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India, 2024 – The Internet Governance and Policy Project (IGAP) has today published its latest report, “Social Media Transparency Reporting: A Performance Review”, offering a detailed analysis of how Significant Social Media Intermediaries (SSMIs) are complying with India’s Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media […]
Blogsदेसी स्टार समर सिंह जब भी कोई गाना कमर पर लेकर आते हैं तो वह सुपर डुपर हिट होने के साथ ही साथ वायरल भी हो जाता है। विगत कई सालों से समर सिंह का कमर वाला गाना तहलका मचाया हुआ है। ऐसे में बाबा […]
Breaking News~The Blockbuster Musical Transcends Borders and Continues to Captivate Hearts~ New Delhi : After an overwhelmingly successful run in Mumbai, the world’s first mega musical on Shri Krishna, Rajadhiraaj: Love Life Leela, is set to enchant audiences in New Delhi at the iconic Jawaharlal Nehru […]
Breaking NewsThe Nightingale of India will light up lives again, this time philanthoropist and art collector Aneel Kashi Murarka has donated 35 works of art of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar commissioned to artist Raj Saini to Cancer Patients Aid Association to help raise funds to support children with cancer .
Murarka’s works have been painstakindly crafted for over three and a half years. “I wanted to gift it to didi but it is my misfortune that I could not present it at her lotus feet. The next best thing is to light up the lives of cancer children. Hence the initiative,” reveals Murarka.
“We were very touched by the amazing initiative of Dr. Aneel Kashi Murarka. We at CPAA, along with Make Earth Green Again MEGA Foundation plan to put together a musical event with our patients and renowned singers paying a musical tribute, while we auction the paintings. We are working to make this event a reality soon. We need more people like Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka,” enthuses Anita Peter – Executive Director of CPAA.
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Philanthropist Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka donates Lata Mangeshkar art collection to raise funds to support Cancer Patients Aid Association(CPAA)
वैलेंटाइन वीक का उत्सव मनाते हुए, आत्मा म्यूजिक ने एक बेहद रोमांटिक गीत ‘पिया रे पिया रे’ लॉन्च कर दिया है जो निश्चित रूप से आपके दिलों में एक हलचल मचा देने वाला गीत है। सभी युवाओं को तो यह गाना आकर्षित कर ही रह है, साथ ही ज़्यादा उम्र के लोग जो दिल से रोमांटिक हैं, उनका मन भी यह प्यारा सा गीत मोह रहा है।
कुरैशी प्रोडक्शंस प्राइवेट लिमिटेड और सी व्यू फिल्म्स द्वारा प्रस्तुत, यासिर देसाई की मधुर आवाज में गीत “पिया रे पिया रे” में आसिम रियाज़ और अदा शर्मा को काफी खूबसूरती से लिखे गए रोमांटिक गाने में दर्शाया गया है, जिसे कमल चंद्र द्वारा निर्देशित किया गया है और दिल्ली और मुंबई की प्यारी लोकेशंस पर शूट किया गया है। रियल लोकेशन्स पे फिल्माए गए गाने से इस देश के युवा जुड़ रहे हैं और न केवल भारत में बल्कि पूरी दुनिया में लाखों रोमांटिक युवाओं के लिए आत्मा म्यूजिक लेबल द्वारा यह अति सुंदर गीत पेश किया गया है। तो आप इस खूबसूरत रोमांटिक गीत के साथ प्यार का त्योहार मनाएं” यही आत्मा म्यूज़िक की संगीत प्रेमियों से अपील है।
“पिया रे पिया रे” का रोमांटिक वीडियो सौरभ चंद्राकर और दीपक कुमार द्वारा प्रोड्युस किया गया है। निर्माता दीपक कुमार कहते हैं, “यह गीत यासिर देसाई ने दिल की गहराई से गाया है और राशिद खान का मेलोडियस संगीत वैलेंटाइन्स डे को कैंडल-लाइट डिनर डेट के साथ मनाने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।”
प्रोड्यूसर सौरभ चंद्राकर ने बताया, “गाने के शब्द एक खास पॉइंट पर बड़े ही प्रभावी रूप से लिखे गए हैं, ‘तुमने मेरा दिल छीन लिया है और मुझे तुमने तुम्हारा इंतजार करने के लिए छोड़ दिया है, सूरज निकलने से लेकर सूरज डूबने तक मैं तुम्हारी प्रतीक्षा करता रहता हूं।’ काफी वर्षों के बाद एक ऐसा गीत आया है जिसे गीतकार राशिद खान और अंजान सागरी ने बहुत ही क्रिएटिव रूप से लिखा है। और सबसे खास बात यह है कि फिरोज ए खान की कोरियोग्राफी मंत्रमुग्ध कर देने वाली है।”
इसलिए यह कोई हैरत की बात नहीं है कि आत्मा म्यूजिक अपने हाल ही में रिलीज किए गए सुपर हिट म्यूजिक वीडियो की वजह से 5 मिलियन सब्सक्राइबर्स के माइलस्टोन को छूने जा रहा है। आत्मा म्यूज़िक के हालिया रिलीज सुपरहिट गाने हैं ताश दे पत्ते, एक नया पंजाबी गाना जिसमें शहीर शेख, निशा गुरगैन हैं। भानु पंडित, जन्नत जुबैर और मि. फैसू का गीत ‘तू मेरा मिसरा है’, यासिर देसाई की आवाज़ में गीत “मेरे सनम” जिसमें सिद्धार्थ निगम और सौम्या वर्मा हैं। भाविन भानुशाली और समीक्षा सूद का गीत “ब्लॉक ना करिया कर” एवं अमित मिश्रा, अध्ययन सुमन और निशा गुरगैन का गीत क्यूटी। इसके अलावा आत्मा म्यूज़िक के कई ब्लॉकबस्टर गाने हैं।
12 फरवरी 2022 को रिलीज हुए खूबसूरत रोमांटिक गीत “पिया रे पिया रे” के साथ आप प्यार का त्योहार मनाएं।
आत्मा म्यूजिक के बेहद रोमांटिक गीत ‘पिया रे पिया रे’ में आसिम रियाज़ और अदा शर्मा की जोड़ी
देश के मनोरंजन जगत में बेहद लोकप्रिय चैनल एम एच वन अब भोजपुरी में भी लांच हो रहा है। यानी इस वैलेंटाइन डे के मौके पर 14 फरवरी को यह चैनल ‘एम एच वन दिल से’ के नाम से लांच होगा, जिसका मकसद देश -विदेश की करोडों भोजपुरी ऑडियन्स तक नए अंदाज में मनोरंजन को पेश करना है। साथ-साथ इस भाषा के उत्थान के क्षेत्र में भी कार्य करना इसका उद्देश्य है। हालांकि अभी तक भोजपुरी को बोली का ही दर्जा प्राप्त है, जिसे भाषा का दर्जा दिलाने का संघर्ष जारी है, इस दिशा में चैनल “एम एच वन दिल से” का लॉन्च होना भी एक सार्थक पहल है।
इस बारे में “एम एच वन दिल से” के ओनर महिंदर बाटला ने बताया कि “एम एच वन दिल से” भोजपुरी समाज के हर उम्र वर्ग के मनोरंजन का ध्यान रखते हुए अपने कार्यक्रमों की रुपरेखा तैयार किया है। इसका प्रसारण 14 फरवरी 2022 से यूपी, बिहार, झारखंड में पैन इंडिया टाटा प्ले और जिओ के जरिये होगा। उन्होंने बताया कि यहां भोजपुरी लोकगायक /लोक गायिकाओं को जोड़ते हुए “सबेरे-सबेरे ” जैसा पारिवारिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत होगा, वहीं स्कूल लाइफ और कॉलेज कैंटीन जैसे कार्यक्रमों के माध्यम से शिक्षित युवावर्ग को भी अपनी तरफ आकर्षित करने, अपने से जोड़ने और विद्यार्थियों में जागरूकता लाने का बेहतरीन प्रयास होगा।
एम एच वन दिल से “आवाज भोजपुरी” जैसी संगीत प्रतियोगिता के कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से युवा कलाकारों को अपना भविष्य संवारने के लिए मंच तो देता ही है साथ ही लुप्त हो रही भोजपुरी लोकगायकी की विधाओं को भी संरक्षित करने का प्रशंसनीय कार्य करता है। उन्होंने ये आगे जोड़ा और कहा कि सबसे महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि भोजपुरी मनोरंजन जगत में व्याप्त हो चुकी अश्लीलता के कारण शिक्षित भोजपुरी भाषी वर्ग, जो इस से यानिकि भोजपुरी मनोरंजन जगत से स्वयं को अलग रखे हुए था, उनके सामने स्वच्छ और पारवारिक मनोरंजन कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत कर उन्हें जोड़ना है। इसीलिए कहते हैं कि “एम एच वन दिल से है भोजपुरिया… दिल से।
बता दें कि एमएच वन टीवी नेटवर्क प्राइवेट लिमिटेड ने 18 साल से अधिक समय पहले प्रसारण के क्षेत्र में अपनी यात्रा शुरू की थी और आज का लक्ष्य सभी शैलियों और सभी मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म पर उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले मीडिया और मनोरंजन सामग्री बनाने, एकत्र करने और वितरित करने वाली एक प्रमुख एकीकृत सामग्री कंपनी बनना है। नेटवर्क उच्च उत्पादकता प्रदान करते हुए विश्वसनीयता और सम्मान के साथ एक उद्यम के रूप में पहचाना जाना चाहता है।
वैलेंटाइन डे पर 14 फरवरी को लांच होगा भोजपुरी मनोरंजन चैनल ‘एम एच वन दिल से’
Rajesh Mohanty is a multifaceted genius!Producer and storyteller, his recent web series, Inside Stories has hit a ‘sixer’! Or so it looks. With tremendous viewership in numbers the series has come to be shown on top OTT platforms like MX Player, Hungama and Vodafone. The success of the series has made Mohanty and his partner and versatile actress Swapna Pati of 24 FPS Entertainment LLP and S R Enterprisers are upbeat about their future projects.
About the upward fortune of , Inside Stories Mohanty says gratefully, “The response to my latest web series , Inside Stories has been fantastic.” So much so that he’s now making a sequel of this series, but clarifies that it won’t be an extension of the lockdown story like , Inside Stories.
Regarding reported bold scenes in many parts of the series, Mohanty rejects bold scenes allegation saying the scenes were dictated by the storylines and were not deliberate. “They are not vulgar. Infact, the third episode has no blold scenes whatsoever,” he defended.
What made Mohanty to make , Inside Stories series?
“Well, in lockdown period there were different tales in every household and organisations. We just visualised few scenes and put them into movie format. And the result is, , Inside Stories,” says Mohanty plainly.
Ask about the journey of his and Swapna Pati’s production houses, Mohanty says that it has been a memorable journey. “Our movie Antardhwani won 14 international awards which is no mean feat,” says Mohanty proudly adding “Our upcoming second movie Ricky Bablani is a fastpaced biopic to be directed by Sai Kabir.”
About other future projects Mohanty is working, besides a sequel to , Inside Stories, Mohanty informs, “There’s another series called Society. An unique musical album Trackx is also in the pipeline.”
Is Mohanty happy with the current status of webseries? “Yes, the webseries market is excellently poised and very encouraging. The future of this platform, as I see, is bright. Webseries gave birth to many newcomer stars also,” explains Mohanty in details.
Good luck Mr Mohanty in your cinematic journey ahead..
Stage artist Raj Naagar is flying on cloud nine. After bombarding performance in a street play before protesters/ farmers of Bharatiya Kisan Morcha Raj Naagar got his Bollywood ticket. He was signed for a Hindi movie titled “Mumbai To Agra”. Directed by Amitabh Kumar and produced by Saijal Khan this movie is now on the floor. Raj is playing a negative character in this family entertainer.
Raj Naagar is much popular name of street and stage plays. He’s also a television artist. Now he’s busy with “Mumbai To Agra”. In a press meet Raj Naagar said, “Mumbai To Agra” will portray his new image.
On this occasion actress model dancer Sonal Nishchal, “Teetar Phanda” fame director Kailas Dangi and Shivkumar Rajput were also present.
Raj Naagar On Mumbai To Agra Way
The pioneer of DJ music in India is back. DJ Akbar Sami, who more than turned tables and eyes with his remix albums, as well as originals such as Jalwa, Jalwa 2 and Jadoo and official breath-taking Bollywood remixes in movies such as Aashiq Banaya Aapne, Wanted, Partner, Bhool Bhulaiya, The Train, Fool n Final, Heyy Baby, Namaste London and hundreds more now brings to you his latest original musical offering, ‘Tu Meri Senorita’, composed by him and sung along with Grammy-winning singer Tanvi Shah of ‘Jai Ho’ fame.
The poster launch of Tu Meri Senorita by DJ Akbar Sami is at the hands of industry legends Salim-Sulaiman, DJ Akbar Sami And Bollywood Ace Choreographer Longinus Fernandes, at Salim-Sulaiman’s very own Blue Productions at Juhu.
DJ Akbar Sami, who has toured internationally at events like the Roar Tour – USA, The Emporium Beach Festival – Japan, with Salim-Sulaiman at Sufitronik and Sonu Nigam at The Melody Makers, with countless others, is elated.
More about the amazing music maker: DJ Akbar Sami is the winner of innumerable awards the world over including the INCA ‘DJ of the Decade Award’. He is also one of the judges for The Mirchi Music Awards for the last five years, besides many other musical events. DJ Akbar Sami, incidentally, is also the first of his kind to be on The Indian Idol on Sony to design the music for the participants and to perform live at the show. He has also been a Guest Performer on SaReGaMaPa on Zee creating history, as no Deejay has ever been a part of this musical event on television. He is recognized as one of the pioneer Indian DJs in the United States of America and has been awarded by the Mayor of San Francisco for the same.
Known for his chiseled looks as well as his mastery over music, DJ Akbar Sami has composed for the movie Risk and Fast Forward, was a sound designer For Aan (Men At Work) Phir Hera Pheri, Awaara Paagal Deewana and received rave reviews for the music. The official sound track Ertugrul — Jahan Teri Yeh Nazar Hai — Teri Meri Kahani with Ronu Mondal and Himesh Reshammiya is making waves as well.
The original song of Tu Meri Senorita is entirely composed and sung by Akbar Sami, along with additional vocals by Tanvi Shah, lyrics by Honey Pahwa and arranging/production by Pritom Dutta, guitars and recording at R&B Studios with Bhassker Saikiya with the video being directed by Adnan Ali, starring Akbar Sami and Ukrainian model Natalie Lazurenko, with production by Running Water Films in association with Charizma Entertainment and shot at Goa in Manderem Beach, Morjim Beach and Club Las Olas in Bagha Beach.
DJ Akbar Sami’s much-awaited single, Tu Meri Senorita will be released on T-Series on February 12.
DJ Akbar Sami’s Tu Meri Senorita launched by Salim-Suleiman – Longinus Fernandes
Exclusive Interview
Congratulations on getting the brand new title of Miss Pakistan Global 2022. With this title what do you think you want to achieve?
I am very ambitious person i have a lot of dreams am a dreamer. My moral and my values are upgrade by getting this title and it’s a proud moment for me. First i work for myself now i represent my Pakistan and this is a huge responsibility on my head. By getting this title i want to achieve respect and the strongest platform where i will be the voice of many people. I feel strongest when I’m in a position where I can have a head strong opinion to which people actually respond to. I gain confidence and power to be in a dignified position where I not only feel good about myself but also can be an inspiration to so many girls out there.
Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
I belong to an educated family where education, religion and culture all goes hand in hand. My family is really strick about us being educated and ethical.. I did my bachelors in communication design. I am a program host and a model. I worked with many channel and good experience in that work place. We have always been taught courage and audacity to strive and work hard to progress and learn new things every day.
As Miss Pakistan, there is a big responsibility of representing Pakistan in international competitions. How are you going to prepare for it?
First of all i am so much excited to represent my country internationally. I am well prepared for the international pageant and this preparation changed my lifestyle. Working on many things communication dressing knowledge lifestyle diet routine and many more so yeah i am preparing myself very well to face any situation and make my country proud. I spend most of my time browsing pageants to exactly know how they carry themselves and I am learning a lot in the process. I hope I get things right and honour this huge responsibility assigned to me
Are you passionate about any charitable projects? Or are you involved in any charity?
Yes i strive to work with charities as I feel overwhelmed when working for the good cause. With this title I will try to do more charity work in future and make this world a better place to live in. I’m certainly very passionate to be involved in more charitable projects in future with NGO, s that work against domestic violence and child abuse. Another issue that I am concern about is child labour.
What was triggered your aspiration to participate in Miss Pakistan and who had been your biggest inspiration in this journey?
It’s just a coincidence i entered in pageant and after that i was very promising and willing to this pageant. My biggest inspirationin this journey is Ma’amsaman shah our pageant coach because she has a lot of experienced of international pageant and she taught us so much. Along with Ma’amsaman shah my fellows have been a constant source of inspiration throughout the process because they all work day and night for this thing ignoring their personal commitments. Each one of them has excelled in their professional life and the pageant too.
You are a model and a television host, which are you more passionate about hosting or modelling?
I am passionate about both my commitments. Although I started my career as television host and I loved doing that but my modelling career has given me a new life and a new identity where I can inspire so many people in this glamour world. I am glad that both my jobs go well with my personality and I enjoy every bit of it.
You have Already been chosen for Miss Global 2022, are you ready for the competition?
I can’t wait to present myself internationally and put all my thoughts in front of nation. I am very excited for this title as it’s a great opportunity for me to have my big break in this pageant world where I can learn a lot from other beauty queens. I know I’m going to enjoy this opportunity more than I think. I will proof myself that I am eligible for this title and I will work very hard to dignify it. I will become the role model for all the Pakistani girls as well as across the world.
What advice do you have for other young girls like yourself to participate in these contests?
I believe that it’s a very beautiful platform for young girls to showcase their personalities and wisdom and to raise their voice to convey their message across the world.. Believe that if i can do so well,you all can do. More power to you girls. Never lose hope and stay consistent. I will only advise them to believe in themselves because if you believe in yourself nothing can beat you and you can easily ace all your goals.
Little Known Facts About Sana Hayat who has recently won the Miss Pakistan Global winner 2022 Award organised By SONIA AHMED.
Name: Sana Hayat
Meaning of name (or why you were named Sana):
Means “brilliance” “praise” “splendour” or “radiance”, from the Arabic sana, meaning “to gleam” or “to shine”. Also means simple and straightforward.
My parents found this name so beautiful that’s Why they choose for me.
Miss Pakistan Global 2022 the title means to me: alot. Its a beautiful dream that give me opportunity to fullfill my passion
Currently : Working in channel as a program host
Favorite color: black & white
Favorite outfit/designer: HSY
Favorite Lollywood star: Mahira khan
Favorite Hollywood star: Angelina jolie
Favorite movie: Never have I ever
Favorite singers: neha kakkar , arijit singh&ellie goulding.
Favorite song: Shake a body like a belly dancer, tum hi ho
Favorite tv show:
Favorite ice cream flavor: strawberry cheese cake
Favorite cuisine: chinese & italian
Favorite restaurant: Aylanto
Favorite sports: Cricket
Favorite sportsperson: Shoaib akhtar, Messy & Ronaldo
Favorite activity: shopping &outing
I hang out: with my friends
I’m freaked out by: liar and disloyalty
I need: happiness
I want to be: successful actor
My role models (and why): Aishwariya rai. Shes a strong and a hardworking woman.
Tips to save the planet: Do plantation more
Becoming Miss Pakistan Global 2022 is: a a big responsibility to represent our country.
In a perfect world: Am a dreamer
Sana Hayat Winner Of Miss Pakistan Global winner 2022
(Image Credit: Instagram/imsanahayat)
Saranya Samatary is from Odisha, Bhubaneswar. Saranya is just 12 years old. She is very talented she loves Modelling, Acting and Dancing. She is a trained dancer in a Modern Dance, Belly Dance, HipHop, Contemporary and many more.
Her talent is all above anything her awards and achievements and work say all about it. In this age she is representing herself in national and international level. She is a Raja Queen of 2019, 1st Runner up at Junior Model International held at Hong Kong, Winner of JMI held at kerala, Winner of Goa Carnival 2017, She has won many competitions held at State & National level and she was the winner of Bhubaneswar got talent.
Apart from this she is debuting in bollywood movie ‘Manyata’ which will released soon. She has won many competitions in her Academic field as well as debate, essays, etc.
Little Known Facts About The Bhubaneswar Girl Saranya Samatary
Mumbai. 50 Top achievers from the world were choosen from 2000 entries.Chief Guest of the event was Dr MadhuKrishan Honourable Ambassador of United Nation and His excellency from The American University, Chandreshekhar Pusalkar and Mridula Pusalkar grandchildren of Saraswati Bai Dadasaheb Phalke.Daljeer kaur President of Ngo IAWA an actress is behind organising such Awards even in Pandemic choosing Women through the world and bringing them on one platform.
WOMEN of this generation have captured the whole world. They are very activly working in different sectors of life.From being a homemaker to an achiever had faced lots of ups and down in life but with strong determination have achieved their dreams with passion fulfilling their daily activities and reached the sky. Many of them working with big organization as CEO’s, successful Entrepreneurs,Social activist etc..
IAWA NGO took the initiative to felicitate these women with Saraswatibai Dadasaheb Phalke WOMEN ACHIEVER AWARD. Awards are the key to success . Saraswati Bai Dadasaheb Phalke was a strong women of who was multitasking and empowered herself helping her husband Dadasaheb Phalke to be the Pioneer in Filmmaking. IAWA gives tributes to her by awarding the strong achievers worldwide. IAWA’s moto is to motivate these women by giving them recognition and building the confidence and acknowledging their hardships. It’s not easy to reach one’s dreams . A women can play multiple roles by achieving her dreams as well as taking care of her loved ones . She still is answerable to everyone around her ,she cannot take her own decisions.
From young achiever Lipika show from Kolkata to Primla Hingorani famous for her fitness at the age of 77. Sanipina jayalakshmi Rao from vishakapatnam super editor of face book,working with NASA. Jaya Krishna Das a singer from Chennai a multitasker, Telekha Shanmugam from Malaysia,Satinder kaur an inspiration to many from Dehradun.Pallavi Bansode from Mumbai an Author,Shalini Singh journalist saksham news, Anita Bhusal from KALIMPONG,social activist,Julia Smith from Russia a singer, Asavari sharma a soft skill trainer, Rakshinda Tabassum Shaikh motivational speaker, Ruplekha Roy social activist from Kolkata,Meera Ahmed from USA an artist,Rashu Hemal a spiritual healer , Mamta Mehta from Gujrat,Ritu Asrani a filmmaker,Gioconda Vessichelli from Italy,Dolly sohi actress,Dr Kusum Dhiraj Chandani from gujrat a Physiotherapist,Parveen Sangral from Jammu,Henda oueslati from Tunisia, A sculpture artist Ramita Bhaduri from Kolkata,Anupama Trigunayat from Gurgaon an artist, Yashodaa Poojary a teacher from mumbai, Urmila Chowdhury from Bangalore an influencer, Charanya Gurusathtya a dancing Guru , Chhaya Shishir JANBANDHU from Nagpur a strong women teaching self defence to women, Zakia Wardak General counsulate Afghanistan, Jyoti Thackare Chairperson of mahila Arthik Vikas MahaMandal, Mumbai told their inspirational stories on zoom meeting.
SDP Women Achievers Award was conducted Virtually by IAWA ( INNOVATIVE ARTIST WELFARE ASSOCIATION organised by Amarcine Productions
Mrs India Universe 2020-2021 Beautiful Skin in Gold category
City :- Jalandhar, Punjab, india.
Healthcare professional Dentist
Before MIU I was an ordinary woman striving in my healthcare profession and accolades with various awards in my field.i was geek 🤓 and was not sure about entering in MIU pageant because this industry is new for me.
After experience with MIU – After participating in MIU pageant ,an ordinary woman has been changed into special woman ,a confident woman, who just not dreamt of becoming queen but have achieved the title of queen.
All the mentors have groomed us so well and overall personality development have been done during the entire 8 days of pageant.
I am really Thankful to viscera events and model management,archsshar group ,Archana tomer creations,smile partners dentist 4u,Samkit productions and show organisers and respectable jury members for there support.Entire team of Mrs India Universe pageant is very helpful and encouraging.
I am glad and honoured to recieve such prestigious award which brings such big opportunities for me in my lifetime.This achievement has given me an opportunity to explore my potentialities and fulfil my dreams.
Future planning- I would like to excel myself in my healthcare profession while fulfilling my acting career.
I have achieved this award not for myself but for the people who loves me and for the one who wants me to become the positive change for society and to become role model for youth as well as to motivate and encourage youth about fulfilling and achieving there goals .
In this COVID times ,every individual have gone through there own kind of pain but with my closed hands still I would like to advise everyone to stay safe and get vaccinated because your life is in your own hands so you need to take care, one can advise and encourage you to take care of your health but taking care of your health should be your own priority.
Just remember:
Prevention is better than cure.
I am overwhelmed to be the winner of the pageant and Thank you all for your love and support.
Dr Juhi Verma Bhasin
Dr Juhi Verma Bhasin Mrs india universe 2020-2021 Earth
To learn about yourself traveling is the best passion one can choose for. It brings a new set of opportunities and lets you explore every side of yourself. But once this hobby of traveling turns into a passion, then there are several other options that are open for you. One such person who turned his hobby into his career alongside keeping his fitness as his priority is, Huzaifa Hanfi.
Huzaifa Hanfi exclaims that he learned the significance of hustle and consistency over the last four years. He started his business for pleasure, but he had no idea how serious his interests had become. Finally, traveling and being in shape became more of an obsession for him, and then he never looked back. He says that it can be said, that it all began out as a joke, but now he is really enjoying where it all is leading to. This travel enthusiast believes that confidence is essential for making a trip remarkable and especially if one is a travel vlogger, then it engages the viewers. It absolutely normal to feel camera-shy and stutter a little as a result of the anxiousness that comes with being on camera. However, instead of avoiding the camera, one should practice improving your skills. On camera, the face and voice should stand out and always talk to the camera and make viewers feel like they’re a part of your journey, they will remember and recognize one’s work.
When asked what “If you want to expand your audience, you need a hook. You must have a clear idea of what your films will be about and generate content that is focused on a specific topic. If your trip vlogging specialty is on food, do some SEO research and check what the other large food travel vloggers are doing. But don’t forget to put your own twist on it and create stuff you enjoy, your excitement will shine through to the audience. It is suggested that you look into other vloggers’ trip vlogs. Drawing inspiration from other prominent people on the internet to come up with vlog topics is not a bad idea.”
Giving his take on how in recent times travel enthusiasts are aimed towards gaining views over their travel videos, he shared his personal experience by saying, “In terms of audience numbers, I never set targets for how many views or likes a video should receive. I can typically predict how it will perform in terms of viewership depending on how well the series in which it is included is performing. But don’t make goals for such things. It’s more crucial to make evergreen content so that each video gets more views over time rather than becoming a one-hit-wonder. Concentrate on making videos about topics that people are searching for so that your videos may always be found and are always relevant.”
He claims that his toughest rival has always been himself. With each passing day, he is improving on what he had done the day before and his aim is to set goals for others, inspire them, and be admired.
Huzaifa Hanfi Trailblazer Of Amalgamating Fitness With Travel
Rajesh Mohanty is a multifaceted genius!Producer and storyteller, his recent web series, Inside Story has hit a ‘sixer’! Or so it looks. With tremendous viewership in numbers the series has come to be shown on top OTT platforms like MX Player, Hungama and Vodafone. The success of the series has made Mohanty and his partner and versatile actress Swapna Pati of 24 FPS Entertainment LLP and S R Enterprisers are upbeat about their future projects.
About the upward fortune of Inside Story Mohanty says gratefully, “The response to my latest web series Inside Story has been fantastic.” So much so that he’s now making a sequel of this series, but clarifies that it won’t be an extension of the lockdown story like Inside Story.
Regarding reported bold scenes in many parts of the series, Mohanty rejects bold scenes allegation saying the scenes were dictated by the storylines and were not deliberate. “They are not vulgar. Infact, the third episode has no blold scenes whatsoever,” he defended.
What made Mohanty to make Inside Story series?
“Well, in lockdown period there were different tales in every household and organisations. We just visualised few scenes and put them into movie format. And the result is, Inside Story,” says Mohanty plainly.
Ask about the journey of his and Swapna Pati’s production houses, Mohanty says that it has been a memorable journey. “Our movie Antardhwani won 14 international awards which is no mean feat,” says Mohanty proudly adding “Our upcoming second movie Ricky Bablani is a fastpaced biopic to be directed by Sai Kabir.”
About other future projects Mohanty is working, besides a sequel to Inside Story, Mohanty informs, “There’s another series called Society. An unique musical album Trackx is also in the pipeline.”
Is Mohanty happy with the current status of webseries? “Yes, the webseries market is excellently poised and very encouraging. The future of this platform, as I see, is bright. Webseries gave birth to many newcomer stars also,” explains Mohanty in details.
Good luck Mr Mohanty in your cinematic journey ahead..
Designer label Pink Peacock Couture (PPC), believes in attaining brides wishes by making culturally conventional, ancestral yet contemporary and globalized outfits crafted with their statement rose gold embroidery, with intricate detailing and carefully embellished, elegant and sophisticated indo-western and couture in conjunction with pastels and a vibrant colour palette.
PPC is primed up to launch their most toiled assortment Lamhe at the most talked about fashion store Pernia’s Pop Up Shop.These difficult times inspired Designer Masumi Mewawalla to create the most vibrant collection celebrating the zest of hopeful tomorrow!
Lamhe consists of finest silk sourced from select weavers to maximize the quality and feel of each design. The line is stimulated by the Ottomans architecture which is known for their stunning geometric patterns, radiant and mesmerizing colors, perfectly pointed arcs, domes and soothing symmetrical silhouettes.
The garments are ornate with extension of their statement rose gold, white sequins, intricate zari, and perfectly matched beads to give each piece a modern and sophisticated characteristic combined with geometric, symmetrical and floral pattern combinations. The vibrant hues, hot pink, persian blue, bridal red and mahogany encapsulated in silhouettes which are constructed and tailored to give you one of a kind experience of the monarchical era, with select and pure silk, panelled lehengas, constructive jackets, draped anarkali, corsets, classic drapes and tulles resulting in a royal and charming look you can wear to the occasions that are close to your heart!
From: 8th to 14th February 2022
“Polo Series”
An Exhibition of Paintings
Well-known artist M Narayan
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road,
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: 9689990099
An extremely prominent artist both nationally and globally, M. Narayan (Narayanappa Muniyappa) was born in 1967 in the small village of Mittiganahalli in the state of Karnataka. Having done his B.F.A. from Bangalore’s Ken School of Art he currently resides with his family in Pune, Maharashtra. He is an extraordinary painter using the lavishness of colours to evoke emotions, celebrations and joy. His paintings depict a zestful life and are exhibited across the globe, at prestigious avenues, art galleries, luxury hotels and more.
The Polo Series is one of M Narayan’s most beloved works, and it reflects his passion for horses. He uses charcoal and a range of colours to depict polo players and racing horses in a unique style. His life-like polo paintings transport you to the midst of a live polo match, literally!! M Narayan depicts the game’s energy and velocity with such strong expressionist strokes, swabs of opaque colours, and rough charcoal lines that one feels the energy and aura.
His paintings depicting the regal sport of polo have been a huge success, owing to his keen eye for colour and deft touch with composition.
Enjoy his lavish ‘POLO’ paintings, which display the grandeur of his remarkable talent, at Gallery 2, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai, India from 8th to 14th February 2022 – 11 am to 7 pm.
Polo Series – An Exhibition of Paintings By prominent artist M Narayan in Jehangir Art Gallery
Name :- Sapna Sirsat
Title :- Mrs India Universe 2020-21Tourism
Category :- Gold
City :- Chennai
Job profile :- Homemakers/ winner of MIU 2020-21
Before after Experience with MIU :- before little shy and low self esteem after winning high self esteem and confidence gained after the pageant..
Future planning :- to be the a part of the entertainment industry movies /series advertisement etc..
Msg for society :- I will run a organisation for boosting self esteem and confidence for those whom have world told that they are not beautiful or good enough..
Sapna Sirsat Winner Of Mrs India Universe 2020-21Tourism
Mrs. Face of Panache Runway, 2022 is declared and the crown has been bestowed upon Priyanka Chheda. The beauty with brains emerged victorious by leaving behind several beautiful women who had participated in the pageant. Not just the prestigious crown, Priyanka is also a proud winner of subtitle, ‘Mrs. Body Beautiful!’
Delighted, thrilled and overwhelmed at the same time, the dazzling queen was seen celebrating her win and accomplishing her dream of being on magazine cover and hoardings across Mumbai. Expressing her happiness and gratitude, the star of the moment said,
“I am very much thankful to Mr. Vishal Kapoor (Founder, Director and Fashion Designer of Panache Runway) and Mr. Habib Mithiborwala (National Head of Panache Runway, Actor and Celebrity Anchor) for having faith in me, giving me such a great opportunity and guiding me throughout this beautiful journey.”
A mother of a 6 year old girl, Priyanka decided to venture into modelling in 2018 and even got massive support from her family who encouraged her enough – not just to pursue her childhood dream, but also to create her own identity. Following which, she started her journey, and with a lot of devotion as well as diligence transformed herself from a woman-next-door to an upcoming model. Next, she won Mrs Queen of India 2021 and also the subtitle – Best Runway Model at the Dadasaheb Phalke Indian Television Awards.
The mom-turned-model is quite a power-packed personality! Well, Priyanka is not just an MBA in Finance but is also a trained dancer and a Mixed-Martial Arts Fighter. No wonder, the gorgeous lady wants to become a role model to her daughter so that she not only chooses herself, creates her own identity but also turns her dreams into reality. Inspiring, isn’t it?
And she signs off quoting,
“Always believe in what you do and take action for your dreams. I believed in myself and that’s why I’m here today!” .
Priyanka Chheda – Winner of Mrs Face of Panache Runway 2022
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Grand Finale was held in Goa on 30th January. At the press conference all respected Winners, Organisers, Jury members and many Celebrities were present to felicitate the winners.
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Powered by Samkit productions was a very successful event in which contestants from all over India had participated to show their artistic talent which had been hidden in their martial life. After participating in this Grand event they received appreciation and respect by all special from their family.
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 has very capable team of Producer Shripal Jain, President Archana Tomar, Founder Tusshar Dhaliwal and Director Lovekesh Dhaliwal. The show had Jury members of Director Rakesh Sabharwal, Celebrity Designer Amit Talwar , Dr. Noureen Hemani & Mr. Nazim Hemani .
The show had brilliant Show director Apsara Guha Thakurta, Stylist and Groomer Soumi Dutta along with Creative Director Shivankar Kadu.
Organisers & Sponsors :
Present by :-
Being Tusshar Dhaliwal
Event by :-
Viscera Events and Models Management
Samkit Productions
Archsshar Group of Pageants
Archana Tomer Creations
Smile Care Partner dentist4u
List Of Winners –
1.(Platinum) Priya Sathya
title- Mrs. India UnIverse 2020-21 Universal
2.(Gold) Swapna Deb Roy
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 International
3.(Platinum) Sapna Sirsat
title – Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Tourism
4.(Gold) Shruti Saxana
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 World
5.(Platinum) Mampi Roy
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 International 2021
6.(Gold) Poongoody Nanikadan
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Tourism
7.(Platinum) Deepti Singh
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Earth
8.(Gold) Dr. Juhi Verma Bhasin
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Earth
9.(Platinum) Anuja Zaveri
title – Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Globe
10.(Gold) Neeru Tomar
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Globe
11.(Platinum) Anupama Rao
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 World
12.(Gold) Debasrita Mukherjee
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Universal
Mrs India Universe 2020-21
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Winners Press Conference concluded In Mumbai Grand Finale was held in Goa on 30th January. At the press conference all respected Winners, Organisers, Jury members and many Celebrities were present to felicitate the winners.
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Powered by Samkit productions was a very successful event in which contestants from all over India had participated to show their artistic talent which had been hidden in their martial life. After participating in this Grand event they received appreciation and respect by all special from their family.
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 has very capable team of Producer Shripal Jain, President Archana Tomer, Founder Tusshar Dhaliwal and Director Lovekesh Dhaliwal. The show had Jury members : Director Rakesh Sabharwal, Celebrity Designer Amit Talwar , Dr. Noureen Hemani & Mr. Nazim Hemani .
The show had brilliant Show director Apsara Guha Thakurta, Stylist and Groomer Soumi Dutta along with Creative Director Shivankar Kadu.
Organisers & Sponsors :
Present by :-
Being Tusshar Dhaliwal
Event by :-
Viscera Events and Models Management
Samkit Productions
Archsshar Group of Pageants
Archana Tomer Creations
Smile Care Partner dentist4u
List Of Winners –
1.(Platinum) Priya Sathya
title- Mrs. India UnIverse 2020-21 Universal
2.(Gold) Swapna Deb Roy
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 International
3.(Platinum) Sapna Sirsat
title – Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Tourism
4.(Gold) Shruti Saxana
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 World
5.(Platinum) Mampi Roy
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 International 2021
6.(Gold) Poongoody Nanikadan
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Tourism
7.(Platinum) Deepti Singh
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Earth
8.(Gold) Dr. Juhi Varma Bhasin
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Earth
9.(Platinum) Anuja Zaveri
title – Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Globe
10.(Gold) Neeru Tomar
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Globe
11.(Platinum) Anupama Rao
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 World
12.(Gold)Debasrita Mukherjee
title – Mrs. India Universe 2020-21 Universal
Mrs India Universe 2020-21 Winners Press Conference concluded In Mumbai .
From: 5th February to 8th February 2022
“Chitra Latika”
An Exhibition of oil Paintings by Jabalpur based artist Ramkripal Namdeo
P.L. Deshpande Art Gallery
Ravindra Natya Mandir
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: 9589017969
“Chitralatika” An exhibition showcasing the journey of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ji by Ramkripal Namdeo, one of the prominent artist from Jabalpur, Madhyapradesh!
Ramkripal Namdeo has won many awards and done numerous shows in all over India. His paintings has won many records for his intricate work depicting maximum number of faces in a single painting.
This show will be inaugurated on 5th February 5.30 pm by chief guest: Mr.Ashish Rego
Vice Chairman A.P.M.A (Asia Pacific Music Creators Alliance), and guest of honors:
Mr. Basu Soni- Film actor (Kedarnath,Raktanchal etc,),
Mr. Govind Namdev – (Actor, Writer, Theater Director), Mr. Raj Yadav (Indian Express), Mr. Makrand Joshi etc will be present.
At the beginning of the program, singer Prachi Joshi will perform a song on Maa Saraswati.
Ramkrupal Namdev is rare artist, who has his unique style of painting. This Jabalpur based artist has painted Lataji & Gandhiji in a very different manner for which his name is registered by 3 famous recording institutions. Asia Book of Records, India Book of Records & Limca Book of Records, all 3 have conferred him certificates & honoured him for his unusual achievement. This is his 9th solo exhibition. He has earlier exhibited in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore & Jabalpur in solo & group exhibitions.
Now let’s write about his special & unique style. In one painting of Lataji he has painted 930 faces of famous women, who have contributed in their respective field. Collecting data of 930 women personalities with their images is itself a huge task & painting them in miniature style in background is another. Apart from this he has painted LATA letters also & Lataji’s portrait in foreground. In another painting he has painted all felicitations of Lataji by famous personalities happened in her entire life at background & Lataji in foreground.
While painting Gandhiji in same way, he has painted 230 patriots of Gandhi’s contemporaries at background & Gandhiji in foreground, trying to depict that Gandhiji was main source of inspiration for them. Here also collecting data of 230 patriots & their images is difficult task & painting them is another. He has painted all his paintings in oil on canvas medium with skill & commendable patience. There are many paintings on Lataji hence this show is titled “चित्रलतिका “. Apart from Lataji & Gandhiji artist has painted other subjects also like Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, Lord Ram-Seeta, Lord Buddha, Mother Teresa, little girls & others.
Chitralatika – An exhibition showcasing the journey of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ji by Ramkripal Namdeo
From: 8th to 14th February 2022
Phrases of the Mystical Ensemble
Solo show of Paintings
By well-known artist Ravindra Pawar
Jehangir Art Gallery
161- B, M.G. Road
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 98191 31395
‘Living in Mumbai, being and experiencing the fast lifestyle, observing the overlapping visuals while commuting by local trains and buses of the people packed in the limited space and colors of the fabric they wear, and while going around the City – the slums, buildings, walls crumbling, rusted hoardings, scratches, walls cracks, drops of water and flow of liquid, trees, leaves, geometrical forms shapes, roads, and many other elements forms visual frames of composition and embedded in my subconscious mind. These stimulate and inspire me to draw and paint. Also, my interaction with children, juveniles, and or otherwise, their emotions, psychological and social issues, et al. are part of my subconscious memory which influences my work. My paintings are pure visual experiences that are to be seen by the viewer’, says Ravindra.
This is Mumbai and Ravindra has been living here for years, working with the Juveniles. He has been interacting with these Juveniles who have been labeled as difficult to discuss the various ups and downs of their life. I think Ravindra’s brilliant use of colours, powerful strokes, different shapes and lines, transparency, roughness has really come a long way wherein he subconsciously depicts all that he has observed and perceived through his art.
The fields of geometrical forms and colors transport one to the Color-Field Abstract Expressionist movement. The play of color on the psyche of humans is as primitive as is man, and so is the therapeutic value of colors which has a very deep impact on our minds and psychological wellbeing. Expressing through Art that which cannot be spoken heals the deeper held aspects of our emotions and traumas thereon healing the being.
Ravindra’s color palette is vivid, darks, earthy, muted, neutrals, and cool. The forms, lines, overlapping and revealing underlying colors, the powerful application of the medium, speak an unspoken narrative that has impacted him deeply and vividly. The use of complementary, analogous and monochromes to express his varying emotions and inspirations enhance the artwork evoking the viewer’s senses to indulge in the visual melody.
Ravindra’s colours present a good degree of emotion through their tones and shades while the gestures are presented by the brush stokes, breaking lines and moving forms. His, every composition has a stance, an elegance and a dominant position in the space that is suggestive in some way. Even though the artist does not ponder around a particular subject, yet the different visuals leave a deep impact of experiences only through pure visuals. Hence, for the artist and the viewer, it is an act of feeling, connecting and being impacted rather than simply viewing it
Ravindra’s visual compositions appear to be quiet, but they are sharp and energetic. His paintings are a visual poetry with a good balance of simplicity and complexity with myriad ideas, moods and feelings that his colours suggest. Despite a sense of lack of certainty, there is a great silent gesture on the surface and an unheard emotion captured through colours and abstract forms. Both of these elements have the power to define a purpose to make his work look great for his viewer.
His paintings has a different depth of colours. As he has intentionally overlapped much of the surface. I think Ravindra subconsciously tries to show it in a subtle manner.
There he is! Looking like he is embracing ‘Nirvana’. He wants to hide away a lot of memories, previous circumstances… Pain. He wants to live his life to fullest and make the most of it.
At this exact moment Rekhta comes into the picture. It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, it’s all scattered but eventually all of it fall in the right place. These various shades of colours holds everything in place. Merging all elements of lines, shapes, shades of colours etc.
That’s Ravindra for you who sees all these scattered things and then goes to on tries to keep things in order, in the right place!
मुम्बई के मनीषा बंगला में निर्माता निर्देशक बीएस अली की वेब सीरीज किडनैप की शूटिंग शुरू हो गई है।
डायरेक्टर बीएस अली ने यहां मीडिया से बात करते हुए बताया कि वेब सीरीज किडनैप ओटीटी Mobies Ok पर रिलीज होगी। जिसको वह खुद डायरेक्ट और प्रोड्युस कर रहे हैं। इसमे काम करने वाले कलाकारों में रानी इंस्पेक्टर का किरदार निभा रही हैं। दुर्गा के अलावा चाइल्ड आर्टिस्ट अविका भी इसमे अहम भूमिका निभा रही हैं। इन तमाम कलाकारों की ऑनलाइन और ऑफलाइन ट्रेनिंग दी।
प्रोड्यूसर डायरेक्टर बीएस अली ने मीडिया से बात करते हुए कहा कि लोग फिल्मी दुनिया मे झूठे वादे ज्यादा कर देते हैं लेकिन मैं नए टैलेंट्स को मौका देता हूँ। किडनैप वेब सीरीज अपहरण के मामलों पर बेस्ड है। मेरी एक फ़िल्म माया का बदला की आगे की शूटिंग भी जल्द शुरू होने वाली है। यह एक सस्पेन्स हॉरर फिल्म है।
प्रोड्यूसर डायरेक्टर बीएस अली ने आगे कहा कि किडनैप एक ऐसी वेब सीरीज है जिसकी कहानी काफी अलग है। मनोरजंन के साथ इसमे एक मैसेज भी है। इसमे कलाकारों की बेहतरीन परफॉर्मेंस देखने को मिलेगी।
निर्माता निर्देशक बीएस अली की वेब सीरीज “किडनैप” की शूटिंग शुरू
निर्माता रंजीत सिंह ने अपने बर्थडे पर की निरहुआ चलल लंदन 2 और हनुमान की गली की घोषणा, निर्देशन करेंगे सोनू खत्री
फिल्म निर्माता रंजीत सिंह के बर्थडे के अवसर पर भोजपुरी सिनेमा के जुबली स्टार दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ स्टारर 2 फिल्मों की घोषणा की गई है। “निरहुआ चलल लंदन 2” और “हनुमान की गली” इन दोनों ही फिल्मों के निर्देशन की कमान सोनू खत्री संभाल रहे हैं। फिल्मों की घोषणा के साथ ही निर्माता रंजीत सिंह ने अभिनेता दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ, आम्रपाली दुबे, सोनू खत्री, राजकुमार आर पांडेय, देव सिंह, नवोदित कलाकार कुंदन दूबे, अमरोज़ अख्तर(मुन्ना), आशी तिवारी,सन्नी शाह, रामचंद्र यादव, ब्रजेश मेहर के समक्ष केक काटकर अपना जन्मसिन मनाया।
इस मौके पर दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ ने कहा कि निर्माता रंजीत सिंह के जन्मदिन के अवसर पर निरहुआ चलल लंदन2 और हनुमान की गली की घोषणा से मैं बेहद खुश हूं। दोनों ही फिल्मों का निर्देशन सोनू खत्री कर रहे हैं। मैंने और सोनू ने निरहुआ चलल लंदन में साथ काम किया था। अब उसी फिल्म का सीक्वल बनाया जा रहा है। जिसमें हम फिर साथ नजर आएंगे। जहां एयरपोर्ट पर निरहुआ चलल लंदन की कहानी खत्म हुई थी, वही से इसके सीक्वल की शुरुआत होगी। जिसमें एक बार फिर आम्रपाली दुबे मेरा साथ देंगी। उन्होंने कहा कि कि सेकंड पार्ट को लेकर मुझे काफी जिम्मेदारी का एहसास हो रहा है क्योंकि लोगों को भी काफी उम्मीदें होती है, पहली से बेहतर बनाने का एक प्रेशर होता है। मैं लंदन में मई में जाऊंगा उसके बाद ही यह फ़िल्म स्टार्ट होगी। आगे निरहुआ कहा कि हनुमान की गली फ़िल्म का नाम जितना यूनिक है, इसकी कहानी भी काफी अलग है। यह पूरी फिल्म बनारस में शूट होगी। और कहानी के बारे में ज्यादा खुलासा नहीं किया जा सकता है। लेकिन जबरदस्त कहानी है हनुमान की गली।
आम्रपाली दूबे ने कहा कि निरहुआ चलल लंदन की शूटिंग को भी हमने काफी एन्जॉय किया था और अब इसके पार्ट 2 के शूट को लेकर भी मैं उत्साहित हूं।
फ़िल्म निर्देशक सोनू खत्री ने हनुमान की गली फ़िल्म के बारे में कहा कि यह एक अलग लेवल की कहानी है। जिसे ऑस्कर जैसे प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कार समारोह में भेजा जा सकता है। इससे ज्यादा मैं कुछ नहीं कह सकता हूँ हनुमान की गली को लेकर।
दोनों फिल्मों में इंट्रोड्यूस किए जा रहे अभिनेता कुंदन दूबे ने कहा कि मैंने काफी हिंदी धारावाहिकों और फिल्मों में काम किया है लेकिन निरहुआ चलल लंदन 2 मेरी पहली भोजपुरी फ़िल्म होगी और मैं बेहद खुश और प्राउड फील कर रहा हूँ कि मुझे अपने आइडल दिनेश जी के साथ शुरुआत करने का मौका मिल रहा है।
निरहुआ चलल लंदन 2 के निर्माता रंजीत सिंह, डायरेक्टर सोनू खत्री हैं। मुख्य कलाकारों में दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ, आम्रपाली दूबे, शिल्पा पोखरेल, देव सिंह, अनूप अरोड़ा और आशी तिवारी हैं जबकि कुंदन दूबे इंट्रोड्यूस किए जा रहे हैं। म्यूज़िक आर्या शर्मा, पीयूष आर्या का है। कहानी और संवाद संतोष मिश्रा ने लिखे हैं।
Big announcement of production of two films Nirhua Chalal London 2 and Hanuman Ki Gali on Ranjit Singh’s birthday with Nirhua – Amrapali
निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार और निर्देशक पराग पाटिल की एक नई कहानी टुनटुन का निर्माण हुआ पूरा। फिल्म की कहानी बेहद ही खास और यूनिक है, जिसका खुलासा जल्द ही किया जाएगा। फ़िल्म में मुख्य भूमिका में नीलम गिरी, रीना रानी, संजय पांडे, प्रीति सिंह, संतोष पहलवान, भानु पांडे, साहेब लालधारी, शिवचरण, सनी शर्मा सहित अन्य कलाकार हैं। फ़िल्म के सह निर्माता निवेदिता कुमार और कुलदीप श्रीवास्तव हैं। इस फ़िल्म को उत्तर प्रदेश के कई रमणीय लोकेशनों पर फिल्माया गया है। जो फिल्म में देखने लायक होगी। इस फ़िल्म में दर्शकों को एक नई सोच और एक नई कहानी देखने को मिलेगी, जो भोजपुरिया दर्शकों को सोचने पर मजबूर कर देगी। जिसके लिए वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स जानी जाती है। इस फिल्म के माध्यम से एक फिर से वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स कुछ अनोखा करने जा रही हैं। जैसे कि पहले भी कंपनी से कई बेहतरीन फिल्मों का निर्माण किया जा चुका हैं।
निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार ने कहा कि हाल ही में फिल्म टुनटुन की शूटिंग खत्म हो चुकी है और इसके पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन का काम शुरू हो गया। फिल्म की कहानी बेहतरीन है। जिसे पराग पाटिल ने अपने स्टाइल में फिल्माया है। जब आप फिल्म देखेंगे तो आपको महिलाओं का एक अलग रूप देखने को मिलेगा।
फिल्म के निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार हैं। जबकि सह-निर्माता निवेदिता कुमार, कुलदीप कुमार श्रीवास्तव, निर्देशक पराग पाटिल, संगीत आज़ाद सिंह, लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी, लिरिक्स प्यारे लाल यादव (कवि) और आज़ाद सिंह, कोरियोग्राफर कानु मुखर्जी, डीओपी माही सरला और प्रोडक्शन कंट्रोलर महेश उपाध्याय कर रहे हैं।
Film Tuntun a good film of big banner shooting completed
Dr Sushmita Bhanja is representing the green city of Odisha, Rourkela. While pursuing medical she realized the value of empathy to help other. Growing up and studying to be as a doctor she always considered to be sincere.
She believe every gorgeous girl is unique in her own ways with different self confidence , determination and dreams that they never give up on to be a queen is to make your dreams a reality. She believe competing in pageants helps grow self confidence and grace. She is passionate about modelling and dancing. It allows her to blend her personal interest and passions with her career.
She was odissi international dancer 2021, She was the winner of Miss Vizag 2017, she got best choreography award 2017, Miss India Queen of hearts Winner 2021. Her Aim is to be a successful doctor and professional model. Now she has been selected for Miss Diva India International 2022 Of Virus wings production.
Dr Sushmita Bhanja A Doctor Star From Odisha selected for Miss Diva India International 2022 Of Virus wings production
From: 5th February to 8th February 2022
“Chitra Latika”
An Exhibition of oil Paintings by Jabalpur based artist Ramkripal Namdev
P.L. Deshpande Art Gallery
Ravindra Natya Mandir
Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: 9589017969
“Chitralatika” An exhibition showcasing the journey of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ji by Ramkripal Namdeo, one of the prominent artist from Jabalpur, Madhyapradesh!
Ramkripal Namdeo has won many awards and done numerous shows in all over India. His paintings has won many records for his intricate work depicting maximum number of faces in a single painting.
This show will be inaugurated on 5th February 5.30 pm by chief guest: Mr.Ashish Rego
Vice Chairman A.P.M.A (Asia Pacific Music Creators Alliance), and guest of honors:
Mr. Basu Soni- Film actor (Kedarnath,Raktanchal etc,),
Mr. Govind Namdev – (Actor, Writer, Theater Director), Mr. Raj Yadav (Indian Express), Mr. Makrand Joshi etc will be present.
At the beginning of the program, singer Prachi Joshi will perform a song on Maa Saraswati.
Ramkrupal Namdev is rare artist, who has his unique style of painting. This Jabalpur based artist has painted Lataji & Gandhiji in a very different manner for which his name is registered by 3 famous recording institutions. Asia Book of Records, India Book of Records & Limca Book of Records, all 3 have conferred him certificates & honoured him for his unusual achievement. This is his 9th solo exhibition. He has earlier exhibited in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore & Jabalpur in solo & group exhibitions.
Now let’s write about his special & unique style. In one painting of Lataji he has painted 930 faces of famous women, who have contributed in their respective field. Collecting data of 930 women personalities with their images is itself a huge task & painting them in miniature style in background is another. Apart from this he has painted LATA letters also & Lataji’s portrait in foreground. In another painting he has painted all felicitations of Lataji by famous personalities happened in her entire life at background & Lataji in foreground.
While painting Gandhiji in same way, he has painted 230 patriots of Gandhi’s contemporaries at background & Gandhiji in foreground, trying to depict that Gandhiji was main source of inspiration for them. Here also collecting data of 230 patriots & their images is difficult task & painting them is another. He has painted all his paintings in oil on canvas medium with skill & commendable patience. There are many paintings on Lataji hence this show is titled “चित्रलतिका “. Apart from Lataji & Gandhiji artist has painted other subjects also like Lord Ganesha, Lord Hanuman, Lord Ram-Seeta, Lord Buddha, Mother Teresa, little girls & others.
Chitralatika – An exhibition showcasing the journey of Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkar ji by Ramkripal Namdeo
मुम्बई के मनीषा बंगला में प्रोड्यूसर डायरेक्टर सूरज भारती की वेब सीरीज “केस क्लोज़ड” की शूटिंग शुरू हो गई है। दिव्या फ़िल्म एंड विज़न प्रस्तुत वेब सीरीज “Case Closed” मोबिज़ ओके पर रिलीज की जाएगी, जिसके लेखक रंजू साइक्लोनी और निर्माता निर्देशक सूरज भारती हैं।
केस क्लोज़ड में मुख्य भूमिका निभा रहे आर्यन सिंह राजपूत ने कहा कि इस वेब सीरीज में मैं बतौर एंकर काम कर रहा हूँ। डायरेक्टर सूरज भारती ने मुझे यह रोल ऑफर किया तो मैंने स्वीकार किया क्योंकि इस वेब सीरीज में एक सन्देश भी है। इसमे यह दर्शाया जा रहा है कि किस तरह आजकल अपराध बढ़ते जा रहे हैं। इसमे यह मैसेज दिया गया है कि कोई क्रिमिनल किसी तरह बच नहीं सकता।
निर्माता निर्देशक सूरज भारती ने कहा कि केस क्लोज़ड का कंटेंट काफी यूनिक है। ऐसी कहानी न पहले कभी देखी सुनी गई है और न यह किसी से मिलती जुलती है। यह एक रियलिस्टिक वेब सीरीज है जो दशकों को झिंझोड़ कर रख देती है। इसमे हर एपिसोड में नई कहानी होगी। यह क्राइम बेस्ड वेब सीरीज है। इसकी एंकरिंग के लिए मुझे अच्छे आर्टिस्ट की जरूरत थी और आर्यन सिंह राजपूत मुझे इस रोल के लिए बेस्ट लगे।
दिव्या फिल्म्स एंड विज़न के बैनर तले बन रही वेब सीरीज केस क्लोज़ड के निर्माता निर्देशक सूरज भारती हैं। अभी एक स्टोरी की शूटिंग पूरी हुई है। ओटीटी मोबीज़ ओके पर यह सीरीज रिलीज होगी।
कोरियोग्राफर से 2014 में उन्होंने अपना बैनर बनाया। उस बैनर तले 2017 में एक हिंदी फिल्म हॉरर नाइट रिलीज की। दूसरी फिल्म लव इन टास्क बनाई। कई म्यूज़िक वीडियो और शार्ट फिल्मे बना चुके सूरज भारती अब यह सीरीज लेकर आ रहे हैं। इसमे अनिल सिंह राजपूत एंकरिंग कर रहे हैं। सूरज भारती ने बताया कि यह क्राइम पेट्रोल, सावधान इंडिया जैसा क्राइम शो है। इसमे कलाकारों का चयन ऑडिशन के जरिये किया गया है। कुछ आर्टिट्स मार्केट के हैं बाकी अधिकतर फ्रेशर लोग हैं।
इसके डीओपी आरिफ हैं। कलाकारों में चंचलेश, मधु सूदन, आकाश राजभर, गोवर्धन, प्रतीक्षा, श्रद्धा वाकोडे, श्रवणी, इकबाल अली, अर्चना देवी, नैना, अंकुर कुमार, अफसर, कविता कोकाटे, साजिद अंसारी, रेशमा पिंगले, महेंद्र पिल्लई, संजय पलांगे, सपना पटेल, धीरेंद्र कनौजिया का नाम उल्लेखनीय है।
Producer Director Suraj Bharati’s web series Case Closed begins shooting
Partnership makes UFC GYM India exclusive gym partner of ASFC
MUMBAI – UFC GYM® India today announced its partnership with All Stars Football Club (ASFC), the home team of Bollywood’s mainstream celebrities. UFC GYM India will be the exclusive gym partner of the ASFC and they aim to support the fitness regimes of the players through UFC GYM’s #Train Different® philosophy. UFC GYM India will provide the team members of the ASFC with its Ultimate VIP Membership which provides unlimited access to all of its clubs in India.
UFC GYM India clubs offer premium equipment and a large variety of group fitness classes. Training programs for all ages and athletic abilities are available. Members have access to a one-stop shop for their fitness needs including a functional fitness area, strength and cardio equipment, a large variety of high intensity mixed martial arts group classes, and studio-quality group fitness classes such as yoga, Zumba, spinning, salsa and more. UFC GYM programming has been developed through exclusive access to the training regimens of internationally-acclaimed UFC® athletes and world-class Fitness Directors. The company’s unique Train Different approach provides members with everything they need for the entire family to move, to get fit and to live a healthy life regardless of their age or current athletic ability.
All Stars Football Club is owned by Playing For Humanity and managed by GS Sports. The All Stars Football Club is spearheaded by Bollywood icons Abhishek Bachchan(Captain), Ranbir Kapoor, Leander Paes, Arjun Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Sidharth Malhotra, Dino Morea, Karan Wahi, Karan Veer Mehra, Caesar Gonsalves, Rohan Shreshta, Shabir Ahluwalia, Armaan Jain and other icons from the entertainment & sports industry. The main aim of All Stars Football Club is to collect income for charity while using the ever growing game of football in India as a platform to do so. This in turn also helps in promoting the sport football in India. ASFC brings sports and entertainment together and demonstrates each other’s strengths by adding immense value to the business of brands.
Farzad Palia and Istayak Ansari, the Master Licensees of UFC GYM in India excitedly stated, “We are delighted to partner with the ASFC and be a part of their noble cause. UFC GYM programming is especially beneficial to the players of the ASFC as it supports their athletic activities as well as helps them to achieve the muscle size and physical conditioning that their movie roles demand.”
Bunty Walia, the owner of the All Stars Football Club stated, “UFC GYM is a global brand and partnering with them will further increase the awareness of our ASFC brand and cause. UFC GYM will get access to the athletes who are the top celebs of the country and this will help UFC GYM reach their market audience.”
Since debuting in 2009, UFC GYM has opened more than 150 locations throughout the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Mexico, Oman, Philippines, South America, Taiwan, the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and more. In 2017, the fitness franchise expanded its global brand presence to India, which is comprised of the world’s second-largest population, in partnership with Artaxerxes Fitness & Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd, led by Master Franchisees Istayak Ansari and Farzad Palia.
For more information about UFC GYM India, please visit, or follow the gym chain on Instagram at @ufcgymindia.
UFC GYM® is the first major brand extension of UFC®, the world’s premier MMA organization, created in alliance with New Evolution Ventures™ (NeV), developers of many of the world’s most successful fitness brands. As the first to unite the benefits of MMA with fitness, the brand is not what you expect, and more than you can imagine. UFC GYM’s TRAIN DIFFERENT® approach provides members with the ultimate fitness experience and programming that secures results for all ages and training levels. With over 150 locations opened and 700 additional locations currently in development globally, UFC GYM has revolutionized the fitness industry and positively impacted countless lives worldwide. UFC GYM offers the opportunity to own and operate a franchise domestically and internationally. For more information, please visit Follow UFC GYM at,, Instagram and Twitter @UFCGYM. Follow UFC GYM India at,, Twitter and Instagram: @UFCGYMIndia.
About UFC®
UFC® is the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than 625 million fans and 178million social media followers. The organization produces more than 40 live events annually in some of the most prestigious arenas around the world, while broadcasting to approximately 900M TV households across more than 175 countries. UFC’s athlete roster features the world’s best MMA athletes representing more than 70 countries. The organization’s digital offerings include UFC FIGHT PASS®, one of the world’s leading streaming services for combat sports. UFC is owned by global entertainment, sports and content company Endeavor, and is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information, visit and follow UFC at, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok: @UFC.
About ASFC
All-Stars FC was started when a brilliant idea came up in the mind of Mr. Bunty Walia with the stance of staging faces of pride of the country that would make them come together playing their way through football to banish the people`s needs who are underprivileged and raise funds for the same.
All-Stars FC is owned by Playing For Humanity and managed by GS Sports. The All-Stars Football Club is spearheaded by Bollywood icons Abhishek Bachchan(Captain), Ranbir Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Kartik Aaryan, Sidharth Malhotra, and other icons from the entertainment & sports industry. The main aim of the All Stars Football Club is to collect income for charity while using the ever-growing game of football in India as a platform to do so. This in turn also helps promote the sport Football in India. ASFC brings sports and entertainment together and demonstrates each other’s strengths by adding immense valueto the business of brands. For more information, visit Follow ALL STARS FC on Facebook and Youtube – @AllStarsFootballClub Instagram- @allstarsfc_pfh Twitter- @PFH_AllStarFC
The adverse impact of the pandemic has been most on CINTAA members under the lowest economic rung in their fraternity. The senior members are affected most as they are more prone to health issues and very little or no work. The Zonal structure of CINTAA helped these members get through the pandemic.
To laud the untiring efforts of the Zonal Team members during the times of the pandemic, a commendation ceremony was held at the office of CINTAA on 26th January 2022.
CINTAA awarded citation certificates to their Corona Warriors who did work to lend support and assistance to other members in distress, distributed Food Rations & Medicines to other members who endured much turmoil during COVID times.
Fifty-eight warriors were awarded. The zonal team members shared stories of their struggles and how CINTAA, through each of its members, helped them through it.
The Corona Yodhas included Ghanshyam Shrivastva, Premchand Singh, Prabhat Kumar Pandey, Soniya Tredia, Manoj Kumar Yadav, Deepak Dattaram More, Satyajit Rajput, Vivek Shrivastva, Tina Ghaai, Gopal Kumar Verma, Sanju K Banerjee, Kamlesh Kumar Singh, Sultan Ahmed Varsi, Saurabh Suman, Laila Panda, Ashok Chavan, Trilok Chandra Singh, Pankaj Kumar, Arun Kumar Singh, Mohammad Farid Khan, Ranjit Chaudhri, Hetal Parmar, Manoj Kumar Shrivastva, Geetanjali Mishra, Prakash Jha, Brijesh Karanwal, Chayan Trivedi, Akshar Singh, Abhijeet Lehri, Kundan Kumar, Nupur Alankar, Dheeraj Miglani, Shruti Bhattachariya, Dinesh Pandey, Sanjay Bhatia, Amit Behl, Ayub Khan, Abdul Rashid Mehta, Manoj Joshi, Deepak Qazir Kejriwal, Jiten Mukhi, Asha Pareek, Yogesh Kumar Bhardwaj, Kamal Saurabh, Chaitali Sarkar, Raj Malhotra, Tripti Dave, Jitendra Singh Saabu, Shyam Lal, Lalit Kumar Agrawal, Sonal Paresh Borkhtariya, Shashikant Namdev Shinde, Raunaq Ali, Prasad Limaye, Suleman Shaikh and Rajesh Kanojia.
President of CINTAA Vikram Gokhale, Senior Vice President Manoj Joshi, Hon General Secretary Amit Behl applauded the efforts of the Zonal team and extended their good wishes to the recipients through a video call.
Seated on the dais, the Executive Committee members Tina Ghai, Ayub Khan, Jaya Bhattacharya, Deepak Qazir Kejriwal, Ravi Jhankal, Hetal Parmar, Jiten Mukhi also gave a brief speech and thanked the members for their efforts.
For the uninitiated, the zonal structure of CINTAA comprises its own members who form a team, dividing duties amongst themselves as per the geographical locations of Greater Mumbai and its extended suburbs stretching upto Virar and Panvel.
Mr. Ghanshyam Srivastva is the Chief Convenor of the Zonal structure.
An endeavour of the outreach committee, the sole purpose is to form a united platform whereby members of CINTAA get connected with other members of CINTAA who happen to dwell in close proximity to each other.
The structures help members stay connected with each other. Senior members are visited regularly to keep a tab on their well-being. Certain members also visit members in need regularly and ensure that they are just a call away.
CINTAA Awards COVID Yodhas At Zonal Meet
From: 1st to 7th February 2022
“The Eternal”
An Exhibition of Watercolor Paintings
By well-known artist Ashok Namdeo Dhivare
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road,
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 98508 69670
As the changing forms of nature leave their reflections on a painter’s mind it begins to give shapes to them. Really speaking, it is a just thought emerging in his consciousness; simultaneously, however, it becomes an inner conflict rooted in his mind. A process to search for form in an object begins at the centre of an individual’s mind. This process is highly individualistic and deep but it is equally obscure.
The presence of an object in nature is stable as well as unstable and forward-moving; this in fact is an unending, ongoing process. It is the way of the world; in a way, it is the way the world behaves. ‘The Eternal’ is an exhibition of paintings meant to present this thought. It is a search for the eternal existence of the self in the brisk-paced happenings and the fast deterioration of human values taking place around us.
The progressive journey of the painter, Mr Ashok Dhivare, has been moving forward through a variety of forms and mediums like nature painting, abstract style and cityscape. The paintings in this exhibition belong to the category of ‘Nature painting.’ The artist has consciously used watercolours as a medium.
The moisture of the mind’s sensitivity and its subtlety for the moments escaped is noticeable in them in addition to a feeling of being lost. The
human images in these paintings are indistinct and unclear. The structures and leftover remains of constructions around them force us to search for the eternal. The use of time and space keeps haunting our minds as these paintings begin to overpower us by coming closer and establishing an uncanny relation with us. These paintings give a distressed call to the past and present of the fall and decay we experience inside us.
Raju Desale
The Eternal – An Exhibition Of Watercolor Paintings By well-known artist Ashok Namdeo Dhivare In Jehangir Art Gallery
On 27 January, Apex Prime launched the trailer of their Original web series ‘Cyber Singham’ and one instantly falls in awe of this crime thriller that is mounted with superior production values, excellent performances by the cast and its slick editing.
The audience is awaiting it to be launched, “We are all set to release our 1st Webseries Cyber Singham on 9th February 2022. What is surprising is that we have been flooded with positive comments and most of them are inquiring when is it going to release. So I am glad to announce that everyone will be able to watch the complete new-age thriller ‘Cyber Singham’ free of any charges from the 9th of February 2022.
Mayur Mehta plays the role of Triveni Singh & Paras Madaan as the Akhil Kumar, Muskan Khan, Yukti Singh, Vikrant Dubey, Mahesh Chandra Deva, Jyoti Singh Rathode playing other primary characters. “It is a series inspired by real incidents of Professor Triveni Singh, an IPS officer who is currently posted as SP in Cyber Crime of Uttar Pradesh Police.
Professor Triveni Singh has been awarded the Police Medal for Gallantry (PMG) by the President of India. He is known as Cyber Cop due to his expertise in cyber crime investigation and having tremendous knowledge about financial and banking fraud that are quite rampant these days. He also serves as a resource for several government departments and judicial officers.
Having received several honors for his contribution, he has solved almost every type of cyber crimes and investigated more than 200 types of cyber crimes and arrested thousands of criminals. “Some of the most intriguing cases of the true stories which he has solved will be presented in Cyber Singham, added Anand Sharma.
Cyber Singham, the series based on true cyber crime incidents is directed by Avinash Garg, DOP by Ajay Ghagde and is produced by Varchaswa Media Pvt Ltd. Real Life Stories has been presented as a web series with the help of Route64 Infosec Research Foundation.
Anand Sharma is on the board of director of this OTT while Soumita Das is the OTT head and her husband Paras Madan is the Business Operating officer. While speaking to the media they announced that Apex Prime is indeed a different type of content platform where different types of web series and short films besides reality shows will be seen. They also iterated that they have brought this OTT with a different thinking. “The USP of the OTT is that there will not be any bold scene in any of its content, nor will there be any scene that would be a problem to watch with family. APEX PRIME focuses not only the regular Market based promotions such as movies, web series, short films, etc but also on the talents of the people around the globe, and it gives them opportunity to share it with the world involving in different app based competition which involves acting, story telling, singing, skits, reality shows, music videos and many more.
Apex Prime can be downloaded from Google Play store and Apple store. The application was supposed to be launched in the early 2020 but as the country was hit by pandemic and lockdown was declared, the launch was deferred.
Anand Sharma emphasizes, “In order to make it widely accessible for all kinds of audiences, initially the subscription for APEX PRIME is absolutely Free.”
APEX PRIME OTT Launched With An Edge Of The Seat Original Thriller – CYBER SINGHAM
Priyanka Anchalia was born in Kokrajhar, Assam. She is just 17 years old. She is beautiful model and dancer. She has been participated in many of the competition and has won also. She has won Kokrajhar Expo 2018 for best personality.
She has won Miss Teen Diva of India Globe winner. She was the 1st Runner up of Miss Teen Glamorous of Assam 2018. She was the finalist of Miss Teen North East 2018. As a model she does a very good Ramp Walk as well.
She was Miss Vivacious 2018 of Miss Teen Diva of India. She was Miss Style Icon 2019 of Miss Teen India National. She was Miss Intellectual 2019 of Glamorous India Elite. Miss Ramp Walk 2019 of Miss Teen Diva of India International.
She was a Virus Face of the year 2019. Now is she is been Participating in Miss & Mrs Dream Girl with Virus Wings Production.
Priyanka Anchalia – The Assamese Star To Contest Virus Wings Production Presentation Miss And Mrs Dream Girl
Lavanya Das is from very beautiful place Bhubaneshwar, Odisha. Lavanya is a believer in relentless diligence, uniqueness and hardworking. Ever since a very young age she has been capable of maintaining an equipoise between academics and co-curricular activities. She is an extraordinary international painter and literature.
Writing poems and playing piano is what she is truly passionate about. Along with being a frolicsome dancer and Hindustani Classical Singer she is also an eloquent speaker, anchor and event host. She is hence a national level debator and an award winning all India level essay writer.
She has been internationally recognised for her dedication towards representing Indian art and culture internationally. She has been a pageant enthusiast and has been representing India & Odisha nationally as well as globally ever since the age of 10.
As of present she is indulging herself more into sharing all the knowledge and the experience in the shining world of pageantry by mentoring many other teen models.
Lavanya Das The Sparkling Girl From Odisha To participate In Miss And Mrs Dream Girl
Aanchal Tyagi is a well personality we known her as a Ovi Tyagi. She is from Mumbai and her age is 25 years. In just 25 years of age she has struggled a lot she is very dedicated towards her works.
She has seen many ups and downs but she now very strong and independent girl. She has done many music videos such as Laare, Pehli Pahel, Dream girl and many more.
She is a very good actor and model. She is very creative she is passionate about her work she love competition. Now she is been participating in a reality show Miss & Mrs Dream Girl of Virus Wings Production.
Aanchal Tyagi Star from Mumbai To participate in a Reality Show Miss And Mrs Dream Girl
It has been heard from reliable sources that Producer & Actor Shantanu Bhamare who is also an ace Software Professional, had first met Russian International Model turned Actress Elena Tuteja in Dubai about six years back!
Shantanu was on his work trip and Elena was holidaying in Dubai and when they both met , they had not entered Bollywood but both of them had aspirations to enter Bollywood as actors! “I had fallen for Elena at the very first sight and had promised Elena that I will definitely make a movie for her “ exclaimed Shantanu blushingly and even Elena smiled coyly and admitted that “Yes , Shantanu had expressed his crush on me in Dubai” !
Later they accidentally met again in Mumbai and Shantanu started working on his promise of doing a film with Elena and finally, to start with coupled up with Elena for his song album ‘ Teri Aashiqui Mein’ ! Shantanu and Elena acted as a romantic pair in this song album video ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ and shot the song with a lot of passion and their magical romantic chemistry! Elena is all praises for Shantanu and for the song ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ and expresses a lot of surprise and joy on how destiny made her meet Shantanu again in Mumbai!
Shantanu and Elena are now also working on a film project together which is probably being written by Shantanu on his own experiences of meeting Elena from Dubai to Mumbai and the film is also titled ‘Teri Aashiqui Mein’ !
Shantanu ‘s Promise To His Russian Crush Elena Tuteja – International Model And Famous Bollywood Actress
If the spirit remains strong, then the solution to the difficulties will also come out. If the land becomes barren, will water also come out from there? Don’t be disheartened or scared, my companions from the dark. A golden tomorrow will also emerge from these nights. Surely, these lines fit those Bollywood actors who do not give up on struggles. Firoz K Khan, who came to Mumbai two decades ago, had also stepped into Bollywood with the same purpose and has established his identity here today. In a long journey of two decades, he did many serials, ad films and films.
These days there is a lot of discussion about his super hit webseries Bhaukaal. This webseries is produced by Baweja Movies and Applause Entertainment .
Producer Harman Baweja is a good producer as well as a very down to earth person. Director Jatin waghle is cool and technically intelligent. He discusses the scene with the actors before the scene and then does the placing. Once an incident happened that the dialogue which came to me to speak was not suiting my character. I was in a dilemma whether to say anything to the director or not. Since I am also a writer, I felt that the dialogue given to me did not fit my character. But I went to Jatin ji and said that I want some changes in this dialogue. what can i do? At that time the writer of the series, Jay ji was also there. Hearing me, he laughed and said that you can make changes according to your own.
Firoz K Khan says that the artist was hidden within him since childhood. Then he used to do paintings but was fond of watching films coming on Doordarshan. Firoz says that Balraj Sahni, Dilip Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar have been my inspirations, whose films I grew up watching.
What kind of role do you want to play? On this question, Firoz k khan says that today’s negative role suits me. I also play IB or police characters in a better way. Let us inform that Firoz K Khan, who came to Mumbai from Ghaziabad (UP), did a 1-year diploma in performing art’s from Himachal Cultural Research Forum and Theater Reportory from 2001 to 2002. He was associated with IPTA as an artist from 1998 to 2001. He was associated with theater in Ghaziabad from 1998 to 2002 and even today he is associated with theater. Firoz has played many tremendous characters in many serials of DD and DD Urdu. Whether his role has been positive or negative, his character has been highly appreciated. Firoz, who has played the lead role in many stories of crime patrol,he also worked with Bollywood biggest production “Houses” like
Yashraj films show Powder, he played khalid Qureshi in that (one of the main charecters).
He has also worked with Amitabh Bachchan in the film Zamanat, however due to some reason the film was not released. In this film, he played the role of Rohit. He has done many films like Johny Johny Yes Papa with Yashpal Sharma, Boss with Akshay Kumar, Once Upon a Time 2, Khaap, Accident on Hill Road. Currently Bhaukaal season 2 is running on MX player. In this series he played police constable Balram Yadav. This is a very important character of this series. People are very much liking this character of Firoz. Earlier Bhaukaal season-1 his character was also highly appreciated.
Apart from acting, Firoz is also working as a casting director under the name Raja. His casting agency name is “Double RR Casting Agency” which is active since 2006. Till now he has done casting of many ad films.
Someone rightly said that
The problem with not having any goal is that you will spend your life running around in the field but will not be able to score a single goal but Firoz Khan has been scoring goal after goal in his field.
Firoz Khursheed Khan – I Love Playing Negative Shades
Happy Republic day to my fellow Indians in America, in INDIA and Global.
It was a Grand Celebration at Albert Palace,the most beautiful n big royal Banquets owned by Mr Albert Jasani.
It feels Amazing that America always comes forward and encourage and support to Celebrate our Indian festivals and our Indian culture in USA.
Very Thankful to Mrs Seema Jagtiani & Col.Virender T, for inviting me to such a beautiful event .
Event was great followed by Yummy dinner n desserts.
Angel met few Dignitaries there.
It was great meeting
Susan M Kiley.
County Commissioner Deputy Director .
It was Pleasure meeting very sweet American lady &
Owner of Albert Palace ,Mr Albert Jasani, Very nice, humble and down to Earth person.
As ” International Peace Ambassador”
I must say “We are Peace loving People & We are born to spread peace Love and Happiness in life.”
Join Hand’s with me for Mission World PEACE”
Angel Tetarbe
“Miss Glamourface World INDIA”
“Global fashion Style Icon”
Popular Queen of Universe Angel Tetarbe Celebrated 73rd Republic Day at Albert Palace in Jersey USA 2022
From: 31st January to 6th February 2022
“Forms of Musing”
An Exhibition of Paintings
By Sharmila Gupta
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai – 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 98198 67766
At first glance, the bold patterns in Sharmila Gupta’s recent paintings and drawings appear to mark a change in direction from the large gritty paintings of tidal pools that were her last body of work. On further viewing, it becomes apparent that her familiar landscapes have become compressed into signs or ideograms. These perhaps reflect time spent in walks in the woods during the lockdown when she made a study of aboriginal bark as well as the abstract lineage of modernism. Sharmila’s new paintings light up the exhibition space. She moves easily between representational and abstract imagery, and she mixes seemingly contradictory inclinations. For example, her process is messy and engaged, but her compositions are deliberate and playful; her work shifts suddenly from somber to slapstick; she has a sincere belief in painting’s transcendent power.
The intimate, explorative body of work exposes her complex interaction with a particular place and it’s shifting transient nature. Sharmila has often spoken about rejecting the picturesque in favour of primordial nature as represented. She has found these necessary elemental motifs. At the edge of water and land, she has become immersed in the visceral experience of light, space and motion. There she has sought to bridge the atmospheric, volumetric world of matter and its equivalence in signs. Landscape thus becomes an arena not only to view the fleeting nature of the elements with its seasonal and biological cycles but also a vessel for thought and process within the context of various pictorial languages.
Sharmila makes paintings to be reckoned with. Her largely abstract canvases and wild seaside landscapes can be broody, even confrontational, in earthy dark tones. But many of these paintings sparkle with brilliant blues, and cheery greens, reds, and yellows. Darker colors crop up and provide terrific contrast. Sharmila completed her part-time course in painting from Sir J J School of Art and since then she has continually challenged herself, grappling with form in oils water-colours and collages; with space and surface in abstract painting and art history. One thing has remained constant her delight in the elemental quality of paint. She’s like a kid with finger paints, or making mud pies. She fills her canvases with smears, dollops, and grit. Her passion can’t be missed.
In her current suite of works some of her former complex spatial panoramas with their diverse vantage points and horizon lines remain. Sharmila, however, has often changed her viewing perspective. At times, she has vicariously crawled along the surface of the earth or seen things as a fish traversing water or as a bird from above or a combination of different vantage points in the same painting, a vertical panoramic space is grounded by two trees uniting land, fire, water and sky seen both from above and at the horizon. By contrast, Sharmila Gupta reveals a flatter, condensed spatial world of water patterns containing floating interactive shapes. Viewed from above, a brown form hovers over incoming and outgoing tides acting as a magnifying glass revealing particles of pollution. This pivotal form compresses the action of nature and shield shapes reminiscent of the mapping of water trails found in aboriginal painting.
Sign language becomes even more evident in small watercolor drawings that evoke musical exercises with their motifs and recapitulations of the ebb and flow of tides: times of day amidst floating objects pulled by currents. Sharmila has stated that all her abbreviations of shapes and forms come from acute observation of particular sites. Her drawings reflect these observations of a sea world with undulating patterns, horizontal and vertical lines that act as cross currents creating pulsating tensions. Sharmila subverts our expectations of space. Despite the horizon line, we appear to have a bird’s-eye view. The piece’s crackling rhythm, intoxicating tones, and the artist’s loose, playful hand make the works a joyful exclamation. These dense, expansive little nature-scapes gleam like gemstones.
Sharmila’s quest to reassemble pictorial language from a diverse painting vocabulary is no easy task. Throughout her long career she has searched for ways to meld the painterly traditions of Abstract Expressionism. Over the past decades she has been moving back and forth between both pictorial concepts, sometimes emphasizing her love of light and expressive painterly forms, other times using abbreviated signs, and sometimes managing to simultaneously employ both modes. In her painting series, she combined ideograms, patterns that interact with volumetric shapes and atmospheric moods. The exhibition shows a good introduction to her innovative merging of the physical tactile world with a formal language of signs, ideograms and pictographs, expanding the painter’s language in this time.
Abhijeet Gondkar
January 2022, Mumbai
Artist’s Statements…
Myself, Sharmila Gupta, an abstract painter. My artwork includes oil on canvas, acrylic on canvas and paper.
Passionate about painting I create whatever I perceive after observing the environment around me. I interprete the cosmos of colour and form through my visualisation to express them uniquely.
Perseverance and expedition has shifted the quality of my works and opened a new realm of possibilities and offered me with a different context of painting and my relationship to it’s process.
Sharmila Gupta – Artist
Forms of Musing – An Exhibition of Paintings By artist Sharmila Gupta in Jehangir Art Gallery
From: 1st to 7th February 2022
Begin the Best years of your life With the Yogasutra way of life
Yoga Exclusive Class
(Offline and online both Classes Available)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID – 905 187 3091
Password – 00000
Contact: 7745031818
Timing: Monday to Saturaday5.45am and Sunday 6.00am
Life is full of challenges, uncertainties, distractions and opportunities. Our rishis gave to the world the art and science of Yoga to utilise our human existence in the best manner possible. The practice of Yoga can be done by the young and old, by the healthy as well as those in pain to bring a discipline and regularity in life. Yoga is a combination of body, mind and spirit oriented practices with each element of Yoga facilitating a greater purpose and vision of life that leads to well-being and contentment. At one level Yoga helps to overcome stress and mental tensions and at a higher level develops personality and self confidence together with realising the spirit and the purpose of human existence.
Yogasutra way of life is the adoption of yogic practices for physical fitness, breath regulation and meditation for mental alertness, concentration and complete relaxation. Incorporating these yoga practices as habits in the daily schedule shifts the direction of life from one of struggles to that of ease and joy. It could be the beginning of the best years of your life. Yogasutra way of life teaches you how to daily invest a little time in yoga to reap the long term benefits of self transformationof the body and mind for a fulfilled human existence.
Know your coach for the Yogasutra way of life
Sunita Wadhawan is a PhD research scholar and has been active in the yoga field as a practitioner and as a teacher for over two decades. She has won accolades at the National and State level award for yoga asanas and sun salutations. Being proficient in the technique and tools of Cyclic Meditation and Mind Imagery Technique (MIRT) her classes on guided meditation every week are well received and appreciated.
Contact: Dr. Sunita Wadhawan – 7745031818
Artist & Yoga Instructor
Mrs. India Maharashtra one in million 2021
Begin The Best Years Of Your Life With The Yogasutra Way Of Life – Yoga Exclusive Class
अमित कुमार सराफ के निर्देशन में बनी भोजपुरी फिल्म गैंग्स आॅफ गंवार जल्द ही दर्शकों के सामने होगी। फिल्म गैंग्स ऑफ गंवार जीवन में आगे बढ़ने, सम्मान पाने और कभी हार न मानने की सीख देती है। फिल्म को एक रीफ्रेशिंग स्टोरी के साथ दर्शकों के सामने परोसा जारहा है जो आपको काफी पसंद आएगी। माँ कामाख्या फिल्म्स प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी फिल्म गैंग्स आॅफ गंवार का निर्माण निर्माता गणेश प्रसाद ने किया है जबकि कहानी और निर्देशक अमित सर्राफ का है।
इस फिल्म के लेखक शमशेर सेन,म्यूजिक सावन कुमार,गीतकार-अजित मंडल सावन कुमार सुमित चंद्रवंशी,कैमरा विवेक बी यादव,फाइट राजकुमार श्री,डांस रिकी जैक्सन,आर्ट रोशन सिंह,मेक अप प्रकाश सोनी, गुड्डू गोल्डन,प्रोडक्शन चंद्रकांत सिंह,एसोसिएट एंड असिस्टेंट सुनील पाडेय , वैभव मिश्रा,नीतीश राज हैं जबकि ड्रेस डिजाईनर राकेश सिंह हैं। इस फिल्म को लेकर निर्माता गणेश प्रसाद कहते हैं उनकी फिल्म गैंग्स आॅफ गंवार बहुत ही साफ सुथरी और पारिवारिक फिल्म है।
इस फिल्म की एक और खाश बात यह है कि यह फिल्म लोगों की उम्मीद पर अपनी पकड़ बनाए रखेगी। फिल्म के निर्देशक अमित सराफ कहते हैं भोजपुरी फिल्म गैंग्स ऑफ गंवार एक्शन थ्रिलर फिल्म है, जिसके मुख्य किरदार ग्रे शेड लिये हैं। इस फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार हैं सद्दाम हुसैन, माही खान, रागिनी चौरसिया, अभिषेक लाल यादव,प्राणकमल, श्रीजना अधिकारी, जाकिर हुसैन,मुकेश लाल यादव, सुधाकर मिश्रा और नरू रायसैली आदि।
Bhojpuri film Gangs of Ganvar will soon be in front of the audience
~ Celebrating the skill and passion of every online gaming enthusiast, the actor will feature in the new campaign #RahoEkKadamAage ~
India, January 28th, 2022: Games24x7 announced Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador for India’s largest online skill gaming platform, RummyCircle. As part of the partnership, Hrithik will be seen in multimedia campaigns by RummyCircle, spanning across TV, digital and social media platforms.
Announcing the association, Bhavin Pandya, Co-Founder and CEO of Games24x7 said, “We are very excited to partner with Hrithik, one of India’s biggest stars. Hrithik has had a remarkable career which is an epitome of versatility as he makes the right moves at the right time. His dynamism, talent and widespread appeal have made him really stand out. This resonates well with Games24x7 as we are constantly differentiating ourselves by providing awesome game playing experiences.”
Speaking on his engagement, Hrithik Roshan said, “Rummy is a game of skill that requires intellectual acumen, patience, and tact. What I like is that these are the same skills that you need, to overcome the challenges at various points in life. So, in a way, the game is a fun way to build life skills. This campaign highlights that whenever one encounters unexpected difficulties in life, they can overcome it with the right approach. I am happy to be associated with RummyCircle and Games24x7 for this splendid campaign.”
Initiating the association, the brand will be unveiling the new campaign #RahoEkKadamAage starring Hrithik via a high decibel television commercial starting 29th January. The campaign highlights real life scenarios where Hrithik Roshan demonstrates mental dexterity to find a way out of unforeseen situations.
Since its launch in 2009, the online skill gaming platform has partnered with talented personalities to further strengthen its engagement with millions of players across the country. RummyCircle is India’s largest online skill gaming platform for playing the nation’s favourite card game: Rummy. With free to play tournaments as well as cash prizes on offer, RummyCircle provides an opportunity for players to test their skills and adroitness. Excellent UI/UX, customized player journeys and superior technology make RummyCircle an unparalleled destination for players seeking thrill, fun and entertainment.
About Games24x7
Games24x7 is India headquartered online gaming company with a portfolio that spans skill games (RummyCircle, My11Circle, Carrom) and casual games (U-Games). It was founded by New York University trained economists Bhavin Pandya and Trivikraman Thampy in 2006. Backed by marquee investors including Tiger Global and The Raine Group, the company specializes in using behavioural science, technology, and artificial intelligence to provide awesome game playing experiences across all its platforms. Games24x7 operates RummyCircle, the largest online rummy platform in India, and My11Circle, one of country’s top fantasy sports platforms. The company has also set up a casual games’ studio, Ultimate Games, to launch new games for the global market. The diverse, talented, and passionate Games24x7 team is spread across three continents with offices in Mumbai, Bengaluru, New Delhi, Kiev, Philadelphia, and Miami.
For more information, please visit:
Games24x7 ropes in Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador of RummyCircle
टेलिव्हिजन जगतातील एक प्रसिद्ध चेहरा, ज्याचे व्यक्तिमत्व जेवढे दमदार आहे तेवढेच त्याच्या अभिनयातही आहे. होय, अनेक टीव्ही मालिकांमधून आपल्या अभिनयाची छाप सोडणारा अभिनेता गौरव बजाज. आता एका शॉर्ट फिल्ममध्ये गौरवची तुफानी इनिंग सुरू होत आहे. ज्याचे नाव आहे ‘खेल खेल में’.
ज्याची निर्मिती ‘मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स’ आणि ‘स्काय247’ प्रॉडक्शनच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने करण्यात आली आहे.
नुकताच हा लघुपट सोशल मीडियावर प्रदर्शित झाला आहे. ज्याचे नुकतेच मुंबईत चित्रीकरण झाले.आपल्याला सांगूया की ‘खेल खेल में’ ही गौरवची पहिली शॉर्ट फिल्म आहे, ज्यासाठी तो खूप उत्सुक आहे, या चित्रपटातील त्याच्या अनुभवाबद्दल गौरव सांगतो की, “ही खूप छान शॉर्ट फिल्म होती. आम्ही शूट केले. दिवसा आणि माझ्यासाठी आव्हान हे होते की मला माझ्या पात्रात मेकअपशिवाय आणि स्टाईलशिवाय असायचे होते जे मला सुरुवातीला खूप विचित्र वाटले होते पण नंतर जेव्हा मी संपूर्ण क्लिप पाहिली तेव्हा मला वाटले की यापेक्षा चांगले काहीही असू शकत नाही. माझ्यासाठी, या व्यक्तिरेखेने माझी अभिनय क्षमता वाढवली आहे.”
याशिवाय, गौरवने अलीकडेच गायक अरमान मलिकसोबत एक म्युझिक व्हिडिओ देखील पूर्ण केला आहे. हे गाणे अरमान मलिकने गायले आहे. बंगाली गाणे असलेल्या या म्युझिक व्हिडिओमध्ये गौरव बजाज आणि अभिनेत्री करिश्मा शर्मा दिसत आहेत. ज्याचे चित्रीकरण कोलकाता येथे झाले आहे. हा बंगाली म्युझिक व्हिडिओ अभिनेता गौरव बजाजसाठीही वेगळा अनुभव देणारा आहे. शिवाय गौरव लवकरच आणखी एका रोमँटिक संगीत गाण्यात दिसणार आहे, त्यावर अजून काही काम बाकी आहे.
या मालिकेबद्दल सांगायचे तर, गौरव अजूनही एका चांगल्या स्क्रिप्टची वाट पाहत आहे जेणेकरून तो टेलिव्हिजनच्या जगात परत येऊ शकेल आणि या वर्षाच्या मध्यापर्यंत गौरवची एक वेब सीरिज रिलीज होणार आहे जी एक सुंदर कथा आहे. गौरवची कथा येणार आहे.तो आजपर्यंत न केलेले पात्र साकारत आहे आणि जी भूमिका त्याला नेहमीच करायची होती. ज्यासाठी गौरव खूप उत्सुक आहे.
TV actor Gaurav Bajaj’s entry in the short film Khel Khel Mein will be appearing in Singer Arman Malik music video
टेलीविज़न की दुनिया का नामचीन चेहरा , जिसकी पर्सनालिटी में जितना दम हैं उतना ही वजन उनकी अदाकारी में हैं। जी हां , एक्टर गौरव बजाज जो काफी टीवी सीरियल के जरिये अपनी एक्टिंग की छाप छोड़ चुके हैं। अब गौरव की एक तूफानी पारी की शुरुवात हो रही हैं एक शार्ट फ़िल्म में। जिसका नाम हैं ‘ खेल खेल में ‘।
जिसे ‘मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स’ और ‘स्काई247’ प्रोडक्शन के साथ मिलकर बनाया गया हैं।
हाल ही में ये शार्ट फिल्म सोशल मीडिया पर रिलीज की गई हैं। जिसकी शूटिंग हाल ही में मुम्बई में की गई।आपको बता दे कि ‘खेल खेल में ‘ गौरव की पहली शार्ट फिल्म हैं, जिसके लिए वो बेहद उत्साहित हैं, फिल्म में अपने अनुभव के बारे में गौरव कहते हैं कि ” बहुत अच्छा लगा शार्ट फिल्म में काम करके। हमने दिन में शूट किया और मेरे लिए चुनौती ये थी कि बिना मेकअप और बिना स्टाइलिंग के मुझे अपने किरदार में रहना था जो मुझे शुरू में बड़ा अजीब लग रहा था लेकिन जब मैंने बाद में पूरी क्लिप देखी तो मुझे लगा कि इससे बेहतर और कुछ हो नही सकता । मेरे लिए ये किरदार मेरी अभिनय क्षमता को और निखार गया” ।
इसके अलावा आपको बता दे कि गौरव सिंगर अरमान मलिक के साथ भी हाल ही में एक म्यूजिक वीडियो खत्म कर चुके हैं । इस गाने को अरमान मलिक ने गाया हैं। गौरव बजाज और एक्ट्रेस करिश्मा शर्मा को इस म्यूजिक वीडियो में फीचर किया गया हैं जो एक बंगाली गाना हैं । जिसकी शूटिंग कोलकाता में हुई हैं। एक्टर गौरव बजाज के लिए ये बंगाली म्यूजिक वीडियो भी एक अलग अनुभव रहा हैं। और तो और गौरव बहुत ही जल्द एक और रोमांटिक म्यूजिक सांग में दिखाई देनेवाले हैं ।जिसपर अभी भी थोड़ा काम बाकी हैं।
सीरियल की बात करे तो गौरव अभी एक अच्छी स्क्रिप्ट का इंतजार कर रहे हैं जिससे वो वापस टेलीविजन की दुनिया मे धमाल मचा सके, और तो और इस साल के मिड तक गौरव की एक वेब सीरीज रिलीज होनेवाली हैं जो एक खूबसूरत कहानी हैं जिसमें गौरव का ऐसा किरदार निभा रहे हैं जो आज तक उन्होंने नही किया और जिस रोल को वो हमेशा से निभाना चाहते थे। जिसके लिए गौरव बेहद उत्साहित हैं।
TV actor Gaurav Bajaj’s entry in the short film through the film Khel Khel Mein – will also be coming in a music video Of Singer Armaan Malik
Actor Gaurav S Bajaj, who has made his mark with television shows is now the talk of the town for his role in Khel Khel Mein, a Made In India Pictures and Sky247 venture production.
Shot in Mumbai, Khel Khel Mein is Gaurav’s first short film.
“It was a no greasepaint look during a day shoot, and the challenge was that I had to be in my character without makeup or styling. I admit I had my apprehensions, but I realised the feel on the sets,” he reasons.
Gaurav has also recently finished a Bengali music video in Kolkata with singer Armaan Malik opposite actress Karishma Sharma. Gaurav will soon be seen in another romantic music by Made in India Pictures. ” the song is in its post production stage,” reasons Gaurav
Talking about serials, Gaurav is still waiting for a good script. In the webseries front, the actor is awaiting his release in May. ” It is a very interesting character. I have never played this role and I feel this one will be another gamechanger,” he reasons.
Santosh Gupta of Made In India Pictures is elated. “Gaurav S Bajaj is one of the most promising talents in India today. I am very excited to have him in our short film and music video. This young man has amazing potential.”
Gaurav S Bajaj makes waves with Khel Khel Mein and Armaan Malik music videos
टेलिव्हिजन अभिनेता अलन कपूर हा खूप आनंदी आणि उत्साही आहे. अलनही त्याच्या इंस्टाग्रामवर दररोज व्हिडिओ शेअर करत असतो. सीरियल्समध्येही अलन खूप गाजतोय, तरीही अलनला काय काळजी आहे. अलनला काय त्रास देत आहे? ‘अब मैं क्या करू’ असे अलन वारंवार का म्हणत आहे. चला तर मग काय आहे हे प्रकरण जाणून घ्या। मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स आणि स्काय 247 च्या बॅनरखाली निर्मित हा शार्ट फ़िल्म ‘अब मैं क्या करूँ’ मध्ये अलन लवकरच आपला अभिनय दाखवत आहे.
अभिनेता अलनने चित्रपट, टेलिव्हिजन आणि आता शॉर्ट फिल्म्सच्या धुमधडाक्यात आपले नाव कोरले आहे. चित्रपटात तो खूप त्रासलेला आहे, ज्याचे आयुष्य एके काळी खूप सुंदर असायचे पण दुर्दैवामुळे सर्व काही बिघडते आणि मग अलन त्याच्या प्रोफेशनल लाइफशी लढत आहे. अलनचा अभिनय खूपच चांगला आहे, तो शॉर्ट फिल्ममध्ये गोंधळलेला असला तरी अभिनयात खूप स्थिर आहे. या शॉर्ट फिल्ममध्ये अलनसोबत अनेक टीव्ही मालिकांमध्ये दिसलेली अभिनेत्री प्रियांका तिवारी, याशिवाय प्रियांका तिवारी ही यूट्यूब सेन्सेशन आहे. या लघुपटात अभिनेत्री स्नेहा रायकरही अलनच्या बॉसची भूमिका साकारत आहे.
मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स आणि स्काय 247 च्या बॅनरखाली निर्मित या लघुपटाची निर्मिती संतोष गुप्ता यांनी केली असून या लघुपटाच्या दिग्दर्शक काम्या पांडे आहेत. मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स आणि स्काय 247 या वर्षी 57 लघुपटांसह एकत्र येत आहेत. आणि या लघुपटांची खास गोष्ट म्हणजे सर्व महिला दिग्दर्शिका त्यांच्या दिग्दर्शक असतील, असे निर्माते संतोष गुप्ता सांगतात.
अंकुर यादव यांनी ही शार्ट फ़िल्म लिहिली आहे असून राज गिल यांनी छायांकन केले आहे. संकलन संदिप बोंबले आणि अंकित पेडणेकर, कार्यकारी निर्माती पूजा अवधेश सिंग आणि विपणन प्रमुख अभिषेक शर्मा आहेत. कास्टिंग पिनॅकल सेलिब्रिटी व्यवस्थापनाने केले आहे.
Television actor Alan Kapoor is upset! Find out why Alan says, Ab Mein Kya Karu?
परेशान हुए टेलीविज़न एक्टर एलन कपूर ! जानिए आखिर क्यों कह रहे हैं “अब मैं क्या करूँ “!
टेलीविज़न एक्टर एलन कपूर वैसे तो काफी खुशमिज़ाज़ और ज़िंदादिल हैं। आये दिन अपने इंस्टाग्राम पर एलन वीडियोस भी शेयर करते रहते हैं । सीरिअल्स में भी एलन काफी धूम मचा रहे हैं फिर भी क्यों एलन परेशान हैं। कौन सी बात एलन को परेशान कर रही हैं। आखिर क्यों बार बार एलन कह रहे हैं ‘अब मैं क्या करूँ’ । तो चलिए आपको बताते हैं कि आखिर क्या हैं माजरा। दरअसल एलन बहुत ही जल्द अपनी अदाकारी का जलवा दिखा रहे हैं उनकी आनेवाली शार्ट फ़िल्म में , जिसका नाम हैं ‘ अब मैं क्या करूँ ‘ .जिसे मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स और स्काई 247 के बैनर तले बनाया गया हैं।
जी हां , फिल्मे, टेलीविज़न और अब शार्ट फ़िल्म की धुँएधार पारी , एलन ने अपने नाम कर ली हैं। फ़िल्म में ये काफी परेशान रहते हैं जिसकी जिंदगी एक वक्त में बड़ी हसीन हुआ करती थी लेकिन बदकिस्मती के चलते सब कुछ बिगड़ जाता हैं और फिर एलन अपने प्रोफेशनल लाइफ से लड़ रहे हैं। शार्ट फ़िल्म में भले उलझे हुए लेकिन अभिनय में काफी सुलझे हुए एलन का अभिनय काफी अच्छा हैं। इस शार्ट फ़िल्म में एलन के साथ एक्ट्रेस प्रियंका तिवारी जो काफी टीवी सीरिअल्स में आ चुकी हैं इसके अलावा प्रियंका तिवारी यूट्यूब सेंसेशनल हैं। एक्ट्रेस स्नेहा राइकर भी इस शार्ट फ़िल्म में एलन की बॉस का किरदार निभा रही हैं।
मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स और स्काई 247 के बैनर तले बनी इस शार्ट फ़िल्म के प्रोड्यूसर हैं संतोष गुप्ता और शार्ट फ़िल्म की डायरेक्टर हैं काम्या पांडे। आपको बता दे कि मेड इन इंडिया पिक्चर्स और स्काई 247 मिलकर इस साल 57 शार्ट फिल्मे लेकर आ रहे हैं। और खास बात इन शार्ट फिल्मो की ये होगी कि इन सारे शार्ट फिल्मों की डायरेक्टर सारी महिला निर्देशक ही होंगी, ऐसा कहना हैं प्रोड्यूसर संतोष गुप्ता का । हाल ही में ‘अब मैं क्या करूँ’ का पोस्टर लॉन्च हुआ जहाँ पर सारे स्टार कास्ट मौजूद थे।
इस शॉर्ट फ़िल्म को अंकुर यादव ने लिखा है और सिनेमाटोग्राफी राज गिल ने की है। संपादन संदीप बॉम्बले और अंकित पेडनेकर द्वारा किया गया है, कार्यकारी निर्माता पूजा अवधेश सिंह हैं और मार्केटिंग हेड अभिषेक शर्मा हैं। कास्टिंग पिनेकल सेलेब्रिटी मैनेजमेंट द्वारा की गयी हैं।
Television actor Alan Kapoor got upset Know why he Is saying Ab Mein Kya Karu
Alan Kapoor, Priyanka Tiwari and Snehal Raikar come together for Made In India Pictures’ and Sky247’s Ab Mein Kya Karu starring Alan Kapoor, Priyanka Tiwari and Snehal Raikar.The story goes thus. The story of a maid (Priyanka) who finds a way to get out of her mundane, poverty-stricken life to become a wealthy woman.
At the same time, a wealthy man (Alan Kapoor) has a stroke of misfortune that turns his life upside down because of her boss (Snehal Raikar). Will he be able to take a leaf from the servant’s book? Will this move be a Gamechanger?Ab Mein Kya Karu is produced by Santosh Gupta, Made In India Pictures and Sky247, and directed by Kamya Pandey.
The Shorts is written by Ankur Yadav with cinematography by Raj Gill. The editing is by Sandip Bombale and Ankit Pednekar, The Executive Producer is Pooja Avdhesh Singh and the Marketing Head is Abhishek Sharma. The Casting is by Pinnacle Celebrity Management.
Incidentally, Made in India Pictures and Sky 247 are coming together with 52 short films this year. And the special thing about these short films are directed by female directors, reveals producer Santosh Gupta.
The poster launch of this short film happened in the presence of actors Alan Kapoor, Priyanka Tiwari, Sneha Raikar, producer Santosh Gupta and special guest Aliza Khan. Check out the adjoining pictures!
Television Actor Alan Kapoor Grand Entry In Short Film AB MEIN KYA KARU
टेलिव्हिजनच्या दुनियेत स्वत:चे नाव कमावणाऱ्या आणि आपल्या कामाने चर्चेत आलेल्या अभिनेत्री लवीना टंडन आणि पलक पर्सवानी यांनी आता टीव्ही जगतात एक पाऊल पुढे टाकले आहे. होय, टेलिव्हिजनवर वेगवेगळ्या व्यक्तिरेखा साकारणारी ही अभिनेत्री आता शॉर्टफिल्ममध्ये चमत्कार करत आहे.
हे दोघे पहिल्यांदाच ‘रूम मॅट्स’ या शॉर्ट फिल्ममध्ये एकत्र दिसणार आहेत. जिथे या दोघांची धमाल आणि आंबट केमिस्ट्री पाहायला मिळणार आहे. पलक लविनाला प्रत्येक कामात अडवते, मग पलकच्या बोलण्याने ती कंटाळते, लविना पलकला असे उत्तर देते की पलकला दिवसा तारे दिसतात. मात्र, प्रत्येक क्षण अतिशय सुंदरपणे मांडला आहे.
मेड इन इंडिया आणि स्काय 247 प्रोडक्शन हाऊस निर्मित, या लघुपटाचे दिग्दर्शन रोशन गॅरी भिंडर यांनी केले आहे आणि लेखक सौम्या श्रीनाथ आहेत. या लघुपटाचे निर्माते संतोष गुप्ता आहेत. अभिनेत्री लवीना टंडनबद्दल सांगायचे तर, तिने जोधा अकबर, नागिन, बालवीर, प्यार तूने क्या किया यासारख्या सर्व मोठ्या टीव्ही मालिकांमध्ये आपले कौशल्य दाखवले आहे, पलक पर्सवानीबद्दल बोलताना, ती स्प्लिट्स व्हिला 7 तसेच या मालिकेची प्रबळ दावेदार होती. बडी देवराणी. तिने ये रिश्ते हैं प्यार के आणि मेरी हनिकरक बीवी मध्ये काम केले आहे. याशिवाय या दोघांनी वेब सीरिजमध्येही काम केले आहे.आणि लवकरच हे दिवस खूप मनोरंजक शोमध्ये दिसणार आहेत.
TV actress Lavina Tandon and Palak Puraswani’s entry in a short film! Becoming a roommate will reveal each other’s secrets.
टेलीविज़न की दुनिया मे अपना नाम बना चुकी और अपने काम से सुर्खिया बटोर चुकी एक्ट्रेसेस लवीना टंडन और पलक पर्सवानी अब टीवी की दुनिया से एक कदम और आगे रख चुकी हैं। जी हा टेलीविज़न पर अलग-अलग किरदार निभा चुकी ये अदाकारा अब शार्ट फ़िल्म में कमाल कर रही हैं ।
पहली बार शार्ट फिल्म ‘रूम मैट्स’ में ये दोनों एक साथ दिखाई दे रही हैं। जहा पर इस इन दोनो की मस्ती और खटपिट वाली केमिस्ट्री दिखाई देगी। शार्ट फ़िल्म में दिखाया गया हैं जहां पलक, लवीना को हर काम मे रोकटोंक करती है तो वही पलक की बातों से तंग आई, लवीना एक दिन पलक को ऐसा जवाब देती है कि पलक को दिन में तारें नजर आ जाते हैं। हालांकि हर पल को बड़ी ही खूबसूरती से पेश किया गया हैं।
प्रोडक्शन हाउस मेड इन इंडिया और स्काई 247 के द्वारा बनी इस शार्ट फ़िल्म की डायरेक्टर हैं रोशन गैरी भिंदर और राइटर हैं सौम्या श्रीनाथ । शॉर्ट फिल्म के प्रोड्यूसर हैं संतोष गुप्ता। बात करे एक्ट्रेस लवीना टंडन तो वो जोधा अकबर, नागिन, बालवीर, प्यार तूने क्या किया जैसे तमाम बड़ेटीवी सीरिअल्स में अपने हुनर का परचम लहरा चुकी हैं वही पलक पर्सवानी की बात करे तो वो स्पिलट्स विला 7 की मजबूत दावेदार थी साथ ही सीरियल बड़ी देवरानी, ये रिश्ते हैं प्यार के और मेरी हानिकारक बीवी में काम कर चुकी हैं। इसके अलावा ये दोनों वेब सीरीज में भी काम कर चुकी हैं।और बहुत ही जल्द काफी दिलचस्प शोज में ये दिनों दिखाई देंगी।
TV actress Laveena Tandon and Palak’s entry in short film! Will open each other’s secrets by becoming roommates