The stage is all set to welcome some of the most amazing and talented Indian women.
The dazzling budding contestants in the Platinum category ( age: 20 to 35 ) are mapping the huge responsibility while learning the balancing act of work mode , home and passion.
While the elegant and life experienced contestants in the Gold category ( age : 35 To
50 ) are leading by example.
Pictures of Platinum Category 35 yrs to 50 yrs ( 27 contestants )
1=Amita yadav
2=Arundhuti Maitra
3=Anita Singh
4=Anjana adhikary
5==Falguni kalpesh
6==Geeta Sharma
7=Gulshan banu
8=henna Daswani
9=harshika gupta
10=Karuna chandirani
11=Meeta Prajapati
12=Manjusha upadhyay
13=Neena Rajan
14=-Neetu Singh
15==Nupur Sabharwal Tandon
16==nabanita Singh
17=Priyanka Maitra
18=Parul gulati
19=Poonam Singh
20==Ritu Kataria
21=Rita Sharma
22=ruby machra
23=sriparna Roy
24=Sutapa Banerjee
25=Shweta Kaushal
26=Sangeeta Sinha
27 =Vinaya Shenoy]]>