0 2 min 7 yrs

The company’s website carries a news item (http://ariservices.com/news-ARI%20opens%20new%20office%20in%20India%20to%20cut%20costs.php) announcing the opening of its office in New Delhi, dated April 1, 2014. The report states that the office has been opened “in response to market demands for cheaper back-end Registry service providers.” It further adds: “Quality staff and technology was available in India, but we strategically chose against this to pass on savings to our clients.” It states that Adrian Kinderis, CEO of ARI/Neustar made a commitment that ARI/Neustar will cut as many corners as possible to reduce costs. His quote: “If there is going to be a race to the bottom, then we want to win it. You’d literally have to set up operations in a Cambodian sweatshop to beat us.” The report carries on to note that “Clients interested in on-boarding to our new cheaper Registry system are advised to expect heavy delays, poor support and inferior quality.” Does a company such as this, really have the right to set up shop in India? Hopefully this is being noted by the Government.]]>