Yatan Sharma, better known by his stage name “Kesa Yeh Pyar”, is a rising rapper and singer from the streets of India. Yatan Sharma is a talented rapper and singer who has taken the musicindustry by storm with his unique blend of hip-hop and R&B. Yatan Sharma up surroundedby the sounds of rap and soul music, which heavily influenced his musical style.
He startedwriting and performing his own music in his early teens and quickly gained a following in hislocal community.Yatan Sharma’s big break came when he was discovered by a well-known record producer“Dev ocean” who was impressed by his raw talent and original sound. With the producer’ssupport, Yatan released his first Raping song on 4 Feb on his youtube channel “YatanSharms Official”, which quickly rose to the top of the charts and earned critical acclaim.
The album showcased Yatan’s lyrical prowess, as well as his ability to seamlessly blend hip-hopand R&B in a way that had never been done before.He started his music career by performing at local talent shows and quickly gained afollowing in his community. His first rap song will be caught the attention of a local recordlabel. Yatan Sharma’s unique style and versatility in rapping and singing sets him apart fromother artists in the rap industry.
He seamlessly blends his hard-hitting lyrics with melodichooks, creating a sound that appeals to fans of all ages.Aside from his music, Yatan Sharma is known for his philanthropic efforts, using his platformto raise awareness and funds for various charitable organizations.
Yatan Sharma’s talentand dedication have earned him numerous accolades, including several Grammynominations and awards. He has also collaborated with some of the biggest names in themusic industry, further solidifying his position as one of the most exciting and dynamic artistsin the rap scene.
Discover The Mesmerizing Sound Of Yatan Sharma – A Journey Through Soulful Melodies