s Extensive Library Featuring Renowned Music Labels Like Yash Raj Music, Zee Music, And TIPS Music Has Become A Favourite At Corporate And Social Events
Gurugram – Meghal Sahni, a talented content creator, lifestyle influencer, and successful entrepreneur, has been crowned Mrs. India Planet 2024 at a celebrated pageant hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Gurugram. This prestigious event, held from October 25th to 27th, highlighted the unique talents of […]
Breaking NewsGurugram – Meghal Sahni, a talented content creator, lifestyle influencer, and successful entrepreneur, has been crowned Mrs. India Planet 2024 at a celebrated pageant hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Gurugram. This prestigious event, held from October 25th to 27th, highlighted the unique talents of women across India who embody beauty, intelligence, and a deep sense of purpose. Meghal’s victory stands out not only for the title but also for the multiple honors she received, recognizing her as a force for positive change and her dedication to her community.
As the newly crowned Mrs. World Queen 2024, Meghal will represent India on international platforms. Her advocacy goes beyond pageantry; she’s a powerful voice for sustainable fashion and environmental awareness, which earned her the title of Mrs. Diva with a Purpose. Her impact as an influential personality from her region was also celebrated with the title Mrs. India Planet Face of North.
Meghal’s commitment to sustainability extends to her professional life, where she runs Aartex Fashions, a brand devoted to eco-friendly lifestyle and fashion choices. Through Aartex, she promotes mindful consumption, aligning her business with her mission to inspire sustainable living. Her journey as a sustainable fashion advocate resonates with her vision for a more conscious world.
Known online as @mummyontheroll, Meghal’s digital influence reaches a wide audience, where she shares her journey as a mother, entrepreneur, and advocate for green living. Her posts inspire followers to make eco-conscious choices, balancing family life with social responsibility and ambition.
Stepping onto the global stage with her titles, Meghal Sahni is setting a new standard for empowered women. Her story is a blend of grace, purpose, and dedication, offering an inspiring path for others who wish to embrace sustainability and impactful living.
Meghal Sahni Crowned Mrs India Planet 2024, Shining As A Leader In Sustainable Fashion
Gurugram – The Miss & Mrs. India Planet 2024 pageant, presented by Gleamdiva, concluded with a spectacular finale at the Hyatt Regency in Sector 83, Gurugram. Held from October 25th to 27th, this prestigious event combined pageantry, fashion, and advocacy, showcasing the grace and commitment […]
Breaking NewsGurugram – The Miss & Mrs. India Planet 2024 pageant, presented by Gleamdiva, concluded with a spectacular finale at the Hyatt Regency in Sector 83, Gurugram. Held from October 25th to 27th, this prestigious event combined pageantry, fashion, and advocacy, showcasing the grace and commitment of India’s finest contestants.
Since its inception in 2017 by Preeti Vashisht Joshi, Gleamdiva has elevated Indian pageantry with a focus on empowering women through beauty and purpose. This year’s event highlighted the contestants’ social responsibility, particularly through a Social Cause Drive where participants championed initiatives such as environmental cleanliness and tree-planting. The Gleamdiva Fashion Show brought an extra flair to the event, featuring designs from acclaimed designers Nelly Karoung and Ashfaque Ahmad.
Winners of Miss & Mrs. India Planet 2024
The event reached its peak with the crowning of winners across multiple categories:
Miss India Planet 2024
Winner: Sreeansi Bhaumik
1st Runner-Up: Pakhi Kumar
2nd Runner-Up: Dhatri Pandey
Mrs. India Planet 2024 (Regular Category)
Winner: Meghal Sahni
1st Runner-Up: Mahima Purushotham
2nd Runner-Up: Priya Agarwal
Mrs. India Planet 2024 (Classic Category)
Winner: Nitika Srivastava
1st Runner-Up: Gurpreet Kaur
2nd Runner-Up: Dipika Kapoor
Esteemed Judges and Special Guests
The event’s judging panel featured prominent personalities, including Major General Vikram Dev Dogra, AVSM; Yukti Arya of Yes Madam; Manveen Ssharma, founder of PinQ Polka; Tasneem Riyaz, Mrs. World Queen 2023; and Dr. Amit Gupta of Divine Aesthetics. Show directors Khizar Hussain and Nick Mahal ensured a seamless event, while special guests Lucinda Parti, Gurbani Kaur, Samiksha Singh, and Adete Roshini added prestige to the occasion.
With photography and videography by DCOP, led by Prateek Dhawan, the event was visually stunning, capturing each memorable moment of the evening.
Gleamdiva’s Miss & Mrs. India Planet 2024 exemplifies its dedication to empowering women, celebrating their talents, and raising standards in Indian pageantry. This event stands as a powerful reminder of the grace, intelligence, and purpose that Indian women bring to both national and global stages.
Gleamdiva Presents Miss & Mrs India Planet 2024: A Celebration Of Elegance, Talent, And Empowerment
Rajamouli joined a distinguished keynote panel among tech titans at Lumikai Insignia, India’s premier interactive media and gaming summit. Rajamouli shared, “Belief finds believers”, on fusion of Indian cultural authenticity with state-of-the-art technology in interactive storytelling. From early successes in ‘Eega’ to global successes ‘RRR’ […]
Breaking NewsAcademy Award Winner SS Rajamouli was part of a keynote session at Lumikai Insignia, India’s premier interactive media and gaming summit. The acclaimed filmmaker shared the stage with global tech leaders including Cevat Yerli, Raja Koduri, and Abdullah Alorainy of Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund (PIF).
Reflecting on his journey from Magadheera to Baahubali and RRR, Rajamouli described his relentless pursuit of high-quality storytelling leveraging technology and talent to deliver on his creative vision. “Belief finds believers,” he remarked, “With faith that it can be done, we find people who help us achieve it”. With films like Magadheera and Eega, he pioneered using high-quality VFX and graphics to propel storytelling in a first-of-kind approach for Indian filmmaking.
The success of Baahubali, followed by RRR have set quality standards and brought a new brand of larger-than-life Indian cinema to global markets garnering critical and commercial acclaim.
Rajamouli mentioned how he keeps cultural authenticity and quality as focal points in his storytelling, knowing they are key to connecting Indian and global audiences. He noted, “When we created Baahubali or RRR, every bit was made for Indian viewers with an Indian psyche embedded within. And once audiences taste quality, they demand it. With access to incredible content on their mobile devices, they are expecting even better. Quality in entertainment is non-negotiable.”
Additionally, the keynote panellists’ discussion centred on the significant opportunities within India’s interactive media and entertainment sector, particularly given the country’s young, digitally native demographic. The panel emphasized how this growing market presents unprecedented possibilities for innovation in interactive entertainment. The panel also spoke on the evolving role of AI, noting that AI tools’ development and sophistication is imminent.
Commenting on the evolving audience palate for immersive entertainment, Salone Sehgal, Founding General Partner, Lumikai, said, “With a young, increasingly affluent audience and a consumer base exposed to global best, the need for entertainment that is high quality and culturally resonant has never been higher. Visionaries like SS Rajamouli have paved the way for fusing storytelling with technology successfully taking Indian films global. It was our privilege to learn from him at Lumikai Insignia. His unique insights fuelled founders in interactive media gaming who have similar aspirations.”
Capitalizing on this one-of-a-kind congregation of industry leaders, Lumikai, India’s leading interactive media and gaming VC fund, unveiled its highly anticipated “The Lumikai State of India Interactive Media and Gaming Report” for 2024. This seminal research series has established itself as the authoritative resource for understanding India’s gaming landscape. It has been consistently referenced by government bodies guiding policy decisions and industry planning.
“Indian Stories Told Well Can Move the World”: Oscar Winner SS Rajamouli Champions Cultural Authenticity at Lumikai Insignia
मीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता, व्यवसायी और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय बेहद साफ सुथरे व्यक्तित्व वाले हैं। उनकी इसी साफ छवि के कारण जनता का जबरदस्त समर्थन उन्हें मिल रहा है। व्यापारी संघ, मारवाड़ी समाज, सभी उत्तर भारतीय संगठन, कोली समाज, उद्योगपतियों, मराठी, जैन, अलग अलग वर्ग […]
Breaking Newsमीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता, व्यवसायी और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय बेहद साफ सुथरे व्यक्तित्व वाले हैं। उनकी इसी साफ छवि के कारण जनता का जबरदस्त समर्थन उन्हें मिल रहा है। व्यापारी संघ, मारवाड़ी समाज, सभी उत्तर भारतीय संगठन, कोली समाज, उद्योगपतियों, मराठी, जैन, अलग अलग वर्ग के समाज के लोगों और मीरा भायंदर की जनता, लगभग हर वर्ग और समाज के लोगों का भरपूर समर्थन लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय को मिला रहा है। विधानसभा चुनाव 20 नवंबर को होने वाला है और सभी नेता वर्ग अपनी चुनावी रैलियों में व्यस्त हैं लेकिन नेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय की रैलियों की बात ही अलग नज़र आ रही है। जबरदस्त भीड़ के साथ लोगों का उत्साहपूर्ण समर्थन मिल रहा है। लोगों में बेहद उत्साह है इस बार एक ईमानदार और जमीन से जुड़ा व्यक्ति उनका आमदार (विधायक) बनेगा और वो व्यक्ति है हंसु कुमार पांडेय।
सभी वर्ग, समाज और संप्रदाय के लोगों के साथ महिलाओं का भी विशेष समर्थन लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय को मिला रहा है। लगभग 15 वर्षों तक वे नगरसेवक के पद पर रहे और अपने क्षेत्र का पूरा विकास किया। उनके सफल कार्यों को देख जनता ने उन्हें विधानसभा का उम्मीदवार बनने का सलाह दिया ताकि जनता को योग्य विधायक मिल सके। मीरा भायंदर की जनता, समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय को चुनाव जीतते हुए देखना चाहती है। इस बार हो रहे 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र का चुनाव में लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय उम्मीदवार के रूप में खड़े हैं। इस बार वह स्वतंत्र रूप से विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं और उनका चुनाव चिन्ह बैटरी टॉर्च है। लोकनेता और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कहा है कि वह मीरा भायंदर की जनता की उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरेंगे। उनका कहना है कि हम वादे नहीं इरादे लेकर आएंगे। मिलेगा आपका साथ तभी होगा मीरा भायंदर की जनता का विकास।
लोकनेता हंसु कुमार ने मीरा भयंदर की जनता से अपील की है कि 20 नवंबर को होने वाले 145 विधानसभा चुनाव में बैटरी टॉर्च को वोट दें।
लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय को मिल रहा है जनता का जबरदस्त समर्थन
Fund Recs, the Ireland-based leader in reconciliation and data transformation for the global funds industry, has announced an upcoming strategic visit to India from November 18th-21st. With stops in Mumbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru, the initiative focuses on strengthening ties with existing clients—including a key partnership […]
Trending NewsFund Recs, the Ireland-based leader in reconciliation and data transformation for the global funds industry, has announced an upcoming strategic visit to India from November 18th-21st. With stops in Mumbai, Kolkata and Bengaluru, the initiative focuses on strengthening ties with existing clients—including a key partnership with Apex Fund Services—and building brand awareness among potential partners within India’s rapidly expanding funds and asset management sector.
Fund Recs has established a robust presence in India, increasingly targeting the Funds & Asset Management sector. Its clients in India include a diverse portfolio of financial institutions, such as Fund Administrators, Transfer Agents, Fund Managers, Investment Managers, Auditors, Depositories, and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs).
The executive team, including Chief Operating Officer Ciaran Walshe, Senior Sales Director Vickesh Shah, Head of Product Operations Simon Gillis and Client Solutions Supervisor Eoghan Carron, will engage in a series of high-level meetings and on-site client visits across the 3 cities. This visit reflects Fund Recs’ commitment to solidifying its footprint in India, where it already collaborates with industry leaders across their client base.
Ciaran Walshe, COO of Fund Recs said, “With India emerging as a pivotal market for global fund administration, we see immense value in bringing our innovative solutions closer to our clients here. This visit will enable us to deepen partnerships, enhance localized support, and showcase how our software can drive operational efficiencies for the Indian funds industry.”
A key focus of the visit will be reinforcing Fund Recs’ partnership with Apex Fund Services through dedicated on-site engagements at Apex’s offices in Kolkata and Bengaluru. This partnership underscores Fund Recs’ commitment to empowering fund managers in India with streamlined data management and automation solutions that drive operational excellence.
“We are thrilled to directly engage with the Indian market and foster awareness around Fund Recs’ solutions in data transformation and reconciliation. Our technology is designed to optimize and automate back-end processes, reducing reconciliation time by up to 90%. This visit is a testament to our commitment to supporting the growth and innovation of India’s financial services.” stated Vickesh Shah, Senior Sales Director.
The visit is supported by Enterprise Ireland, the Irish government agency dedicated to growing Irish businesses globally. Amit Raje, SVP, India and South Asia, Enterprise Ireland commented, “Fund Recs’ advanced solutions align well with India’s needs for innovation in fund management, making this expansion both timely and impactful.” With Enterprise Ireland’s vast network and industry insights, Fund Recs aims to establish a robust client support infrastructure, accelerate growth, and strengthen its role as a key player in India’s financial services landscape.
By leveraging Enterprise Ireland’s resources and expertise, Fund Recs aims to elevate its presence and reinforce its role in the Indian fund administration market, supporting the country’s rising demand for automation and innovation.
This visit underscores Fund Recs’ long-term commitment to India’s asset management sector, positioning the company at the forefront of support for India’s fast-developing funds industry through streamlined processes, improved service quality, and cutting-edge financial technology solutions.
Fund Recs Strengthens Commitment To Indian Market With Strategic Executive Visit To
Expand Partnerships And Drive Growth
In a landmark move to shape India’s media and entertainment landscape, Shri Jayant Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), for Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and Minister of State, Ministry of Education, along with Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE, held a pivotal […]
Breaking NewsIn a landmark move to shape India’s media and entertainment landscape, Shri Jayant Chaudhary, Hon’ble Minister of State (Independent Charge), for Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and Minister of State, Ministry of Education, along with Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE, held a pivotal meeting with the Governing Council of the Media and Entertainment Skills Council (MESC). This influential gathering brought together industry leaders, including Mohit Soni, CEO of MESC; Pooja Arora, COO of MESC; Amit Behl, renowned actor and Secretary of MESC; Dr. (Hon) Anusha Srinivasan Iyer, writer-director, veteran journalist, brand custodian and Founder — Naarad PR & Image Strategists and Make Earth Green Again MEGA Foundation; Padma Shri and Oscar-winner Dr. Resul Pookutty; Saameer Mody, founder of Pocket Films; Rajesh Turakhia, founder of Frameboxx 2.0; and Sushma Gaikwad, co-founder of Ice Global and Wizcraft MIME—all uniting under the progressive theme “Skill India to Build India” with a shared vision to position India as a global powerhouse for skilled media talent.
Hon’ble Minister Jayant Chaudhary emphasized the council’s renewed mandate to address the growing demands and complexities of this vibrant sector, noting, “The Media and Entertainment Skill Council’s (MESC) Governing Council has been strengthened to recognize the vast opportunities and the increasing scale of skill development needed, not only within India but also on an international scale. As the Indian media industry expands and diversifies, this inclusive council, comprising some of the sector’s most influential figures, is committed to aligning its skill development initiatives with the demands of a rapidly evolving industry.” He underscored the importance of a collaborative approach with the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), and industry partners, stressing that the Skill Council must collectively ensure that new entrants to the field are fully prepared to meet the challenges posed by a technologically advanced and highly competitive global market.
Hon’ble Minister also highlighted the global opportunities within the media, broadcasting, and AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics) sectors, noting that with the rising global demand for skilled professionals, India has an unparalleled opportunity to establish itself as a major talent hub. He further acknowledged the government’s commitment to this vision through the AVGC policy, which aims to build capacity, foster an environment that encourages creative innovation, and significantly enhance the employability of India’s youth, propelling the country towards global recognition in this field.
Shri Atul Kumar Tiwari, Secretary, MSDE, affirmed, “Our commitment at the Ministry is to create a robust framework that not only nurtures talent domestically but elevates India’s reputation as a country of skilled professionals, and shub of skill development for global media markets. By integrating industry-driven curricula and skill-based training in educational institutions, we are paving the way for sustainable career paths and economic upliftment for India’s youth. This strategic alignment is crucial to ensuring that India’s young talent is job-ready as well as ready to turn entrepreneurs and be equipped to contribute to a rapidly changing industry landscape.”
The Governing Council members expressed enthusiasm for the progressive vision laid out. Amit Behl, renowned actor and MESC Secretary, shared, “It was truly empowering to be part of such an inclusive dialogue aimed at strengthening the backbone of India’s media and entertainment industry.” Dr. Anusha Srinivasan Iyer added, “The synergy was inspiring. It’s wonderful to be part of an initiative that prioritizes both creativity and skill-building.” Dr. Resul Pookutty, Oscar-winning sound designer, remarked, “Straightforwardness, open to ideas, cool work culture and initiation of measures without any ado were the qualities are my take home from the meeting today; am happy and proud of The Govt of India for taking unprecedented steps in vitalizing the skill India ecosystem in the MESC sector.” Saameer Mody, founder of Pocket Films, commented, “Feeling empowered to contribute to an industry-first approach that directly benefits our youth.” Rajesh Turakhia, founder of Frameboxx 2.0, stated, “This was a productive session that highlighted the need for skill-based education in a progressive industry like ours.” Sushma Gaikwad, co-founder of Ice Global, concluded, “It’s fulfilling to be part of a council dedicated to practical impact and innovation.”
MESC, under the Chairmanship of Padma Shri Dr. Shankar Mahadevan, is dedicated to building a skilled workforce that meets the demands of India’s media and entertainment sector. MESC’s accomplishments underscore its commitment to transforming M&E education and creating a skilled, employable workforce.
The collective efforts of MSDE, MESC, and industry leaders mark the beginning of a transformative era for India’s media sector, reflecting the government’s dedication to Skill India to Build India and positioning the nation at the forefront of media and entertainment excellence, paving the way for India to emerge as a global hub of creative and skilled talent, ready to compete and excel on the world stage.
Hon. Minister Jayant Chaudhary Emphasizes MESC Governing Council’s Role In “Skill India To Build India”
Kajol Solanki is a makeup artist, hairstylist and model. She loves beauty parlours and make-up work from the beginning. On her own, she honed her skills and today she does makeup and hairstyles for many models. While doing this work, she became so proficient that […]
Breaking NewsKajol Solanki is a makeup artist, hairstylist and model. She loves beauty parlours and make-up work from the beginning. On her own, she honed her skills and today she does makeup and hairstyles for many models. While doing this work, she became so proficient that she started modeling herself. She has walked the ramp in Vietnam in the hall itself, as well as in many shows. Now she is also getting into acting, her music video may come by the month of December.
Kajol is a resident of Ahmedabad. They received love and support from their families. She loves travelling and hiking. She have great faith in Lord Shiva and want to visit all the Jyotirlingas and Shiva’s places. In this episode, she has visited eight Jyotirlingas, Pashupati Nath and many temples. She has a lot of respect for her guru Girija Patel, who taught her make-up and hairstyles. She is a huge fan of Bollywood actors Salman Khan and Priyanka Chopra. Kajol considers her elder brother as her role model. Her elder brother always guides Kajol and supports her in every situation.
Kajol Solanki said that she has worked hard to reach where she is today and today her patience and hard work is paying off. “There are positives and negatives in the industry. It depends on what you’re doing. If you stay with positivity, you will definitely get your destination at the right time. Also, do your work so that your family and society feel proud of you.
Kajol Solanki is a strong-willed, courageous and energetic personality. She is moving ahead with her passion and zeal.
Little Known Facts About Kajol Solanki A Makeup Artist, Hairstylist And Model
विकास के नाम पर शहर में केवल ऊंची इमारतों को बनाना, विकास नहीं होता अपितु विकास तब होता है जब आम जनता की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा किया जाये और उन्हें सही महौल दिया जाए। यह कहना है लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय का। मीरा भायंदर की […]
Breaking Newsविकास के नाम पर शहर में केवल ऊंची इमारतों को बनाना, विकास नहीं होता अपितु विकास तब होता है जब आम जनता की आवश्यकताओं को पूरा किया जाये और उन्हें सही महौल दिया जाए। यह कहना है लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय का।
मीरा भायंदर की जनता अच्छी सड़कों, पानी की सही व्यवस्था, गटरों की सफाई आदि समस्याओं से कई वर्षों से जूझ रही है। विकास के नाम पर शहर में करोड़ों निवेश किया गया मगर आज भी जनता को बुनियादी सुविधाओं के लिए समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। नेता केवल वादे कर अपनी झोली भर कर चले जाते हैं और जनता बेबस रह जाती है। आखिर वह भी किनका यकीन करें। इस बार मीरा भायंदर की जनता को ज्यादा सोचने की आवश्यकता नहीं सभी नेताओं में जिस नेता की सामाजिक छवि स्वच्छ हो ऐसे नेता का ही चुनाव करें। किसी भी नेता को वोट देने से पहले उसका इतिहास जरूर जाने तभी उनका चयन सार्थक होगा।
वैसे आपको बता दें कि लोकनेता, व्यवसायी और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार की छवि बेहद साफ है। 15 वर्षों तक वे नगरसेवक के पद पर रहे और अपने क्षेत्र का पूरा विकास किया। उनके इस कार्य से प्रसन्न होकर जनता और व्यापारी संघ उनको समर्थन दे रहे हैं। लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय के बेहतरीन कार्य प्रणाली को देखते हुए, इस बार हो रहे 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र का चुनाव लड़ने का सभी ने सुझाव दिया। लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने लोगों के अपार स्नेह को देख, 24 अक्टूबर को नामांकन भरा। इस बार वह स्वतंत्र रूप से विधानसभा चुनाव लड़ रहे हैं और उनका चुनाव चिन्ह बैटरी टॉर्च है। लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय के कार्यों और उनकी स्वच्छ छवि को देखकर मीरा भयंदर की जनता, समाज के लोग और व्यापारी समूह उनका पूर्ण समर्थन कर रहे हैं।
हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कहा है कि वह मीरा भायंदर की जनता की उम्मीदों पर सफल उतरेंगे। उनका कहना है कि हम वादे नहीं इरादे लेकर आएंगे। मिलेगा आपका साथ तभी होगा मीरा भायंदर की जनता का विकास। लोकनेता हंसु कुमार ने मीरा भायंदर की जनता से अपील की है कि भारी बहुमत 20 नवंबर को होने वाले 145 विधानसभा चुनाव में बैटरी टॉर्च को वोट दें। क्योंकि इस बार होगा भ्रष्टाचार पर वार।
नेता ऐसा चुनें जिसकी बातों में हो दम – समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय
Mumbai, November 05, 2024—The 11th edition of the prestigious IIFTC Awards, Asia’s largest film tourism event, took place in Mumbai. Filmmakers and actors were honoured for their exceptional contributions to promoting global tourism through cinema. The awards continued the tradition of celebrating cinematic excellence that […]
Breaking NewsMumbai, November 05, 2024—The 11th edition of the prestigious IIFTC Awards, Asia’s largest film tourism event, took place in Mumbai. Filmmakers and actors were honoured for their exceptional contributions to promoting global tourism through cinema. The awards continued the tradition of celebrating cinematic excellence that not only entertains audiences but also inspires them to explore new destinations and cultures. Harshad Bhagwat, Promoter of the IIFTC Awards, highlighted the importance of the event, saying “Cinema has the power to transcend borders, not only by telling stories but also by showcasing the beauty and culture of various destinations worldwide. Through their films, our awardees have turned the spotlight on these locations, creating a deep impact on global tourism. The 11th IIFTC Awards continue our mission to honour those who have significantly contributed to film tourism, making cinema a bridge between cultures and landscapes.”
Commenting on the occasion Subhash Ghai said “It is an honour to celebrate a visionary like Ashok Amritraj, whose contributions to global cinema have been instrumental in uniting audiences across cultures. Through his dedication and artistry, he has shown how powerful storytelling can transcend borders and inspire us all.” Upon receiving the award Ashok Amritraj mentioned “I am deeply grateful to receive this prestigious recognition from IIFTC and to stand among such extraordinary filmmakers who champion storytelling as a bridge between cultures. Cinema has an unparalleled ability to bring diverse destinations and experiences to audiences around the world, sparking curiosity and connection.”
These quotes highlight the collaborative spirit of cinema and tourism, honouring Ashok Amritraj’s global influence while celebrating the shared vision of IIFTC and its mission.
The International Indian Film Tourism Conclave (IIFTC) was held from October 23rd to 25th. It will bring together filmmakers and international tourism boards to foster collaboration between the two industries. Over 50 companies from more than 20 countries, including Azerbaijan, South Africa, the USA, Spain, and many more, participated, further solidifying the event’s standing as the leading platform for promoting film tourism.
This year’s awardees included prominent names from Indian cinema, recognised for their work in showcasing breathtaking destinations on the big screen:
*IIFTC Tourism Impact Award for Cinematic Excellence – Web Series to ‘The Freelancer’ by Friday Storytellers
*IIFTC Tourism Impact Award for Cinematic Excellence – Films
* IIFTC Film Tourism Award for Outstanding Location – Azerbaijan
* IIFTC Tourism Impact Award for Cultural Integration to Leo (Tamil) by Seven Screen Studio
* IIFTC Special Awards
# Outstanding Contribution (Hindi): Shoojit Sircar
# Global Indian Cinematic Icon: Ashok Amritraj
The 11th IIFTC Awards once again celebrated the unique synergy between cinema and tourism, honouring filmmakers whose work has significantly influenced global travel through the art of storytelling.
“Subhash Ghai Honors Ashok Amritraj With Prestigious IIFTC Global Indian Cinema Icon Award”
मुंबई। समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने भायंदर के लोगो से की खास अपील । 15 वर्षों से नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भायंदर की जनता की सेवा करने के बाद, अब लोकप्रिय लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने मीरा भायंदर से 145 विधानसभा […]
Breaking Newsमुंबई। समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने भायंदर के लोगो से की खास अपील ।
15 वर्षों से नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भायंदर की जनता की सेवा करने के बाद, अब लोकप्रिय लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने मीरा भायंदर से 145 विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए 24 अक्टूबर को नामांकन भरा है। इनका चुनाव चिन्ह बॅटरी टॉर्च है। मीरा भयंदर वासियों से अनुग्रह है कि भारी मतों से लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय को विजयी बनाये।
समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार का कहना है कि मीरा भायंदर के नगरवासी उनके अपने है वह किसी को किसी धर्म या समाज से अलग नहीं मानते और समयानुसार वे सभी के हितार्थ काम करते रहेंगे। साथ ही उनका स्लोगन है हम वादे नहीं इरादे लेकर आये हैं। मिलेगा आप सबका साथ तभी होगा मीरा भयंदर का विकास।
मीरा भायंदर 145 विधानसभा उम्मीदवार हंसु कुमार पांडे ने मीरा – भायंदर के लोगो से की खास अपील
Popular actress Ruchi Gujjar recently celebrated Diwali with a radiant, traditional look that showcased her elegance and charm. Known for her captivating roles and her presence in the entertainment industry, Ruchi donned a stunning white lehenga adorned with vibrant floral embroidery, adding a contemporary touch […]
ActressPopular actress Ruchi Gujjar recently celebrated Diwali with a radiant, traditional look that showcased her elegance and charm. Known for her captivating roles and her presence in the entertainment industry, Ruchi donned a stunning white lehenga adorned with vibrant floral embroidery, adding a contemporary touch to her festive attire. The ensemble featured a delicately embellished blouse paired with a pastel, sheer dupatta, which added a graceful flair to her overall look.
In the celebration, Ruchi was seen in a beautifully decorated space with a classic Indian vibe, adorned with marigold flowers and soft lighting that captured the warmth of the festival. As she posed gracefully, holding a lit sparkler, she embraced the spirit of Diwali, radiating joy and positivity. Her style and poise during this festive season highlight her standing as a fashion icon, blending traditional aesthetics with modern appeal.
Ruchi Gujjar’s Diwali photoshoot reflects her connection to her cultural roots while emphasizing her unique style, making her a celebrated figure in the fashion and entertainment space.
Actress Ruchi Gujjar Celebrates Diwali In Style
Bollywood film producer Akhilesh Pandey has produced several films, web series, short films, and music videos. He is not only a successful producer but also a thriving businessman. Akhilesh Pandey is the owner of Akhil Emaginator Private Limited and Shrihan Agro & Exim Private Limited. […]
Breaking NewsBollywood film producer Akhilesh Pandey has produced several films, web series, short films, and music videos. He is not only a successful producer but also a thriving businessman. Akhilesh Pandey is the owner of Akhil Emaginator Private Limited and Shrihan Agro & Exim Private Limited. Under the banner of his production house, the shooting of the film Ashwatthama is about to begin. The film will be made in four languages, and the director of the film is Ravindra Kumar. Director Shiv Kumar’s Hindi film Love Bird is also being produced under his production house. His upcoming web series Kanchi is currently in post-production and will be released soon.
Akhilesh Pandey is producing approximately twelve Hindi songs under his company Akhil Emaginator Private Limited, for Saregama, out of which shooting for four songs has already been completed, and post-production has started. Rohin Banerjee is directing these songs, while the creative director and executive producer is Vipin Pandey. The DOP (Director of Photography) is Omprakash Vishwakarma, and the cast includes Sanjay Bhardwaj, Sarfraz, Arzoo, Simran Khan, Karishma Tomar, Shivani, and Vivek.
Akhilesh Pandey started his career as a film financier and later became a producer, which is a rare transition in the industry. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Economics from St. Andrew’s College, Gorakhpur. Akhilesh is an ambitious, courageous, and energetic individual. Initially, he worked in corporate business and later shifted to the film industry. He has been a part of the industry for the past 15 years. As a film financier, he has funded a dozen films and serials in Hindi and Bengali languages under the banner of Akhil Emaginator Private Limited. He is now actively involved in the production of films, web series, music videos, and television content.
Akhilesh Pandey has produced several films as a producer, including Kakhara, Reham Dil Kaatil, the web series Monalisa, Fareb, and The House. His web series are available on OTT platforms. Akhil Emaginator Private Limited is also present on digital web platforms such as Hungama, MI TV, Tata Play, Airtel Xstream, Amazon Prime Video, V Network, MX Player, and Idea Network.
Bollywood Film Producer Akhilesh Pandey Is About To Begin Shooting Of The Film Ashwatthama
The shooting of Nitin Rocks aka Nitin Rajput’s web series Bombay Ponds has started. Nitin Rocks is playing an important role in this film, he is playing the role of a reporter in this film. Nitin Rocks is an actor, rapper, singer and businessman. Two […]
UncategorizedThe shooting of Nitin Rocks aka Nitin Rajput’s web series Bombay Ponds has started. Nitin Rocks is playing an important role in this film, he is playing the role of a reporter in this film. Nitin Rocks is an actor, rapper, singer and businessman.
Two of his cover songs have been released and soon his music video ‘Saiya Saiya’ will also be released. Along with writing the lyrics of this song, Nitin has also directed it. There are four-five upcoming songs which have been written and voiced by Nitin which will be released soon.
Nitin is a resident of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. He started event management work in Gwalior itself. After that, he worked in hotel management for many years in Delhi. He also works in hotel management and casting in Mumbai. Seeing Nitin’s skills, his friends advised him to act in films and series. Actors Ejaz Khan, Adnan Khan encouraged him and he turned to acting. By the way, Nitin is a man of many talents, he likes to do and learn something new and different.
Singing is his biggest hobby, especially rapping in songs. He likes to sing all types of songs and bring a new variety in it every time. Nitin is very impressed by Yo Yo Honey Singh and like him, he likes to play around in the ocean of music. He likes to eat Gujarati and Indian food. Nitin is a big fan of Punjabi actor and singer Diljit Dosanjh.
Nitin Rocks says that if you have a dream, then have the passion and zeal to fulfill it from the heart, there should be no shame or hesitation in it. If you come to Mumbai with a dream, then this city situated on the sea coast will bring a tide in your life in the beginning, if you stand before the beats of these waves with patience without giving up, then this city will definitely fulfill your wish and you will definitely find your way.
Mumbai will fulfill your needs and luxury life. Nitin Rocks has achieved success on his own and is moving ahead. He likes to sing Haryanvi songs and do live concerts. Nitin is going to give a live performance in the awards show to be held on 24th at Mukti Cultural Hub, Mumbai.
The Shooting Of Nitin Rocks Aka Nitin Rajput’s Web Series Bombay Ponds Has Started
मुंबई। समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कहा है कि उत्तर भारतीयों के सबसे पवित्र त्यौहार सूर्य उपासना के महापर्व छठ पूजा प्रारंभ हो चुका है। और मैं सभी नगरवासियों को छठ पूजा के प्रथम अनुष्ठान ‘नहाय खाय’ की बधाई देता हूं। सभी […]
Breaking Newsमुंबई। समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कहा है कि उत्तर भारतीयों के सबसे पवित्र त्यौहार सूर्य उपासना के महापर्व छठ पूजा प्रारंभ हो चुका है। और मैं सभी नगरवासियों को छठ पूजा के प्रथम अनुष्ठान ‘नहाय खाय’ की बधाई देता हूं। सभी उत्तर भारतीयों के लिए सौगात देने की घोषणा समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने पूर्व में ही कर दिया था कि आगरी कोली समाज और उत्तर भारतीय समाज उनके साथ हैं और उनका पूर्ण विश्वास उनको मिलता है तो आर एन सी कॉलोनी में उनकी स्वयं की जमीन पर उत्तर भारतीय भवन का निर्माण करने से कोई नहीं रोक सकता।
15 वर्षों से नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भायंदर की जनता की सेवा करने के बाद, अब लोकप्रिय लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने मीरा भायंदर से 145 विधानसभा चुनाव के लिए 24 अक्टूबर को नामांकन भरा है। हजारों बाइकर्स की टीम के साथ लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय तहसील नामांकन भरने गए थे।
इनका चुनाव चिन्ह बॅटरी टॉर्च है। मीरा भयंदर वासियों से अनुग्रह है कि भारी मतों से लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय को विजयी बनाये।
समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार का कहना है कि मीरा भायंदर के नगरवासी उनके अपने है वह किसी को किसी धर्म या समाज से अलग नहीं मानते और समयानुसार वे सभी के हितार्थ काम करते रहेंगे। साथ ही उनका स्लोगन है हम वादे नहीं इरादे लेकर आये हैं। मिलेगा आप सबका साथ तभी होगा मीरा भयंदर का विकास।
लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने छठ पूजा के प्रथम अनुष्ठान ‘नहाय खाय’ त्यौहार पर जनता को दी बधाई
The World Poker Tour® has solidified a special partnership with India’s biggest Poker platform, PokerBaazi. This collaboration will provide PokerBaazi players with the globally renowned WPT® experience and offer extraordinary opportunities for Indian Poker enthusiasts to participate in world-class events. Through this partnership, PokerBaazi will […]
Business NewsThe World Poker Tour® has solidified a special partnership with India’s biggest Poker platform, PokerBaazi. This collaboration will provide PokerBaazi players with the globally renowned WPT® experience and offer extraordinary opportunities for Indian Poker enthusiasts to participate in world-class events.
Through this partnership, PokerBaazi will host WPT tournaments online, allowing Indian players to compete in prestigious events from the comfort of their homes. In addition, the collaboration will enable Indian Poker players to play in online satellite tournaments on PokerBaazi, where they can win exclusive packages to play in live WPT events around the world.
“We are proud to partner with PokerBaazi and expand our presence in India, adding to the WPT Global player base,” said WPT CEO Adam Pliska. “India is a fast-growing market for Poker, and through this collaboration, we look forward to nurturing new talent and giving Indian players a pathway to Poker stardom.”
PokerBaazi is home to some of India’s biggest Poker tournaments like the G.O.A.T, National Poker Series India, Indian Poker Masters, and more. The partnership highlights the growing stature of India as a hub for competitive Poker, opening doors for Indian players to showcase their skills in prestigious global arenas.
“We are excited to join forces with the World Poker Tour and expand further in bringing an elite Poker experience to our players in India,” said Navkiran Singh, Founder & CEO at Baazi Games (PokerBaazi). “This partnership reinforces our commitment to providing the best opportunities and platforms for Indian players to excel on both national and global stages.”
This collaboration marks an exciting new chapter for Poker in India, combining the excellence of the World Poker Tour with the innovation and passion of PokerBaazi. Further updates and announcements on WPT tournaments and satellite opportunities will be posted on
For more information regarding this and all World Poker Tour events, visit
World Poker Tour® Increases Global Footprint with Indian Powerhouse PokerBaazi
Digital Health Breaks Geographical Barriers: New Telemedicine Center at Meghe Group of Hospitals Connects Nagpur with Global Healthcare Experts at Cleveland Clinic (An Initiative of IMAS Healthcare in Collaboration with The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic). Meghe Group organized a wellness event for the community on […]
Breaking NewsDigital Health Breaks Geographical Barriers: New Telemedicine Center at Meghe Group of Hospitals Connects Nagpur with Global Healthcare Experts at Cleveland Clinic (An Initiative of IMAS Healthcare in Collaboration with The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic).
Meghe Group organized a wellness event for the community on 23rd September 2024. The event saw attendance from doctors, fitness enthusiasts, and COVID-19 survivors, all eager to witness this important healthcare development. Dr. Akhil Bindra, a renowned Pulmonary Critical Care Physician from Cleveland Clinic, graced the occasion as the chief guest. In his address, Dr. Bindra spoke about the transformative potential of telemedicine in making healthcare more accessible in India, particularly post-pandemic. He also engaged the audience in an interactive session, where he discussed ways to boost immunity after COVID-19 vaccinations and shared insights on the prevention of diseases like tuberculosis and H1N1, underscoring the importance of timely vaccinations.
Deepika Grandhi, India Business Development Head of Cleveland Clinic and Founder of IMAS Healthcare, highlighted the significance of this new facility in Nagpur. She focused on three key messages:
* The Telemedicine Center offers a unique opportunity for the people of Nagpur to access global healthcare expertise.
* She encouraged early second opinions as a proactive approach to managing health conditions before they become critical.
* Ms. Grandhi urged women to prioritize their health and seek second opinions to ensure they receive the best possible care.
Dr. Anup Marar, CEO (Health) MGI Director SMHRC & DBASI, and Dr. Sandeep Shrivastava, Executive Director, DMIHER Global, Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education expressed their enthusiasm for this partnership with IMAS Healthcare in collaboration with The Clinic by Cleveland Clinic. They emphasized how this center will serve as a bridge between Nagpur and world-class medical professionals, offering patients in the region access to expert peer to peer virtual consultations.
The Telemedicine Center is set to benefit not only the people of Nagpur but also those in surrounding regions, offering preventive care, second opinions, and expert guidance from global medical leaders. By bringing advanced healthcare closer to home, this initiative is expected to raise healthcare standards and improve the quality of life for countless patients.
Meghe Group Of Hospitals Launches Telemedicine Center In Partnership With IMAS Healthcare And The Clinic By Cleveland Clinic
The muhurat of the Hindi feature film “Vedantam” based on the mythological characteristics and importance of Sanatan was done. This film being made in Image Art Creations Production will present the historical vastness of Sanatan Dharma. The announcement teaser of the film was released at […]
Breaking NewsThe muhurat of the Hindi feature film “Vedantam” based on the mythological characteristics and importance of Sanatan was done. This film being made in Image Art Creations Production will present the historical vastness of Sanatan Dharma.
The announcement teaser of the film was released at Movie Time Cinema – The Hub Mall Goregaon Mumbai. In which the chief guest Jagatguru Ramanujacharya Swami Yogeshwaranand Ji, Sandeep Ghuge – Committee Member, Dada Saheb Phalke Chitranagari (Film City) and actress Kiran Aryan were present.
The writer/director of the film Rajeshwar Pandey Raj told that it took about 4 years to write this film, but when this film will authentically show the mythological importance of Sanatan in nature, then the vastness of Sanatan Dharma will spread not only in India but also in all other countries.
The pre-production of the film is in its final stage and now the process of selection of actors is going on. Director Rajeshwar Pandey told that the film will be shot in almost all the states of India as well as in identified places of Indonesia, Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius and Myanmar.
The project head of the film Akhilesh Mishra is constantly in touch with the Mahants, saints and Hindu religious institutions across the country and is collecting material for the film in their presence in many ways. At the same time, the creative head of the film Saurabh Chauhan has claimed that the film will be made with high-quality technology so that the film can be presented at the world level.
Director Rajeshwar Pandey told that it will take time to complete the film, but the day this film is made and presented to the audience, people will bow down to Sanatan and accept it afresh.
The production work of the film is being looked after by Anand Mohan Pandey, Afsar Sheikh, Manoj Jaiswal etc., the music is by Arjun Tandon, the cinematographer is Naveen B Mishra, VFX is Raunak Bindra and Aman Bhakuni and the film master is Sahil Khan. Famous Bollywood photographer Rama Bhatt is handling the photography and P.R of the film.
The Muhurat Of The Film Vedantam, Being Produced By Image Art Creations Production, Was Held In Mumbai, Whose Director Is Rajeshwar Pandey
Sadaf Shaikh needs no introduction. She is a celebrity Journalist, International blogger, Senior Journalist with Press9News, active councillor and councils people who approach her with their problems.She is also an active Social Activist. She cares much for the senior citizens and goes out of the […]
Breaking NewsSadaf Shaikh needs no introduction. She is a celebrity Journalist, International blogger, Senior Journalist with Press9News, active councillor and councils people who approach her with their problems.She is also an active Social Activist. She cares much for the senior citizens and goes out of the way to reach to them to care for their needs. She even care for the children and takes care of their welfare.
She is also a Woman of Substance.
Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic and subsequent lockdown, even as people in other States were reeling through trying times Sadaf Shaikh, as a Social Activist stood up selflessly and dedicated her precious time and resources for the poor and the needy.
She had shown much concern for the media persons comprising cameramen, photographers and spotboys etc and have distributed ration kits and umbrella during monsoon.
Her motive is to keep helping people in dire need and still keeps doing it as part of her social service.
With her sincere, tireless and hard work Sadaf Shaikh proves that it is not just a display of exemplary endurance, discipline and service it is another proud announcement of the volume of hard sincere, devoted and selfless work put in to service as social Activist.
Sadaf Shaikh A Social Worker Par Excellence
हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस: कुल्लू के फिल्म निर्माण हब का एक नया नाम हिमाचल प्रदेश के कुल्लू जिले में स्थिति, हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस, चंदन शर्मा द्वारा संस्था, एक अग्राणी फिल्म प्रोडक्शन कंपनी है। क्या कंपनी ने अपनी विशेष स्थापना की है फिल्म, सीरियल, और […]
Uncategorizedहडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस: कुल्लू के फिल्म निर्माण हब का एक नया नाम हिमाचल प्रदेश के कुल्लू जिले में स्थिति, हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस, चंदन शर्मा द्वारा संस्था, एक अग्राणी फिल्म प्रोडक्शन कंपनी है। क्या कंपनी ने अपनी विशेष स्थापना की है फिल्म, सीरियल, और विज्ञापन के लिए लोकेशन मैनेजमेंट, प्रोडक्शन सर्विसेज और पोस्ट-प्रोडक्शन में। स्थान प्रबंधन: हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस कुल्लू के सुंदर स्थलों को कैप्चर करने में माहिर है, जैसे की: – रोहतांग दर्रा – सोलांग घाटी -वशिष्ठ -मणिकर्ण -बिजली महादेव उत्पादन सेवाएँ: कंपनी प्रदर्शित कर्ता है: – फिल्म उपकरण किराये पर – क्रू प्रबंधन – स्थान स्काउटिंग – अनुमति सेवाएँ डाक उत्पादन: हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस में विशेषज्ञ हैं: – संपादन – दृश्य प्रभाव – साउंड डिज़ाइन – रंग ग्रेडिंग चंदन शर्मा: चंदन शर्मा, कंपनी के मालिक, के पास अनुभव है फिल्म इंडस्ट्री में।
उन्होंने कई सफल परियोजनाओं पर काम किया है और उनकी विशेषज्ञता ने उन्हें कुल्लू के फिल्म निर्माण केंद्र में एक प्रसिद्ध नाम बनाया है। संपर्क जानकारी: हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस पता: ग्राम देवधार, पी.ओ.पुईद , जिला कुल्लू – 175101, हिमाचल प्रदेश मोबाइल: 8219653353, 9816016404
हडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशंस कुल्लू में फिल्म निर्माण के लिए एक वन-स्टॉप सॉल्यूशन है। चंदन शर्मा की विशेषज्ञता और कंपनी की विशेषज्ञता ने उन्हें हिमाचल प्रदेश के फिल्म निर्माण केंद्र में एक कृषि बना दिया है।
अगर कोई प्रोडक्शन हाउस मुम्बई में है और संपर्क करना चाहते है तो हिडिंबा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशन के मैनेजर विशाल सिंह है इनको आप संपर्क कर सकते है+918830988325
हिडिम्बा सिने प्रोडक्शन सॉल्यूशन: कुल्लू की फिल्ममेकिंग की नई पहचान
From: 29th October to 4th November 2024 ‘Illusion and Reality’ An Exhibition of Watercolour Paintings By Renowned artist Pradip Maitra VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 9231678595 Pradip Maitra’s Upcoming Solo Exhibition – ‘Illusion and […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 29th October to 4th November 2024
‘Illusion and Reality’
An Exhibition of Watercolour Paintings
By Renowned artist Pradip Maitra
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda,
Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: +91 9231678595
Pradip Maitra’s Upcoming Solo Exhibition – ‘Illusion and Reality’
Renowned for his emotive watercolours, senior artist Pradip Maitra showing his recent work series named ‘Illusion and Reality’, offering a profound meditation on the cultural and intellectual upheaval spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Maitra’s new series was conceived during the 2019-2020 lockdown, marked by global isolation, anxiety, and uncertainty. Like countless others, Maitra found himself confined to his home, grappling with depression and confusion. The previously comforting books underwent a metamorphosis, unsettling him as they seemed to animate and encircle him in a stark embodiment of knowledge confined and remote.
While exploring his daughter’s college library later, he chanced upon a secluded section where valuable manuscripts lay abandoned, their significance fading amidst the hustle and bustle of contemporary society. Maitra’s ‘Book and Lock’ series is founded upon this discovery, exploring the vulnerability of cultural traditions and the increasing conflict between preservation and oblivion. Maitra’s works explore technology’s dominance during the lockdown, using the lock as a subtle metaphor for barriers to ancestral knowledge.
Born in 1959 in West Bengal, Pradip Maitra earned his BFA from the Indian College of Art in 1984. A committed freelance artist, he has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions, both in India and internationally. As a longstanding member of the Society of Contemporary Artists, Kolkata, since 1988, his work has been displayed at prestigious institutions such as the Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai, the Nehru Centre, and in global cities like Bangkok and Hong Kong. Maitra’s art is a part of prominent collections, including the National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi, and the Museum of Bengal Art, Kolkata.
‘Illusion and Reality’ invites audiences to contemplate the delicate interplay between safeguarding our cultural legacies and the march of modernity.
ILLUSION AND REALITY Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Pradip Maitra In Jehangir Art Gallery
रोशनी और सुख समृद्धि के त्यौहार दीपावली की सभी नगरवासियों को समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने बधाई और शुभकामनाएं दी मुंबई। भारतवर्ष के विशेष पर्व दीपावली पर समाजसेवक और लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों को बधाई दी है। उत्तर भारतीय और कोरी समाज […]
Breaking Newsरोशनी और सुख समृद्धि के त्यौहार दीपावली की सभी नगरवासियों को समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने बधाई और शुभकामनाएं दी
मुंबई। भारतवर्ष के विशेष पर्व दीपावली पर समाजसेवक और लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों को बधाई दी है। उत्तर भारतीय और कोरी समाज के लोगों के लिए भी एक विशेष सौगात रखी है जो उनके जीत के साथ ही पूरा किया जाएगा। समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने जनता को बताया कि लंकाधिपति रावण पर विजय प्राप्त कर भगवान राम, माँ जानकी के साथ अयोध्या लौटे थे। भगवान राम के आगमन और विजय की खुशी में अयोध्या के नगरवासियों ने जैसे धूमधाम से दीपावली का पर्व मनाया था। मीरा भायंदर के वासी भी वैसे ही हर्षोल्लास से दीपावली मनाएं। माँ महालक्ष्मी की कृपादृष्टि सभी पर बनी रहे।
महाराष्ट्र में 20 नवंबर को होने वाले चुनाव में 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र से समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने नामांकन भरा है। वह पहले भी नगरसेवक चुनाव में नगरवासियों के सहयोग से तीन बार विजयी हो चुके हैं और इस वर्ष भी मीरा भायंदर की जनता की उम्मीदों में खरे उतरेंगे।
समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने दी मीरा भायंदर की जनता को दीपावली की शुभकामनाएं
हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने की मतदाताओं से जागरूक रहने की अपील
From 28th October to 3rd November 2024 “Shreekanthaya” Solo Show of Paintings by renowned artist Bulbul Rai VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 8052977901 Bulbul Rai Presents Solo Show of Paintings “Shreekanthaya” at Jehangir Art […]
Art ExhibitionFrom 28th October to 3rd November 2024
Solo Show of Paintings by renowned artist Bulbul Rai
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road,
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: +91 8052977901
Bulbul Rai Presents Solo Show of Paintings “Shreekanthaya” at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
Ahmedabad based well-known artist Bulbul Rai is showing her paintings exhibition ‘Shreekanthaya’ at Jehangir Art Gallery, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai. This exhibition is an artistic exploration deeply rooted in the stories and teachings of Lord Shiva. From a young age, Bulbul Rai demonstrated a profound passion for art, refining her skills in drawing and painting since the age of five. After completing her education from Purvanchal University, she dedicated herself to the fine arts, focusing on religious and spiritual themes.
This show was inaugurated on 28th October 2024 by Chief Guest Shri Madan Gosavi in Presence of Shri. V. K. Gupta, Shri. Ajay Ashar, Dr. Achyut Dani, Dr. Rajwant Rai, Shri. Vijay Wani, Dr. Rajendra Singh, Shri. Prakash Khange, Mrs. K. G. Menon, Secretary Jehagir Art Gallery among others
The spiritual and religious narratives surrounding Lord Shiva inspire the Shreekanthaya show. Known for her vibrantly coloured and figurative style, Rai’s works vividly portray the deity’s life and teachings. Each artwork is an intimate reflection of Rai’s deep reverence for Shiva, inviting viewers to engage with the religio-spiritual dimensions of his existence. Her canvases are imbued with layers of meaning and vibrant quality, encouraging motivation and personal reflection.
Bulbul Rai channels her devotion through her art, using bold colours and intricate figures to communicate the essence of the energy of Lord Shiva. Her works go beyond mere representation, offering a fusion of art and religion that allows viewers to connect with the metaphysical aspects of her subject.
Shreekanthaya promises to be a transformative experience for art lovers and spiritual seekers alike. Bulbul Rai invites audiences to journey into the depths of Lord Shiva’s timeless wisdom, forging a connection between the physical and metaphysical realms.
SHREEKANTHAYA Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Bulbul Rai In Jehangir
From: 27th to 31st October 2024 “ISEE TARAH” Solo Show of Paintings By Renowned artist Amitabh Ashesh VENUE: Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery Bajaj Bhavan, 226, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 Timing: 11am to 7pm. Contact: +91 9845956328 ISEE TARAH Renowned artist Amitabh Ashesh is showing his recent work in oil […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 27th to 31st October 2024
Solo Show of Paintings
By Renowned artist Amitabh Ashesh
Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery
Bajaj Bhavan, 226, Nariman Point,
Mumbai 400021
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: +91 9845956328
Renowned artist Amitabh Ashesh is showing his recent work in oil on canvas and pastel and charcoal on art paper in a solo art exhibition at Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Bajaj Bhavan, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021 from 27 to 31 Oct. 2024. It will be open there for free public viewing daily between 11 am to 7 pm.
This show is curated by Carmela Brunetti.
Amitabh Ashesh is an alumnus of Stanford University’s Art Dept. USA. He has been trained at Stanford University USA during 1988-1994 with Bay Area Figurative movement under Frank Lobdell and other stalwarts. He has been a creative Director at JWT and Saatchi. He is also an alumnus of IIT Bombay. He has made about 120 paintings since 2014 and about 40-45 works from that series will be displayed in this exhibition.
The present series showcases the original creative work of Amitabh Ashesh on ‘Yufism’ in oil on canvas and the pastel and charcoal on art paper. It provides a new class of imagery on the ‘Yufism’ compositional platform where scenic figurative and invisible elements share their attributes, the windows becomes blocks of light, the rain drops, trail of ornamental beads and ripping sea waves are worn as a skirt etc. Each painting is accompanied by a titular poem, elaborating its meaning and thereby arousing viewers with its parallel literary association.
He has used conceptual innovations of Yufism such as scenic elements in human figuration, anthropomorphic and recursive scenery, exploded objects and blended forms for artistic effect. A collective recollection of various scenery in quotidian Indian, life find a prominent place in his work such as Bangalore’s famed Brigade Road, home cooking specialities, street dogs feed by kind strangers etc. His work is innovative and eloquent and shares an instant dialogue with the viewers due to its clarity and lucidity.
ISEE TARAH Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Amitabh Ashesh In Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery
मीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों और अपने सहायकों को नरक चतुर्दशी, हनुमान जयंती, धन्वंतरि जयंती और छोटी दीवाली की बधाई दी है। उन्होंने कहा है कि इस दीवाली सभी के घर-आंगन में खुशियों की बहार फैले। मिठाइयों सी मिठास […]
Breaking Newsमीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों और अपने सहायकों को नरक चतुर्दशी, हनुमान जयंती, धन्वंतरि जयंती और छोटी दीवाली की बधाई दी है। उन्होंने कहा है कि इस दीवाली सभी के घर-आंगन में खुशियों की बहार फैले। मिठाइयों सी मिठास सब के जीवन में सदा विद्यमान रहे।
समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने महाराष्ट्र में होने वाले 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र में नामांकन भरा है यह चुनाव 20 नवम्बर को होगा। हंसु कुमार पांडेय तीन बार नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भायंदर में कार्य कर चुके हैं। जनता उनके कार्यों से प्रसन्न है। अपने क्षेत्रों के विकास कार्यों हेतु वे बेहद सजग हैं। जनता को उन्होंने आश्वासन दिया है कि वह अपने कार्यों से उनकी सभी समस्याओं का निराकरण अवश्य करेंगे और उसे पूर्ण करने की सही और अग्रिम रणनीति भी बनाएंगे। वैसे मीरा भाईंदर की जनता का पूर्ण सहयोग उन्होंने मिल रहा है। अभी जनता को जागरूक करने का कार्य वे कर रहे हैं।
नगरवासियों के हितार्थ कई अहम फैसले समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कर रखे हैं। उनका कहना है कि जो उन्होंने जनता से वादा किया है वो जरूर निभाएंगे। साथ ही इस बार भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्ति दिलाने का भरसक प्रयास करेंगे।
मीरा भायंदर की जनता को समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने दी छोटी दीवाली की शुभकामनाएं
हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने की मतदाताओं से जागरूक रहने की अपील
मीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों और अपने सहायकों को नरक चतुर्दशी, हनुमान जयंती, धन्वंतरि जयंती और छोटी दीवाली की बधाई दी है। उन्होंने कहा है कि इस दीवाली सभी के घर-आंगन में खुशियों की बहार फैले। मिठाइयों सी मिठास […]
Breaking Newsमीरा भायंदर। लोकनेता और समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने सभी नगरवासियों और अपने सहायकों को नरक चतुर्दशी, हनुमान जयंती, धन्वंतरि जयंती और छोटी दीवाली की बधाई दी है। उन्होंने कहा है कि इस दीवाली सभी के घर-आंगन में खुशियों की बहार फैले। मिठाइयों सी मिठास सब के जीवन में सदा विद्यमान रहे।
समाजसेवक, लोकनेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने महाराष्ट्र में होने वाले 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र में नामांकन भरा है यह चुनाव 20 नवम्बर को होगा। हंसु कुमार पांडेय तीन बार नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भायंदर में कार्य कर चुके हैं। जनता उनके कार्यों से प्रसन्न है। अपने क्षेत्रों के विकास कार्यों हेतु वे बेहद सजग हैं। जनता को उन्होंने आश्वासन दिया है कि वह अपने कार्यों से उनकी सभी समस्याओं का निराकरण अवश्य करेंगे और उसे पूर्ण करने की सही और अग्रिम रणनीति भी बनाएंगे। वैसे मीरा भाईंदर की जनता का पूर्ण सहयोग उन्होंने मिल रहा है। अभी जनता को जागरूक करने का कार्य वे कर रहे हैं।
नगरवासियों के हितार्थ कई अहम फैसले समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कर रखे हैं। उनका कहना है कि जो उन्होंने जनता से वादा किया है वो जरूर निभाएंगे। साथ ही इस बार भ्रष्टाचार से मुक्ति दिलाने का भरसक प्रयास करेंगे।
मीरा भायंदर की जनता को समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने दी छोटी दीवाली की शुभकामनाएं
हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने की मतदाताओं से जागरूक रहने की अपील
Sherin is a multifaceted professional excelling as a scientist and lab manager at the University of Toronto, and she is also pursuing her PhD in cancer research. Her academic journey is further enriched by her attainment of dual Master’s degrees in MTech and MBA, accompanied […]
Breaking NewsSherin is a multifaceted professional excelling as a scientist and lab manager at the University of Toronto, and she is also pursuing her PhD in cancer research. Her academic journey is further enriched by her attainment of dual Master’s degrees in MTech and MBA, accompanied by the publication of 7 impactful research articles.
Beyond her academic achievements, Sherin’s life is defined by a passionate commitment to pageantry, a pursuit she embraced in 2019. Her accolades in this arena include prestigious titles such as Subtitle Winner of Mrs. India Beauty with Brains 2022, Mrs. Queen of Asia International 2023, and Mrs. Personality Pageants Canada 2023. Most recently, she achieved the distinction of being crowned Mrs. Indo Canada Earth 2024, marking another milestone in her pageantry journey.
Sherin leverages her platform in pageantry not only for personal growth but also as a powerful advocate for societal change. She actively raises awareness about critical issues for mothers in the workplace, advocating for improvements in maternity leave policies, accessible childcare facilities, and supportive return-to-work strategies. Her advocacy extends to championing women’s mental health initiatives and fostering empowerment through her mentoring program for women pursuing careers in STEM.
Through her dynamic contributions to both academia and pageantry, Sherin embodies a remarkable blend of intellectual rigor, social advocacy, and inspirational leadership. Her dedication to making a meaningful impact resonates across her diverse roles, influencing positive change within her community and beyond. She draws motivation from her daughters, to show that any dream is possible and to believe in yourself to achieve them.
And “I had the extraordinary opportunity to partner with Magic9999 for a complete transformation in preparation for my pageant journey. The experience included a luxurious hair makeover, a rejuvenating face mask treatment, and a stunning overall look that truly elevated my presence. Being mentored by Shwetha (not sure of exact name) was a pivotal moment, as her expertise and guidance not only enhanced my appearance but also boosted my confidence on stage. Additionally, the honor of wearing Archshar added a layer of sophistication and grace to my look, allowing me to embody the elegance and poise required for the pageant. This transformative experience was a key element in my preparation, helping me to shine with confidence and embody the essence of a true queen”
Sherin Is A Multifaceted Professional Excelling As A Scientist And Lab Manager At The University Of Toronto
In a thrilling collaboration, renowned Turkish-based fashion designer Sana Aziz Khan is set to join forces with lyricist and actor Qaseem Haider Qaseem for the upcoming music video “Tajjub Hai.” Khan’s exceptional design skills will bring the video’s characters to life, as she styles the […]
Breaking NewsIn a thrilling collaboration, renowned Turkish-based fashion designer Sana Aziz Khan is set to join forces with lyricist and actor Qaseem Haider Qaseem for the upcoming music video “Tajjub Hai.” Khan’s exceptional design skills will bring the video’s characters to life, as she styles the actors in her signature blend of elegance and sophistication.
Sana Aziz Khan is a force to be reckoned with in the fashion world. This visionary designer is on a mission to showcase the beauty and versatility of Indian textiles on the global stage, with a deep passion for sustainable and skin-friendly fabrics. Her goal is to make Indian materials like Khadi and Chikankari hand embroidery renowned in the international fashion scene.
Sana’s vision extends far beyond fashion shows. She envisions international celebrities wearing Indian fabrics at significant events like the Cannes Film Festival, boosting their appeal and recognition. To achieve this, she’s actively promoting Khadi in Dubai and operates an import-export company in Turkey dedicated to promoting Indian textiles.
But Sana’s impact doesn’t stop at Indian fashion. As a renowned Türkiye-based fashion designer, she’s witnessed Turkish fashion’s global rise and calls it an incredible transformation . “Turkish fashion captivates hearts worldwide because it tells a story that transcends borders,” she explains. This symphony of rich heritage and modern design has made Turkish fashion a radiant star on the world’s fashion map.
By introducing Indian textiles to a global audience, she believes global recognition will resonate well with international buyers, particularly with her focus on promoting skin-friendly materials.
Through her relentless efforts, Sana Aziz Khan is poised to bring the rich heritage of Indian fabrics to the forefront of global fashion, ensuring their timeless beauty and sustainability are celebrated worldwide. Her dedication to promoting Indian and Turkish fashion has made her a beacon of hope for young designers and fashion enthusiasts.
Sana Aziz Khan’s vision is rooted in promoting Indian textiles worldwide, emphasizing sustainable and skin-friendly fabrics. Her key objectives include showcasing Indian fabrics at esteemed fashion events such as New York Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, and Milan Fashion Week, further increasing their global visibility through her Turkey-based import-export company. Ultimately, Khan aims to establish Indian fabrics as a staple in international fashion, with celebrities incorporating them into their wardrobe choices for high-profile events, thereby cementing India’s position as a leading textile nation on the global fashion landscape.
With Sana Aziz Khan at the helm, the future of Indian and Turkish fashion looks brighter than ever.
Being part of great event Top Model of Universe -Istanbul
-Turkey ,Collaborating with brand Nomadic story by Fahri Akdağ along wıth Desıgner frıend Selma Oruç showcasıng her collectıon at the event.
It was Good to see Indıa’s talents on ınternatıonal platforms performıng well as Model Martın Erengbam – 13th Mega Mister North East and Top Model of Universe 1st Runner Up Martin Irengbam as securing First Runner Up Position At Top Model of Universe 2024 held on October 5 ın Istanbul -Turkey .He also won Sub Awards for Best Physique, Best Face and Best Walk at the Pageant.
Rıdamaya Passah – 20th Mega Miss North East and Top Model Of Universe won Best Face Sub-Award at Top Model Of Universe 2024 held in Istanbul,Turkey.
Besıdes Valentına Mıshra -Natıonal Dırector for ınternatıonal pagents – Vıce president was good to her contribution to the event.. ıts always good to see Indıa rısıng on the global map.
Sana Aziz Khan: The Turkish-Based Fashion Designer Making Waves In Bollywood
Just ahead of Diwali, Love Struck, a fresh romantic ballad, has been released and is resonating with music lovers. Released under the banner of a renowned music label, this track promises to seamlessly blend the emotion of romance with the high energy of a dance […]
AlbumsJust ahead of Diwali, Love Struck, a fresh romantic ballad, has been released and is resonating with music lovers. Released under the banner of a renowned music label, this track promises to seamlessly blend the emotion of romance with the high energy of a dance floor hit, capturing the hearts of both party enthusiasts and romantics.
The music video features the captivating Aastha Sharan and is performed by Prashant Mehta with lyrics co-written by him and Kammy. The music video is produced by filmmaker Anand Kumar’s Annand Kumaar Films, in association with Zee Music.
Perfectly timed to elevate the party spirit, this newly launched romantic song is being celebrated as the season’s top party anthem. Its lively beats and memorable lyrics bring constant energy, making it an ideal pick for any playlist. With an exciting mix of upbeat tempos and romance, the track adds a refreshing vibe to parties, ensuring unforgettable dance floor memories.
Adding to the allure is the music video, featuring stunning visuals shot across multiple scenic spots in Delhi and Hyderabad, this three-minute and twenty-two-second song delivers refreshing vibes with smooth, calming music. The video stars the talented Aastha Sharan whose presence on-screen amplifies the romantic essence while maintaining an undeniable groove.
Dressed in glamorous outfit, Aastha shines in the music video fit seamlessly with the song’s rhythm, enhancing its appeal as a party favorite.
Discussing her collaboration, actress Aastha said, “When I first listened to this song, I knew right away that I loved it and wanted others to enjoy it as well. It has taken a tremendous amount of love and our collective energy to create something beautiful. I feel so blessed to be involved with such incredible music, talented artists, and an amazing team!”
“Lovestruck is inspired by a modern interpretation of heartbreak, where the pain has faded but the connection and desire persist. It’s an urban Punjabi track that combines groovy rhythms with a soft, romantic feel, celebrating the essence of lost love,” said Prashant Mehta.
Social media is already buzzing with excitement, as the music video has garnered massive attention and are widely sharing the music video, showcasing the song’s emerging popularity. With its captivating music and visuals, this romantic party anthem is sure to keep the celebrations alive, making it a must-have on playlists this season.
Love Struck Set To Be This Season’s Must-Have Party Anthem!
Recognized for ANSR’s expertise in providing setup, design, and administrative support services for GIC/GCC setups India, 2024: ANSR, the market leader in developing strategic Global Capability Centers (GCCs), was named a Leader in Everest Group’s Global In-house Center (GIC) Setup Capabilities in India – Provider […]
Business NewsRecognized for ANSR’s expertise in providing setup, design, and administrative support services for GIC/GCC setups
India, 2024: ANSR, the market leader in developing strategic Global Capability Centers (GCCs), was named a Leader in Everest Group’s Global In-house Center (GIC) Setup Capabilities in India – Provider PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024. The recognition highlights ANSR’s unmatched expertise in providing comprehensive setup, design, and administrative support services that empower global enterprises to establish successful GICs/GCCs in India.
“The heightened focus on GIC setups, driven by strategic priorities in the current business environment, has led providers to adopt a more programmatic and capability-driven approach,” says Akshay Mathur, Vice President, Everest Group. “With its core focus on GIC setups, standardized offerings, and investments from strategic partners, ANSR has positioned itself as a key player in the GIC setups space. Its market impact and forward-looking vision have earned it a Leader recognition in Everest Group’s GIC Setup Capabilities in India – Provider PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024.”
ANSR’s positioning as a Leader underscores its commitment to delivering tailored GCC solutions that align with the evolving needs of global businesses. With a robust track record of enabling over 135 global brands to set up and scale their operations in India, ANSR remains at the forefront of the GCC transformation journey delivered through our innovative GCC SuperApp.
“Being recognized as a Leader in Everest Group’s GIC Setup Capabilities in India – Provider PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 is not just an achievement for ANSR, it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to setting the standard in the GIC/GCC space. The world is witnessing a surge in organizations leveraging global talent to fuel their digital transformation and innovation agendas. At ANSR, we’re not just participating in this shift – we’re at the forefront, empowering our customers to turn their GIC/GCCs into strategic powerhouses for growth.” said Lalit Ahuja, Founder and CEO, ANSR.
ANSR’s comprehensive GCC platform is built to support organizations at every stage of their GCC journey. From entity setup and talent acquisition to people consulting, HR services, payroll, infrastructure management, and legal compliance, ANSR provides end-to-end solutions. With a proven track record of launching over 135 GCCs, ANSR ensures seamless alignment of GCC operations with broader business objectives, positioning itself as the go-to partner for multinationals looking to leverage India’s dynamic GCC ecosystem for global expansion. ANSR delivers these services through its unique GCC SuperApp, guaranteeing predictable and successful GCC outcomes.
About ANSR
ANSR, an Accel portfolio company, is the global leader in helping organizations build, manage, and scale high-performing teams through Global Capability Centers (GCCs). ANSR’s tech-driven, full-stack platform offers a suite of AI-powered products and solutions, designed to streamline every stage of the GCC lifecycle. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, ANSR delivers end-to-end solutions spanning advisory, talent acquisition, workspace design & management, and business operations. Trusted by leading global brands, ANSR has successfully established over 135 GCCs, comprising 180k professionals, with more than $2 billion in investments across 12 million square feet of workspace. Visit for more information.
ANSR Named A Leader In Everest Group’s Global In-House Center (GIC) Setup Capabilities In India – Provider PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024
समाजसेवक और लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय मीरा भाईंदर क्षेत्र के विकास कार्यों के प्रति सदैव सचेत रहते हैं और हमेशा प्रयासरत रहते हैं ताकि उनके क्षेत्र में किसी प्रकार की असुविधा ना हो। इस बार उन्होंने 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र से नामांकन भरा है। एक बड़ा […]
Breaking Newsसमाजसेवक और लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय मीरा भाईंदर क्षेत्र के विकास कार्यों के प्रति सदैव सचेत रहते हैं और हमेशा प्रयासरत रहते हैं ताकि उनके क्षेत्र में किसी प्रकार की असुविधा ना हो। इस बार उन्होंने 145 विधानसभा क्षेत्र से नामांकन भरा है। एक बड़ा जनसमूह उनके इस कार्य को प्रोत्साहित करने और खुशी जाहिर करने उनके साथ गया था। समाज सेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय तीन बार नगरसेवक के रूप में मीरा भयंदर में कार्य कर चुके हैं। उनके कार्यकुशलता को देख जनता उनका पूर्ण समर्थन कर रही हैं। उनका कहना है कि भ्रष्टाचार की अथाह हो गई है अब इस पर लगाम लगाने की जरूरत है। जिसके लिए उन्होंने कार्य की रूपरेखा बना रखी है जो समय आने पर जनता के हित के लिए क्रियान्वित किया जाएगा। लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय का कहना है कि वह खोखले वादों पर नहीं, काम पूरा करने पर विश्वास रखते हैं, यदि उन्होंने कह दिया तो अपना वचन निभाकर ही मानेंगे। महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य के लिए वे बेहद संवेदनशील है उनका मानना है कि महिलाओं के लिए अलग अस्पताल या डायग्नोस्टिक सेंटर बने। जहाँ कम कीमत पर उनकी समस्याओं का इलाज हो सके। वर्तमान समय में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर, सर्वाइकल कैंसर, पीसीओडी आदि जैसे गंभीर बीमारियों की पहचान के लिए डायग्नोस्टिक सेंटर होना जरूरी है। सरकारी अस्पताल में प्रसव से जुड़ी समस्याओं या ऑपरेशन की अच्छी सुविधाओं के अभाव के कारण महिलाएं मजबूरी में प्राइवेट अस्पताल जाती हैं जहाँ लाखों का खर्च वहन करना पड़ता है। ऐसी समस्याओं से महिलाओं को मुक्ति दिलाने के लिए आवाज उठानी जरूरी है और उसे फलीभूत करने का प्रयास जरूरी है।
मीरा भाईंदर में पानी की समस्या आम है यहाँ पुरानी बिल्डिंग से पानी सप्लाई बंद कर नई बिल्डिंग में भेजा जा रहा है जिससे पुराने रहिवासियों से साथ अन्याय हो रहा है। अतः पानी की समस्या का जल्द निराकरण करने के लिए सरकार को ध्यान देने के लिए बाध्य करना जरूरी है। जिसकी शुरुआत हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने कर दी है।
समाज सेवक, नेता और व्यवसायी हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने लोगों को धनतेरस की शुभकामनाएं दी है और जनता के प्रति आभार व्यक्त किया है। उनका कहना है कि आज धन के देवता कुबेर और माँ लक्ष्मी जी के विशेष पूजन का त्योहार धनतेरस के अवसर पर सभी जनता को हार्दिक बधाई। राम जी के आगमन से जैसे पूरी अयोध्या में उजियाला फैला था वैसे ही मीरा भायंदर की जनता की हर समस्या अब दूर होगी और नई चमक फैलेगी और नवीन विकास होगा। समाजसेवक, लोकनेता हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने जनता से भी अपने समर्थन हेतु साथ आने को कहा है ताकि जो कहा है वो करके दिखा सके।
नगरवासियों को समाजसेवक हंसु कुमार पांडेय ने धनतेरस की बधाई दी
The National Poker Series India (NPS) in its milestone 5th edition in March 2025, promises to elevate India’s poker landscape to newer heights. Exclusively hosted on PokerBaazi, NPS 2025 boasts an unprecedented ₹100 Crore prize pool, positioning it as the biggest and most prestigious poker […]
Business NewsThe National Poker Series India (NPS) in its milestone 5th edition in March 2025, promises to elevate India’s poker landscape to newer heights. Exclusively hosted on PokerBaazi, NPS 2025 boasts an unprecedented ₹100 Crore prize pool, positioning it as the biggest and most prestigious poker event in the country’s history.
Navkiran Singh, Founder and CEO of Baazi Games, commented, “The National Poker Series India is a platform that transcends mere competition; it is a movement that recognizes poker as a serious skill-based mind sport in India. Each edition is designed to emphasize strategy, precision, and mental endurance, enabling players to refine their abilities while promoting the sport across the nation. We are proud to host the National Poker Series India for its 5th edition with a ₹100 crore prize pool—the biggest our country has seen yet. We aim to deliver an unparalleled experience at PokerBaazi, to empower the talent of poker players across India.”
Building on the overwhelming success of the 2024 edition, which drew over 2.25 Lakh entries and offered a prize pool of ₹62.5 Crore and 450 medals, NPS 2025 is set to raise the bar even higher. Players can anticipate an event of extraordinary scale in 2025, making the 5th edition the most competitive and rewarding yet.
Since its inception, the National Poker Series India has attracted over 5.33 lakh entries, hosted 404 high-stakes tournaments, and awarded 1,221 players with medals, solidifying its position as India’s premier platform for competitive poker. In the 2024 edition, Deepak Singh from Delhi emerged as the overall champion with 3 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze medals. The competition was fierce, with Abhishek Sonu from Bihar and Samay Modi from Maharashtra also securing podium finishes. Maharashtra led the medal tally with over 100 medals, closely followed by Delhi with 83, illustrating the regional pride and intense rivalry that NPS has come to symbolize.
The schedule of the tournament series that surpasses the rewards of some of the country’s largest sports leagues is expected to follow soon.
National Poker Series India Reveals An Unprecedented Prize Pool Of 100 Crore For Its 2025 Edition
The National Poker Series India (NPS) in its milestone 5th edition in March 2025, promises to elevate India’s poker landscape to newer heights. Exclusively hosted on PokerBaazi, NPS 2025 boasts an unprecedented ₹100 Crore prize pool, positioning it as the biggest and most prestigious poker […]
Business NewsThe National Poker Series India (NPS) in its milestone 5th edition in March 2025, promises to elevate India’s poker landscape to newer heights. Exclusively hosted on PokerBaazi, NPS 2025 boasts an unprecedented ₹100 Crore prize pool, positioning it as the biggest and most prestigious poker event in the country’s history.
Navkiran Singh, Founder and CEO of Baazi Games, commented, “The National Poker Series India is a platform that transcends mere competition; it is a movement that recognizes poker as a serious skill-based mind sport in India. Each edition is designed to emphasize strategy, precision, and mental endurance, enabling players to refine their abilities while promoting the sport across the nation. We are proud to host the National Poker Series India for its 5th edition with a ₹100 crore prize pool—the biggest our country has seen yet. We aim to deliver an unparalleled experience at PokerBaazi, to empower the talent of poker players across India.”
Building on the overwhelming success of the 2024 edition, which drew over 2.25 Lakh entries and offered a prize pool of ₹62.5 Crore and 450 medals, NPS 2025 is set to raise the bar even higher. Players can anticipate an event of extraordinary scale in 2025, making the 5th edition the most competitive and rewarding yet.
Since its inception, the National Poker Series India has attracted over 5.33 lakh entries, hosted 404 high-stakes tournaments, and awarded 1,221 players with medals, solidifying its position as India’s premier platform for competitive poker. In the 2024 edition, Deepak Singh from Delhi emerged as the overall champion with 3 Gold, 1 Silver, and 1 Bronze medals. The competition was fierce, with Abhishek Sonu from Bihar and Samay Modi from Maharashtra also securing podium finishes. Maharashtra led the medal tally with over 100 medals, closely followed by Delhi with 83, illustrating the regional pride and intense rivalry that NPS has come to symbolize.
The schedule of the tournament series that surpasses the rewards of some of the country’s largest sports leagues is expected to follow soon.
National Poker Series India Reveals An Unprecedented Prize Pool Of 100 Crore For Its 2025 Edition
The much-anticipated music video HAMESHA by Manyu B is set to release on Friday, October 25th, 2024. This romantic track with an immersive experience stands out in today’s fast-paced music scene. The song evokes nostalgia with its soulful melody and timeless theme of love. The […]
Breaking NewsThe much-anticipated music video HAMESHA by Manyu B is set to release on Friday, October 25th, 2024. This romantic track with an immersive experience stands out in today’s fast-paced music scene. The song evokes nostalgia with its soulful melody and timeless theme of love. The video has been shot across stunning locations in the USA, Spain, and India, adding a visual treat to complement the heartfelt tune.
Adding a unique twist to his journey, Manyu B is an Indian settled in the US, now releasing a Hindi song that reflects his deep connection to his roots. Despite his professional success abroad, his passion for Indian music has remained constant. HAMESHA is not just a romantic track, but a bridge between his life in the US and his upbringing in india that adds an element of curiosity and excitement for his fans.
Manyu B, the creative force behind HAMESHA, has a story of passion and perseverance.
Manyu B’s journey to releasing HAMESHA is a story of resilience, passion, and unwavering belief in one’s dreams. Born and raised in New Delhi, Manyu B discovered his love for music at a young age, influenced by the melodies of his childhood, from singing with his mother to absorbing the diverse musical styles of his friends, teachers, and mentors across India and the Philippines. His talent shone through in his college years, where he led his band successfully at various prestigious festivals, including a remarkable performance at the All India annual festival at BITS Pilani. Despite his early accomplishments, Manyu B put his musical ambitions on hold to pursue higher studies.
After completing professional education from Symbiosis Pune and IIM Calcutta, Manyu B embarked on a successful career in IT-enabled services, traveling the world and climbing the corporate ladder. Yet, his love for music never faded. Music remained his quiet companion as he continued to perform at community events & private jam sessions, compose songs, always keeping his passion alive, even while balancing the demands of a high-pressure career.
It wasn’t until a life-changing conversation with close friends that Manyu B made the bold decision to return to music—this time, with more determination than ever before. He reignited the dreams he had left behind and began finishing his songs & performing once again. HAMESHA, a song written during his college days, symbolizes his triumphant return to the music industry. It is not just a romantic song but a testament to the power of persistence, reminding us that dreams, no matter how long deferred, can always be realized. Manyu B’s story is an inspiring example of how passion, once rediscovered, can lead to a new chapter filled with purpose and fulfillment.
HAMESHA: A Timeless Love Song by Manyu B Bridging Cultures and Memories
Mamta Tambe( Mamta Baldev Chandiramani)is well recognised by her activities in the Society received more than 50 awards from government and many ngo towards her achievements is a great example to many ” Where there is a will there is a way” Recently she was […]
Breaking NewsMamta Tambe( Mamta Baldev Chandiramani)is well recognised by her activities in the Society received more than 50 awards from government and many ngo towards her achievements is a great example to many ” Where there is a will there is a way” Recently she was honoured by Honourary Doctorate from The American University as Social activist .She is also awarded as Blissful Queen from London, Saraswati Bai Dadasaheb Phalke Phalke as International iconic Women and Women A however in her training the other visually impaired personalities of the society
She was born premature with no vision on July 27,This barrier did not stop her growth and development in any way as she is a person of strong will power, determination and positive attitude.
She lost her father when she was 13 years old. Right from childhood she was very independent. She completed Diploma in basic computers using screen reader software (Jaws).Her passion to explore dreams did not stop here , completed 2 degrees of Indian Classical music (Vocal as well as singing), Medical Transcription, Typing, swimming, singing, Reiki, Casio, flute and making friends. She followed the example of Helen Keller who overcame all the barriers in life in spite of her strongly believes that:
Mamta Loves reading and listening to books she reads a lot whenever she gets times specially e books, some audio books and stories.When She was in 9th, she also started to learn Mobility cooking currency identifying and other independent living skills etc, which in turn made her more independent.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
Mamta was born in Philippines (Manila) She started her childhood in Thailand, did her Pre-pdisabilities.Sherimary and primary school From Bangkok Thailand, secondary school (SSC) from Bhavans A.H. vadia High school Andheri Mumbai Under the Integrated Education Program, Junior college from Ferguson College Pune along with staying in the hostel there where in the 12th standard Mamta with her confidence positivity and personality was crowned superintendent of Ferguson college ladies’ hostel for 1 fully Year from 2003 to 2004. Senior College Sathaye college Vile Parle (E) T.Y.B.A. Topper Majoring in Education of 2008 Batch. Further did her M.A. from Mumbai University. She has thorough knowledge of computers and software with JAWS in the whole of India to Complete her T.Y.B.A in Education, (six papers) From Sathaye College(Mumbai University). Topped Mumbai University with the highest percentage and marks in the general category.She Received Excellence (All Rounder) Award From (IAEWP) an Organization Affiliated to (UNO) .In July 2008 She also has been interviewed by Print Media (Newspaper) namely (Nav Bharat Times) (Mumbai Mirror) (Maharashtra Times) (Yuva Paper for Youth) in June 2008, Blind Welfare Magazine and also West side Plus, Supplement of Times of India in July 2008 She also was Featured by Electronic Media on 5 Channels on TV namely (D D News)(Live India) (C T. V.) (I T N) and (Me Marathi) in June and July 2008. She attended a One-day training session organized by NAB India on Sensitivity towards the Visually Impaired in September 2008ttended a conference organized by Computer Society of India (CSI) for 2 Days in Ahmedabad in September 2008.She attended the second conference of Access India which was organized in Ahmedabad in September 2008.She attended a conference organized by Barrier Break Technologies known as (Techshare Conference) which focused on assistive devices and access technology products in November 2008.Felicitated by Lions Club for Excellence in Academics in September 2009.Felicitated by Maharashtra NAV NIRMAN SENA (MANSE) on the occasion of World’s White Cane Day on 15 October 2009.Felicitated by State Bank of India on the occasion of World’s disability day, on 5th December 2011 for good nature and excellent work.She received medal by DMD and CDO our former Chairperson Mrs. Arundhati Bhattacharya Madam on 14th March 2012 on eve of International Women’s Day.She also was felicitated by State bank of India Super Circle of Excellence (SCE 2) by Mr. Tom Jecup sir and State bank of India andheri (W) branch by P.C. Baror sir on 20th April 2012.
She attended a one-day training organized by the American Heart Association in collaboration with Voice Vision on First Aid on 15th April 2012. She completed and passed Bank Increment 2 examination JAIIB in 20/01/2012, and CAIIB in 25/01/2014.Was felicitated by SC ST Association corporate centre unit SBI on the occasion of 136 birth anniversary of Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar by GM OLCS A.V. Bhrumma Rao sir on 25/04/2017.Currently this lock down and work from home situation, have earned various E certificates from Hadley school in various courses.
Her visual impairment has given her a chance to explore the best of assistive technologies, to equip herself with the competitive skills to gain a responsible position in the corporate world. With the help of a screen reader called “Job Access with Speech” (JAWS), she is able to work with all Windows Operating systems, Microsoft Office applications like Word, Excel,PowerPoint,Office 365, etc. or any job-related applications.This also includes accessing Internet, filling forms online, sending & receiving e-mails via Internet based services like Google Gmail or any e-mail client like Outlook Express.
She also Designs websites accessible to Visually Impaired and partially sighted students.She uses Braille script for her reading and writing, and is able to read and write in all languages mentioned. She also teaches computers, Braille,Mobility, cooking and other skills to visually impaired and partially sighted students.
Using TALKS, a software that converts the display text of a cellular handset into highly intelligible speech, empowered to make optimum use of cellular technology like speech-enabled contact names, caller ID, text messages, help files and other screen content. Nowadays all mobile phones are having an in-built screen reader name talkback which is a boon / blessing for all Visually impaired fraternity, it helps reading everything which comes on the screen.
Mamta Namdev Tambe A Visually Handicap Inspirational Personality From A Banker To Receiving Honourary Doctorate From USA.
From: 21st to 27th October 2024 “Serenity in Nature” Solo Show of Paintings By Well-Known artist Rajendra Chauhan VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm. Contact: +91 9909203318 This show was inaugurated on 21st October 2024 by Hon. Guests […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 21st to 27th October 2024
“Serenity in Nature”
Solo Show of Paintings
Well-Known artist Rajendra Chauhan
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road,
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: +91 9909203318
This show was inaugurated on 21st October 2024 by Hon. Guests – Dr. Sudhanshu Mani Retd. GM of Indian Railways and Leader of Vande Bharat Project, Ms. Teena Kaur Parischa – Indian Film Award Winner Film maker & Breast Cancer survivor, Mr. Murali Raman – Visual Artist, Writer and Award Winning Film maker.
The Present series in Water colour on paper depicting serenity in Nature exemplifies subtle nuances of the tranquil beauty of the natural world. He has been deeply inspired by ever changing season, the play of light on water and the majestic beauty of mountains and forests. He has artistically revealed the ever changing moods and the majesty of the environment from the soft glow of dawn to the vibrant hues of dusk. His artistic use of colour, light and dimensionality and aesthetic panorama that enable a viewer to delve into the heart of the landscape and enjoy its subtleties in relevant perspectives of visual art. He has aptly given prominence to serenity of natural world and its omnipresent grandeur in the proper perspectives of visual art. His works connect the viewers to details of the untouched and serene worlds in the universe.
SERENITY IN NATURE Solo Show Of Paintings By Well-Known Artist Rajendra Chauhan In Jehangir
India, 2024 – The Internet Governance and Policy Project (IGAP) has today published its latest report, “Social Media Transparency Reporting: A Performance Review”, offering a detailed analysis of how Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) are complying with India’s Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media […]
BlogsIndia, 2024 – The Internet Governance and Policy Project (IGAP) has today published its latest report, “Social Media Transparency Reporting: A Performance Review”, offering a detailed analysis of how Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) are complying with India’s Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. The report assesses the performance of major platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, Snap, ShareChat, and Koo, focusing on their content moderation practices and grievance redressal mechanisms between June 2021 and December 2023.
As concerns over harmful online content, including misinformation and hate speech, continue to grow, IGAP’s report highlights key gaps in transparency across these platforms and calls for enhanced accountability to Indian users. The study also provides a comparative analysis with international frameworks such as the European Union’s Digital Services Act and presents actionable recommendations for improving transparency and compliance practices.
Key Findings:
Recommendations: IGAP’s report outlines several key reforms to improve transparency and ensure better accountability:
The Report is accessible at:
IGAP Releases Comprehensive Report On Social Media Transparency And Compliance: Calls For Increased Accountability From Platforms
देसी स्टार समर सिंह जब भी कोई गाना कमर पर लेकर आते हैं तो वह सुपर डुपर हिट होने के साथ ही साथ वायरल भी हो जाता है। विगत कई सालों से समर सिंह का कमर वाला गाना तहलका मचाया हुआ है। ऐसे में बाबा […]
Breaking Newsदेसी स्टार समर सिंह जब भी कोई गाना कमर पर लेकर आते हैं तो वह सुपर डुपर हिट होने के साथ ही साथ वायरल भी हो जाता है। विगत कई सालों से समर सिंह का कमर वाला गाना तहलका मचाया हुआ है। ऐसे में बाबा विश्वनाथ की नगरी वाराणसी में समर सिंह और शिल्पी राज का गाया हुआ भोजपुरी सांग ‘कमर के नीलामी’ का ग्रांड म्यूजिक लॉन्च एक होटल में ‘वायरल भोजपुरी’ म्यूजिक कंपनी ने किया है। इस अवसर पर म्यूजिक कंपनी वायरल भोजपुरी के हेड विक्रांत नेगी, हितेश, देसी स्टार समर सिंह, एक्ट्रेस वैशाली चौधरी, अभय पांडेय, सिंगर मनोज लाल यादव, एस के आनंद, अंकित मिश्रा, गीतकार आलोक यादव सहित तमाम दिग्गज हस्तियां मौजूद रहीं। इस दौरान समर सिंह और वैशाली चौधरी को देखने के लिए फैंस की काफी भीड़ जमा रही। दोनों कलाकारों ने मीडिया के सवालों का जवाब दिया और साथ ही सोशल मीडिया क्रिएटर संग ‘कमर के नीलामी’ गाने पर ठुमके भी लगाये। यह म्यूजिक लांच बिग लेबल पर किया गया, जिसकी हर कोई तारीफ कर रहा है। इस मौके पर ‘कमर के कमानी’ सांग बड़े स्क्रीन पर दिखाया गया, जिसकी हर किसी ने खूब तारीफ किया।
गौरतलब है कि वायरल भोजपुरी के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज किया गया बिग ब्लास्ट सांग ‘कमर के नीलामी’ को समर सिंह और सिंगर शिल्पी राज ने मस्ती मूड में गाया है, जिसे क़ाफी पसंद किया जा रहा है। इस गाने के वीडियो में समर सिंह के साथ एक्ट्रेस वैशाली चौधरी नजर आ रही है। उनकी केमेस्ट्री फुल टू धमाल मचा रही है। इस गाने के गीतकार विक्की रौशन, संगीतकार रौशन सिंह, डिजाईन डीजे रवि राज ने किया है। कोरियोग्राफर असलम खान, वीडियो डायरेक्टर असलम खान, डीओपी राहुल यादव, कॉन्सेप्ट समर मोदी, प्रोजेक्ट बाई अभय पांडेय का है। स्पेशल थैंक्स अंकित मिश्रा, आशीष सत्यार्थी का है।
सांग लॉन्चिंग के अवसर पर समर सिंह ने मीडिया के सवालों के जवाब में बताया कि ‘कमर के कमानी फुल एंटरटेनिंग सांग है। इस गाने की मेकिंग में हम लोगों ने काफी मेहनत किया है। यह गाना मेरे दिल के बेहद करीब है। वैशाली चौधरी ने बहुत अच्छा काम किया है। हमारी केमेस्ट्री फुल इंटरटेनिंग है। वायरल भोजपुरी म्यूजिक कंपनी ने बहुत ही बेहतरीन सांग बनाया है। यह गाना देखने और सुनने में लोगों को बहुत मजा आएगा। सभी से गुजारिश है कि इस गाने को अपना प्यार और आशीर्वाद दीजिये और हिट बनाइये।’
वैशाली चौधरी ने कहा कि ‘इस गाने का हिस्सा बनकर मुझे बेहद खुशी हुई है। अब तक मैंने एक्शन वाले गाने किया था, पहली बार मैंने डांस वाला सांग किया है, यह गाना देखने पर लोगों को पता चलेगा कि मैं डांस भी कर सकती हूँ। वायरल भोजपुरी म्यूजिक कंपनी को बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद देती हूं। समर सिंह के साथ काम करना एक शानदार अनुभव था।’
वायरल भोजपुरी के विक्रांत नेगी ने कहा कि ‘इस गाने में समर सिंह ने बहुत अच्छा काम किया है। समर सिंह, शिल्पी राज और वैशाली चौधरी की तिकड़ी काफी शानदार है। इस गाने को प्यार देने के लिए सभी दर्शकों को दिल से धन्यवाद।’
देसी स्टार समर सिंह का सांग ‘कमर के नीलामी’ हरियाणवी एक्ट्रेस वैशाली चौधरी संग वायरल भोजपुरी ने किया लांच
~The Blockbuster Musical Transcends Borders and Continues to Captivate Hearts~ New Delhi : After an overwhelmingly successful run in Mumbai, the world’s first mega musical on Shri Krishna, Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela, is set to enchant audiences in New Delhi at the iconic Jawaharlal Nehru […]
Breaking News~The Blockbuster Musical Transcends Borders and Continues to Captivate Hearts~
New Delhi : After an overwhelmingly successful run in Mumbai, the world’s first mega musical on Shri Krishna, Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela, is set to enchant audiences in New Delhi at the iconic Jawaharlal Nehru Auditorium, with shows scheduled from November 29th to December 8th, 2024. Conceptualized and brought to life by the visionary Dhanraj Nathwani, this spectacular production has redefined Indian theatre, offering an unprecedented portrayal of the magnanimity and grace of Shri Krishna through a mesmerizing theatrical experience.
In the landscape of Indian theatre, no production has matched the scale and emotional depth of Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela. The musical masterpiece, which ran to packed audiences at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre’s (NMACC) Grand Theatre in Mumbai, received high praise from celebrities and audiences alike and has solidified its status as a cultural phenomenon, resonating with people of all ages and leaving an indelible mark on India’s entertainment history.
Inviting audiences to experience the magic and majesty of Shri Krishna, Dhanraj Nathwani, said, “Creating ‘Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela’ has been a journey of devotion and passion for me. Shri Krishna’s life is an endless source of inspiration, and through this musical, our aim is to share the beauty, wisdom, and love that he embodies. I am thrilled to bring his timeless stories and intertwining journeys of Shri Krishna as Shrinathji and Dwarkadheesh, in a way that has never been seen before, embarking the audience on an unforgettable journey into the divine saga of Shri Krishna.”
He further added, “Bringing Rajadhiraaj to Delhi holds immense significance, as we are close to Krishna’s birthplace and the revered land of Mathura-Vrindavan. Being in proximity to such a sacred area allows us to feel a deeper connection with Krishna, while we share his timeless stories with a broader audience. The success of our shows in Mumbai has reaffirmed that Krishna’s life and teachings resonate profoundly with people of all ages. We are excited to bring this unique theatrical experience to the audiences of Delhi.”
With rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and soul-stirring live music, Executive Producer – Bhoomi Nathwani promises an unforgettable experience. Written by renowned screenwriter Padma Shri Awardee Prasoon Joshi and directed by seasoned musical theatre expert Shruti Sharma, this production takes the audience on an enthralling journey through Shri Krishna’s playful and divine tales. From Vrindavan to Mathura and Vraj to Dwarka, over 180 artists bring this musical to life. The production’s allure is amplified by a powerful soundtrack of 20 original songs by Sachin-Jigar, blending Western symphonic elements from Budapest with Indian classical, Haveli Sangeet, Rajasthani and Gujarati folk, and Hindustani semi-classical music. Omung Kumar’s intricate production design, and the mesmerizing choreography of Bertwin D’Souza and Shampa Gopikrishna, performed by more than 60 dancers, further enhance the immersive experience. The show is creatively produced by Parthiv Gohil and Viral Rachh, both seasoned veterans in music and theatre, while National Award-winning writer Raam Mori has meticulously contributed to the project’s in-depth story research. Celebrated costume designer Neeta Lulla, known for her work in iconic Indian films, brings mythical characters to life through 1,800 bespoke custom-made costumes that highlight the divine playfulness, courage, and philosophical depth of the characters.
Audiences will be captivated by Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela, an enchanting journey into Shri Krishna’s divine saga. With scenes showcasing Vrindavan’s charm and Mathura’s vibrancy, the Delhi edition offers a unique, immersive experience, making it unmissable.
Tickets are now exclusively available on
Rajadhiraaj: Enchanting Story Of Shri Krishna’s Love, Life, Leela To Continue Its Spectacular Run At Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium
India : The University of Windsor, Canada successfully concluded its 10-day academic tour in India, marking an important step in fostering deeper educational ties between India and Canada. Durnig this time, representatives from UWindsor met with officials and key academic leaders from 40 institutions across […]
Breaking NewsIndia : The University of Windsor, Canada successfully concluded its 10-day academic tour in India, marking an important step in fostering deeper educational ties between India and Canada. Durnig this time, representatives from UWindsor met with officials and key academic leaders from 40 institutions across six key cities-Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Trichy, and Mumbai. Among these, nearly 15 institutes were identified as partners for potential future collaborations.
The delegation held several high-profile interactions with various distinguished academic leaders, officials and government bodies, including meetings with the Association of Indian Universities (AIU) and regulatory bodies such as FICCI, further laying the groundwork for cross-border relationships, possibilities for research collaboration, and higher scholarship opportunities for Indian students aspiring to study abroad.
To bolster amiable ties, the Uwindsor team also met with the Telangana Higher Education Council and hosted an award ceremony honoring the Top 20 institutions in India as ranked by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF), underscoring its efforts in favour of academic excellence, and meaningful partnerships. A renewal of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed with Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, focusing on student mobility and faculty-led exchange programs.
“Our recent tour of India was a resounding success, reinforcing the longstanding partnership between India and Canada. Through our discussions with officials, it is evident that both nations share a deep commitment to fostering world-class educational opportunities for students. India remains a pivotal partner for the University of Windsor, and we are steadfast in our resolve to nurture and expand these valued relationships. We are proud to continue working closely with Indian institutions, offering students access to global education that will enrich their academic and personal growth” said, Dr. Robert Gordon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Windsor. ”
The University of Windsor, as a public institution with a strong commitment to academic excellence, has long cherished its ties with India and continues to be committed to offering Indian students world-quality educational opportunities.
Currently, UWindsor admitted over 350 students last year and is looking forward to welcoming more students in the coming years, offering them exposure to the global world and more diverse opportunities to thrive in a multicultural learning environment. In this continued partnership, the University of Windsor will provide enriching opportunities for students to make a positive difference in the world.
About University of Windsor
The University of Windsor is committed to providing an inclusive and diverse learning environment that fosters academic excellence and personal growth. It is known for its innovative programs and comprehensive support for students, ensuring a well-rounded educational experience.
Uwindsor is deeply engaged with its local and regional community, promoting collaboration and partnerships that enhance social, economic, and cultural development. The institution’s dedication to research and outreach further strengthens its role as a leader in higher education.
At the University of Windsor, a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs are offered across multiple disciplines, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their chosen fields. The faculty members are recognized for their expertise and commitment to education, thereby ensuring high-quality instruction.
With a strong emphasis on research and innovation, the University of Windsor supports initiatives that address societal challenges and contribute to advancements in various fields. Through state-of-the-art facilities and collaborative projects, the university fosters an environment conducive to groundbreaking discoveries.
For more information about University of Windsor, please visit
University Of Windsor Concludes 10-Day India Tour, Engages With Over 40 Institutions Across 6 Cities To Strengthen Ties
Today, social Media Platform is the order of the day as many talents have showcase their skill and one of then the most famous face is this young guy known as Mukesh Jaiswal. Mukesh has million of followers on various social media platforms like 13 […]
Breaking NewsToday, social Media Platform is the order of the day as many talents have showcase their skill and one of then the most famous face is this young guy known as Mukesh Jaiswal.
Mukesh has million of followers on various social media platforms like 13 million followers on U Tube, 10 million on Tik Tok, 9 hundred on Facebook and 4 hundred on Instagram.
Moreover, he has also been a part on silver screen as a leading man and has four movies to his credit. The first in the list is Mere Rang Mein Rangnewali with Amrapali, followed by Saath Jhutey Na Saathia, Amaanat and Gundo Ki Aayegi Baraat. Amanat has already released and the other two trailers are out.
Earlier, Mukesh was making comedy content but now he is in the process to educe action stuff. So just wait and watch for his nee avatar.
The Most Popular Face On Social Media Platform.. — Mukesh Jaiswal
On Sunday 13th October a gathering of elite class assembled at Les Tresors art gallery, Atria mall, Mumbai The event was organised by gracious, ever energetic lady Archana Srivastava, wife of Manu Srivastava, former chief secretary (Government of Maharashtra) and presently chief commissioner, right to […]
Breaking NewsOn Sunday 13th October a gathering of elite class assembled at Les Tresors art gallery, Atria mall, Mumbai
The event was organised by gracious, ever energetic lady Archana Srivastava, wife of Manu Srivastava, former chief secretary (Government of Maharashtra) and presently chief commissioner, right to guarantee of services.
It was an inaugural exhibition titled Electic expressions.. contemporary voices of India an extra-ordinary journey through India’s rich artistic landscape to celebrate the diversity and depth of contemporary art.
Among the notable presents were Actor Producer Director, Dheeraj Kumar, famous Filmstar Jackie Shroff, Renowned filmmaker Subhash Ghai, Laila Khan (Daughter of Late. Filmmaker Feroz Khan). Laila Khan herself is a contemporary artist who puts her her expressions on the canvas through her meaningful imagination.
The elite gathering also saw the presence of distinguished bureaucrats, businessmen, intellectuals, lovers of Art, philosophers and others from various walks of life.
The notables amongst them were Sitaram Kunte (former BMC Chief, former Chief Secreatry Maharashtra Government) young and dynamic additional Director general of police in the anti-corruption bureau of Maharashtra Vishwas Nangare Patil, Mumbai and many others.
Jackie Shroff was centre of attraction who mingled with crowd effortlessly and was at his usual best.
On the occasion Actor Producer Director Dheeraj Kumar stated a famous Quote from Pablo Picasso – Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday. He further stated Color is day long obsession, happiness, joy and torment for many painters.
He appreciated and congratulated Archana Srivastava from the core of his heart for organising a brilliant event and showcasing the modern day talent in her maiden attempt.
Archana Srivastava was the perfect organiser and a wonderful host who looked after the guests along with her husband Manu Srivastava, son Utkarsh Srivastava, Daughter Srishti Srivastava – who is also in her own rights promoting the need for mental health in today’s society.
Everyone present on the occasion truely enjoyed the wonderful evening and the hospitality of the host Archana Srivastava.
It was an evening to cherish and remember for a long time.
An Artistic Event Held On Sunday 13th October At Les TRESORS ART GALLERY
तीर्थेश्वर प्रोडक्शन ने सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन जी के जन्मदिन पर अमिताभ बच्चन के लिए एक गाना रिलीज़ किया है, जिसे तीर्थानंद राव ने लिखा है और मशहूर पार्श्व गायक सुदेश भोसले ने खूबसूरती से गाया है, जिससे यह और भी मधुर हो गया […]
Breaking Newsतीर्थेश्वर प्रोडक्शन ने सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन जी के जन्मदिन पर अमिताभ बच्चन के लिए एक गाना रिलीज़ किया है, जिसे तीर्थानंद राव ने लिखा है और मशहूर पार्श्व गायक सुदेश भोसले ने खूबसूरती से गाया है, जिससे यह और भी मधुर हो गया है।
संगीत निर्देशक अविनाश पाठक ने गाने की मधुर धुन को अपने शानदार संगीत से सजाया है। गाने का निर्देशन अकरम खान ने किया है। तीर्थानंद राव, जो इस प्रोजेक्ट के निर्माता हैं, फिल्मों में मशहूर और सफल अभिनेता हैं, और उन्होंने इस गाने को ईश्वर चित्ते पर फिल्माया है, जिन्होंने अमिताभ बच्चन की भूमिका निभाई है।
यह गाना बहुत ही मधुर और सुहाना है, जिसे बेहतरीन तरीके से फिल्माया गया है। हमें उम्मीद है कि आप सभी को यह गाना पसंद आएगा।
महान अभिनेता को उनके जन्मदिन पर समर्पित, यह गाना जरूर देखें और अमिताभ बच्चन को ढेर सारा प्यार दें।
“ईश्वर चित्ते जी मेगास्टार अमिताभ बच्चन जी का किरदार निभाकर बहुत खुश हैं, और उनका कहना है, अमिताभ बच्चन जी का गाना मुझ पर फिल्माया गया है, इसलिए मैं तीर्थानंद राव का तहे दिल से शुक्रिया अदा करता हूं।” फिलहाल ईश्वर चित्ते जी तीर्थेश्वर प्रोडक्शन के साथ 6 और प्रोजेक्ट कर रहे हैं।
भविष्य में भी तीर्थेश्वर प्रोडक्शन तीर्थानंद राव के निर्देशन में और भी गाने बनाने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। साथ ही वे दो फीचर फिल्मों के निर्माण पर भी काम कर रहे हैं।*
“तीर्थेश्वर प्रोडक्शन” ने सदी के महानायक अमिताभ बच्चन जी के जन्मदिन पर अमिताभ बच्चन के लिए मशहूर पार्श्व गायक सुदेश भोसले की आवाज़ में एक गाना रिलीज़ किया।