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Mukesh Modi’s Hindi feature film political war has been rejected by Censor board Mumbai. When Modi submitted the film on August 22, 2023 with the Title “2024 Election War” RO Mahesh Patil rejected the title by saying its “provocative” even without watching the film, Mr Modi requested RO Mahesh Patil to watch the film but he refused and forced to change the title. Mr. Modi changed to new title “Political War”, CBFC previewed the film on September 12, 2023 and RO Mr. Mahesh Patil sent the film to revise committee without giving any show cause notification. Mr. Modi had to wait for three months for revise committee to preview the film. As per the Censor board guidelines, the revised committee must see the film within 15 days but they took three months.

Revise  committee previewed the film on December 12, 2023, approximately 10 people watched the film, but they could not come with any decision. New RO Sayyid Rabeehashmi mentioned that the result will be on the portal within a day or two but until December 20, 2023 there was no result or report was posted on the portal. Mr. modi visited film division Mumbai on December 20, 2023 and met new RO Mr. Sayyid Rabeehashmi And asked why there is no report until now, Mr. Sayyid Rabeehashmi had no answer And he said I have sent the report to the chairman Mr. Prasoon Joshi and Mr. Joshi will give the report within a day or two. Mr. modi asked RO Sayyid Rabeehashmi are you sure that I will get the report within a day or two? Mr. Sayyud said he is not sure about that and he does not have any answer for that and he was really rude and said to Modi if you want to complain about us you can do so, Mr. modi had no choice, but to listen to him and then walk out and wait for the report after two days RO Sayyid Rabeehashmi rejected the film on December 22, 2023

Mr. Modi was really shocked when he saw the report on the portal the sensor board did not suggest any cut any editing they simply rejected the entire film. Mr. Modi says he does not understand how come the Censor board approves so many dirty non-cultural, violence, anti-religious films like animal, adhipurush, PK and many more but they did not approve Political War which is bringing the awareness to the Indian audience how the external power is trying to break India with the help of some corrupt leaders giving the message that Indian culture believes in unity in diversity and universe is one family.

This film is an eye-opening for community so they can understand how the external power is trying to break India by dividing community on their religious. This film is giving message to the community that we must be united and we should not fight with each other. This film is also motivating the community to vote for the good leaders.

Mr. Modi is an NRI who cares about India and Indians. He says that he has spent a lots of money and time to make this film, he has sacrificed more than 18 months, his business, his family life and also lost a lot of money due to traveling and staying away from home. By rejecting this film by Cencer board, he says I’m not sure if I’m going to invest again in India, or make film in India Mr. Modi is a Hollywood director and producer made award-winning film “The Elevator”starring Oscar nominee Eric Roberts. Mr. Modi also says there could be many producers and directors who might be suffering from the Censor board of their non-performance activities and delaying the process. Mr. Modi says as he can’t release the film in the Theatre due to this he will lose lots of money, and asking who will be responsible for it? He is requesting to Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi to concentrate and take care of this important department, and also film industry as people are getting influenced by films. It’s really important the Censor board to approve the appropriate films which will help over Indian culture community and Indians. Film is a soft power which can educate or destroy the community. It’s up to the Censor board that what kind of content they approve I request Mr. Narendra ji Modi – the Prime Minister of India to appoint, smart and educated people to take care of the Censor board department As Film is one of the big source to give message to audience.


The Indian election is coming up and corrupt politicians are raising funds from outsiders who are not  aligned with the agenda of growing India into a prosperous nation. Politicians will go to any extent to win  the election – lie to people, create fear, provoke them on the basis of fake news – which you will all  witness in Political War. The film is a political fiction story where we get to see the corrupt side of politics  starring Seema Biswas, Rituparna Sengupta, Milind Gunaji, Shishir Sharma, Prashant Narayan, Aman  Verma, Abhay Bhargav, JitenMukhi, Prithvi Zutshi, Subhashis Chakraborty, Dev Sharma, Kanan  Malhotra, GaurvalAmlani, Ravi Sharma, Sweety Walia, Anu Sharma, Twinkle Saini, Arun Bakshi, Bill  Mcandrew, Isaac Platizky and many more.

Synopsis of “Political War”

When India became an Independent Nation in 1947, it granted great power to each man and woman – power of ‘right to vote’ and a right to select their leader. Leaders are to serve the best interests of the  nation and its citizens. They are the hope of a better life and future. However, with passing of time, some  politicians changed the meaning of politics.

Present politics turned out to be a battle- “A Battle for a Throne”. Some politicians today want to enjoy  authority over people while collecting loads of wealth during their reign. “Political War” is showcasing a story for the 2024 Indian election of how conspiracies are made in  country and how foreign support is taken to turn citizens against their own nation while putting the  country at stake.

How are the elections today turning out to be a “war?” “Political War” will reveal the answers to these questions!

Our Objective

* Motivate the Community to Vote

* Expose Corrupt Politicians

* Expose Corrupt Foreign Resources

* India believes Unity in Diversity.

*  The Universe is one family

Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website Or our Editors. We  does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency.

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