I don’t follow anyone. I believe it all begins in your own mind. I always challenge myself, and fight and compete with myself. Undaunted by challenges and what others may term “IMPOSSIBLE”, I keep trying to push my limits, and set small targets to achieve bigger goals. I love to workout and sweat at gym I believe our body is a temple where the spirit abides and must be treated with care and respect. A regular fitness regime is the least we can do to invest in our overall well-being.
My hobbies are singing, dancing, cooking, gardening, sports. Also, as an habit, I spend quality time with family (God gifted family, charity homes, and special schools). I have taken responsibility of sponsoring for a girl child’s education at Rakhsana Charitable Trust. Above all, I believe simplicity is the core for good work. Let’s all join hands and do the best we can to create a hallmark in 2018.]]>