Here is the inteaction of Swarda Thigale
Q-What’s your role like in Savitri Devi college and hospital? Is it close to who you are in real life??
Ans-In savitridevi college and hospital show I’m playing a doctor’s role as Dr. Sanchi. Its not close to my real self because i am much more sorted with my thoughts, my ideals and my appearance in real life.
Q-Where would we see Swarda in five years from now?
Ans-You would see Swarda in bollywood, playing different challenging characters
Q-Anything you want to say to your fans?
Ans-Keep supporting me just the way you have till now and I would keep entertaining you guys with surprising performances and different characters in shows, movies, plays, etc.
Q-What is it like to work on a TV set and having to shoot everyday? Does it get stressful? If yes, how do you cope up with stress?
Ans-It is very stressful and when i get an off for a day or two i relax with my family and regain my energy, I meditate, watch light hearted films and dance which I think is the best stress buster.
Q -At what age did you know you wanted to be an actor?
Ans-My dad and my mom noticed the qualities in me that are required to be a performer and actor, and faithfully kept following the path that they chose for me and at the end it became my dream and they kept encouraging and supporting me to follow my dream and that’s why I’m here. I’m honestly very grateful to them.]]>