A laughter riot, comedy film with multi-layered characters is all set to tickle your funny bone with outstanding performances by the finest Indian and Nepali actors. The film is a perfect blend of humour, songs, dance and drama.
A comedy film with Rajpal Yadav (Mama) and Aryan Adhikari (Bhanja) are notorious partners who wants to be millionaires but don’t want to work hard for it. They are trouble makers, honest but crooked, loved by some, hated by many!
‘Kadke Kamaal Ke’ is a humorous story of 2 such lethargic, day dreamers.
The villagers of village Panauti in Nepal where the Mama- Bhanja duo reside consider them as Panauti and wish to get rid of them.
A fake Sadhu promises (as collaborated by the Mukhiya of the village) promises them great richness and success in the mayanagri of Mumbai and advise them to shift in the mega city.
In this journey the story shifts from Nepal to India, The duo lands in Mumbai and by sheer luck they not only become Karodpati (millionaires) but also meet the love of their life.
As soon as they start enjoying their rich life the devastating earthquake in Nepal occurs and the duo decides to give away all their money for the welfare and development of their village. The Karodpati becomes Kadke again.
But that is not all, with interesting twists and turns through the film, these large hearted Kadkes succeed to become Karodpatis again.
The USP of the film is:
1] Indo Nepal film in which lead actors mainly hero and heroine are
from Nepal and India . Nepalese actors conversing in Hindi is
pleasantly surprising for Nepali as well as Indian audiences..
2] Rajpal Yadav in a humurous Nepali character is a big attraction .
3] Sweet songs and dance some of them having distinct Nepali flavour
which is refreshing.
4] Comedy by Rajpal Yadav, Vijay Patkar and Dayananad Pandey.Nita Dhungana Robust performances by Aarti Solanki, Rajiv Nigam, Uday Dhaiya, Rana Jungbahadur, Angel Shreshta, Ram Chandra Adhikari, Prakash Ghimire and Usha Nadkarni add glamour and charm to the film.
5] A strong bonding between India and Nepal.]]>