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Ms. Nisha Jhangiani was invited to speak at “A Unique Business Conclave 2019” organized by WEE – Women Entrepreneurs Enclave and E4BM – Enclave for Business Men. She shared her insights on how individuals can transform their lives by tapping into their authentic self.

Nisha is a professional counsellor and trained hypnotherapist from Singapore who recently moved to Mumbai to continue to open up the conversation around mental health. She believes that every individual has the resources within to create the changes they desire, it all comes down to taking that first step.

“Mental Wellness is the term we use when it comes of taking care of ones state of mind, however, this can be achieved by not only eliminating factors that create stress but to work on nurturing resilience and a holistic approach to self-care.  This is done by focusing on an overall alignment of ones Body, Mind & Spirit to create a positive state of mind.


Nisha looks to bring this Unique Approach to Individual Wellbeing to India. This concept allows for each person to embrace themselves from an authentic space, and allow for self reflection and deep transformation.

“We are excited to soon bring a unique program that is essential to not only working individuals and leaders of organizations, but to students as well as home makers”.

A survey on wellness was done by Cigna TTK Health Insurance titled 2018 Cigna 360° Well-Being Survey – Future Assured. It showed that 89% of Indians claim they are stressed compared to the Global average of 86%, while 75% of them do not feel comfortable speaking to a medical professional about their problems. 1

“The focus is on providing individuals a support system that offers them tools to develop manage their own internal balance and resilience, while allowing them to cope better with external stressors.”

This unique approach is centered on empowering individuals to come up with positive solutions in alignment with their authentic self. It would enable them to not only manage stress, but enhance their interpersonal relationships, tap into their internal sense of purpose and provide them with practical tools to make positive changes in their lives.

Reach out to Nisha for more information on this Wellbeing Initiative at nisha@outlook.sg.