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According to reliable sources within the event management and hospitality industries, NOVEX NOC songs are now highly sought after for corporate entertainment parties and marriage celebrations, including sangeets, bachelor parties, and cocktail parties. NOVEX’s extensive library, featuring renowned music labels like Yash Raj Music, Zee […]
Business NewsGurugram – Meghal Sahni, a talented content creator, lifestyle influencer, and successful entrepreneur, has been crowned Mrs. India Planet 2024 at a celebrated pageant hosted at the Hyatt Regency in Gurugram. This prestigious event, held from October 25th to 27th, highlighted the unique talents of […]
Breaking NewsGurugram – The Miss & Mrs. India Planet 2024 pageant, presented by Gleamdiva, concluded with a spectacular finale at the Hyatt Regency in Sector 83, Gurugram. Held from October 25th to 27th, this prestigious event combined pageantry, fashion, and advocacy, showcasing the grace and commitment […]
Breaking Newsईश्वरा लाइफ साइंसेज की ओर से नवरात्रि का भव्य आयोजन किया गया। बहुत सारी सेलेब्रिटीज़ और राजनीतिक हस्तियों ने भी यहां उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई। डॉ सुवि स्वामी मेडिटेशन के द्वारा कैंसर मरीजों का इलाज करती आ रही हैं। ईश्वरा लाइफ साइंसेज के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री […]
Exclusive Newsईश्वरा लाइफ साइंसेज की ओर से नवरात्रि का भव्य आयोजन किया गया। बहुत सारी सेलेब्रिटीज़ और राजनीतिक हस्तियों ने भी यहां उपस्थिति दर्ज कराई। डॉ सुवि स्वामी मेडिटेशन के द्वारा कैंसर मरीजों का इलाज करती आ रही हैं।
ईश्वरा लाइफ साइंसेज के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर श्री मनीष स्वामी और सुवि स्वामी ने नवरात्रि का उत्सव बहुत धूमधाम से मनाया। यहां पर गेस्ट्स में काफी हस्तियां मौजूद रहीं। इस अवसर पर डॉ सुवि स्वामी ने सभी को नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं दीं। मनीष स्वामी द्वारा नवरात्रि का आयोजन बहुत ही भव्य और भक्तिमय वातावरण में किया गया। पहले नौ दुर्गापूजा की गई। फिर फ्लूट के साथ ध्यान किया गया। उसके बाद गरबा नृत्य के साथ सेलिब्रेशन मनाया गया।
ईश्वरा लाइफ़ साइंसेज द्वारा इस पूजा और संगीत संध्या का आयोजन किया गया और आदिशक्ती महाकाली मां की पूजा की गई।
डॉ सुवि स्वामी ने कहा कि मंत्र, ध्यान और संगीत ईश्वर के प्रति प्रेम जाहिर करने का बेहतरीन स्रोत है और नवरात्रि के शुभ अवसर पर हमने इस के द्वारा माहौल भक्तिमय किया।
बता दें कि मेडिटेशन स्पेशलिस्ट सुवि स्वामी अध्यात्म के द्वारा लोगों को जीवन में आई उथल पुथल पर काबू पाने का मंत्र बताती हैं। ईश्वरा लाइफ साइन्सेज़ के द्वारा उन्होंने साइंस और अध्यात्म का बखूबी मिश्रण किया है। ईश्वरा लाईफ़ साइंसेज मानसिक तनाव और चिंता से निजात का बेहतरीन जरिया है। सुवि स्वामी जी को लोग मेडिटेशन गुरु, सेलिब्रिटी वेलनेस कोच, मेडिटेटर, अरोमा थेरेपिस्ट, एस्ट्रोलॉजर कहते हैं. वह वर्षों से ऐसे सभी लोगों की मदद करने मे जुटी हुई हैं जो शारीरिक और मानसिक रूप से डिस्टर्ब और परेशान हैं। वह निःस्वार्थ भाव से इंसानियत की सेवा में लगी हुई हैं।
ईश्वरा लाइफ साइंसेज द्वारा नवरात्रि गरबा का भव्य सेलिब्रेशन, कई हस्तियां रहीं उपस्थित
भोजपुरी फिल्मों की जानी मानी निर्माण कंपनी अभय सिन्हा की यशी फिल्म्स और निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ,स्वाति झाम्ब,निशा योगेश्वर तथा रोहित पी.के बैनर स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट ने एक साथ हाथ मिलाया है।स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बेगुनाह का ऑफिशयल ट्रेलर दशहरा के दिन मुम्बई के अंधेरी […]
Breaking Newsभोजपुरी फिल्मों की जानी मानी निर्माण कंपनी अभय सिन्हा की यशी फिल्म्स और निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ,स्वाति झाम्ब,निशा योगेश्वर तथा रोहित पी.के बैनर स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट ने एक साथ हाथ मिलाया है।स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट की भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बेगुनाह का ऑफिशयल ट्रेलर दशहरा के दिन मुम्बई के अंधेरी स्थित इम्पा हाउस में यशी म्यूजिक के चैनल पर लांच किया किया जो इस फ़िल्म की ऑफिशयल आडियो,वीडियो सेटेलाइट पार्टनर है। मीडिया के भारी जमावड़े के बीच यह ट्रेलर लॉन्च हुआ। इस फ़िल्म में एक साथ स्क्रीन पर जलवा बिखेरने आ रहे हैं भोजपुरी सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह तथा संजय पांडे। जी हाँ! भोजपुरी में बेहतरीन और महंगे बजट की फ़िल्म मेकिंग की कड़ी में भोजपुरी फिल्म “बेगुनाह” का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च किया गया है। प्यार, मोहब्बत, मिलना, बिछड़ना, हास-परिहास के बीच इस फिल्म का ट्रेलर काफी सस्पेंस रोमांटिक ड्रामा से भरपूर लग रहा है। गाने और फिल्म की मेकिंग, लोकेशन पर काफी खर्च किया गया है, जोकि ट्रेलर में दिख रहा है। इसमें रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की रोमांटिक जोड़ी और उनकी यूनिक कमेस्ट्री देखते ही बनती है। इस फ़िल्म के निर्देशक हैं धीरू यादव जबकि कथा,पटकथा और संवाद खुद फ़िल्म की निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ने तैयार किया है और भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत में चेतना झाम्ब पहली ऐसी महिला निर्माता है जिन्होंने लेखन के काम को भी बखूबी अंजाम दिया है। इस फ़िल्म की निर्माता चेतना झाम्ब ,स्वाति झाम्ब, निशा योगेश्वर तथा रोहित पी. अपनी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म बेगुनाह को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित हैं।इन महिला निर्माताओं ने यशी फिल्म्स के ऑनर अभय सिन्हा की जमकर तारीफ की और कहा कि आज यशी म्यूजिक के साथ जुड़ना हमारे लिए बहुत ही खुशी की बात है। वे बेगुनाह के रूप में मनोरंजन से भरपूर सम्पूर्ण पारिवारिक सिनेमा लेकर आ रही हैं, जो हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को पसन्द आएगी।
ट्रेलर लॉन्च के अवसर पर बतौर मुख्य अतिथि पधारे यशी फिल्म्स एवं यशी म्यूजिक के ऑनर अभय सिन्हा ने कहा कि वे आगे भी स्कामखी इंटरटेनमेंट के साथ कई परियोजनाओं पर काम कर रहे हैं।बेगुनाह एक इंटरटेनिंग फ़िल्म है, जिसे आप पूरे परिवार के साथ देख सकते हैं।
फ़िल्म के नायक रितेश पांडे ने इस अवसर पर कहा कि दशहरा के मौके पर ट्रेलर रिलीज कर बेगुनाह की महिला मेकर्स ने फैंस को बड़ा और धमाकेदार तोहफा दिया है।अब लोगों को इस फ़िल्म का बेसब्री से इंतजार होगा।फ़िल्म की नायिका प्रियंका रेवारी ने कहा कि ये फ़िल्म बेगुनाह वाकई सबको पसंद आएगी।इस फ़िल्म का गीत और संगीत तैयार किया है संतोष पूरी ने जबकि कैमरामैन हैं सत्यप्रकाश,एडिटर गुरजंट सिंह,सह निर्माता विद्या झांब और सूरज कुमार जबकि कार्यकारी निर्माता हैं रामा प्रसाद।डांस डायरेक्टर रवि-किशन,प्रवीण शेलार और महेश आचार्य हैं ।आर्ट डायरेक्टर अवधेश राय हैं। इस फ़िल्म में रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी,चांदनी सिंह,संजय पांडे के अलावा शर्मिला देव,शिखर सिंह, शिवाजी गगनटेक,राजीव कुमार,रमन चौहान,रामशंकर पी.खालिद रहमान,टुनटुन मुनिदास,शर्मिला देव,ललित तिवारी,गौरी शंकर,पंकज झा,चंद्रमोहन मिश्रा, महेश और नवजीत कुमार की मुख्य भूमिका है। इस ट्रेलर लॉन्च पर जाने माने प्रोड्यूसर और डिस्ट्रीब्यूटर निशांत उज्जवल भी मौजूद थे।यह फ़िल्म बेगुनाह जल्द ही दर्शकों के बीच होगी।
रितेश पांडे,प्रियंका रेवारी और चांदनी सिंह की भोजपुरी फिल्म `बेगुनाह` का ऑफिसियल ट्रेलर लॉन्च
From: 4th to 10th October 2022 “UNBOUND REVERIE” An Exhibition of Paintings by Alpa Palkhiwala, Bharti Parmar and Divya Kher VENUE: Nehru Centre Art Gallery Discovery of India, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 9265020945, 8238093457, 9827041392 Alpa Palkhiwala – Based in Ahmedabad, Alpa Palkhiwala […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 4th to 10th October 2022
An Exhibition of Paintings by Alpa Palkhiwala, Bharti Parmar and Divya Kher
Nehru Centre Art Gallery
Discovery of India,
Dr. Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai 400 018
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 9265020945, 8238093457, 9827041392
Alpa Palkhiwala – Based in Ahmedabad, Alpa Palkhiwala had her art education in fine arts and art history. She has shown her work in solo art shows earlier at Mumbai, Bhopal, Noida, Kolkata and Chicago – USA. Her work has been inspired by spiritual art through pairing of mind, body and breath, thereby rendering soul energy and peace. She has illuminated this energy in the art work with layering of earthy colours. She has also illustrated spiritual thematic peculiarity in her Transcendental Universe series using dark hues of black and grey created on canvas with acrylic colours and ink to achieve the finishing similar to etching. Her work has been widely appreciated by the art world in the earlier shows. A deep study of Indian Mythology and Jain Manuscripts and other literature find a prominent place in her present creative endeavours. She has received some guidance from Shri. Vrindavan Solanki – a veteran artist of the past era and incorporated salient features of the same in her latest series.
Bharti Parmar – She is based in Mathura. Her works are influenced by the impression of primitive civilization and culture where human beings used to make or embellish their paintings. She has depicted the unseen side of attraction in nature in her work. She tries to depict the mystery behind the hidden treasures of nature in their unseen or obscure/hidden iconic modules / forms. She has used different mediums such as Acrylic colours, water colours, soft pastel colours etc. She has also shown tribal art in vivid forms in her creations. Her abstract style of work reveals the embodiment of nature in numerous iconic motifs. She has done Ph.D. in fine arts from Gwalior where she did research on tribal women artists and their cultural vignettes. She has displayed her work earlier at Bhopal, Bangalore and Gwalior and in many group art shows all over the country and abroad such as Asian Young Artists Festival – Seoul – South Korea, Asian Contemporary art exhibition, Uijungub and Busan in South Korea etc. She has got good response from art world for her earlier presentations.
Divya Kher – She is based in Bangalore. Her works are the odes to the rural culture with an emotional charge. She has revealed simplicity of this subject in her work through happiness while dancing, talking with birds and nature with a village setting in the background. She has used vibrant and contrasting colours for painting the forehead of figures and their clothes symbolizing innocence, calmness and tranquillity. She had her art education up to M.A. in arts at Kamala Raja Girls Post Graduate College, Jiwaji University, Gwalior and Ph.D. in visual fine arts also.Her Ph.D. was nomadic block prints of Gujarat also known as “Mata ni Pachedi “. She has participated in several on line & off line shows and got good response for her work.
UNBOUND REVERIE An Exhibition of Paintings by 3 contemporary artists in Nehru Centre Art Gallery
From: 4th Oct. to 10th Oct.’2022 PAINTED RHYTHM Art Gallery Presents “Tarang” An Exclusive Art Show of Original Paintings, Sculptures by Top 55 artists in Mumbai. Venue: Jehangir Art Gallery, Auditorium Hall, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm We have a grand […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 4th Oct. to 10th Oct.’2022
An Exclusive Art Show of Original Paintings, Sculptures by Top 55 artists in Mumbai.
Jehangir Art Gallery,
Auditorium Hall, Kala Ghoda,
Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
We have a grand Art Exhibition coming up called “TARANG” at Jehangir Art Gallery from the 4th of Oct to the 10th of Oct, main auditorium hall. Here’s an open invitation to Architects, Interior designers, builders, artists, art lovers and our beloved customers who are looking for exclusive paintings and artworks for their homes. Original and Authentic Paintings are available in various sizes and price ranges for homes, corporate offices, farmhouses, banks, entrance lobbies, etc. For those who can’t attend the exhibition. We have original paintings of more than 200 Artists all over India and our Clientele includes big Architects, Interior Designers, Celebrities, Ministers and Independent Clients as well.
Gallery Address:
2 Ramjanki, 356, Linking Road,
Khar(West), Mumbai 400 052
Contact : 9821257569 / 8779497097
PAINTED RHYTHM Art Gallery Presents TARANG Art Exhibition by Top 55 artists in Jehangir Art Gallery
From: 4th to 10th October 2022 Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das VENUE Jehangir Art Gallery 161- B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 98312 63537 Akhil Chandra Das is a very important sculptor of our country, who evolved his own […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 4th to 10th October 2022
Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das
Jehangir Art Gallery
161- B, M.G. Road
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 98312 63537
Akhil Chandra Das is a very important sculptor of our country, who evolved his own form during the end part of the decade of 1990-s. Based in Kolkata where he was born in 1968 he has extended his field of work throughout India. An M.V.A. in sculpture from M.S.University, Baroda he has assimilated in his works the traditional indigenous norms with the contemporary global values. He works mainly in mixed media of bronze and wood along with few other mediums. His works are primitivist, fantasy-oriented, very often inclining towards surrealism. Through these formal structures he posits deep-rooted rebellion against social decadence, cultural hypocrisy, exploitation of various kinds by capitalist powers and erosion of moral and social values. He develops his form from his serious commitments, sympathy and love towards humanity. The decadence of human values during the contemporary times disturbs him to the core of sensibility and the pain generated out of it is developed into his sculptural forms.
His first solo exhibition was held at Jahangir Art Gallery in 2002. But his participation in various important group-exhibitions started earlier. He has participated in several group shows like Harmony show, National Exhibition and Time and Material show organised by Aakriti Art Gallery, Kolkata and Art Konsult at Stainless Gallery, New Delhi among others. He participated in Gen Next I and II exhibitions organised by Aakriti Gallery in 2006 and 2007 respectively. He received junior scholarship of Lalit Kala Academy in 1999-2000, Lalit Kala Research Grant, 1995 and National scholarship 1995-1997 and 2000. All these participations and achievements indicate the excellence of his talent as a young artist that has developed to the full during the later course of his progress.
Since the emergence of modernism in Indian sculpture primitive form and technique have played a vital role in devising the identity of sculpture. The works of two pioneering artists in this field, Ramkinkar and Meera Mukherjee are very much exemplary in this context. During the decades of 1940-s 1960-s the sculptors tried to assimilate the indigenous classical forms along with the Western modernist trends. A serious urge to build up an identity through synthesis of local and global values has made the sojourns of our sculpture very significant making our sculptural forms vibrant and unique. During the decade of 1990-s our social values have changed drastically owing to emergence of economic globalisation and assimilation of post-modern world outlook. The forms and expressions of sculptures have also changed considerably since that decade. Conceptualism has turned to be the general trend of expression. Use of multimedia has also been a trend.
The sculptures of Akhil Chandra Das show all these trends of 1990-s. We may look at a few of his works to have an idea of his forms and philosophy. His forms express the agony that the contemporary life contains. Along with this agony there is also an ecstasy to surpass the limits of existential dilemma and to be united with the unbounded expanse of the universe. In one of his works he builds a beast very much disproportionate in physical structures that cries in extreme agony raising its two hind legs. It reveals fantasy that turns to be the symbol of existential pain. A creature with human body and head of a buffalo walks holding a horn of the beast. Here fantasy is transformed towards surrealism. In another piece a calm and contemplative human being stands. His hands are extended to indicate his submission to the divine. There are parts of circular forms scattered throughout his body that may be taken as the symbol of universal infinity.
Violence is expressed in various forms. A semi naked man stands on a wooden platform. He has chopped off his head with his own sword. He holds the sword with his two hands and raises it over his body. On this sword are placed three human heads arranged side by side. This is a form of surrealist fantasy that indicates the severity of violence presented in a plaintive disposition. In another piece a bearded saintly person stands on a platform. His body is covered with a sheet of cloth showing meticulously arranged folds of drapery. In his right hand he holds an ascetic’s bowl, which in Indian terms known as Kamandalu.The saint is proceeding towards worship or meditation. Here is an expression of spirituality very much Indian in nature.
Thus the sculptor Akhil Chandra Das postulates two opposing trends in his expressions. One is violence and the other spirituality. Being very much ingrained in indigenous spiritual values he extends his form towards a kind of rebellion, where he drastically lashes at the rotten reality of the contemporary times. The simultaneous assertion of these opposing values is a unique feature in his expressions whereby he attempts to realise the existential dilemma of the contemporary world.
Mrinal Ghosh.
Recent Sculptures by Renowned sculptor Akhil Chandra Das in Jehangir Art Gallery
DPIAF – Founder and Chairman Mr.Kalyanji Jana has visited Raipur capital of Chattisgarh and Guwahati capital of Assam to meet Political leader and also they have been invited for the upcoming very prestigious award show 4th Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films National which will be […]
Leo NewsDPIAF – Founder and Chairman Mr.Kalyanji Jana has visited Raipur capital of Chattisgarh and Guwahati capital of Assam to meet Political leader and also they have been invited for the upcoming very prestigious award show 4th Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films National which will be going to held on 24th November 2022 at Mumbai.
All this political leader have been invited as an Guest Of Honour for this superhit award show and also been honoured by giving a Token Of Appreciation certificates of this organisation.
In meeting is has been discussed about
Shri Dadasaheb Phalkeji who is a God Father of our Indian Bollywood industry and there is no statue of his in any state.Along with this there we will be also organizing an event in all this state in name of DPIAF – Life style Iconic Award, DPIAF – Chattisgarh Iconic Award, DPIAF – Assam Iconic Award and DPIAF – Miss and Mrs. Indian Cultural Fashion Show.This meeting has been done with all this political leader and their name is
BJP Senior Leader of Tripura State,
Ex CM & Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha Shri Biplab Kumar Deb Ji,
Chairperson of Mahila Aayog from Assam State (Cabinet Minister),
Dr. (Smt.) Hema Prova Borthakur ji,
Dr. S N Bhowmik (Ph.D)
(Principal private secretary to the governor of Assam)
Shri Dilip Dasji (Deputy Chairman Tourism Vibhag Assam),
BJP Senior Political Leader,
BJP National Vice President and Ex CM of Chhattisgarh Shri Raman Singh Ji,
BJP Senior Political Leader, BJP State President of Chhattisgarh and Mp Shri Arun Sao Ji,
Political Leader and Mayor of Raipur Shri Aijaz Dhebar Ji,
On this occasion, there was also a presence of DPIAF- Assam State President and Assam Film Industry Director and Producer Lord Das Ji,
DPIAF-Brand Ambassador, Social Worker, Famous Doctor of Chhattisgarh, Multi-talented Dr. Ajay Sahai Ji,
DPIAF- State President Sukhbir Singh Singhotra Ji,
And Social Worker Lucky Lalwani Ji,
Thank you so much my all DPIAF- Team Member & Global President Ankita Jana Ji,
National President Bheru Jain Ji.
Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organisation Presents
Our Upcoming Events
24th November 2022 Mumbai
4th Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films – DPIAF
DPIAF – Life Style Iconic Award
At Mumbai (Maharashtra)
24th December 2022 Mumbai
3rd Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Gaurav Award
9th Darshnik Mumbai Press Media Award
Mumbai Police Icon Achiever Award 2022
At Mumbai (Maharashtra)
24th February 2023 (Dubai)
2nd Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films International 2023,
2nd DPIAF- Life Style Iconic Award,
DPIAF- Short film festival International
DPIAF- Miss & Mrs India & Dubai Cultural International Fashion Show 2022
(We Are Representing 28 State Of India & 7 State Of UAE Tourism and Culture)
At Dubai (UAE) 2023
For Nomination And Sponsor
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Jay Hind
Har Har Mahadev
DPIAF – Founder And Chairman Mr Kalyanji Jana Has Visited Raipur Capital Of Chattisgarh And Guwahati Capital Of Assam To Meet Political Leaders
London – I extend my heartiest thanks to Diwakar Sukul and the complete team of World Book of Records London for entering my record in the books and presented me with the certification of the same. This is the biggest satisfaction you can get when your […]
Breaking NewsLondon – I extend my heartiest thanks to Diwakar Sukul and the complete team of World Book of Records London for entering my record in the books and presented me with the certification of the same. This is the biggest satisfaction you can get when your efforts are well recognized at that level,” said Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and founder President of Asian Academy of Film and Television at House of Common, British Parliament London.
The award was presented by the Member Parliament House of Common Hon. Virendra Sharma a British Indian Labour Party Politician and Member of Parliament for Ealing Southall since 2007, in a grand event in the presence of international audience at House of Common, London.
This time Sandeep Marwah has been honoured for being the Director and President of AAFT for a period of thirty years and churned out 20,000 students from 145 countries of the World. He has designed 70 different courses from three months to four years and from certificates to degree.
Human Potential and skills contribute to personal development in a broad perspective. World Book of Records London incorporates to be a globally authorized and certified body for recognition, verification and scrutiny of setting or breaking records of individuals, mass activities, group effort and grand working.
“We are proud to be associated with Sandeep Marwah. His passion for media and entertainment industry now needs no introduction. We wish him a very strong international success,” said Diwakar Sukul President UK of World Book of Records.
It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing. He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life. Don’t wait for opportunity , create one for your own self is the right policy,” said Virendra Sharma congratulating Marwah for his successful journey while addressing the gathering at House of Common.
Sandeep Marwah Entered 4th Time into World Book of Records London
भोजपुरी फिल्म मेरा भारत महान की अपार सफलता के बाद सुपरस्टार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू के साथ अब फिल्म निर्माता विपुल राय और निर्माता, निर्देशक, डीओपी देवेन्द्र तिवारी एक साथ एक और धमाकेदार फिल्म ‘राम अबराम’ लेकर आ रहे हैं। जिसका फर्स्ट लुक रामनवमी के पावन […]
Bhojpuri Filmsभोजपुरी फिल्म मेरा भारत महान की अपार सफलता के बाद सुपरस्टार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू के साथ अब फिल्म निर्माता विपुल राय और निर्माता, निर्देशक, डीओपी देवेन्द्र तिवारी एक साथ एक और धमाकेदार फिल्म ‘राम अबराम’ लेकर आ रहे हैं। जिसका फर्स्ट लुक रामनवमी के पावन पर्व पर लांच किया गया है। फिल्म के पोस्टर पर अरविंद अकेला कल्लू दो अलग अलग लुक्स में नज़र आ रहे हैं। इस लुक की खूब प्रशंसा की जा रही है।
वी प्रांजल फ़िल्म क्रिएशन प्रा.लि. & मील माई मूवीज बैनर के तले बनी विपुल राय प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘राम अबराम’ के निर्माता, निर्देशक, छायांकन देवेंद्र तिवारी हैं। सह निर्माता बृजेश कुमार राय हैं। संगीतकार छोटे बाबा (बसही), गीतकार सुमित चंद्रवंशी, प्रकाश बारूद, छोटू यादव, लेखक मनोज पाण्डेय हैं। कोरियोग्राफर कानू मुखर्जी, फाइट मास्टर दिनेश यादव हैं संकलन धर्म सोनी, कला नजीर शेख, प्रोडक्शन रौनक मिश्रा, जय मिश्रा, विजय यादव हैं। सहायक निर्देशक धनंजय तिवारी हैं। लखनऊ लोकल प्रोडक्शन से गौस हुसैन हैं। पी.आर.ओ. सोनू निगम, रामचंद्र यादव हैं। ड्रेस डिज़ाइनर विद्या मौर्या, विष्णु हैं। मुख्य कलाकार अरविंद अकेला कल्लू, ऋतु सिंह, चांदनी सिंह, विनीत विशाल, संजय पांडेय, रक्षा गुप्ता, संजीव मिश्रा, पुष्पेंद्र राय, उमाकांत राय, विजया सिंह, कुमार अभिनव, सुशील यादव, संतोष, कौशल शर्मा, मुन्ना सिंह आदि हैं।
इस फ़िल्म को लेकर देवेन्द्र तिवारी ने कहा, मेरी बनायी हुई सभी फिल्मो की कहानी काफी दमदार और रोचक रहती है। मैं अपनी फिल्मो की कहानियों पर खासा ध्यान देता हूं। राम अबराम सच्ची घटनाओं पर आधारित फिल्म है, जिसे देखने के बाद समाज के बीच के ऊर्जावान संदेश जायेगा।
अरविंद अकेला कल्लू ने कहा, राम अबराम का पहला पोस्टर काफी आकर्षित है। इस तरह की फिल्म में मुझे पहली बार करने को मिला है, जिसके लेकर मैं काफी उत्साहित भी हूं। देवेंद्र जी के निर्देशन में मैंने पहली बार काम किया है। उनके निर्देशन में काम कर काफी मजा आया।
मेरा भारत महान के बाद विपुल राय और देवेन्द्र तिवारी लेकर आ रहे हैं कल्लू के साथ ‘राम अबराम’
Actress Smrity Sinha dazzled in a fashion show presented by The Times of India Group. This event named “Pillars of Humanity” took place at St. Regis Hotel in Mumbai recently. The special highlight of the event was Smrity Sinha as she is the only actress […]
ActressActress Smrity Sinha dazzled in a fashion show presented by The Times of India Group. This event named “Pillars of Humanity” took place at St. Regis Hotel in Mumbai recently. The special highlight of the event was Smrity Sinha as she is the only actress in the Bhojpuri industry to make her path on the ramp to such level. She looked gorgeous in a green Indian couture designed by Sanya Mulani. Smrity Sinha walked the ramp to support the transgender community and gave a clear message to the world that she stands with transgenders.
The organizer of this unique fashion show was Mrs. Nidarshna Gowani. She is also a distinguished social activist. The presenter was The Times group while its aim was to acknowledge the various underprivileged communities of our society and spread social awareness. There were following categories for this
1.Transgender, 2. Cancer patients, 3. Acid attack survivors, 4. Sex workers, 5. Elders of old age homes, 6. Tribal women. People from different walks of life participated in this program.
The Governor of Maharashtra Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari, Actor Siddharth Roy Kapoor, Actor Ayush Sharma, Actress Neelam Kothari, Actress Smrity Sinha and many others were present at the event.
Smrity Sinha shines in Times Group’s fashion show held in Mumbai
The music launch of Film production company Dhiraal Entertainment presents “Bera-Ek Aghori” held in a grand ceremony in Sin City, Mumbai, where the entire team including the film’s producer Raju Bharati, lead actors Prem Shakti were present. This Hindi movie stars Shakti Veer Dhiraal and […]
Breaking NewsThe music launch of Film production company Dhiraal Entertainment presents “Bera-Ek Aghori” held in a grand ceremony in Sin City, Mumbai, where the entire team including the film’s producer Raju Bharati, lead actors Prem Shakti were present. This Hindi movie stars Shakti Veer Dhiraal and Prem Dhiraal in lead roles. The songs of the film are sung by Nakkash Aziz, Shahid Mallya and Vaishali Made.
Here the songs of the film were shown which everyone liked. film producer
Raju Bharati told that this film will be release very soon. The film will be release all over India including Maharashtra.
Shakti Veer Dhiraal, who is playing the lead role in the film, said that the film “Bera Ek Aghori” is a horror cinema which has the full dose of entertainment. Along with horror, romance, thrills, the film also has good music. It has two dancing songs and a romantic song. The songs have been sung by Nakkash Aziz, Sahid Mallya and Vaishali Maade.
Versatile actor Prem Dhiraal said that Bera’s story and its presentation is amazing which the audience will surely like. There are three songs in our film. There is an item number, a dance number and a romantic song made even more romantic sung by Shahid Mallya. Whoever listens to this song will remember his college days, his girlfriend.
On the other hand, singer Shahid Mallya thanked Prem-Shakti and said that they gave me a chance to sing such a lovely song in this film, thank you for this. The story of the film Bera Ek Aghori is different. The concept of the film is unique. I hope the songs of the film and the film will also be a hit.
The music launch was attended by many celebrities including iEve Era Films CEO Ashok Prasad Abhishek, Audio Lab’s Managing Director Satish Pujari, Producer-Director Kuldeep Malhotra, youth leader and producer Karan Singh Prince, Producer Sonu Kuntal, Singer Sonali Mishra, Advocate Raj Shukla, Director Lalbabu Pandit, Comedian KK Goswami. While the promotion of the film is being done by the Publish Media team. Versatile actor KK Goswami congratulated and wished the entire team of the film Bera Ek Aghori.
Grand music launch of Producer Raju Bharati, Actors Prem Dhiraal and Shakti Veer Dhiraal’s Hindi film “Bera-Ek Aghori”
वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने रिलीज किया विनोद यादव देवी गीत ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’, मिले इतने व्यूज भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के राइजिंग स्टार विनोद यादव आज किसी पहचान के मोहताज नहीं हैं। उन्होंने जहां अपने अभिनय से दर्शकों के दिलों में जगह बनाई है, वही […]
Breaking Newsवर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स ने रिलीज किया विनोद यादव देवी गीत ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’, मिले इतने व्यूज
भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के राइजिंग स्टार विनोद यादव आज किसी पहचान के मोहताज नहीं हैं। उन्होंने जहां अपने अभिनय से दर्शकों के दिलों में जगह बनाई है, वही अब के नवरात्रि में एक से बढ़कर एक गीत लेकर आ रहे हैं। इस सांग्स में विनोद ने अभिनय के साथ साथ इन सभी सांग्स को गाया है। इसका नतीजा ये निकाला है कि एक नए सिंगर के गाने भी यूट्यूब पर लाखों की संख्या में विएवज हासिल कर रहे हैं। हाल ही में एक्टर-सिंगर विनोद यादव के कई गाने यूट्यूब पर बज रहे हैं, लेकिन जिस देवी गीत ने सबका ध्यान अपनी ओर खींचा है वो है वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी से रिलीज सांग ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’।
जी हां आपने सही नाम सुना है रत्नाकर कुमार की कंपनी ने विनोद का ये सांग रिलीज किया है। जिसे दर्शकों का भार भर के प्यार और दुलार मिला रहा है। जहाँ खेसारी लाल यादव, पवन सिंह, अक्षरा सिंह और दिनेश लाल यादव के सांग कंपनी रिलीज करती है। उसी कंपनी से विनोद के ‘सारा जग खुश होक झुमतारे हो’ देवी गीत को अब तक 2 लाख 67 हजार से ज्यादा व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। वही विंडो यादव एंटरटेनमेंट ऑफिशियल से रिलीज ‘भैरों की दुलारी’ 1 लाख 30 हजार और ‘मईया जी सरनवा दे दी ना’ को 1 लाख पचास हजार से ज्यादा व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। विनोद के ये तीनों देवी हालिया रिलीज सांग है। इन सभी देवी गीतों को विनोद यादव और पलक पांडेय ने साथ मिलकर गाया है। वही इनका लेखन और संगीत कृष्णा बेदर्दी ने तैयार किया हैं।
आपको बता दें हाल ही में विनोद यादव गायकी के क्षेत्र में कदम रखा है और उन्हें दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार और आशीर्वाद मिला रहा हैं।
अभिनेता विनोद यादव के देवी गीतों पर झूमा भोजपुरिया दर्शक
Falisha Entertainment organized a concert, named ‘Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata’ to pay a heartfelt tribute as well as Celebrating the birth anniversary of Lata Mangeshkar.She was often referred to as the ‘Queen of melody’ and has lent her voice to a number of Bollywood […]
Breaking NewsFalisha Entertainment organized a concert, named ‘Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata’ to pay a heartfelt tribute as well as Celebrating the birth anniversary of Lata Mangeshkar.She was often referred to as the ‘Queen of melody’ and has lent her voice to a number of Bollywood songs for many decades. The concert “Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata” aimed at bringing together nuggets and anecdotes from her career spanning over seven decades. The organizers also pay tribute to Mangeshkar, who is widely considered to have been one of the greatest and most influential singers in India.
Nightingale of India Lata Mangeshkar has been laid to rest with full state honours but it is yet to seep into everyone’s consciousness that she is no more. Tributes are still pouring in and everyone is remembering the experiences they had with her. Organiser Shabina Shaikh who has paid a heartfelt tribute to Lataji, dedicated her live concert to the late Mangeshkar. The concert is coming up at Shanmukhanand Hall Sion on 7th October 2022 at 6:30 pm.50 musicians will be participate in the concert. Singers like Sudesh Bhosle, Bela Shende, pratibha Singh baghel, and Faruq Shaikh will perform in live concert. Usha Mangeshkarji and Padmini kolhapuriji are also going to sing as a celebrity guest singers.
Falisha Entertainment’s managing Director Shabina Shaikh said that the voice that Lataji left cannot be filled and she will be part of our souls. Many dignitaries like Usha Mangeshkar, Raj Babbar, Poonam Dhillon, Ustad Siraj Khan & Padmini Kolhapure will grace the live concert.
FALISHA ENTERTAINMENT celebrating Bharat Ratna Lata Mangeshkars 93rd birth anniversary with live concert Geet-O-Ghazal Ki Sarita Hamari Lata
भोजपुरी सिने जगत में फिल्म एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी का एक अलग ही रुतबा कायम है और आजकल वे अपनी दबंगई को लेकर काफी सुर्खियों में हैं. इसी बीच आकांक्षा अवस्थी के चैलेंजिंग किरदार से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक सोशल मीडिया […]
Breaking Newsभोजपुरी सिने जगत में फिल्म एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी का एक अलग ही रुतबा कायम है और आजकल वे अपनी दबंगई को लेकर काफी सुर्खियों में हैं. इसी बीच आकांक्षा अवस्थी के चैलेंजिंग किरदार से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक सोशल मीडिया में लॉन्च किया गया है. जिसके पोस्टर में वे दबंग लेडी के रूप में नजर आ रही हैं. फ़िल्म के पहले पोस्टर में आकांक्षा अवस्थी को तीन अलग अलग गेटअप में दिखाया गया है. सबसे ऊपर वे शालीन लीडर के रूप में हाथ जोड़े हुए दिख रही हैं, दूसरे गेटअप में तेजतर्रार जुझारू लेडी के रूप में उन्हें दिखाया गया है और तीसरे गेटअप में साज श्रृंगार किये हुए वे लाल लहंगा चुनरी में नजर आ रही हैं. उनके अगल बगल में हीरो निसार खान, हरफनमौला अभिनेता संजय पांडेय, सशक्त अभिनेत्री मोना राय आदि दिख रहे हैं. ब्लैक एंड व्हाइट बैकग्राउंड में जनसमूह दिखाया गया है. वाकई भोजपुरी फिल्मों का अब तक का सबसे अलग हटकर इस फिल्म के पोस्टर का लुक आउट किया गया हैं. जिसकी हर कोई तारीफ कर रहा है.
उल्लेखनीय है कि एक खास वर्ग भोजपुरी फिल्मों से कोसों दूर है, जिसे सिनेमाघरों में लाना भगीरथ प्रयास कर रहे फ़िल्म निर्माता विवेक कुमार ने नायिका प्रधान भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का निर्माण किया है. नारी सशक्तिकरण को बल देने, समाज को आईना दिखाने एवं हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को भोजपुरी सिनेमा से जोड़ने का उनका यह प्रयास सफल होता नजर आ रहा है. इस फ़िल्म के लेखन व निर्देशन की कमान महिला प्रधान सामाजिक मुद्दो पर आधारित संघर्ष, लिट्टी चोखा, आशिकी, जुग जुग जिया हो ललनवा, अफसर बिटिया सहित कई भोजपुरी फिल्मों के लेखक राकेश त्रिपाठी संभाला है.
गौरतलब है कि अक्स पाठशाला एंटरटेनमेंट एलएलपी के बैनर तले निर्मित की गई महिला प्रधान भोजपुरी फिल्म हमार दबंग बहुरिया का विषय समाज में जागरूकता फैलाने के साथ-साथ दर्शकों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करेगी. इस फिल्म में केंद्रीय भूमिका में सुपर एक्ट्रेस आकांक्षा अवस्थी हैं, जिन्होंने सुपरस्टार पवन सिंह और खेसारी लाल यादव के साथ रुपहले परदे पर अपनी अदा जादू चलाकर दर्शकों के दिल में मुकम्मल स्थान बनाया है. इस फ़िल्म में उनके हीरो निसार खान हैं. उनकी कमेस्ट्री दर्शकों को खूब पसंद आने वाली है। फिल्म के निर्माता विवेक कुमार हैं. लेखक व निर्देशक राकेश त्रिपाठी हैं. फिल्म के मुख्य कलाकार आकांक्षा अवस्थी, निसार खान, संजय पांडेय, अनूप अरोड़ा, संदीप यादव, समर, आजाद, विश्वराज निषाद, आकाश त्रिपाठी आदि हैं. संगीतकार मधुकर आनंद, गीतकार मनोज मतलबी, सत्या सावरकर हैं. गायक विजय चौहान, शिल्पी राज, स्निग्धा सरकार, प्रियंका सिंह, मोहन राठौर, मधुकर आनंद हैं. छायांकन विजय मंडल, नृत्य कानू मुखर्जी, मारधाड़ जीतू सिंह, कला रामबाबू ठाकुर, संकलन गुर्जन्ट सिंह, कस्टयूम बादशाह खान का है. एसोसिएट डायरेक्टर कन्हैया एस. विश्वकर्मा, कार्यकारी निर्माता नितीन, रिंकू रंगीला, स्टिल तपन, पीआरओ रामचन्द्र यादव हैं. सहायक निर्देशक कुलदीप मिश्रा, सोनू सनम माही, आकाश त्रिपाठी हैं. फ़िल्म का पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन 3 स्टुडियो में किया गया है.
आकांक्षा अवस्थी की दिखी दबंगई, भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हमार दबंग बहुरिया’ का फर्स्ट लुक लॉन्च
New Delhi, 30th September 2022: Travel app, ixigo has roped in Bollywood celebrities Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty as the new faces of the brand, for their campaign- #NikalLo. The campaign has been designed to create buzz and increase brand awareness ahead of the festive season and […]
Breaking NewsNew Delhi, 30th September 2022: Travel app, ixigo has roped in Bollywood celebrities Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty as the new faces of the brand, for their campaign- #NikalLo. The campaign has been designed to create buzz and increase brand awareness ahead of the festive season and will be launched across TV and digital platforms.
The TVCs feature Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty engaged in interesting banter which reflects the close bond they share in real life. One of the videos features Jackie Dada struggling to pronounce the brand name ‘ixigo’ in true Bhidu style with Suniel Shetty correcting him. The ads encourage the audience to travel, and end with a catchphrase “ixigo travel app download karo, bindaas ticket book karo aur nikal lo!”.
The brand decided to team up with Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty as the actors enjoy mass appeal with a wide fan base spread across metros as well as tier 2 and 3 cities across India.
Speaking on their collaboration with ixigo, Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty said, “We are excited to team up with ixigo for this campaign. We’ve been wanting to come together for a project for a while now and ixigo seemed to be the perfect fit! We really resonate with the company’s resilience and growth journey. The trust and friendship that we share amongst one another is synonymous with the faith that travelers have in ixigo! We love how easy it is to book flight, train or bus tickets on ixigo. Their apps offer travelers lots of convenience and flexibility, with a wide array of features on board. Being avid travelers ourselves, we look forward to this collaboration!”
Aloke Bajpai, Co-founder & Group CEO & Rajnish Kumar, Co-founder & Group CPTO, ixigo said,” We are pleased to announce our association with two legendary stars like Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for our brand campaign. We have grown up watching these Bollywood icons and their passion, commitment to work and resilience resonates with our brand ethos. Travel is back with a bang this year and our aim with this campaign is to maximise awareness around ixigo ahead of the festive season. ‘ixigo’ is a unique brand name and was actually generated using an algorithm. For years we have seen users trying to pronounce ‘ixigo’ with some interesting variations and that was our inspiration behind the first video.”
ixigo travel apps offer a wide array of features to make travel seamless for its users. ixigo recently launched ‘ixigo Flex’ feature offering flyers fully flexible and freely reschedulable airline tickets starting at ₹149 giving users flexibility for their travel bookings. In addition to rescheduling with ixigo Flex, the travel app also offers full refunds on all domestic flight bookings at a nominal charge through its feature ‘ixigo Assured’ which was launched in 2020. ‘ixigo Assured’ fares allow a no-questions-asked full refund guarantee for cancellations made by travelers, for any reason whatsoever.
Launched in 2007 by Aloke Bajpai & Rajnish Kumar, ixigo is a technology company focused on empowering Indian travelers to plan, book and manage their trips across rail, air, buses and hotels. ixigo assists travelers in making smarter travel decisions by leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science-led innovations on ixigo’s OTA platforms, including websites and mobile applications. The OTA platforms of ixigo allow travelers to book train tickets, flight tickets, bus tickets, hotels and cabs, while providing travel utility tools and services developed using in-house proprietary algorithms and crowd-sourced information, including train PNR status and confirmation predictions, train seat availability alerts, train running status updates and delay predictions, flight status updates, bus running status, pricing and availability alerts, deal discovery, destination content, personalized recommendations, instant fare alerts and automated customer support services.
Ixigo ropes in Bollywood veterans Jackie Shroff and Suniel Shetty for their #NikalLo campaign
Charlotte, North Carolina/Chandigarh Sep 28, 2022 A Sikh student on the campus of University of North Carolina Charlotte had to face harassment last week. He was handcuffed and detained merely for wearing a kirpan — a Sikh article of faith. Such mistreatment of a Sikh […]
International NewsCharlotte, North Carolina/Chandigarh Sep 28, 2022
A Sikh student on the campus of University of North Carolina Charlotte had to face harassment last week. He was handcuffed and detained merely for wearing a kirpan — a Sikh article of faith.
Such mistreatment of a Sikh student and gross ignorance displayed by the 76-year-old university about Sikhism shocked the Sikh community around the world. Sikhs have been part of the American social fabric for over a century. People on social media questioned the lack of understanding about Sikhism at the university, known for taking pride in its diversity.
UNITED SIKHS applauded the quick response from the university — as Chancellor Dr. Sharon L. Gaber issued an apology on the university website. We had written to the Dean of Students, Dr. Christine Reed Davis, seeking an apology for the misconduct that had taken place with Aman Singh. The apology from the Chancellor stated that they will use the incident “as a learning opportunity by engaging in constructive dialogue with Sikh students and employees”. It also stated that they “apologize”, that the student didn’t feel “welcomed, supported and safe” that day, as they wanted every student to feel so, further adding that they are “committed to ensuring it doesn’t happen again.”
UNITED SIKHS shared with them a Sikhism Fact Sheet. We also offered to provide sensitivity-training to the university staff and security, about Sikhism and Sikh articles of faith.
“Despite curt behavior by the police on the campus, Aman Singh was graceful, resilient and showed leadership — everyone should practice their faith freely and fearlessly,” Manvinder Singh, UNITED SIKHS Advocacy Director said.
“All institutions, particularly, universities that attract students and staff from around the world must have a mandate to sensitize students and staff about Sikhism and other world religions, cultures and traditions. It is essential to create a culture of co-existence to prevent incidents of racism and misconduct with students and members of any community,” he stated.
We appreciate the efforts of Sikh organizations around the world for raising their voice in this case and lending support to Aman Singh.
Everyone should be able to practice their faith freely and without fear. If you face harassment and discrimination because of your faith, please write to us.
University of North Carolina Charlotte apologizes; UNITED SIKHS offers to train staff and campus security on Sikhism
Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website And Our Editors does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency.
Filmy time productions TI MAJHI PREMKATHA was music launched ie Monday 26th September 2022 at Maulana Azad Research Center chatrapati sambhaji nagar (Aurangabad) amidst fans, well wishers, media with the blessings of elders and god. In the presences of producers Rajkumar Degloorkar and Omprakash bukkawar […]
Marathi FilmsFilmy time productions TI MAJHI PREMKATHA was music launched ie Monday 26th September 2022 at Maulana Azad Research Center chatrapati sambhaji nagar (Aurangabad) amidst fans, well wishers, media with the blessings of elders and god.
In the presences of producers Rajkumar Degloorkar and Omprakash bukkawar and Director surya. The movie lead by debutant hero Tushar Dhakite & Padmini Kamble. The main cast are 1) Upendra Limaye 2) Kapil Gudasurakar 3) Radhika Patil. The heart throbbing Music and Lyrics are Directed by Rajveer Gaangji, With top singers : Anand Shinde, Adarsh Shinde, Chinmyee sripada, Anandi Joshi and Prasenjeet Kosambi’s versatile voices added beauty to the music and will linger aloud our hearts and souls.
Mrs.Suryakanta Gangadhar Gade launched the music of the love story TI MAJHI PREMKATHA distributed the copies too. We are thrilled for our partnership with Kanishq and Trigesh entertainment in this regard.
We are excited to announce that the music is available at ” The music album streaming now on all digital platforms like Gaana, Wynk, Amazon Music,iTunes, Spotify,Saavn,Hungama. Listen & download Ti Majhi Prem Katha” speaking on the occasion.
Director : Surya
Music and Lyrics : Rajveer Gaangji
Producer’s : Rajkumar Degloorkar and Omprakash Bukkawar
Guest : Suhas R Madake, Vijay Gayke, S.S. Patil, N.B. Lawande, Sunil desarda, Y.N.Sudhakar, Sagar Jain, Rushabh Kothari, Cam Boy Crock, Kuki and karishma.
The Most Awaited Marathi Movie Of The Year TI MAJHI PREMKATHA Films Music Was Launched
Mudita Shauk was crowned ‘Maven Miss Plus Size India’, Dr Sondi (Transgender) became the runner up, Nobonita East India, Porshia West India, Aarthi Priyanka South India and Priyanka Miglani Maven North India won the title. New Delhi: Mudita Shauk was crowned Maven Ms Plus Size […]
Breaking NewsMudita Shauk was crowned ‘Maven Miss Plus Size India’, Dr Sondi (Transgender) became the runner up, Nobonita East India, Porshia West India, Aarthi Priyanka South India and Priyanka Miglani Maven North India won the title.
New Delhi: Mudita Shauk was crowned Maven Ms Plus Size India , while Dr Sondi (Transgender) bagged runner up positions.This was the very first time that a transgender participated in this peagant and also won the relevant award breaking all the odds of the society.It became a motivation for everyone.The dazzling ‘Maven Ms Plus Size India’ pageant was held in the national capitals Vevanta By Taaj Hotel Dwarka amid glitterati from different walks of life. The pageant, a signature event of Maven Production, had the exclusive appearance of Rohit Verma (Rohit K Verma is a celebrity Fashion designer with his own studio based in Mumbai. He has worked with multiple films for designing movie costumes, celebrities for fashion show and launching collections) ,Rita Gangwani, who trained Manushi Chillar, Miss World 2017 and is renowned international pageant coach & mentor. The other celebrity guests at te event included Mrs. India Worldwide 2014 Aman Grewal, Fizah Khan, a celebrity plus size blogger & MTV actress, Cheena Marwaha, a celebrity make-up artist and Simrat Kathuria, a renowned dietician cum nutritionist. As many as 65 plus size models from across the country participated in the pageant.
“Given the continuous support of the audience and other stakeholders, we are confident to take the show even to the international arena and make it globally successful,” said Hardeep Arora, Founder of Maven Production and a renowned pageant organizer. He has also been a winner of the dance reality show ‘Boogie Woogie’.
Arora added, “This event was curated for all those ladies who want to become models but their extra weight comes in the way of their dreams. This show helped break the stereotype of social standards of being perfect and in a certain shape, which is tall and skinny.”
The finale was conducted in three magnificently laid out rounds. The first round was of ethnic wear, which witnessed the plus size models sashaying down the ramp in beautiful Indian attires, showcasing the rich culture of India. The second round saw the models wearing Western designer wear. This round also witnessed an introduction by the contestants. Evening gowns round was the final one and the models were in their ravishing best in this. “It went on simply brilliantly,” Arora further said.
Rohit verma said: “I am elated at the way the pageant was conducted. It was a professional show. I am happy that Plus Size pageants are coming into their own in India. In the West, the Plus Size clothing and products industry is booming. It is now India’s turn.”
Mrs. India Worldwide 2014 Aman Grewal said, “The contestants conducted themselves with so much of ease. It was an impressive show, indeed!”
Dazzling Maven Ms Plus Size India Pageant Held
Mumbai, September 27, 2022 – Exciting family days are here! India is set to get its first family-friendly OTT platform in the name of Buzzflix, which is set to launch on Wednesday at a gala event in Mumbai in the presence of noted stars of […]
Business NewsMumbai, September 27, 2022 – Exciting family days are here! India is set to get its first family-friendly OTT platform in the name of Buzzflix, which is set to launch on Wednesday at a gala event in Mumbai in the presence of noted stars of the Indian film and entertainment industry. The channel will be unveiled and the first content to go live exclusively on the platform will be revealed at the launch event.
Launching under the campaign #SabkaOTT, the platform will have exclusive content featuring projects that can be viewed along with the entire family from the comfort of one’s home. The content will be suitable for all ages and free from any vulgar, sexual or gory material.
Three original projects will be launched at the event along with more than 100 Indian movies being available on the dashboard. Upcoming projects on the platform will also be announced at the event.
With stars and genuine talents such as Mahesh Thakur, Mauli Ganguli, Kanwarjit Singh Paintal, Vijay Patkar, Sada Yadav, Sweta Mehata, Vijay Badlani, Manmeet Kaur, and Rajesh Puri among others, the platform will get a kickstart.
“Buzzflix makes such content wherein family and individuals can sit anywhere and enjoy films, web series and much more. Popularity and demand in youth have led to increasing viewership of digital platforms. But there was a dearth of family-friendly OTT platforms. While we don’t intend to compete with others, we shall give the audience a wide variety of prime and classic content,” said Sameer Shenoy, Co-founder, Buzzflix. Rakesh Thakur, the co-founder of Buzzflix, seconded the opinion while Pravarsen Yesambare, CEO of the platform, further emphasised the quality of the content.
Buzzflix aims to positively cover target audiences nationally, especially in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities wherein people generally prefer and consume family content. The content is available in Hindi and will be dubbed in other regional languages. More content in other regional languages will also be available in days to come.
BUZZFLIX India’s First Family-Friendly OTT Platform To Launch In Mumbai On September 28
PALKEIN reminiscent of the 90s Mumbai. Every company brings a new song in the festive season. So Zee Music Company also released a new song Palkein. This song is sung by Srijit in a sultry melodious voice. While this song reminded me of 90’s melody, […]
AlbumsPALKEIN reminiscent of the 90s Mumbai. Every company brings a new song in the festive season. So Zee Music Company also released a new song Palkein. This song is sung by Srijit in a sultry melodious voice. While this song reminded me of 90’s melody, Srijit’s voice reminisced Kumar Sanu.
The PALKEIN are decorated with melodious music by Nayaab Ali Khan, son of well-known musician Ghulam Ali. The romantic lyrics of the song are penned by Naveen Neer, who is giving peace to Ashiko, who is in love with love, every person who is in love will feel like his own. Sahil Akhtar Khan and Shweta Dubey are seen in the video of this song, who despite being new, have done a great job and have managed to feel fresh. This video has been directed by Nayaab G,but has been decorated with his choreography by Vikram Borade.
Vikram is the son of Jai Borade, who has worked as a choreographer in many hit films including the successful films like Maine Pyar Kiya, who has choreographed videos for many star singers in the past as well. Many films are also on his release. This song is getting good love and is getting one lakh views on the first day itself. The release party of this song was held at Classic Raheja Club located in Andheri West. Where many well-known faces of the industry including actor-comedian Sunil Pal participated.
Everyone congratulated Nayaab and his entire team. On this occasion everyone shared experiences related to this song. The music director of this song, Nayaab and producer Sargam thanked Zee Music and said that we will continue to make albums with Zee in future also.The event was anchored by Priyanjali Thakur.
PALKEIN Song Eyelashes Reminiscent Of The 90s Mumbai
Anti-Sikh hate crime incidents increased by 82% in the US. United Sikhs seek commitment from NYPD Hate Crime Task Force to curb rising hate crime against Sikhs. New York, Sep 19, 2022 – United Sikhs team is going to meet New York state authorities to […]
NewsAnti-Sikh hate crime incidents increased by 82% in the US.
United Sikhs seek commitment from NYPD Hate Crime Task Force to curb rising hate crime against Sikhs.
New York, Sep 19, 2022 – United Sikhs team is going to meet New York state authorities to seek their commitment for a solution to stop the rising incidents of hate crime against Sikhs in the state.
Members of the organization visited a New Jersey resident Balwinder Singh, who was racially abused last month on the way back from New York. A stranger asked him to get out of his truck. He stepped out of the vehicle, assuming that the person needed some help, but the man started attacking him, referring to him as, “You are Bin Laden” and yelling, “Go back to your country”. “He then beat me and broke my jaw and teeth. I was shocked and helpless, bleeding profusely until the NYPD arrived and took me to a hospital,” Balwinder said.
Earlier this month, on September 7, an 82-year-old Sikh was beaten in New York while on his routine evening walk. In July, a 31-year-old Sikh was shot dead in his SUV. In April, a 71-year-old Nirmal Singh was attacked in Richmond Hill, and the assailant attacked two more Sikhs later.
Anti-Sikh hate crime in the US has been on the rise in the last few years. FBI data shows that anti-Sikh hate crime incidents increased by 82%, from 49 to 89, from 2019 to 2020. The increase in violence against the Sikhs is hurting our community across the US.
United Sikhs team members are going to meet with the authorities in New York to seek investigation and prosecution, in the case of Balwinder Singh, as hate crimes are based on nationality or appearance. They would seek from the authorities including the Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes (OPHC) and NYPD Hate Crime Task Force to commit to finding a proactive solution to the problem of the rising pattern of hate crime and biases against the Sikhs community.
“While progress has been seen on legislative fronts in the last year, we are afraid that a deeply ingrained cultural and psychological bias against people, who don’t look like or dress like others requires a proactive policy, intercultural interactions, formal and informal training at different levels,” said Manvinder Singh, Advocacy Director, International Civil & Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA). “The Sikh American contribution to the US culture, economy, and politics deserve attention in a way that effectively addresses the increasing hate crimes,” Dr. Henok Gabisa, United Sikhs Advocacy Director said.
“Not just Sikhs, members of all communities should feel safe and no one should be racially targeted. As a humanitarian and advocacy organization, we have been taking a multi-pronged approach to address these issues, so that people of any faith can reach out to us in case of racial abuse. As hate incidents against Sikhs in the US have spiked in recent times, our legal teams are seeking a commitment from concerned authorities and working with them to find a solution,” Gurpreet Singh, CEO of United Sikhs said.
United Sikhs seek commitment from NYPD Hate Crime Task Force to curb rising hate crime against Sikhs
Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website And Editors does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency
After curating mesmerizing looks for celebrity appearances, photoshoots, media interactions, pageants, weddings and working closely with models, and NRI clients renowned fashion stylist Jay Thakkar is also a prominent Numerologist, known to guide individuals, brands and businesses successfully. A recipient of Mid-Day International Iconic Designer […]
Breaking NewsAfter curating mesmerizing looks for celebrity appearances, photoshoots, media interactions, pageants, weddings and working closely with models, and NRI clients renowned fashion stylist Jay Thakkar is also a prominent Numerologist, known to guide individuals, brands and businesses successfully.
A recipient of Mid-Day International Iconic Designer 2021 Award, Best Fashion Stylist 2021 at The Top 25 India Fame Awards and the Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films (DPIAF) 2021, Jay has always been a natural empath and it is his concern and consideration towards people that has enabled him to practice both fashion styling and numerology so greatly.
Having the perfect blend of knowledge and compassion, Jay as a numerologist is known to make all his clients feel at ease so that they can freely express all of their difficulties without the fear of being judged. No wonder, it is Jay’s altruistic nature and exceptional understanding of numbers that inspired him to commence numerology and what a journey it has been – helping clients across the continent with reliable solutions in the matters of health, family, love, marriage, property, business, career, launches, mahurats and work-related queries!
Inspiring and motivating every individual on his journey, Jay guides all his clients patiently and makes them understand where exactly they are lacking, and which areas they need to improve on. And with his gentle and calm demeanor, Jay is unique in his ability to work on multiple levels in a very deep and personalized way. Melding the ancient study of numbers with real life practical wisdom, he gives invaluable tools towards reaching one’s potential.
In trying times like these (the post pandemic era) where individuals, businesses and families are surrounded by looming questions, numerologist Jay guides everyone through online and in-person consultations with what’s best for their future and how to work on it to get the most effective results. Meeting clients through appointments only, Jay Thakkar can be reached through his Instagram handle @jayrthakkar
Interestingly, over the years Jay has also earned a well-deserved reputation of ‘The King of Navratri’ and now with his special traits and in numerology, he has been bestowed with the honour of ‘Judge Co-Ordinator’ at Thane Raas Rang 2022, the most awaited event of the nine-day festival of Navratri in Maharashtra.
Jay Thakkar – From Styling People To Guiding Their Life Through Numerology
सिंगर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी का एक खूबसूरत म्युज़िक वीडियो “यकीन” केएस फिल्म्स इंडिया के ऑफिशियल चैनल पर रिलीज होते ही पॉपुलर हो रहा है। इस सॉंग का कॉन्सेप्ट भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा और दीप्ति बनसोडे का है। गीत को काफी व्यूज मिल रहे हैं और इसका […]
Breaking Newsसिंगर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी का एक खूबसूरत म्युज़िक वीडियो “यकीन” केएस फिल्म्स इंडिया के ऑफिशियल चैनल पर रिलीज होते ही पॉपुलर हो रहा है। इस सॉंग का कॉन्सेप्ट भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा और दीप्ति बनसोडे का है। गीत को काफी व्यूज मिल रहे हैं और इसका आंकड़ा बढ़ता जा रहा है। सिंगर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी के इस एल्बम में रैपर मिस्टर जे एंड एसबीके हैं। इस शानदार गीत के बोल एसबीके और मिस्टर जे ने लिखे हैं, संगीत दिया है मिन्हास बीट ने। ट्यून अप स्टूडियो ठाणे में इसकी रिकॉर्डिंग की गई। प्रोग्रामिंग मिन्हास, एसबीके, मिस्टर जे ने किया है। अलबम की प्रोड्यूसर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी और भरत सुनंदा हैं इन एसोसिएशन विथ त्रिशूल फ़िल्म कम्पनी एंड कंटेंट प्रोवाइडर। को प्रोड्यूसर प्रकाश सर्जेराव सदावर्ते हैं। भरत सुनंदा ने यह वीडियो डायरेक्ट किया है। केएस फिल्म्स इंडिया द्वारा प्रस्तुत गीत यकीन में लीड आर्टिस्ट मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी हैं। साथ ही उमर खान और अल्फिया शेख भी वीडियो में नजर आ रहे हैं। वीडियो में एक चाइल्ड आर्टिस्ट अहान नागेश सावंत ने भी बेहतर काम किया है।
बता दें कि लेखक और निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा द्वारा बनाई गई बड़ी अच्छी फ़िल्म “फ्यूचर फाइट” काफी चर्चा में रही है। प्रोड्यूसर मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी की इस फ़िल्म को देश विदेश में बहुत सराहा जा रहा है। जल्द ही यह फ़िल्म भी केएस फिल्म्स इंडिया के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर देखने को मिलेगी। उसकी कुछ झलकियां अभी भी आप देख सकते हैं।
निर्देशक भरत सुनंदा ने कहा कि “यकीन” मां की ममता और उसकी भावनाओं पर एक प्यारा सा गीत है। मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी ने न सिर्फ इस गीत को बड़ी खूबसूरती से गाया है बल्कि उन्होंने इसमें बहुत अच्छा अभिनय भी किया है। गाने के अंत मे निर्देशक भरत सुनंदा द्वारा दिल को छू लेने वाला एक सन्देश भी दिया गया है।
मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी ने बताया कि जब निर्देशक भरत सुनंदा और दीप्ति उनके पास ये कांसेप्ट लेकर आए तो इस गीत का आईडिया काफी अलग लगा, मुझे पसन्द आया और इसलिए मैं इस म्युज़िक वीडियो से जुड़ी।
उल्लेखनीय है कि निर्मात्री श्रीमती कृष्णा सैनानी भारत हेवी इलेक्ट्रिकल लिमिटेड मुम्बई की सीनियर एग्जेक्युटिव मार्केटिंग रह चुकी हैं। वहीं निर्देशक भरत श्रीपत सुनंदा को दादा साहेब फाल्के गोल्डन कॅमेरा अवार्ड 2020 से नवाजा जा चुका है।
बता दें कि यही टीम जल्द ही एक और एक्सपेरिमेंटल म्युज़िक वीडियो लेकर आ रही है। जिसका नाम है “सारे जहाँ से अच्छा फिर से”। केएस फिल्म्स इंडिया प्रस्तुत इस गीत को भरत सुनंदा ने डायरेक्ट किया है। मधु गुंजन रबिन्द्र संगीत म्युज़िक वेलफेयर एसोसिएशन (मिसेज शर्मिला नियोगी) के सहयोग से यह गीत लाया जा रहा है। त्रिशूल फ़िल्म कम्पनी एंड कंटेंट प्रोवाइडर भरत सुनंदा द्वारा निर्मित इस वीडियो के सह निर्माता प्रकाश सर्जेराव सदावर्ते हैं।
मिसेज कृष्णा सैनानी, निर्देशक भरत सुनंदा का खूबसूरत म्युज़िक वीडियो “यकीन” हो गया रिलीज़, मिल रहा शानदार रेस्पॉन्स
With his masterful acting in his new and forthcoming movie “Woh Teen Din,” Sanjay Mishra is back to win our hearts. The movie has been screening at numerous film festivals, winning two international awards, one at the prestigious Falcon International Fest in London and the […]
Latest FilmsWith his masterful acting in his new and forthcoming movie “Woh Teen Din,” Sanjay Mishra is back to win our hearts. The movie has been screening at numerous film festivals, winning two international awards, one at the prestigious Falcon International Fest in London and the other at the Gold award from Latitude films. It has also received a lot of positive reviews.
Set in a remote village in Uttar Pradesh, Woh Teen Din is the story of a hardworking and innocent rickshawala called ‘Rambharose’. Completely in love with his daughter and wife, he’s committed to give them the best he can in life. One fine day he meets a mysterious man who rents his rickshaw out for three days taking him to various places leaving Rambharose very confused and worried. What ensues is a whirlwind tour of suspense, drama, crime, fear and emotions that will change the course of his life forever. Life is never the same again for Rambharose after those three days.
Directed by Raaj Aashoo and produced by Indiancinephile, Pancham Singh, Aminor Creation Pvt. Ltd, the film also stars the talented cast of Sanjay Mishra, Chandan Roy Sanyal, Rakesh Sharma, Payel Mukherjee, Rakesh Shrivastava, Ram Singh Rajput and Purva Parag.
As of now, only the film’s poster has been shared and the movie is all set to hit our laptop screens on 30th September. But considering the starcast, we are already excited for the film and can’t wait for all the great reviews it is going to get.
Sanjay Mishra’s WOH 3 DIN Wins At Falcon International Fest In London Cementing Indian Feature Film’s Success On A Global Scale
A special screening of heart-wrenching Hollywood short film ‘I’m Gonna Tell God Everything’ that is presented by Sanjay Dutt and produced by Jay Patel and Abhishek Dudhaiya, was held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai for its special guests and journalists. This film based on true […]
Breaking NewsA special screening of heart-wrenching Hollywood short film ‘I’m Gonna Tell God Everything’ that is presented by Sanjay Dutt and produced by Jay Patel and Abhishek Dudhaiya, was held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai for its special guests and journalists.
This film based on true events left the film critics speechless. Present on the occasion were producers Jay Patel and Abhishek Dudhaiya along with actress Mandakini, music composer Rashid Khan, Pawan Shankar, lin laishram, Jahangir khan, who were deeply moved by the film that is is based on the real story of a 5-year-old boy from Syria, who died in hospital during treatment. This lil boy’s last words were very touching – I’m Gonna Tell God Everything and he meant – “I’m gonna tell the Almighty everything.”
A video of Sanjay Dutt was shown before the screening of this short film, showing Dutt launching the poster of the film and spoke that there is a need for peace in the world and this is the particular message that the film portrays.
The multiple award winning film I’m Gonna Tell God Everything is co-produced by Abhishek Dudhaiya who produced and directed Bhuj – The Pride of India with Ajay Devgan. He said that women and children are the most affected by war, although they have nothing to do with the war, adding, “The film is based on true events, I was moved by the last words of a child and so we decided to tell his story through a short film.”
Winner of the Best Short Film award at the Norway Film Festival, ‘I’m Going to Tell God Everything’ is written by Katherine King and produced by Jay Patel. This award winning short film also has the honor of being selected for a special screening at the 50th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa.
Producer Jay Patel said, “I see the world as one big community, and the art of storytelling can connect people with one another. I want to tell stories that haven’t been heard before. Many have tears in their eyes at the end of the film. I will raise such issues in the world through the film.”
Abhishek Dudhaiya announced that the film will be released on YouTube on October 2, on the occasion of Gandhiji’s birthday, a priest of non-violence and peace messenger.
Special Screening Of Multiple Award-Winning Film – I’m Gonna Tell God Everything Produced By Jay Patel – Abhishek Dudhaiya And Presented By Sanjay Dutt
जागतिक पातळीवरील आघाडीच्या पाच वेयरेबल कंपन्यांपैकी इमॅजिन मार्केटिंग ही मागील वर्षीच्या तुलनेत +७६.६% सकारात्मक वृद्धीसह २०२२ च्या दुसऱ्या तिमाहीतील सर्वाधिक वेगाने वाढत असलेली कंपनी आहे. • जुलै २०२२ मध्ये ३१% बाजारपेठ हिस्सेदारी काबीज करून इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगने भारतातील वेयरेबल्सच्या बाजारपेठेत आपले नेतृत्वस्थान अधिक मजबूत केले आहे.राष्ट्रीय, […]
Business Newsजुलै २०२२ च्या आकडेवारीनुसार ४०% पेक्षा जास्त हिस्सेदारी मिळवत इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगने टीडब्ल्यूएस विभागातही नेतृत्वस्थान मिळवले आहे. उपलब्धता, परवडण्याजोग्या किमती, अधिक चांगली वैशिष्ट्ये आणि एएनसीसारख्या उपयुक्तता, नाविन्यपूर्ण डिझाइन्स, गेमिंगसाठी लो-लॅटेन्सी मोड यासारख्या अनेक गोष्टी इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगच्या लक्षणीय वृद्धीला कारणीभूत ठरल्या आहेत. इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगच्या या वाढीमध्ये सर्वाधिक योगदान वॉच-बेस्ड वेयरेबल्स सर्वाधिक वेगाने विकसित होणारा विभाग ठरला आहे, मागील वर्षीपेक्षा यंदा >१४५% वृद्धी नोंदवण्यात आली आहे (२०२१ व २०२२ च्या सहामाहीतील तुलना). परवडण्याजोग्या किमतीच्या बरोबरीनेच ब्ल्यूटूथ कॉलिंग, अधिक मोठा स्क्रीन आकार आणि अमोल्ड डिस्प्ले यासारखी वैशिष्ट्ये पहिल्यांदाच वेयरेबल्स वापरणाऱ्यांना तसेच अपग्रेडर्सना खूपच आकर्षित करत आहेत.
फेस्टिव्ह सेल्स सीझनमध्ये उत्तम प्रतिसाद मिळेल अशी आशा इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगने व्यक्त केली आहे. ग्राहकांची सकारात्मकता, परवडण्याजोग्या किमती आणि अधिक चांगली वैशिष्ट्ये यामुळे इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगच्या विशाल पोर्टफोलिओची मागणी वाढेल असे कंपनीचे अनुमान आहे. बोटची स्मार्टवॉचेस आणि टीडब्ल्यूएस डिव्हायसेस सणासुदीच्या भेट म्हणून देण्यासाठी सर्वोत्कृष्ट मानली जातात. ‘मेक इन इंडिया’ मोहीम जास्तीत जास्त लोकप्रिय होत आहे, त्यामुळे ब्रँड अधिक जास्त वेगाने आणि कमीत कमी किमतींना उत्पादने सादर करू शकत आहे. आपल्या मेक इन इंडिया धोरणांतर्गत आर्थिक वर्ष २०२३ च्या पहिल्या सहामाहीमध्ये ६० लाख युनिट्सचे उत्पादन करण्याची कंपनीची योजना आहे.
कंपनीने आपले ओम्नीचॅनेल धोरण अधिक मजबूत केले असून ऍमेझॉन इंडिया, फ्लिपकार्ट, मिंत्रा, पेटीएम आणि इतर अनेक मार्केटप्लेसेसमध्ये या कंपनीची उत्पादने खरेदी करता येतात. विजय सेल्स, क्रोमा, रिलायन्स डिजिटल आणि इतर अनेक २०००० हुन जास्त स्टोर्समध्ये हा ब्रँड उपलब्ध आहे. त्यांच्या स्वतःच्यायावेबसाईटवर देखील ग्राहक ब्रँडच्या विशाल पोर्टफोलिओचा अनुभव घेऊ शकतात.
बोटचे सह-संस्थापक व सीएमओ श्री. अमन गुप्ता म्हणाले, “डिझाईन, नावीन्य आणि ग्राहककेंद्री धोरण ही आमच्या व्यवसायाची मूलतत्त्वे आहेत. वेगवान वाटचाल, नावीन्यपूर्णतेचे वेगवान चक्र आणि आमच्या बोटहेड्सचे सतत ऐकणे यामुळे आमच्या ब्रँडला हे यश मिळत आहे. गेल्या अनेक वर्षात ग्राहकांनी आमच्यावर विश्वास ठेवला आहे आणि ते आम्हाला सतत साथ देत आहेत यामुळे आम्ही भारावून गेलो आहोत आणि आम्ही त्यांचे आभारी आहोत. देशात विकसित होणारे ब्रँड जगभरात स्वीकारले जात असल्याचे यावरून सिद्ध होत असल्याने सर्व भारतीयांसाठी ही अभिमानास्पद बाब आहे. आपल्या सरकारच्या सहयोगाने आम्ही एक ग्लोबल लाइफस्टाइल ब्रँड म्हणून नावारूपाला येऊ असा आम्हाला विश्वास वाटतो. बोटमध्ये आम्ही मिलेनियल्सच्या गरजा, आवडीनिवडी समजून घेतो आणि बोटहेड्सच्या कम्युनिटीच्या मागण्या पूर्ण करण्यासाठी सर्वतोपरी चांगले जे-जे करता येईल ते आम्ही करत राहू.”
२०२२ आर्थिक वर्षाच्या पहिल्या तिमाहीपासून रॉकर्ज, बासहेड्स आणि एअरडोप्स उत्पादन श्रेणी आणि ऍक्सेसरीज (केबल्स व पॉवर बॅंक्स) यातील अनेक बोट उत्पादने भारतात तयार केली जात आहेत. बोट बासहेड्स १००, बासहेड्स १९२, बासहेड्स २२५, रॉकर्ज २५५ प्रो, रॉकर्ज २३५व्ही२, एअरडोप्स १३१, एअरडोप्स १०१, एअरडोप्स ४४१, पॉवर बँक, चार्जिंग केबल आणि पॉवर ब्रिक्स ही सध्या बोटच्या “मेक इन इंडिया” उपक्रमांतर्गत उपलब्ध असलेली उत्पादने आहेत.
भारतासाठी अभिमानाचा क्षण – इमॅजिन मार्केटिंगने (बोटची – boAt प्रमुख कंपनी) जागतिक पातळीवरील आघाडीच्या पाच वेयरेबल कंपन्यांमधील आपले स्थान गेल्या सात तिमाहींमध्ये कायम राखले
London: Yes..He’s back again in news, good news. The inimitable and indefatigable Dr Sandeep Marwah, President of the prestigious Marwah Studios, with nine international records was honoured the other day with most prestigious REGAL BRITISH AWARD by World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) at Royal Society of […]
Latest NewsLondon: Yes..He’s back again in news, good news. The inimitable and indefatigable Dr Sandeep Marwah, President of the prestigious Marwah Studios, with nine international records was honoured the other day with most prestigious REGAL BRITISH AWARD by World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) at Royal Society of Arts in London under the Chairmanship of Abdul Basit Syed and patronship of RT Hon. Chris Philip, Member of British Parliament, for his untiring contribution to education, media and entertainment industry.
The coveted award was presented by H. E. Anthony Carmona SC ORTT, former President of Trinidad and Tobago and H.E. Erna Hennicot Schoepges, former President of Luxembourg Parliament in a well-programmed function which was attended by dignitaries of more than forty countries spanning across six continents representing different segments of professions and business.
Dr Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City now the fastest growing film city in the world. He is the President of Marwah Studios and founder Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts. Dr Marwah is the producer of largest number of short films & teacher to more than 20,000 media professionals hailing from 145 countries.
Dr Marwah also created an incredible world record during Commonwealth Games in Delhi. He is the promoter of large number of festivals and organiser of 7500 events and has been able to attract 3 million people to film city under film and culture tourism. Dr Sandeep Marwah has been nominated by 67 countries of the world as their cultural Ambassador.
Talking about World Humanitarian Drive (WHD), it’s s an International NGO with operations in 12 countries, founded in Croydon, UK by British Indian global peace activist, entrepreneur, writer, Dr Abdul Basit Syed. The primary vision of WHD is to promote peace, education and trade harmony initiatives globally.
WHD programmes, events, initiatives are focused especially in the upliftment of women, youth, in short most, most vulnerable and minority population.
Well, WHD has made considerable strides to achieve the goal by collaborating with various world leaders, governments, and organisations across the globd to promote oeace, education and trade harmony through various global initiatives and humanitarian activities.
The event was supported by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry & World Peace Development and Research Foundation.
Great going Dr Sandeep Marwah..!!
Dr Sandeep Marwah Honoured In London
मुंबई- ८०० वर्षांच्या श्रद्धेची परंपरा असलेली पंढरपूरची वारी केवळ भारतातच नव्हे तर जगभरात प्रसिद्ध आहे. या श्रद्धेची परंपरा असलेल्या वारीत राज्यभरातील दहा लाखांहून अधिक वारकरी दरवर्षी पावसाळ्याच्या सुरुवातीला २१ दिवसांहून अधिक काळ पायी चालत पंढरपुरच्या विठुमाऊलीच्या मंदिरात पोहोचतात. गांधी टोप्या घातलेले पुरुष, डोक्यावर तुळस असलेल्या […]
Latest Newsमुंबई- ८०० वर्षांच्या श्रद्धेची परंपरा असलेली पंढरपूरची वारी केवळ भारतातच नव्हे तर जगभरात प्रसिद्ध आहे. या श्रद्धेची परंपरा असलेल्या वारीत राज्यभरातील दहा लाखांहून अधिक वारकरी दरवर्षी पावसाळ्याच्या सुरुवातीला २१ दिवसांहून अधिक काळ पायी चालत पंढरपुरच्या विठुमाऊलीच्या मंदिरात पोहोचतात. गांधी टोप्या घातलेले पुरुष, डोक्यावर तुळस असलेल्या कुंड्या घेतलेल्या, रंगीबेरंगी साड्या नेसलेल्या स्त्रिया, दिंड्यांचे नेतृत्व करणारे शूर घोडे, भगवे झेंडे, पालख्या, वीणा, मृदंग, ढोलकी आणि चिपळ्यांचा भक्तिपूर्ण आवाज, फुगडीची उर्जा. पांडुरंगाची भेट होणार या आनंदात ऊन-पावसाची तमा न करता नाचत, गाणी म्हणत पंढरपूरला जाणाऱ्या, रस्त्याने जाताना मोसमातील बिया रस्त्यावर पेरून प्रवास करणाऱ्या साध्या-सोप्या लोकांची अशी ही पंढरपुरची वारी अनेकांच्या आकर्षणाचा विषय आहे.
जात-पात, पंथ, श्रीमंत-गरीब असा काहीही भेद न करता सगळे भक्त केवळ विठुरायाच्या दर्शनासाठी पंढरपुरकडे कूच करीत असतात. अशा या वारकऱ्यांचा हा प्रवास यापूर्वी अनेक छायाचित्रकारांनी कॅमेऱ्यात कैद केलेला आहेच. पण हा संपूर्ण प्रवास फार कमी वेळा छायाचित्रकारांनी कव्हर केलेला आहे.
परोपकारी आणि कला संग्राहक परवेझ दमानिया आणि रतन लथ, देशभरातील नामवंत छायाचित्रकारांच्या लेन्समधून अप्रतिम छायाचित्रांच्या माध्यमातून पंढरपूरच्या वारीचा संपूर्ण प्रवास दाखवणारे ‘द ग्रेट पिलग्रिमेज, पंढरपूर’ नावाने एक प्रदर्शन भरवत आहेत.
“वारी हा पृथ्वीवरील सर्वात प्राचीन आणि शक्तिशाली भक्तीमय प्रवास आहे. काही वर्षांपूर्वी मी वारीचा प्रवास केला आणि मंत्रमुग्ध झालो. त्या मंत्रमुग्ध क्षणांना सोबत घेऊनच मी घरी आलो. मी सतत वारीबाबतच विचार करू लागलो होतो. मग मी याबाबत रतन लथ यांच्याशी बोललो आणि आम्ही वारीबाबत काय करता येईल याचा विचार सुरु केला. तेव्हाच वारीच्या फोटोंचे प्रदर्शन भरवावे असे आम्हाला वाटले आणि आम्ही त्यादृष्टीने प्रयत्न सुरु केले. आमच्या सुदैवाने आम्हाला सर्वोत्कृष्ट छायाचित्रकारांची एक टीम मिळाली आणि ही छायाचित्रे समोर आणता आली.” असे परवेझ दमानिया यांनी या प्रवासामागील माहिती देताना सांगितले.
प्रख्यात छायाचित्रकार पद्मश्री सुधारक ओलवे, लेन्समन शंतनू दास, महेश लोणकर, पुबारूण बसू, मुकुंद पारके, सौरभ भाटीकर, डॉ. सावन गांधी, प्रणव देव, राहुल गोडसे आणि धनेश्वर विद्या यांच्यासह सिम्बायोसिसचे प्रा. नितीन जोशी, दीपक भोसले आणि शिवम हरमळकर यांनी नामवंत छायाचित्रकारांची एक टीम तयार केली. या टीमने वारकऱ्यांच्या श्रद्धा, दंतकथा, इतिहास आणि परंपरा यांचे हे कालातीत क्षण कॅमेऱ्यात कैद केले. भक्तीरसाची ही झेप यशस्वी व्हावी म्हणून महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या पर्यटन मंत्रालयाने या उपक्रमाला सहकार्य केले.
२१ दिवसांची पदयात्रा हा काही सोपा प्रवास नाही आणि वारकऱ्यांच्या श्रद्धेची झेप पकडण्याची ही छायाचित्रे काढण्याची यात्राही सोपी नव्हती. उपलब्ध सूर्यप्रकाश किंवा संधीप्रकाशात वारकऱ्यांचे खरे मूड टिपणे सोपे नव्हते. वारकऱ्यांना पोज देण्यासही सांगू शकत नव्हतो. त्यांची प्रत्येक गोष्ट कॅमेऱ्यात टिपणे म्हणजे एक आव्हान होते आणि मानसिक कणखरपणाचा कस लागत होता. या छायाचित्रकारांनी या सर्व गोष्टींवर मात करीत वारीची अप्रतिम छायाचित्रे काढली आहेत. ही फोटो डॉक्युमेंटरी वारकऱ्यांचा प्रत्येक क्षण लोकांसमोर सादर करणारी आहे.” असेही दमानिया यांनी सांगितले.
परवेझ दमानिया आणि रतन लथ यांनी महाराष्ट्र सरकारच्या पर्यटन संचालनालयाच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने तयार केलेले ‘द ग्रेट पिलग्रिमेज – पंढरपूर’ हे प्रदर्शन २७ ते ३० सप्टेंबर रोजी सकाळी १० ते रात्री ८ या कालावधीत पिरामल गॅलरी ऑफ फोटोग्राफी, एनसीपीए येथे सुरु होणार आहे.
परवेझ दमानिया आणि रतन लुथ हे भारतातील प्रख्यात छायाचित्रकारांच्या लेन्समधून पंढरपूर वारीची अप्रतिम छायाचित्रे ‘द ग्रेट पिलग्रिमेज, पंढरपूर’ या नावाने घेऊन आले आहेत
This World Tourism Day, Art collector Parvez Damania and Ratan Luth bring to you a fabulous photographic capture of the Pandharpur Wari through the lens of some of India’s most acclaimed photographers titled ‘The Great Pilgrimage- Pandharpur’ The Pandharpur Wari boasts of an 800-year-old tradition […]
Breaking NewsThis World Tourism Day, Art collector Parvez Damania and Ratan Luth bring to you a fabulous photographic capture of the Pandharpur Wari through the lens of some of India’s most acclaimed photographers titled ‘The Great Pilgrimage- Pandharpur’
The Pandharpur Wari boasts of an 800-year-old tradition of faith with over a million pilgrims or Warkaris travelling every year on the onset of monsoon for over 21 days on foot to reach the Vithoba temple. One witnesses men in Gandhi caps, women in colourful saris with tulsi pots on their heads, gallant horses leading the dindis, saffron flags, palkis, the devout sound of veena, mridanga, dholki and chipli, the energy of the fugdi – the beauty of simple people travelling after sowing the seeds for the season dancing and singing their way to Pandharpur on foot braving the sun and the rains in joy to meet Lord Panduranga.
This flow of humanity in an unparalleled pilgrimage that breaks the barriers of caste, creed, rich and poor, may have been covered in parts but never in its entirety by photojournalists.
Art collectors Parvez Damania and Ratan Luth bring to you a fabulous photographic capture of the Pandharpur Wari through the lens of some of India’s most acclaimed photographers titled ‘The Great Pilgrimage – Pandharpur’.
“The Wari is one of the most ancient and powerful pilgrimages on Earth. I travelled the Wari a few years back and brought home the mesmeric moments. They haunted my mind and I spoke to Ratan Luth and together we got a team of the best photographers, and walked with the photographers on foot for ten days to capture the essence of the Wari,” elaborates Parvez Damania.
Revered photojournalist Padma Shri Sudharak Olwe, ace Lensmen Shantanu Das, Mahesh Lonkar, Pubarun Basu, Mukund Parke, Saurabh Bhatikar, Dr. Sawan Gandhi, Pranav Deo, Rahul Godse and Dhaneshwar Vidya, along with Prof Nitin Joshi, Deepak Bhosle and Shivam Harmalkar from Symbiosis University formed the team that captured these timeless moments of faith, legend, history and tradition of the Warikars in their frozen frames. The Ministry of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra joined hands to make this leap of faith possible.
The 21-day Padyatra is no easy journey and the yatra to capture the Warkaris’ leap of faith was no easy journey either. “The colourful adventure made each of us mentally strong and fearless but the images that allowed real emotions to come through with the absence of posing and in available light have created an amazing photodocumentary that captures people living every moment,” elaborates Damania.
‘The Great Pilgrimage – Pandharpur’, curated by Parvez Damania and Ratan Luth in association with the Directorate of Tourism, Government of Maharashtra, is on at the Piramal Gallery of Photography as an Art Form, NCPA, from September 28- 30, 10am to 8pm. The launch will be on World Tourism Day, September 27 evening at the gallery.
Parvez Damania Transforms Passionate Photographers Into Pandharpur Pilgrims With Purpose This World Tourism Day
Hello this is Madhu Vohra who is running 2 successful groups in Mumbai and pune in the name of a friend in need and Mumbai rocks which is a social networking platform with lot of professionals and has lot of activities like karoke, fashion show, […]
Latest NewsHello this is Madhu Vohra who is running 2 successful groups in Mumbai and pune in the name of a friend in need and Mumbai rocks which is a social networking platform with lot of professionals and has lot of activities like karoke, fashion show, house party, social work, business meet, sports,travel and meet ups and gettogether. We encourage more people to join and make our group rocking.
We do for ppl all over India too online and offline meet up. Very soon we will start all over the world. Those wanting to join r welcome. Group is for everyone. This is a good platform to bring a smile on people’s face. You connect with like minded people and make friends for lifetime.
Our group is a family. People of all ages can join. We all respect each other and are neutral and cordial with everyone. We have a ladies group too where we plan events specially for ladies. Those wanting to join contact madhu at 9372436797 or email at This group is running successfully for 8 years.
Social Events In A Friend In Need Group In Pune Mumbai Rocks In Mumbai
भोजपुरी सिनेमा के जुबली स्टार व सांसद दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ सांसद बनने के बाद पहली बार अपने संसदीय क्षेत्र उत्तर प्रदेश के आजमगढ़ में भोजपुरी फिल्म की शूटिंग शुरू कर दिये हैं। जिससे क्षेत्र की जनता के बीच ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय देकर जनता […]
Actorsभोजपुरी सिनेमा के जुबली स्टार व सांसद दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ सांसद बनने के बाद पहली बार अपने संसदीय क्षेत्र उत्तर प्रदेश के आजमगढ़ में भोजपुरी फिल्म की शूटिंग शुरू कर दिये हैं। जिससे क्षेत्र की जनता के बीच ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय देकर जनता की समस्या का समाधान कर रहे हैं और फ़िल्म की शूटिंग भी कर रहे हैं। इससे आजमगढ़ की जनता में खुशी की लहर दौड़ पड़ी है।
गौरतलब है कि जेआर प्रोडक्शन हाउस के बैनर तले बन रही दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ और आम्रपाली दूबे के अभिनय से सजी भोजपुरी फिल्म की शूटिंग उत्तर प्रदेश के आजमगढ़ के किशुनदास पुर गाँव में जोर-शोर से शुरू की जा रही है। फिल्म की शूटिंग शुरू करने से पहले फ़िल्म का भव्य मुहूर्त किया गया था। निर्माणाधीन इस फिल्म का अभी नाम नहीं रखा गया है। ‘प्रोडक्शन नंबर तीन’ के नाम से फिल्म की शूटिंग की जा रही है। इस फिल्म के निर्माता जयंत घोष हैं, जिन्होंने इसके पहले खेसारी लाल यादव के साथ भोजपुरी फिल्म बागी का निर्माण किया था। उसके बाद दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ के साथ ऐतिहासिक फ़िल्म ‘गोबर धन’ का निर्माण किया है और अब यह तीसरी फिल्म निरहुआ के साथ कर रहे हैं।
इस फिल्म के निर्देशन की बागडोर जाने-माने फिल्म निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर कर रहे हैं। जिन्होंने दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ के साथ राजा बाबू, निरहुआ हिंदुस्तानी 2, निरहुआ हिंदुस्तानी 3, जैसी सुपरहिट फिल्मों का निर्देशन किया है। उसके बाद फ़िल्म गोबर धन लेकर आ रहे हैं और यह निरहुआ के बतौर निर्देशक उनकी यह पांचवीं फिल्म है प्रोडक्शन नंबर 3, जिसकी शूटिंग इन दिनों आजमगढ़ में चल रही है। इस फ़िल्म में दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ, आम्रपाली दूबे, संजय पांडेय, किरण यादव, भानु पांडेय, प्रेम दूबे, रंभा साहनी और अन्य कलाकार नजर आएंगे। फ़िल्म के लेखक अरबिंद तिवारी ने जानदार स्क्रीनप्ले और चुटीले संवाद लिखे हैं, जबकि डीओपी सरफराज आर खान दृश्यों को बेहतरीन ढंग से कैमरे में कैद कर रहे हैं। संगीतकार ओम झा हैं, गीतकार प्यारे लाल यादव कवि और अरविंद तिवारी हैं। डांस मास्टर कानू मुखर्जी हैं। आर्ट डायरेक्टर नजीर शेख हैं। प्रोडक्शन कंट्रोलर अरविंद और सोनू हैं। फ़िल्म प्रचारक रामचन्द्र यादव हैं।
इस फिल्म को लेकर फ़िल्म निर्माता जयंत घोष ने बताया कि हमारी निर्माणाधीन फ़िल्म प्रोडक्शन नं०3 की शूटिंग आजमगढ़ के किशुनदास पुर गांव में की जा रही है। यह फ़िल्म 85 और 90 के दशक की फिल्म है और उसी जमाने के अनुसार फ़िल्म का हर दृश्य फिल्माया जा रहा है ताकि उन पुरानी चीजों व पुरानी यादों को लोगों को देखने को मिलेगी, जो अब देखने को नहीं मिलती है, वह सब इस फिल्म में देखने को मिलेगी।
फ़िल्म के निर्देशक मंजुल ठाकुर ने कहा कि यह फिल्म सम्पूर्ण पारिवारिक, कॉमेडी, इमोशनल फिल्म है, जिसे देखकर हर कोई बहुत पसंद करेंगे। फ़िल्म जयंत घोष जी एक बेहतरीन सिनेमा का निर्माण कर रहे हैं। निरहुआ जी एक सुलझे हुए इंसान और कलाकार हैं, उनके साथ काम करने का अलग ही अनुभव होता है।
दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ ने कहा कि हमने आजमगढ़ की जनता से वादा किया था कि चुनाव जीतने के बाद हम यहीं पर ज्यादा समय देंगे और जनता की समस्याओं का समाधान करेंगे। इसीलिए हम यहाँ पर शूटिंग कर रहे हैं और मैं अपनी सभी फ़िल्मों की शूटिंग आजमगढ़ में ही करूँगा, ताकि ज्यादा से ज्यादा समय मैं जनता को दे सकूँ।
गौरतलब है कि दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ ने अपने सांसदीय क्षेत्र आजमगढ़ में शूटिंग करने के साथ ही साथ शूटिंग स्थान से कुछ दूरी पर कैम्प लगाकर जनता की समस्याओं की सुनवाई भी करते हैं। वे जैसे शॉट से फ्री होते हैं, तुरंत जनता की समस्या सुनने लगते हैं और समस्या से संबंधित विभाग के अधिकारियों को फोन करके समस्या का निदान करते हैं। शूटिंग के एक दिन पहले ही लोगों को बता दिया जाता है और लोग अपनी अपनी समस्या को बताने के लिए उनके पास आते हैं।
सांसद बनने के बाद दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ ने शुरू की आजमगढ़ में शूटिंग, साथ ही सुन रहे हैं जनता की फिरयाद भी
कॉमेडियन के के गोस्वामी का कद केवल तीन फुट है मगर उन्होंने अपनी अदाकारी से लोकप्रियता की ऊंचाई को छू लिया है। वह हिंदी फिल्मों, हिंदी धारावाहिकों और भोजपुरी फिल्मों में बड़ी पहचान रखते हैं।फिल्मी दुनिया मे उनका 27 वर्षो का सफर बड़ा सुहाना रहा है। उन्होंने हिंदी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री, […]
Actorsकॉमेडियन के के गोस्वामी का कद केवल तीन फुट है मगर उन्होंने अपनी अदाकारी से लोकप्रियता की ऊंचाई को छू लिया है। वह हिंदी फिल्मों, हिंदी धारावाहिकों और भोजपुरी फिल्मों में बड़ी पहचान रखते हैं।फिल्मी दुनिया मे उनका 27 वर्षो का सफर बड़ा सुहाना रहा है। उन्होंने हिंदी फिल्म इंडस्ट्री, टीवी इंडस्ट्री और भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री के अलावा मराठी और गुजराती सिनेमा में भी काम किया है। उनकी कई वेब सीरीज भी जल्द आने वाली है।
इरोज प्राइम चैनल पर हाल ही में उनकी एक वेब सीरीज को दर्शकों का खूब प्यार मिला है। इरोज प्राइम ओटीटी पर जल्द ही उनकी वेब सीरीज ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ भी रिलीज होने जा रही है, जिसमें वह राजा बने हैं। उनकी रानी की भूमिका मराठी फिल्मों की अभिनेत्री ने निभाई है। अंधी नगरी चौपट राजा टाइप के विषय पर आधारित है यह फ़िल्म, जिसमे चौपट राजा का दिलचस्प किरदार के के गोस्वामी ने किया है।
कुछ दिन पहले फ़िल्म मंटू की पलटन आई थी जिसमें उन्होंने मंटो की भूमिका निभाई थी। वह लगातार कई फिल्मे कर रहे हैं।
जल्द ही वह एक बड़ी वेब सीरीज में नजर आएंगे जिसमें पंकज त्रिपाठी, कुणाल खेमू, ज़ाकिर हुसैन सहित कई विख्यात एक्टर्स हैं। उनकी दो गुजराती फिल्में और एक मराठी फिल्म भी जल्द आने वाली है। टीवी पर भी वह जल्द कई धारावाहिकों में दिखाई देंगे।
बता दें कि सीआईडी, गुटरगूँ, विक्राल और गब्राल, श..कोई है, श..फिर कोई है, शाकालाका बूम बूम, सोनपरी, शक्तिमान, जूनियर जी, चाचा चौधरी, बगल वाली जान मारेली सहित ढेर सारे सीरियल्स में के के गोस्वामी नजर आ चुके हैं। दिलीप कुमार साहेब के सीरियल अल्लाह मेरी तौबा में भी काम किया। स्टार प्लस के सीरियल ‘विक्राल और गब्राल’ में उनका किरदार गब्राल बहुत लोकप्रिय हुआ। बिग मैजिक पर उनका एक सीरियल ‘रुद्र के रक्षक’ काफी हिट रहा है। इसमे उन्होंने एक एलियन का रोल किया था।
बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर जिला के पानापुर के रहने वाले के के गोस्वामी को एक्टिंग का शौक बचपन से था। गांव के नाटक में काम करते थे। 1994 में मुम्बई आए और मायानगरी में काफी स्ट्रगल किया। बप्पी लहरी का उनपर विशेष आशीर्वाद था। बप्पी दा उन्हें अपने स्टेज शोज़ में लेकर जाने लगे और वह उनकी टीम में शामिल हो गए थे।
के के गोस्वामी आज बतौर सेलेब्रिटी गेस्ट भी कई तरह के कार्यक्रम में जाते रहते हैं। डांडिया, गणपति जी के पंडाल में, शादियों में, म्युज़िक लांच पर और ओपनिंग के अवसर पर वह मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में शामिल होते हैं। उनके दो बच्चे हैं। उन्हें अपनी पत्नी पिंकी गोस्वामी का भी भरपूर सहयोग मिला, जिनकी वजह से वह इस पायदान तक पहुंचे हैं।
कॉमेडियन के के गोस्वामी की बढ़ती फैन फॉलोइंग, टीवी के बाद हिंदी, गुजराती, मराठी सिनेमा, वेब सीरीज में हैं व्यस्त
Where there’s a will there’s a way. And who better knows it than Vandana Bhardwaj, the pretty model, superbly talented actress, an unpretentious philanthropist heading My Helping Hands for hapless kids and animals and a successful businesswoman in her own rights as Director and Spokesperson […]
ActressWhere there’s a will there’s a way. And who better knows it than Vandana Bhardwaj, the pretty model, superbly talented actress, an unpretentious philanthropist heading My Helping Hands for hapless kids and animals and a successful businesswoman in her own rights as Director and Spokesperson – B2C Network- Marie Claire Salon, India, co-founder and Director- United Vegan Pvt Ltd. (Charlie Chaplin LaVegano et al)!?
Vandana has just released a heart-touching emotional music video album titled, Feed the Hungry (A song by Acolade with street kids).
You wonder what motivated or inspired Vandana to make this beautiful musical video album..!!
“I made a song “Hamdard ho ja re”. I always wanted to produce such a song which is real, in natural flow and not just figment of imagination. As a social worker, I feel it’s imperative to inspire others and music is the best possible way to reach out to many,” says Vandana as a matter of fact.
Is it because that Vandana is already in the social works field which helped her to emote more naturally in this music album?
“Look, the children, elderly people and animals are part of our NGO. So it came out naturally like a daily routine,” says Vandana.
How did Vandana train the kids for the album as acting is a different ballgame altogether. “The kids belong to my NGO, so it’s all real,” pat comes the reply
About Vandana’s experience while shooting for the album any particular moment which made her more emotional, she says, “Seeing the pure joy in the eyes of kids always makes me emotional and I feel that I am in the right path. Serving animals is also close to my heart.”
When asked whether any othere musical venture or other projects in the pipeline that could bring the issues being faced by the underprivileged children, old people and animals to the fore, Vandana says, “Ofcourse yes. I’ll be creating new songs after every few months.”
How is Vandana balancing between her hectic business schedules and social works, Vandana says, “Social work is always close to my heart and in business we have lot of helping hands..It’s a team-work which makes it easy for each one of us. And yes, I keep juggling from one work to another. And I don’t feel tired. I relax myself by helping others.”
Always a straight forward girl with sincerity of purpose and inherent dynamism, Vandana Bhardwaj is a multifaceted genius to be watched keenly in coming days!
London: Dr Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, with nine international records, honoured with most prestigious REGAL BRITISH AWARD by World Humanitarian Drive at Royal Society of Arts London UK under the Chairmanship of Abdul Basit Syed and Patronship of RT Hon. Chris Philip Member of British […]
Breaking NewsLondon: Dr Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios, with nine international records, honoured with most prestigious REGAL BRITISH AWARD by World Humanitarian Drive at Royal Society of Arts London UK under the Chairmanship of Abdul Basit Syed and Patronship of RT Hon. Chris Philip Member of British Parliament for his untiring contribution to education, media, and entertainment industry.
The award was presented by H. E. Anthony Carmona SC ORTT Former President of Trinidad and Tobago and H.E. Erna Hennicot Schoepges Former President of Luxembourg Parliament in a well program which was attended by the dignities of more than forty countries across six continents representing different segments of professions and businesses.
Dr Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City now the fastest growing film city in the World. He is the President of Marwah Studios and founder Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts. He is the producer of largest number of short films & teacher to more than 20,000 media professionals hailing from 145 countries.
He also created a World Record during Commonwealth Games in Delhi. He is the Promoter of large number of festivals and organiser of 7500 events and has been able to attract 3 million people to film city under film and culture tourism. Sandeep Marwah has been nominated by 67 countries of the World as their cultural Ambassador.
World Humanitarian Drive (WHD) is an International NGO with operations in 12 countries, founded in Croydon, U.K. by British Indian Global Peace activist, Entrepreneur, Writer, Dr Abdul Basit Syed. The primary vision of WHD is to promote Peace, Education and Trade Harmony initiatives globally.
WHD programs, events, initiatives are focused especially in the upliftment of women, youth, most vulnerable and minority population. “WHD” has made considerable strides to achieve the goal by collaborating with various World Leaders, Governments, and organisations across the world to promote Peace, Education, and Trade Harmony through various global initiatives and Humanitarian activities.
The event was supported by International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry & World Peace Development and Research Foundation.
Prestigious Regal British Award For Sandeep Marwah
From: 20th to 26th September 2022. “FOUR” An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures by Contemporary artists –Asif Sharif Shaikh, Deepak Patil, Ram Kumbhar and Yogesh Lokhande VENUE: Nehru Centre Art Gallery AC Gallery Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: 99753 90465 / […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 20th to 26th September 2022.
An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures by Contemporary artists –Asif Sharif Shaikh, Deepak Patil, Ram Kumbhar and Yogesh Lokhande
Nehru Centre Art Gallery
AC Gallery
Dr. Annie Besant Road,
Worli, Mumbai 400 018
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: 99753 90465 / 98926 99037
FOUR – An Art Exhibition by 4 contemporary artists
A group art exhibition showcasing the works of 4 well known contemporary artists Asif Sharif Shaikh, Deepak Patil, Ram Kumbhar and Yogesh Lokhande are showing their recent work at Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Dr. A.B. Road, Worli, Mumbai 400 018 from 20th to 26th September, 2022 between 11 am. To 7 pm.
Asif Sharief Shaikh – His work in acrylic colours on canvas elaborates various colours of life depicting the struggle, one’s patience and inborn ambition to achieve success in life, various realistic and impressionable occurrences and happenings in his life have left indelible impacts on his sensitive mind. These incidents along with varied past experiences in earlier life have been aptly illustrated by Asif Shaikh in his present series that is joyful and colourful as well as thematically relevant in apt perspectives.
Deepak Patil – His works reveal an artistic amalgamation of water colour, Oil colour and other transparent mediums. His transparent and fluid brush strokes create ethereal feelings in the paintings. He has depicted tonal harmony and colour balance in his work by infusing bright and muted colours and a striking play of light and shadow. Textures and other visual qualities are prominent in his work using mix medium. His works depict architecture, landscapes, women deep in thoughts or busy in daily chores, men & children in their traditional attires etc. His works share a dialogue with all due to their uniqueness and aesthetic quality in apt arenas. His works reveal an artistic amalgamation/fusion of reality & imagination.
Ram Kumbhar – Intrinsic memories from his childhood in rural areas have motivated him to create artwork using those deep impacts on the sensitive mind. He has created artwork using fibre glass and chrome plating to artistically adorn the Balloons and other works with the desired visual effect. His works depict both positive and negative aspects of the iconic motifs to generate an optimistic visual effect. His works are colourful and thematic as well as artistic yet simple and unique in their own way which share a dialogue with the viewers.
Yogesh Lokhande – His sculptures in fibre glass depict Yugandhar the one who works relentlessly to protect and uphold the true nature of this Universe. His other works exemplify icons displaying the peculiarities of Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga and Kaliyuga through eloquent and lucid works which definitely reveal the works based on 4 yugas and also the ultimate truth that the foundation and force behind force behind this astonishing creation is depicted through the beejfala of genesis held steadily in the hands of Yugandhara. He reveals different forms of one icon to show the real light to the ones blinded by the glitter of the World. The works are very artistic and expressive as well as thematically relevant.
FOUR An Exhibition Of Paintings And Sculptures By 4 Contemporary Artists In Nehru Centre Art Gallery
The trailer of Pan India Film Banaras starring Zaid Khan & Sonal Monteiro, will be unveiled on September 26. Inarguably one of the biggest films of the year, from the Kannada film industry after KGF 2, Charlie 777 & Vikrant Rona, Banaras has become the […]
Latest FilmsThe trailer of Pan India Film Banaras starring Zaid Khan & Sonal Monteiro, will be unveiled on September 26. Inarguably one of the biggest films of the year, from the Kannada film industry after KGF 2, Charlie 777 & Vikrant Rona, Banaras has become the talk of the town because of its impressive motion poster and songs.
Audience who were Zooming by the song of party Troll Song released recently ,have been anticipating the trailer to be a intresting one and are waiting to get a grip on what is in store. It has now been officially announced that the trailer will land on September 26, 2022 .
Banaras is a Mysterious love story, directed by Bell Bottom fame Jayatheerta. Major portion of the film is Shot in Banaras and has featured all the ghats , Bharat Mata Mandir, Mukti Bhavan and it is going to be a Visual treat for the audience. The complete film is shot explaining the beauty , Rich heritage, Culture of Banaras.
This film Produced by Tilakraj Ballal under the banner of NK Productions and has background score, music by B. Ajnesh Loknath. The film also stars Veteran Kannada Actor Devaraj, in a pivotal role along with Achut Kumar & Sapna Raj. The film is all set to release Pan India on 4th November in Hindi, Kannada Telugu, Tamil & Malayalam languages.
Banaras Film trailer will be unveiled on September 26th 2022, film to release on 4th November
Having composed music for more than a hundred music videos and creating music for a lot of movies, music director “Nayab Ali Khan” from his “Nayab G Music Production” debut music video album “Palaken” brings a new musical. The energy has been brought to the […]
Breaking NewsHaving composed music for more than a hundred music videos and creating music for a lot of movies, music director “Nayab Ali Khan” from his “Nayab G Music Production” debut music video album “Palaken” brings a new musical. The energy has been brought to the audience. Produced by “Sargam”, Lyricist “Naveen Neer” and Singer “Shrijit”.
The son of famous music director “Ghulam Ali Khan” of Delhi Gharana “Nayab Ali Khan” has been devoted to music since childhood. It is noteworthy that many singers and musicians have learned singing and music under the guidance of “Ghulam Ali Khan”.
The magic of Nayab’s music will be seen in the music album “Palaken”, as well as the album has also been directed by “Nayab G”. The romantic story of the song has been beautifully depicted in the album. Nayab Ali Khan is making his directorial debut with ‘Palkein’ music album. Producer of this album is “Sargam” and Lyricist “Naveen Neer” is releasing “Zee Music” starring “Sahil Akhtar Khan and “Shweta Dubey”.
“Nayab Ali Khan” is doing music in many films in association with “Sukhwinder Singh”. Director of best movies like “Mohalla Assi” and “Pinjar” and “Prithviraj Chauhan”, the music direction of “Z Plus” by Chandraprakash Dwivedi is given by “Sukhwinder Singh” and “Nayab Ali Khan” whose song is “Manoj Muntashir”. ” has written. “Sukhwinder Singh” and “Nayab Ali Khan” are doing several projects together and doing music direction work in films which will soon include director “N Chandra”‘s film “Tezaab 2”, Anil Chaudhary’s “Fighter”, “Rajat Mukherjee”‘s “Umeed” and more will be released. Soon Nayab Ali Khan’s upcoming album “Naino Se Naina Bole…” will see her in a different style of music and her singing. In which fusion of Sufi, Classical, Western will be included. Nayab Ali Khan has directed all types of music. Apart from Hindi, Urdu, he has also given music in many languages like Gujarati, Rajasthani, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi. He has composed music in almost every genre.
“Nayab Ali Khan” follows legendary musicians like “Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan” and “AR Rahman” and wants to start a new music world like them. By the way, he has worked with many famous musicians and directors who have not only appreciated his work but have also praised him. “Nayab Ali Khan” uses modern techniques as well as instruments in his music.
Since childhood, he has mastered the tabla playing. Along with music, he has also sung in many film songs and albums. They believe that today in this era of modernity, some new musicians present the old songs in the new music, which people are also liking. Today, musicians and singers have got more platforms and facilities than ever before. Therefore it is the duty of musicians and singers also to give some new and melodious songs to their listeners.
Nayab Ali Khan Uses Modern Techniques As Well As Instruments In His Music
Lakhs of patients benefited in the camp organized by RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center, which has been named in Guinness Book of World Records and Asia Book of Records, PM interacts with patients, 900 doctors, 1700 paramedical staff, 50 Specialist Consultant Doctors were […]
Breaking NewsLakhs of patients benefited in the camp organized by RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center, which has been named in Guinness Book of World Records and Asia Book of Records, PM interacts with patients, 900 doctors, 1700 paramedical staff, 50 Specialist Consultant Doctors were present.
On the occasion of 72nd birthday of Prime Minister of the country Narendra Modi, Gujarat’s largest mega free general medical camp was organized at Arts and Commerce College Ground located in Olpad area of Surat city of Gujarat by RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center and “Doctor 365”. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated this mega camp digitally and was connected live for an hour. He also interacted with many patients.
Narendra Modi said that better health paves the way for a better future. With this thinking, in the last several years, we have laid special emphasis on health infrastructure as well as public awareness, prevention of diseases, prevention of diseases from becoming serious. A strong network of multi-specialty hospitals is ready in Gujarat today.
This mega medical camp was managed by the health care project “Doctor 365″ of ‘RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre’. RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Centre” is named in Guinness Book of World Records and Asia Book of Records, it has presented this Biggest Free Medical Camp in Gujarat.
The honorable guest of this medical camp was the Chief Minister of Gujarat Bhupendrabhai Patel, while this medical camp was organized on 8th September under the guidance of Mukesh Patel, Minister of Agriculture, Energy and Petrochemicals in the Government of Gujarat.
Gujarat BJP President CR Patil was present in the guest of honor here. Its project designer was Vishal Singh.
Dr Dharmendra Kumar, Chairman, RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center said that lakhs of patients had appeared here, where a lot of medicines were distributed. Lakhs of people took advantage. In which free glasses were given after eye checkup. Medicines were given free of cost after doing general health checkup. More than 900 doctors participated. More than 1700 paramedical staff were present. Coming from Mumbai, the team of more than 50 super specialist consultant doctors were available. Apart from this, tests done for many diseases like anemia, blood grouping, HIV, hepatitis etc. Medicines were given to the patients as per the need.
Dr Dharmendra Kumar said that till now we have conducted 29 thousand medical camps, examined 3 lakh patients in a day. In Jharkhand too, a medical camp was organized for one lakh patients recently.
Arrangements for food and drink were also made for all the beneficiaries in this mega medical camp organized in Surat. In this camp, many people were also given Ayushman health cards. We will also cooperate with patients who need operation, in connection with their operation in hospitals under various government schemes.
This medical camp was multi purpose. More than 29 thousand people were given glasses.
RK HIV AIDS Research and Care Center has also entered the Guinness Book of World Records by organizing 29,000 health camps in the last 24 years. Seeing 3 Crore 55 Lakhs patients, there is a record of highest number of tests in the world. 96 thousand people have been operated.
Dr Dharmendra Kumar told about the program in the near future that our next program will be in Gujarat itself, which is being discussed. Final will be done in a couple of days. A mega medical camp is being organized for one lakh people in Assam on 30th September. A big medical camp will be organized in Jodhpur on 6 February 2023 in which the President will also attend. Medical camp will be organized for one lakh people in Jabalpur in March 2023.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Inaugurated Mega Free Medical Camp Organized By R K HIV AIDS Research And Care Center
I Salute the Most Outstanding, beautiful n kind heart Queen Elizabeth of Britain. I cant forget her beautiful smile and most charming personality of this era. After more than 70years on the throne ,Queen Elizabeth || died on Sept 8 2022. Charles ,her eldest son […]
Celebrity NewsI Salute the Most Outstanding, beautiful n kind heart Queen Elizabeth of Britain.
I cant forget her beautiful smile and most charming personality of this era.
After more than 70years on the throne ,Queen Elizabeth || died on Sept 8 2022.
Charles ,her eldest son became king .
King Charles ||| was officially announced as Britains Monarch on saturday.
I really admired her from the core of my heart,for her classic dressing style, her accessories,beautiful hats , her way of communicating wd the people and her presence of mind with great sense of humour .
She has been the luckiest woman on this planet ever to rule for such a longest years serving to people with loyalty,respect and love.
Queen Elizabeth || was the monarch of the UK of great Britain and Northern Ireland
She assumed the title of Queen in 1952 for more than 70years until her death on 8th sept ,22. Making her the longest ruling monarch in British History.
She was the only female member of the Royal family to enter in armed forces and served in World war ||.
She got married to Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten of the royal Navy,formerly Prince philip of Greece and Denmark.
On nov 20,1947 she got married to Prince Philip,.
And the Great love story started .
Queen fell in love with Prince Philip when he was a Cadet in the British Royal Navy.
They were together in marriage for 73 years.
Queen Elizabeth attended thousands of events and ceremonies In Uk n abroad in her lifetime and till her last few days she was on her duty towards whats needed.
She was an Amazing beautiful personality and to me a great source of inspiration always.
Truly said by The new Prime Minister Of London Liz Truss -“Britain Is the Great country it is today because of her ”
The Queen had been a ubiquitous figure for an entire generation,specially in Britain.
Her love her life of service stretch beyond most of our living memories.
I pay my heartfelt tribute to a Great Legend Queen Elizabeth ||.
I pray to god, May her soul rest in peace. Gods blessings.
Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World India International Peace Ambassador”2021
My Tribute To QUEEN Elizabeth – Angel Tetarbe Miss Glamourface World India
TrimakRaj Entertainment Company has started organizing Persona Mrs India. Whose directors are Priyanka Banerjee, Babita Singh Varma, and Karan Singh Prince. In 2018, these people started with Sheque Mrs India. Two years after that, it was renamed Persona Mrs India because the name seemed appropriate […]
Celebrity NewsTrimakRaj Entertainment Company has started organizing Persona Mrs India. Whose directors are Priyanka Banerjee, Babita Singh Varma, and Karan Singh Prince. In 2018, these people started with Sheque Mrs India. Two years after that, it was renamed Persona Mrs India because the name seemed appropriate to take it to the grand level. This year was the fifth year of Persona Mrs India. The first season took place in Jaipur, after that it has been happening in Mumbai for four years. The winner of the first season was Dr Richa while the winner of the second season was Sarina Pani. The winner of the third season is Isha Sharma. The winner of the fourth season is Dr Shraddha Borkar Wankhede. This year the two winners of the fifth season are Persona Mrs India Universe Hema Niranjan and the other is Persona Mrs India Worldwide Snigdha Mukherjee. Both of them are going to represent India at the international level this year. It will also come on Atrangi TV.
All the winners of this beauty pageant go to international pageants to represent our country India. In December this year, Hema Niranjan will travel to South Korea to participate in Mrs Universe, where she will represent India. And Snigdha Mukherjee will go to Mrs Worldwide where she will represent India.
Let us tell you that Persona Mrs India is a famous beauty pageant to recognize and honor Indian women. It’s an iconic show. Here women are respected and given a chance to represent themselves. It also has the categories of Married, Divorced, Widow and Single Mother.
Hema Niranjan Winner Of Persona Mrs India Season 5 Will Go To South Korea To Represent India In Mrs Universe
भोजपुरी सिनेमा की हिट और हॉट जोड़ी रिबेल स्टार राहुल सिंह और एक्ट्रेस रेशमा शेख एक बार दर्शकों के बीच आने की पूरी तैयारी कर चुके हैं। जी हाँ! स्मार्ट ट्रेक बैनर की भोजपुरी फिल्म “सून भईले अँगना हमार” में फ़िर राहुल सिंह, रेशमा शेख […]
Bhojpuri Newsभोजपुरी सिनेमा की हिट और हॉट जोड़ी रिबेल स्टार राहुल सिंह और एक्ट्रेस रेशमा शेख एक बार दर्शकों के बीच आने की पूरी तैयारी कर चुके हैं। जी हाँ! स्मार्ट ट्रेक बैनर की भोजपुरी फिल्म “सून भईले अँगना हमार” में फ़िर राहुल सिंह, रेशमा शेख का जलवा दिखेगा। उनकी यह युगल जोड़ी जल्द ही उत्तर प्रदेश के कुशीनगर के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में शूटिंग शुरू करने वाली है। यह महत्त्वपूर्ण जानकारी फ़िल्म के प्रोड्यूसर की तरफ दी गई है।
बता दें कि पिछले दिनों मुंबई में निर्माणाधीन भोजपुरी फ़िल्म “सून भईले अँगना हमार” भव्य मुहूर्त बिग लेबल पर विधिवत पूजा अर्चना करके किया गया। जिसमें फ़िल्म जुड़ी पूरी टीम एवं फ़िल्म जगत के कई विशिष्ट गणमान्य जन मौजूद रहे। सभी फ़िल्म की पूरी टीम को बधाई एवं शुभकामनाएं दीं और साथ ही फ़िल्म की सफलता की कामना की।
उल्लेखनीय है कि स्मार्ट ट्रैक बैनर के तले भव्य पैमाने पर बनाई जा रही सम्पूर्ण पारिवारिक भोजपुरी फ़िल्म सून भईले अँगना हमार का निर्माण हर वर्ग के दर्शकों को ध्यान में रखकर बनाई जा रही है। इन दिनों फ़िल्म के प्री-प्रोडक्शन का वर्क जोर शोर से किया जा रहा है। साथ ही फ़िल्म के हीरो राहुल सिंह और हीरोइन रेशमा शेख की कास्टिंग पूरी हो चुकी है। इस फ़िल्म में उदय सिंह, अनूप अरोरा प्रमुख भूमिका में नजर आएंगे, अन्य कलाकारों का चयन जारी है।
इस फिल्म की जल्द ही कास्टिंग पूरी होने के बाद उत्तर प्रदेश के कुशीनगर में बड़े कैनवास पर शुरु की जाएगी। फ़िल्म के निर्माता विशाल बाबू हैं। डायरेक्टर दिनेश पाल है। फ़िल्म के बारे अन्य जानकारी अति शीघ्र दी जाएगी।
स्मार्ट ट्रैक बैनर की भोजपुरी फिल्म “सून भईले अँगना हमार” में फ़िर दिखेगा राहुल सिंह, रेशमा शेख का जलवा
From: 13th to 19th September 2022 An Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures & Graphics by Tanmay Banerjee, Kabari Banerjee Mukherjee, Arup Kumar Das, P. Partha and Pradip Ghosh. VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm. Contact: 89108 96794 REALMS […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 13th to 19th September 2022
An Exhibition of Paintings, Sculptures & Graphics by
Tanmay Banerjee, Kabari Banerjee Mukherjee,
Arup Kumar Das, P. Partha and Pradip Ghosh.
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda,
Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: 89108 96794
A group art exhibition showcasing the paintings, sculptures and graphics of 5 contemporary artists from W. Bengal have been displayed at Jehangir art Gallery, M. G. Road, Kala Ghoda, Mumbai from 13th to 19th September, 2022 between 11 am to 7 pm. It will reveal their unique artwork in various styles, mediums and techniques to illustrate the vivid realms of life.
The participating artists in this group art exhibition are:
Tanmay Banerjee, Kabari Banerjee Mukherjee, Arup Kumar Das, P. Partha and Pradip Ghosh.
Tanmay Banerjee: His sculptures in Bronze illustrate animals and other subjects which are inspired by rural life of Bengal and culture in that region. These are out of our daily life observations. He has tried to put forward their forms and emotions through his sculptures of Bull or Nandi – an animal which is considered as a symbol of strength, power and the carrier of Lord Shiva etc. His works are creative and appeal to all due to their aesthetic standards and visual perspectives.
Kabari Banerjee Mukherjee: She has made paintings using tempera on canvas. Her theme denotes old people spending their leisure time to fulfil their hobbies and doing the things they love. Her paintings try to put forward the emotional aspects of such characters in a simple and lucid style of expression.
Arup Kumar Das: His works reveals the vignettes of the vivid realms of village and urban life in Bengal and nuances of their emotional aspects on a rational plane. His style and techniques are very much appealing to all due to their uniqueness and simplicity as well as aesthetic quality.
Partha:His sculptures illustrate the combination of Beauty and Mysticism to comprehend the alluring forms of work such as “Ganesha” “Cactus” etc. He has developed his own style and techniques of creating of sculptures. His works reveal the artistic amalgamation of form and the untold stories of daily life in the relevant perspectives of art.
Pradip Ghosh: A self-taught artist from Kolkata, he has been trained in water colours and other mediums by stalwarts from Govt. Collage of Art & Craft. He has shown his work showing the landscapes and realms of village life and their different facets in this show. Earlier, he had showcased his work in leading art galleries at Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad etc. Presently working as a painter in Telecommunication Dept. of Indian Railways, his works share a dialogue with viewers due their simplicity and aesthetic standards as well as visual perspectives.
REALMS OF LIFE Paintings – Sculptures & Graphics Exhibition by 5 contemporary artists in Jehangir
12 September 2022, Kolkata: Kolkata-based Church Art, a firm engaged in creative work of art projects that promote and preserve Indian art and culture, celebrated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and International Literacy Day in collaboration with Indian Centre for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Kolkata by organizing a dance […]
Breaking News12 September 2022, Kolkata: Kolkata-based Church Art, a firm engaged in creative work of art projects that promote and preserve Indian art and culture, celebrated Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav and International Literacy Day in collaboration with Indian Centre for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Kolkata by organizing a dance and musical cultural program where outstanding achievers – professionals, artistes and social workers – were felicitated for their contribution to the nation.
Late Dr Sushovan Banerjee, Padma Shri, who was famous for his philanthropy, was felicitated posthumously. He was famous as `Ek Takar Doctor’ or `One Rupee Doctor’ for charging one rupee from his patients. He also entered the Guinness Book of World Records for attending the largest number of patients in his career spanning nearly six decades.
“For the past 25 years, Church Art has carried out projects which blend aesthetics, art, innovation, engineering skills, human values and moral appeal. Our aim is to preserve and promote Indian art and culture all over the world. We also advocate sustainable development and forge inter-faith harmony through various events, programs and projects. Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav was a unique opportunity to felicitate outstanding achievers who have silently contributed to the society and human welfare,” said Mr Subrata Ganguly, founder and head of Church Art who has worked with prestigious organisations, schools, museums and government utilities. Church Art is a non-profit creative wing of Lokenath Engineering and Products based out of Kolkata.
Addressing the gathering, Ms Minakshi Mishra, Director, ICCR East, congratulated and lauded Church Art’s contribution and for collaborating with ICCR.
“I congratulate Church Art for the kind of social work they are doing and also for the under-privileged children, providing technical skills upgradation and support. It is a matter of great pride. Church Art is like a bridge between society and technology and they are also preserving our ancient enriched culture,” said Mr Yatish Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Braithwaite & Co Ltd, in a message.
“Church Art has a deep understanding of local and Indian culture which is well reflected in their various creative works and projects which combine aesthetics, culture, social messaging and also display engineering skills of a high standard. I wish them the very best in all their future endeavours,” said Mr A K Dubey, Principal Chief Engineer (PCE) Sealdah Division, Eastern Railway, who was felicitated by Church Art.
Among those felicitated at the function were Head of ICCR East, Ms Minakshi Mishra, former ICCR regional head, Goutam De, Bishop P K George of Miao Diocese, Arunachal Pradesh, Fr N T Scaria, a veteran working with prisoners and prison reforms, Father C M Paul, Fr Franklin Menzes, Senior Railway officials Mr A K Dubey, Mr Yatish Kumar, Mr S P Singh, Mr V K Singh, Mr SS Priyadarshi, Dr Anjan Chattaraj and Dr Mandira Chattaraj, Mr Indrajit Basu, flautist, Mr Bhaskar Mukherjee, guitarist and cultural group Anandodhoni led by Mr Raja Bhattacharya and Ms Keya Biswas and performing arts group Nivedia Shakti led by Aastame Sharmishtha.
“We should all pay more attention to our neighbours and those in need and help them. Let us, on this 75th Anniversary of India’s Freedom, make a resolve to help India become great and prosperous. I congratulate Church Art for their good work and wish them the very best,” said Bishop P K George, Diocese of Miao, Arunachal Pradesh. Bishop George has been working in the remote areas of Arunachal Pradesh with tribals for the past six decades. He has created education and healthcare infrastructure in the North East.
Fr N T Scaria from West Midnapore, who was felicitated by Church Art, runs an initiative – Don Bosco Prison Ministry – to reform, release, rehabilitate and re-integrate prisoners. Nearly 50,000 prisoners and their families have directly or indirectly benefited from Fr Scaria’s efforts. Fr Scaria also started the only recognized motor driving training school in a prison.
Artistes, school children and musical exponents regaled the audience with their performance and renditions of flute and guitar.
Church Art Celebrates Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav In Collaboration With ICCR Kolkata
Zaid Khan & Sonal Monteiro starrer film Banaras, which is releasing Pan India on 4th November has released a new Party Song with the title Troll. The song Composed by Ajnesh Loknath & Sung by Nakash Aziz is going to be the new Party Anthem. […]
Breaking NewsZaid Khan & Sonal Monteiro starrer film Banaras, which is releasing Pan India on 4th November has released a new Party Song with the title Troll. The song Composed by Ajnesh Loknath & Sung by Nakash Aziz is going to be the new Party Anthem. The listener’s are already humming it’s punch Line “Money doesn’t Matter”.
Banaras is a mysterious Love story & the film has already created a huge buzz among the public with its intriguing promotional content.
After releasing the motion poster and first two Songs, the makers have now released the Troll Party Song in T Series YouTube Channel. Singer Nakash Aziz’s voice is going to pep up the party mood .
The song showcases the dancing abilities of actor Zaid Khan and it is tranquilizing the listener’s mood.
The song shot in Bangkok with a huge crowd is a true party popper which is youthful and entertaining. It has been garnering good response on YouTube and it seems to create a record in the coming days as well.
Banaras film is directed by Bell Bottom fame Jayatheerta and the film will be releasing Pan India in 5 languages Hindi Kannada Telugu Tamil & Malayalam .
Troll Song From The Film Banaras Released With A Punch Line – Money Doesn’t Matter
Kalyanji Jana’s initiative to further strengthen relations between India and UAE Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organization (DPIAF) NGO, DPIAF- Roti & Kapda Bank, Presents Prestigious Award Show Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films International 2022 has been done at Dubai’s luxurious five star hotel Habtoor […]
AwardsKalyanji Jana’s initiative to further strengthen relations between India and UAE
Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organization (DPIAF) NGO, DPIAF- Roti & Kapda Bank, Presents Prestigious Award Show Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films International 2022 has been done at Dubai’s luxurious five star hotel Habtoor grand resort on 27th July.
Its purpose is that Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji is the father of Bollywood Cinema. But Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji is not getting the respect he deserves. The person who should be worshiped like God by the people of the entire industry, is not being done. Seeing the same For the first time, an award show named by Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji has been done successfully in Dubai through Kalyanji Jana, who is the Founder Chairperson of Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organization (DPIAF), Global President Ankita Jana, National President Bheru Jain and National Youth President Gaurav Anil Shah, UAE- Senior President Jitendra Kumar Singla UAE- President Dr. Bu Abdullah, UAE-vice president Jitendra matrani, UAE- mahila vice president jagruti Soni, Dubai- President Sheikh Kaleem & Leena Naresh Vatnani & Nagma Khan,
Although there are many award shows in Mumbai under the name of Dadasaheb Phalke icon Award films (DPIAF) Organisation, but this is the first award show outside India in Dubai. Kalyanji Jana and his team are taking Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji to the international level. The purpose of this award function is that Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji should be known all over the world Apart from Bollywood, regional cinema of different states has also been possible only because of Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji.
Kalyanji Jana says that our film industry has completed 109 years, but there is no statue of Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji anywhere. In, Mumbai his 15-foot statue Kalyanji is going to be built, he is being supported by the Cabinet Minister of the Government of India, Shri Purushottam Rupala ji, the Minister of the Government of India, Shri Ramdas Athawale ji & Shri Faggan Singh Kulaste ji the MP of North Mumbai Shri Gopal Shetty ji and the President of FWICE Shri BN Tiwari ji,
A great statue of Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji is going to be built soon in Mumbai. In cinema halls, where shooting is done, there should be a photo of Shri Dadasaheb Phalke ji. When the film starts in the theatre, his photo should appear on the screen after the Rashtra Geet. We remember him with so much respect, he should be awarded Bharat Ratna. The highest tax to the Government of India goes from Bollywood industry.
Apart from the Dadasaheb Phalke’s name award function done in Dubai, also successful DPIAF – Miss & Mrs India & Dubai International Cultural Fashion Show 2022 where culture tourism from 28 states of our country will be presented. This will be the first such show. Along with this, culture tourism of seven states of UAE including Dubai will be introduced. In this way the culture tourism of India and UAE is being presented simultaneously. This is going to happen for the first time in history. At the same time, we are trying to tell the people of UAE that you only visit India once and you do not need to visit 35 countries. At the same time, we are also appealing to the people of India that if you go to UAE, then you will have the best experience of tourism there. Through this fashion show, we are working to bring the two countries together, increase the business opportunity Kalyanji Jana and his team are taking this step to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.
Apart from this, the DPIAF – Life style Iconic Award 2022 will be given to those people who have made their life style through struggle.
With this is done Honorary Doctorate award, by St. Mother Theresa University (USA). These 4 events done in Dubai.
Kalyanji Jana told that I sincerely thank you
Shri Pahlad Modi ji (brother pradhanmantri Shri Narendra Modi ji)
Shri Shyam Jaju ji (BJP National vice president)
Mr Jitendra Kumar Singla chairman (JK group of companies – UAE)
Mr Jitendra maltani UAE samaj sevak and businessman
Mr Rizwan Sajan (chairman Danube properties,
senior businessman and senior builder UAE )
Vinita madam (business woman)
Nagma Khan (chairman Shaaz media)
Mr Sachin Katarnawre (chairman 5G International)
Ajay harinath Singh (chairman Darwin platform group of companies and senior businessman)
Rakhi Sawant actress
Ali Quli Mirza singer
Raaj Suri (chairman 3rd rock multimedia and film company)
Sheikh Kaleem ( businessman Oman and Dubai and chairman Majan group)
Dpiaf – Global President Ankita Jana, National DPIAF -President Bheru Jain, DPIAF- National Youth President Gaurav Anil Shah, DPIAF – National Advisor BN Tiwari Ji & Abhijeet Rane ji,
Dr. Yogesh Lakhani (chairman bright outdoor media private limited)
DPIAF- National Legal Advisor Shailesh Dubey ji,
UAE -senior president Jitendra Kumar Singla ji
UAE – DPIAF President Dr BU Abdullah ji,
UAE -vice president Jitendra maltani ji,
UAE -mahila vice president Jagriti Soni,
UAE Dubai President Sheikh Kalemm & Leena Naresh Vatnani ji,
Actor Adil durani,
Model and actress Dr. Neelam Paradia,
Khaleej Times CT Times Dubai, Wityz company, news India, Santosh Kumar Gupta,
DJ Ram,
Actor tahil Kamal Khan
Amit bambulkar and Abhishek bambulkar
And bheru Jain all family member,
Very very Special thank you all lovely sponsors,
JK group of companies, 5G International, Danube properties, Darwin group of companies, wow records, Bulwark con chem companies, shaaz media,
Manoj Kumar Sharma, G V2 Gabx Token Vikas Radheshyam,
3rd Rock multimedia and film, bright outdoor Media private limited, Majan group, Siddhivinayak trophy and gifts, Bitica, Fwice, Indian Cinephile A complete media house,
my daughter Avika Jana, Mata Shankari Jana and Aarti bambulkar, father Bimal Jana, all members of the DPIAF team, DPIAF – creative head Mahesh Bhai.
I am very thankful God Har Har Mahadev,
He further said that in Dubai we are not only going to do this show but we are going to present India’s culture tourism there, we want to show that India is such a beautiful country, to unite both the countries. Today, the big stars, directors, are because of only one person whose name is Shri Dadasaheb Phalkej i .
All Awardee winner 2022 in Dubai
Dadasaheb Phalke icon Award films International
Erika Fernandes (Best Iconic Face of The Year),
Adil Durrani (Best New face of the year),
Chinki-Minki (Best Icon Jodi Comedy TV),
Priya Gupta ( National Best Womens Chef pride Award),
Rakhi Sawant ( Best Entertainer & Human Being),
Arjun Bijlani (Most Popular Anchor TV,
Gauahar Khan (Best Supporting Actress -14 Phere),
Afsana Khan ( Best Singer Female),
Ankita Lokhande (Best Popular Face TV Actress),
Mudassar Khan(Best Show Judge Dance India Dance),
Ali Quli Mirza (Wins Award for wallah Kaif Song & Ishqum,
Kavita Kedia(Confident and Beautiful Queen),
Bijal Doshi ( F & B Life Style Icon),
Dr. Neelam Paradia ( Excellence in Clinical & Cosmetic Dentistry),
Mr. Anuj Chuke ( Best Celebrity Manager Bollywood),
Mrs. Nayala (Best International Brindle Makeup artist),
Vishanti Coutoncar (Social Activist),
Dr. Anil Sureen (MD-Medicine, Premier NLP Trainer /Coach & Mentor (ICF-PCC),
Srishti Tiwari (CEO N Founder Of “Naari By Srishti” Best Fashion Designer),
Samadhan Hire (Social Worker),
Bharat Bhai Bhatt ( Humanity Services),
Payal Kathuria (Best Model & Actress),
Vinod Bachchan (Soundrya Production- Iconic Independent Producer Of The Year), Rajesh Puri (Best Legend Actor)
Mr. Rizwan Sajan ( Founder & Chairman Of Danube Group),
Simaran Ahuja (Best Celebrity Iconic Anchor),
Prashant Sharma ( Best Journalist News India),
Monish Behl (Best Icon Businessman & Fact News & Media Network),
Nishant Sharma ( Best IT Expert),
Deeksha Sharma ( Best News Channel News India),
Namita Rajhans & Tasneem Lathiwala ( Best Artist Reputation Management Shimmer Entertainment),
Lakhimai Sarmah Jorhat ( Assam Writer),
Renu Das ( Guwahati Assam Social Worker),
Dr. Asha Changmai Khanikar ( Socio Cultural Workar, Folk Dancer(Bihu),
Ajay Harinath Singh Darwin Platform Group of Companies chairmen (Best Icon Businessman 2022),
Amrita Singh ( Philanthropist Best social worker),
Harjyot Oberoi Bohra ( Influential Women in Media Industry),
Vivek Mishraa ( Playback Singer and Actor),
Shrutika Gaokkar ( Film Actor),
Purvesh Mehta ( Motor Trade- Best Businessman),
Kiku Sharda ( Best comedian TV 2022),
Jitendra Kumar Singla ( Best Icon Businessman (UAE),
Arjan Bajwa ( Best Actor for Amazon Series-Bestseller),
Meena Sethi Mondal ( Educationist and Film Producer),
Dr. Syed A. Mehndi (Best Icon Businessman 2022),
Amiee Misobbah ( Bollywood Upcoming model and Actress),
Dr. Fasi Khurram ( Founder, Producer and Festival Director WFF & World Oscars Awards),
Nivedita Basu ( Best content Creator TV & OTT 2022),
Raminder Singh Founder and CEO. Celebfie (Most Visionary and Innovative Entrepreneur in the entertainment Industry),
Samir Mulla ( Blockchain Counsellor and motivational Speaker),
Dr. Sahil Kadari ( Bitica Blockchain Founders & CEO /CMD Block beats Companies),
Satish Sanpal (Owner of VII Club),
Mrs Shikha Sahu (Best International Iconic Model),
Ivan Kazi ( Founder and Chairman Rama Real Estate),
Fasi Khurram ( Founder, Producer & Festival Director WFF and World Oscars Awards, Sana Islam Khan (Cute Face of 2022),
Nikki Tamboli (Super hot celebrity),
Suraj Jumani ( Emerging Business Icon),
Ravinder Soni ( CEO Influential Business Icon UAE),
Dr. Pradnya ( Excellence in Sports Medicine),
Hari Singh ( Alternative Medicine And Therapist),
Fazil Ahammad (Cloud Nine Event Management L.L.C),
Raaj Suri ( 3rd Rock Multimedia),
Wow Records (Capt Vikram Pandey),
Nagma Khan ( Best Management Company UAE),
Akansha Puri ( Mika dii voti Winner),
Memory of late Shikhaji( Danaos Ship Management),
Abhishek Nigam ( Best Brother Jodi TV),
Siddharth Nigam (Best Brother Jodi TV),
Nikita Rawal (Best Actress and Dancer),
Adnaan Shaikh ( Best Instagram Influencer),
Abhishek Bajaj ( Best Personality Actor),
Donal Bisht ( Best Personality Female TV),
Yogesh Lakhani ( Best Outdoor Media Partner Bright),
Gaurav S. Bajaj ( Best Chocolate Hero TV),
Yuvika Chaudhary ( Best Energetic Actress),
Punkaj Berry ( Best Supporting Actor),
Neha Silva ( Fashion Show Participate),
Vicky Jain ( Best Debutant TV),
Darshan Kumar ( Best Actor Male Kashmir Files),
Mourjo Chatterjee ( Best Celebrity Manager),
Ali Merchant ( Best Actor, Anchor and Dj),
Zaid Darbar (Best Dancer and influencer ),
Ms. Sana Sajan ( Woman Achiever Of The Year),
Ms. Shabnam Kassam ( Brand that Cares- CSR Initiative of the Year),
Ms. Vinita Hirani – Rising Star- PR and Marketing Manager Of the year),
Dr. Jiana Shah ( World Record Holder World Book of Record London- Best Child Prodigy 2022),
Saran Sasi Kumar (Renowned young Artist of Dubai UAE),
Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films International 2022 Has Been Done In 27th July At 5 Star Hotel Habtoor Grand Resort JBR In Dubai
Dr Basil Paul Paranayil Is A Man on Noble Mission Determined to Save 60 lakhs life of Kerala People One selfless man who is more concerned about others than himself is Basil Paul Paranagil who is on a mission to save 60 lakh life of […]
AwardsDr Basil Paul Paranayil Is A Man on Noble Mission Determined to Save 60 lakhs life of Kerala People
One selfless man who is more concerned about others than himself is Basil Paul Paranagil who is on a mission to save 60 lakh life of Kerala people trying to protect Mullaperiyar dam which is constructed 129 year old and is among the oldest 9 dams in the world .
Basil Paul met the Ramdas Athawale in Mumbai (Ministry of social Justice and Empowerment) for supporting to save 60 lakh plus people of Kerala and to help and support to re structure and build new dam. Basil Paul is in talking terms with Kerala and Central Government to take immediate action in this regards.
The Mullaperiyar Dam agreement was sign by Maharaja Visakham Thirunal. The construction work of the new day started in 1886.British engineer Colonel John Pennycook was in charge of construction of the dam. The construction of the dam failed twice due to the force of the work flow in Periyar. When India got Independence in 1947, Bala Ramavarma ,who was ruling Travancore at that time ,abrogated the Mullaperiyar agreement under the Indian Independence Act and announced Perumbara Koti throughout Travancore.From 1st to 5th Januarary 1941 ,Sir Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyeram participated in the trial. On May 12,1941 ,the verdict announced by the umpire was in favour of Travancore .Sir C.P . said that he informed the Viceroy that while Dunsi was earning 25 lakhs per annum from water ,Travancore was getting only 40,000 per annum and the injustice could not continue. It was this supplementary agreement signed between Kerela and Tamil Nadu on 29th May 1970 ,which proved to be very beneficial for Tamil Nadu and a setback for Kerala in legal battles.
The Bankio Dam in China collapsed. A famous hydrologist in China had given warning that the dam would collapse.
Basil Paul Paranayil is in future to take a mass demonstration and rally and showcase the issue through documentary to the world and is determined to win for the cause and became a savior.
More Than 60 Lakh People In Kerala Have No Protection For Their Life And Property Because Of Mullaperiyar Dam
Mumbai Cinema Award 2022 was organized by Sur Jhankar Cultural Society in a grand ceremony at Rangsharda, Mumbai where the chief guest was Dr. Rajan Handa (Aimil Pharmaceutical). Many guests including Dilip Sen, Ali Khan, Aarti Razdan, Agam Kumar Nigam, Virendra Singh (Founder – Twilight […]
Breaking NewsMumbai Cinema Award 2022 was organized by Sur Jhankar Cultural Society in a grand ceremony at Rangsharda, Mumbai where the chief guest was Dr. Rajan Handa (Aimil Pharmaceutical). Many guests including Dilip Sen, Ali Khan, Aarti Razdan, Agam Kumar Nigam, Virendra Singh (Founder – Twilight Family) and Kamal Kumar Hansraj (Sonotek Company) were present at the award ceremony organized by Mamta Srivastava.
The program started with Ganesh Vandana. Singer Subhash Kashyap sang the song “Tu Ganga Ki Mauj” while Mahendra Sharma mesmerized the audience by singing the song “Hai Duniya Usi Ki”. Sanjeev Suri sang “Ishq Mein Hum Tumhen Kya Batayen” and Om Chaturvedi sang “Jo Tum Ko Ho Pasand Wahi Baat Kahenge”.
Surili and Varsha dance on the song Hansta Hua Noorani Chehra. Mamta Srivastava, teacher of Surili and Varsha, was the organizer of this program. Surili is also Mamta’s daughter.
Sonu Nigam’s father Agam Kumar Nigam sang “Rang aur noor ki baaraat kise pesh karoon”.
Singer Usha Timothi ji sang a song Jab Jab Chand Nikla, Mujhe Tum Yaad Aaye, She sang for Rajshri Productions for the film Takdeer.
Usha ji said that Mohammed Rafi had suggested her name for this song.
Usha ji with Agam Kumar Nigam sang Bekhudi mei Sanam Uth Gaye Jo Kadam.
Usha ji sang the song Dil Ne Pukara aur Hum Chale Aaye. Dr. Sakshi Madan performed a dance here. She has done PhD in Kathak Dance.
Organizer Mamta Srivastava presented a tribute to Rafi ji and Lata ji. Another specialty of Mamta Srivastava is that she teaches music to the differently-abled. Mamta Srivastava sang the song “Chitthi na koi sandesh jaane kahan chale gaye.”
Karan Razdan’s upcoming film Hindutva was also promoted in this program. The title song of the film was shown. Aarti Razdan took the award for Karan Razdan.
In this program organized by Sur Jhankar at Rang Sharda Auditorium, Kamal Raheja did tremendous anchoring and did not let the audience move from his chair. Kamal Raheja has also played a character in Karan Razdan’s upcoming film Hindutva.
Sanjay Keni was also honored with the Mumbai Cinema Award 2022 for his mimicry. Miss Vini Rana was awarded the Best Promising New Comer Actress for her upcoming web series Honeymoon Diaries.
Singer Usha ji was awarded the Mumbai Cinema Award 2022. Dr Shailendra Srivastava, PK Gupta from Rajshree Productions, Vijay Upadhyay, Ali Khan also received the award. Ali Khan praised Mamta Srivastava’s melodious voice.
After receiving the award, Dilip Sen said that this is a great effort by Mamta Srivastava, the organizer of the Mumbai Cinema Award.
Sanjay Keni Actress Trupti Rajput, Agastya Anand, sanjeev Suri, subhash khasyap,
Mahendar Sharma, Vasant Bhandari, Actress Mini Bansal were also honored. Sudhir Gaikwad took Kreena’s award. Madhu Bharti, Pradeep Jain also got the award. The special thing is that this program was organized to help the disabled artists. Ramakant Munde took the award of Indian-origin singer Alka Bhatnagar living in America. Abhilasha Sharma got the honor. A Divyang artist won everyone’s heart by performing a dance.
Ramakant Munde (Munde Media) played the responsibility of PR of the award ceremony.
Pics :- Ramakant Munde Mumbai
Sur Jhankar organized Mumbai Cinema Awards 2022 in the presence of Dr Rajan Handa – Mamta Shrivastava – Dilip Sen – Ali Khan – Agam Kumar Nigam and Kamal Kumar Hansraj
Makers of Pan India film ‘Banaras’ Starring Zaid Khan and Sonal Monteiro are all excited to release another song for their movie. Named as ‘Troll Song’ is said to be a new party anthem is a joyful and high-energy song with upbeat music and dance […]
Breaking NewsMakers of Pan India film ‘Banaras’ Starring Zaid Khan and Sonal Monteiro are all excited to release another song for their movie. Named as ‘Troll Song’ is said to be a new party anthem is a joyful and high-energy song with upbeat music and dance moves and will be out on 16th September. After releasing the motion poster and first two Songs, the makers are releasing the Party Song in T Series YouTube Channel sung by Nakash Aziz, which is going to pep up the party mood.
The team shared a poster announcing the release date of the song and it has been creating a hype ever since. It is said to be showcasing the dancing abilities of actor Zaid Khan and is shot in Bangkok with a huge crowd. Troll Song is a true party popper which is youthful and entertaining. The music composed by B Ajnesh Loknath & Lyrics written by Arafat Mehmood
Banaras is directed by Bell Bottom fame Jayateerta and the film will be released Pan India on November 4th in 5 languages Hindi Kannada Telugu Tamil & Malayalam.
A mysterious love Story that features Zaid Khan and Sonal Monteiro in the lead roles, the film is creating a huge buzz among the public with its intriguing promotional content.The team will begin their promotional efforts with the release of this song and a Pan India press Meet is going to be held in Bangalore on September 26.
New Song ‘Troll Song’ from ‘Banaras’ movie Starring Zaid Khan and Sonal Monteiro to Release on 16th September
Nowadays, the era of boycott of films is going on, due to which the films being made at the cost of second crore are also flopping. The reason being told is that the wrong comment on a particular religion or the insult of a particular […]
Breaking NewsNowadays, the era of boycott of films is going on, due to which the films being made at the cost of second crore are also flopping. The reason being told is that the wrong comment on a particular religion or the insult of a particular religion by the script of the films. Casting director Himalaya Aggarwal says that films have nothing to do with a particular religion, it is just a group that is defaming big banners, which damages the film industry and makes India financially weak.
Himalaya, the casting director of Kesari film, says that I have done casting from religion to Yash Raj, here Hindus also work and Muslims also say we eat together on the set, it never seems that our religion is different, these people who These people are running the campaign of Boycott, whose job is only to spoil the condition of the country and to keep the people of the country away from films with good subjects.
Watch movies as entertainment and not for the purpose of spoiling the atmosphere of the country. It is worth mentioning that Himalaya Aggarwal is a well-known casting director of the Bollywood film industry, he works to find talent for Dharma Productions, Yash Raj Productions and many big production houses. He believes that with small budget films, the producer not only wastes his time, but he also wastes the time of the talented artist.
A film gives employment to thousands of people, the Boycott campaign has made a difference in the livelihood of thousands of people who are dependent only on the film industry. Due to the films of these big banners, employment is generated, if big budget films continue to flop like this, then who will invest 200 crores in their film, how will people get employment, so stay away from people with cruel mentality and films without boycotting.
Enjoy and watch movies just as entertainment because movies always give good message and people who boycott are those people who haven’t even seen the movie boycotting the movie just by looking at the name of the actor and banner are not correct. Many dignitaries including actors Girish Thapar, actress Mahi Kamla and Sunil Shroff were present on this occasion as well as the birthday of casting director Himalaya was also celebrated.
Himalaya Agarwal – Let Films Be Limited To Entertainment Only