0 2 min 4 yrs

The Grand Finale Of Joil’s   Mr.  Miss & Mrs. Universe 2020 was held in Mumbai on 4 October 2020 with all precautions And social disatance maintained as per Govt. rules. This is the first Pageant  of Mumbai after unlock all all over India.

The contestants for very eneregetic after being  declarred winner thru all Virtual auditions and grooming sessions, the selections was even done by respectable Jury’s thru video conferencing and all individual tasks were performed virtually so jury had a tough decision in selecting the winners. All the contestants who participated have learnt lot from this pageant, which is surely going to help then in their career.

Founderof this fabulous pageant  is Sandy Joil, Co Founder Ashwin Rajput, President Surjit Dadiala, with Priya Rana as Groome hbr, Nutan Vaichal Associate Partner & Groomer, Nitish Kadam as Director, Mekup Artists Partner Dipali, Disinger Partner Vaibhav, Photography Partner Sahil Sawant, Crown & Sash Partner – Prem Gada, Crown Partner Vasudha Creation & Groomers were Avinash Payal, Bharat Gupta, Anushka Sharma & Kizar Husain.

This “Mr Miss & Mrs Universe 2020”, pageant is  first event where every contestants were groomed and judged virtually via internet. So all praise go to organisers of Joil Entertainment for conducting such a beautiful event and giving contestants a breakthrough to  go ahead in their dream field of Fashion.


Winner in Miss category

Miss. Samiksha Ravindra Bhosle ( Winner ) ( from Mumbai ), Miss. Dipti Vijayrao Shendre (1st runner-up), Aishwarya Gokhale ( 2nd runner up ).

Winner in Mr  category

Winner – Pranav Pandey, 1st Runner up Yash Ravindra  thorat  & 2nd runner up  Pushpak Pashine.

Winner in Mrs category

Mrs Ashwini Parag Patil ( Jalgaon ), Mrs.Bhagyashri Sandip Borse (from Pune)(1st runner up ), Dr .Preeti Bokdia( 2nd runner up ).