The earth is her muse. And Sanjukta Arun paints her ballads on the canvas. Whether it be her series on the mighty waves that define how life is a series of waves to be embraced and overcome by surfing through them, or the forests where we find solace seeing the tree remain a tree, Sanjukta walks her life’s paths unseen to the world hidden in the depth of her creations. It is those answers Sanjukta shares with the world.
Painted Ballads is a collection of poems on canvas on display at the Nehru Centre from Nov 29- Dec 5.
The funds raised through the sale and auction of the paintings will be utilised for the treatment of children suffering from cancer.
On December 3, a special celebration for a batch of 20 children suffering from cancer will be organised, where the children get to paint and showcase their skill for painting. It will be followed by a magic show where gifts and goodies galore. The artist has appealed to art lovers to come forward and support the bravehearts.
“This is merely a small gesture to brighten the lives of these children. We should all come together to brighten their lives. When a child sees a ray of hope, it helps them fight the disease with renewed hope. That is all we seek — to see them emerge winners.”
Adds Anita Peter, Executive Director, CPAA, “Sanjukta Arun has been supporting cancer survivors for years through the sale and auction of her paintings. Cancer pushes both the patients and their families into trauma due to the high expenditure, pain and pressure. The disease is ugly and there is the constant need to remind families that life is beautiful.and worth fighting for. Beautiful people like Sanjukta inspire not just the children and their families but common people to be the change!”
Nature Fights The Battle For Cancer Kids Through Sanjukta Arun’s Painted Ballads