Benafsha Soonawalla, Bhumanyu are marked by their single-minded quest for success and achievement.
While others equate success with being famous & rich, Benafsha Soonawalla, Bhumanyu who will feature in “THE ILLUSIONER”– most awaited calendar’s for the year equate success by excelling in their chosen field. No matter how ambitious or humble their dreams, they show a strong will to work towards them.
The weight of expectation can be crushing , especially if you are the torch bearers of spanning brilliance in entertainment & fashion industry. But both Benafsha & Bhumanyu seem unruffled, coming across very much as their own personalities—faces that encapsulates young, modern, intelligent India.
How do they react to being called youth icons? “It’s flattering & complementing, equally nerve wreaking. It comes with its own share of expectation & responsibilities, hope we fulfill them”
There couldn’t have been a better choice to pronounce them as the “YOUTH ICONS”]]>