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कोल्हापूर: समाजसेवेच्या क्षेत्रात निःस्वार्थ भावनेने कार्य करणाऱ्या संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांना डॉ. अनिल काशी मुरारका आणि मंदाकिनी यांच्या हस्ते ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ प्रदान करण्यात आला. हा सन्मान त्यांच्या सामाजिक योगदान आणि निःस्वार्थ सेवेसाठी समर्पित आहे. संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड गेल्या २५ वर्षांपासून रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ […]
Digital NewsThe lead actor of this music video song is Ashim Patawari who is a resident of Mumbai. He was born and schooled in Guwahati, Assam and completed his college from National College, Mumbai. This is his first project for which Ashim is very excited. Along […]
ActorsImagine turning your passion into a thriving Model before you even hit 30. That’s exactly what Jeet Brar did. At just 27, this woman from Punjab transformed her dream into reality, becoming a symbol of success in Jalandhar. She shows everyone that with hard work […]
Digital Newsकोल्हापूर: समाजसेवेच्या क्षेत्रात निःस्वार्थ भावनेने कार्य करणाऱ्या संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांना डॉ. अनिल काशी मुरारका आणि मंदाकिनी यांच्या हस्ते ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ प्रदान करण्यात आला. हा सन्मान त्यांच्या सामाजिक योगदान आणि निःस्वार्थ सेवेसाठी समर्पित आहे. संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड गेल्या २५ वर्षांपासून रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ […]
Digital Newsकोल्हापूर: समाजसेवेच्या क्षेत्रात निःस्वार्थ भावनेने कार्य करणाऱ्या संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांना डॉ. अनिल काशी मुरारका आणि मंदाकिनी यांच्या हस्ते ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ प्रदान करण्यात आला. हा सन्मान त्यांच्या सामाजिक योगदान आणि निःस्वार्थ सेवेसाठी समर्पित आहे.
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड गेल्या २५ वर्षांपासून रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (अठावले गट) या पक्षाशी जोडल्या गेलेल्या असून, सध्या त्या महाराष्ट्र प्रदेशाच्या मुख्य सचिव (चीफ सेक्रेटरी) पदावर कार्यरत आहेत. त्यांना केंद्रीय मंत्री रामदास आठवले यांच्या नेतृत्वाखाली काम करणे आवडते. त्यांचे मत आहे की, रामदास आठवले हे सशक्त आणि दूरदर्शी नेते आहेत, ज्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली त्या समाजासाठी अहोरात्र कार्य करत आहेत.
गरीबांच्या सेवेला मानले सर्वोच्च धर्म
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड म्हणतात की, गरीबांची सेवा करणे हाच त्यांचा सर्वोच्च धर्म आहे. त्या नेहमी देवाकडे अशी प्रार्थना करतात की, त्यांना अधिक सक्षम बनवावे, जेणेकरून त्या गरजूंच्या सेवेसाठी अधिक जोमाने कार्य करू शकतील.
सतत मिळत आहेत पुरस्कार आणि सन्मान
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांना त्यांच्या समाजसेवेबद्दल अनेक प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कारांनी सन्मानित करण्यात आले आहे. त्यांच्या निःस्वार्थ सेवेला, महिलांच्या सशक्तीकरणासाठी केलेल्या कार्याला आणि शिक्षण क्षेत्रातील योगदानाला समाजात मोठा प्रतिसाद मिळत आहे.
शिक्षण व आरोग्य क्षेत्रातील योगदान
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड केवळ समाजसेवेपुरती मर्यादित नाहीत, तर त्यांनी कोल्हापूरच्या सहा गावांना दत्तक घेतले आहे, जिथे त्या मुलांना मोफत शिक्षण पुरवतात. तसेच, त्यांचा एक नर्सिंग स्कूलही आहे, जिथे आरोग्य क्षेत्रातील कुशल व्यावसायिक घडवण्याचे कार्य केले जाते.
कोविड महामारीत निःस्वार्थ सेवा
कोविड-१९ महामारीदरम्यान त्यांनी गरजूंसाठी अन्न, कपडे आणि औषधांची व्यवस्था केली. त्यांच्या अथक प्रयत्नांमुळे शेकडो लोकांना मदत मिळाली आणि त्यांनी समाजसेवेवरील आपली निष्ठा सिद्ध केली.
महिला सशक्तीकरणात महत्त्वपूर्ण भूमिका
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड नेहमीच महिलांच्या सुरक्षेसाठी आणि त्यांच्या हक्कांसाठी लढा देत राहिल्या आहेत. त्यांनी अनेक महत्त्वाचे प्रश्न उपस्थित करून महिलांना न्याय मिळवून दिला आणि त्यांचा आत्मसन्मान टिकवून ठेवला.
वडिलांकडून मिळाली समाजसेवेची प्रेरणा
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांना समाजसेवेची प्रेरणा त्यांच्या वडिलांकडून मिळाली. त्यांच्या मार्गदर्शनाखाली त्या समाजाच्या उन्नतीसाठी अहोरात्र झटत आहेत.
त्यांच्या या समाजसेवेला सन्मानित करत ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ प्रदान करण्यात आला, जो त्यांच्या अथक मेहनतीचे प्रतीक आहे. यापूर्वीही त्यांना अनेक प्रतिष्ठित पुरस्कारांनी गौरवण्यात आले आहे.
सध्या त्या रिपब्लिकन पार्टी ऑफ इंडिया (अठावले गट) च्या महाराष्ट्र प्रदेशाच्या मुख्य सचिव (चीफ सेक्रेटरी) म्हणून कार्यरत आहेत.
आपत्ती काळात तत्पर मदत
महाराष्ट्रातील कोणतीही आपत्ती असो, संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड नेहमीच लोकांसोबत खंबीरपणे उभ्या राहिल्या आहेत. काही वर्षांपूर्वी आलेल्या महापुराच्या वेळी कोकण, कोल्हापूरसह महाराष्ट्रातील अनेक जिल्ह्यांमध्ये त्या गरजूंसाठी अन्न, कपडे आणि आवश्यक वस्तूंची मदत घेऊन पोहोचल्या होत्या. याच सेवाभावी वृत्तीमुळे त्या लोकांच्या हृदयावर अधिराज्य गाजवत आहेत. त्यांच्या अनुयायांचे आणि सहकाऱ्यांचे त्या कायम पाठबळ मिळवत आहेत.
सरकारच्या योजनांचा लाभ गरिबांपर्यंत पोहोचवण्याचा संकल्प
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांनी माध्यमांशी संवाद साधताना सांगितले की, त्यांच्या जिल्ह्यात तसेच आसपासच्या भागांमध्ये सरकारच्या योजनांचा लाभ गरिबांपर्यंत पोहोचवणे हे त्यांचे मुख्य उद्दिष्ट आहे.
त्या देशाचे पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी, गृहमंत्री अमित शाह आणि केंद्रीय मंत्री रामदास आठवले यांच्या विचारधारेने प्रेरित आहेत. त्यांच्या मते, हे नेते देशाच्या विकासासाठी मोलाचे योगदान देत आहेत. आज देशातून भ्रष्टाचार आणि गुंडगिरी कमी होत आहे.
शिक्षण प्रणाली अधिक मोफत करण्याची मागणी
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड यांनी पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी यांच्याकडे मागणी केली आहे की, देशातील शिक्षण व्यवस्था अधिक मोफत करावी, जेणेकरून गरीब मुलांना शिक्षण मिळू शकेल आणि ते देशाच्या प्रगतीत योगदान देऊ शकतील. त्या म्हणाल्या की, आपला देश लवकरच ‘विश्वगुरू’ बनेल, यासाठी शिक्षण हे महत्त्वाचे साधन आहे.
त्यांच्या समाजसेवेच्या कार्याने त्या आज एक प्रेरणादायी व्यक्तिमत्त्व बनल्या आहेत आणि ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ हा त्यांच्या कर्तृत्वाचा गौरवच आहे.
संघमित्रा ताई गायकवाड: समाजसेवेची प्रेरणा, ‘पॉप्युलर सिव्हिलियन एक्सलन्स अवॉर्ड’ने सन्मानित
The lead actor of this music video song is Ashim Patawari who is a resident of Mumbai. He was born and schooled in Guwahati, Assam and completed his college from National College, Mumbai. This is his first project for which Ashim is very excited. Along […]
ActorsThe lead actor of this music video song is Ashim Patawari who is a resident of Mumbai. He was born and schooled in Guwahati, Assam and completed his college from National College, Mumbai. This is his first project for which Ashim is very excited. Along with this, the shooting of a web series on Netflix and a music video song is also going to start soon. Ashim was fond of becoming an actor from the beginning. Initially, he helped in his family business but the actor inside him brought him to the world of acting.
Ashim joined Tiger Shroff’s Matrix Gym Styler to keep himself fit and reduced his weight by ten kilos and made himself well-shaped. His journey was very interesting. His gym coach is Sandeep Yadav. Ashim joined acting classes so that his acting skills could improve. Ashim says that this was his first project, so he was very nervous in the beginning but his choreographer and director fully supported and encouraged him. If any work is new and done for the first time, it takes time to understand it. Time and experience bring improvements in it which make the struggler mature.
Ashim loves going to the gym and listening to songs. He says that whatever goals you set in your life, be determined to achieve them. Do not waste your time trying to be like someone else. Do not compare yourself with anyone else, rather give your best to yourself and put yourself in the competition of making yourself better and better, your hard work will be automatically noticed by everyone.
Ashim, while sharing the memorable moments of the shooting of his music video song, tells that during the shooting he was made to wear an Arabic dress, wearing which shooting was very entertaining and full of a new experience.
This music video is being directed by Rohin Banerjee. This music video is being made under the banner of Sapna Film Production House. In this music video song, a new story has been created by recreating an old song. Creative director is Shuna Sharma. The producer of this music video song, Hariom Sharma, is producing Vasundhra serial for Doordarshan in which many big and experienced artists of the industry are working.
Producer Hariom Sharma’s Music Video Song EK HASEENA THI Is Going To Be Released Soon On Saregama
Imagine turning your passion into a thriving Model before you even hit 30. That’s exactly what Jeet Brar did. At just 27, this woman from Punjab transformed her dream into reality, becoming a symbol of success in Jalandhar. She shows everyone that with hard work […]
Digital NewsImagine turning your passion into a thriving Model before you even hit 30. That’s exactly what Jeet Brar did. At just 27, this woman from Punjab transformed her dream into reality, becoming a symbol of success in Jalandhar. She shows everyone that with hard work and self-reliance, anything is possible.
Jeet Brar’s journey began in the heart of Punjab. Her upbringing and early experiences shaped her into the Sought After Model she is today. Let’s explore the influences that laid the foundation for her success.
Punjab, the land of five rivers, is rich in culture and tradition. Its values likely played a big role in Jeet’s ambition. The strong work ethic common in Punjab helped inspire her.
Education is key, and it certainly helped Jeet. What she learned gave her the tools to succeed. But it wasn’t just textbooks; early experiences also sparked her drive.
Imagine the bright lights, the thumping music, and the electric energy as a young woman hears her name called. She has just been crowned Miss Jalandhar! For her, it wasn’t just a shiny crown, but the key to unlocking a world of opportunities. This is the story of how ramp walks, artistic vision, and a single pageant win changed everything. Before the crown and the spotlight, there was the ramp. Many models start here. It’s where they learn the basics.
In 2014, she stepped onto the ramp. It was a new world. Each walk was a lesson. She learned about posture, expression, and owning the stage. The journey wasn’t easy. There were stumbles and moments of doubt. Yet, with each show, she grew stronger. Ramp walking became her training ground. It sharpened her focus. She chose this path to learn the art of presentation.
The Miss Jalandhar pageant wasn’t just a beauty contest. It was a chance to shine. It was a platform for ambition and talent.
She learned about Miss Jalandhar through friends. The pageant seemed like a natural next step. It combined her skills with her dreams. She saw it as a chance to prove herself. She also saw it as a way to open new doors. The idea of representing Jalandhar inspired her.
Along the way, Jeet hit some big milestones. Product launches, partnerships, and expansions all showed progress. Jeet’s success isn’t just about her. It’s also about how she has helped Jalandhar, both in money matters and by inspiring others.
Her good acting and beautiful modeling made her very popular and at the same time she got a chance to advertise a jewelery as a new opportunity in 2018. She was highly respected by her friends and with his support she got a chance to work in a dream girl project with Virus Wings, she honed her skills through many other ups and downs.
With the support and reference of her friend, she got a new opportunity in 2022 In it, she got a chance to become Miss Dream Girl 2025 with her great modeling skills.
Will Be Walking On Ramp OF United fashion walk along With Global Excellence Icon Award
Edition 7 Organised By Om Kreem Production Organised by Being Yash Gupta In Delhi On 23 March 2025 delhi chatarpur.
Jeet Brar: A 27-Year-Old Punjab Model Became The Face Of Jalandhar
Mr. Devidas Shravan Naikare is such a personality who has shown a new path to success by combining business and spirituality together. He is the founder of Devidas Group of Company and with his unique ideas and 17 years of experience, he inspires people to […]
AwardsMr. Devidas Shravan Naikare is such a personality who has shown a new path to success by combining business and spirituality together. He is the founder of Devidas Group of Company and with his unique ideas and 17 years of experience, he inspires people to move forward not only in business but also personally.
Devidas Group of Company has organized Udyog Bhushan Sanmaan 2025 function at Bhosari ,pune to encourage the businessmen of our country and to move forward in business, in which more than 40 entrepreneurs were honored by the Chief Guest, famous actress Sonali Kulkarni ji. Bollywood star Ali Khan ji and famous music director mr.Dilip Sen ji were also present in this.
To inspire the entrepreneurs of our country, mr.Devidas Naikare has written 12 inspirational books on daring for the first time in India in two languages English and Hindi, which are showing the path of self-development and success to thousands of youth and entrepreneurs. His knowledge and experience have been enriched by the teachings of his five great Gurus, who inspired him to think and act in the right direction.
Mr. Naikare believes that real success is not just about earning money, but also about peace and clear thinking. He combines positive thinking, mindfulness and spiritual techniques with modern business strategies. His coaching methods help entrepreneurs and businessmen to move forward rapidly and live a balanced life.
Since childhood, mr. Devidas Naikare was inclined towards both business and spirituality. He always thought about how to combine these two powerful aspects together, so that not only financial success is achieved, but also happiness, peace and stability remain within us. This thought inspired him to take a different path, where he emphasizes on mental and spiritual development along with business strategies. He kept on creating awareness among people and kept on teaching and showing the path to all entrepreneurs to make our country prosperous.
His most unique feature is that he has the ability to transform ordinary individuals, entrepreneurs into extraordinary businessmen. His coaching and teachings are not limited to technical or business knowledge, but they also change the way people think and work. And also develop people spiritually.
He combines meditation, mindset and ancient spiritual techniques with modern business strategies to strengthen and focus the minds of startup businesses or troubled entrepreneurs of our country. And teaches them to progress in business. That is why thousands of people, entrepreneurs and students participate in his business workshops and sessions, who achieve health, wealth, relationship, happiness, peace of mind and success not only in their career but also in their lives.
He also teaches people online and helps them to be successful in their lives.
#devidasnaikare #bestspiritualbusinesscoach
In his career so far, he has won more than 30 national awards, including the Young Entrepreneur Award (2022), Maharashtra Business Icon Award (2023), and Shri Mahatma Gandhi Rashtriya Samman Award (2023). These honors reflect his business achievements and his contribution to society.
Apart from this, he also has a keen interest in social service. He actively participates in various social works related to education, health and empowerment. His goal is to make society better by sharing knowledge, promoting self-reliance and strengthening the spirit of service.
His life and teachings prove that with the right guidance and positive thinking, anyone can go from ordinary to extraordinary. He is not just a business guru, but a guide who not only shows people the path to reach the heights of success but also inspires them to live a balanced, happy and meaningful life.
Mr. Devidas Shravan Naikare Is Such A Personality Who Has Shown A New Path To Success By Combining Business And Spirituality Together
Mumbai Global Publication organized Award Ceremony at Muktti Cultural Hub at Model Town, Andheri. The name of this award is ‘Indian Star Award’. This was the 23rd successful award show organized by Mumbai Global Editor and CEO of Mumbai Global News Magazine Rajkumar Tiwari and […]
AwardsMumbai Global Publication organized Award Ceremony at Muktti Cultural Hub at Model Town, Andheri. The name of this award is ‘Indian Star Award’. This was the 23rd successful award show organized by Mumbai Global Editor and CEO of Mumbai Global News Magazine Rajkumar Tiwari and Amit Gupta. The Indian Star Award saw the presence of people from all sections of the country including well-known film personality ,citizens, social workers, businessmen, politicians etc.
Actor Deepak Parashar and actress Monica Bedi were present as the chief guests in this award show. The anchor of the show Jayshree Pawar conducted the award show in an excellent manner. Professor Dr. Ajay Mohan Sahay (For Excellence in Indian Cinema) was present as the chief guest.
Guests of Honour were Mannat India Marketing Pvt. Ltd. MD & CEO Ravindra Kumar, Producer and Financier Dr. Nikesh Tarachand Madhani, Best Actor and Business Tycoon Jayaprabhu Lingayath, President Mumbai District Mahila Wing Aarti Salvi, Mumbai General Secretary NCP Sudarshan Rana, Dr. Nilavelle J Karvana (Nekazad Entertainment). Celebrity Guests of Honour were Actresses Khushi Mukherjee, BestFace Of The Year Ira Sone and Arjuman Mughal. Many people were honoured with Indian Star Award at the award night in Mumbai, including model Amrita Mishra, famous Marathi Hindi actress Shreya Deshmukh.
North West District President NCP Ajay Vichare, North Mumbai District President NCP Advocate Indrapal Singh, social worker human right consultant Chhattisgarh’s Dr. Saurabh Nirwani, celebrity singer voice of Kishore Kumar Mangesh Vadagale, social worker Jaswinder Singh Rana, cosmetologist Aarti Bhatia, Zoya Creation owner Mona Mishra, international model actress Sana Khan, model actress Kiran Mistry, makeup artist Anamika Sitlani, show director model doctor Tarannum Aziz Sheikh, actress Sharmila Dey, chairman Surya Logistics Courier & Cargo Sonal Tushar Rawal, Tantracharya and Jyotishcharya Swami Bhavani Maharaj, President Hope Charitable Trust Jignesh Gandhi, model Swagata Bose.
Associate branding partner Cooperate Ad On Cab Muskan Sahay, social worker Anita Khandelwal, business achiever Pushpa Jain, social worker Kiran Agarwal, international badminton player makeup artist Karishma Sunil Khardikar, social worker business woman Vijaya Chandak, dance movement therapist Dr. Mamta, film writer Ramesh Gujral, model Sara Mansuri, Astitva Social Foundation Suvarna Kothwade, child artist Arohi Gupta, actress Babita Mishra, actress social activist Poorva Saha, Gujarati actress Naina Kunpara.
State President RTI Cell Maharashtra Manisha P Khare, producer R.P. Sharma, former director and board member Air India, Air India Express chairman Dr. Amod Sharma, singer Amit Kumar, lyricist music composer Ashwin Nishad, influencer Sadiya Solkar, producer Anwar Shaikh, actress performer Shirin Farid, RPI Chief Secretary Maharashtra State Athavale Group Maharashtra Sanghamitra Tai Gaikwad, Naresh Koli, Kamlesh Kumar.
PR promotion has been done by Mayuri Media Work CEO Puneet R Khare. Business tycoon Jaiprabhu Lingayath is the owner of many companies, a film producer and actor. His upcoming film ‘Scary Forest’ is about to release, in which he is in the lead role. Apart from this, he has three upcoming films. Actress and model Amrita Mishra was also very excited after receiving this award.
CEO of Mumbai Global, Rajkumar Tiwari said that he always keeps organizing award shows. One of his objectives is to award all those respected people who do excellent work in their respective fields. To encourage and honour them gives him satisfaction. Along with this, to encourage new artists, social workers etc. by giving them awards so that they can do their best work.
CEO Of Mumbai Global, Rajkumar Tiwari’s Award Ceremony INDIAN STAR AWARD Successfully Conluded With Great Fan And Fare In Mumbai
रंगों और उमंगों के महापर्व होली के शुभ अवसर पर, एसके तिवारी अपनी टीम के साथ एक शानदार और रंगीन होली गीत लेकर आए हैं – *”होली खेलें सरकार”*, जो अब रिकॉर्ड लेबल तिवारी प्रोडक्शंस के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल : TPS म्यूजिक के पर रिलीज़ […]
Albumsरंगों और उमंगों के महापर्व होली के शुभ अवसर पर, एसके तिवारी अपनी टीम के साथ एक शानदार और रंगीन होली गीत लेकर आए हैं – *”होली खेलें सरकार”*, जो अब रिकॉर्ड लेबल तिवारी प्रोडक्शंस के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल : TPS म्यूजिक के पर रिलीज़ हो चुका है और दर्शकों का भरपूर प्यार बटोर रहा है!
बेमिसाल संगीत और रंगीन वीडियो: इस धमाकेदार होली गीत में *एसके तिवारी और श्वेता सिंह* की जोड़ी ने अपनी जबरदस्त केमिस्ट्री और शानदार परफॉर्मेंस से समा बांध दिया है। यह गाना हाई-क्वालिटी प्रोडक्शन के साथ तैयार किया गया है, जिससे इसकी खूबसूरती और भी निखरकर सामने आ रही है।
गीतकार: आरपी चौधरी
संगीत: रूपेश मिश्रा
गायक: रूपेश मिश्रा और खुशबू जैन
निर्माण एवं निर्देशन: एसके तिवारी
प्रस्तुति: तिवारी प्रोडक्शंस
होली के रंगों में सराबोर, प्यार और मस्ती से भरपूर – यह गाना हर किसी को नाचने पर मजबूर कर देगा!
निर्माता, निर्देशक और अभिनेता एसके तिवारी ने इस अवसर पर सभी को होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं दीं और कहा,
“यह गाना हमारी टीम की ओर से सभी संगीत प्रेमियों के लिए एक खास तोहफा है। रंगों और संगीत का यह संगम हर किसी के होली सेलिब्रेशन को और भी यादगार बना देगा!”
TPS म्यूजिक एक प्रतिष्ठित यूट्यूब चैनल है, जहां एक से बढ़कर एक सुपरहिट गाने रिलीज़ होते रहते हैं। “होली खेलें सरकार” भी इस कड़ी में जुड़कर एक नया धमाल मचा रहा है!
होली पर एसके तिवारी का उपहार – “होली खेलें सरकार” टीपीएस म्यूजिक पर हुआ रिलीज़*
Director S K Singh Rajput is quickly making waves in the film world. His talent and respectful & humble attitude are winning over actors. This director’s journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput didn’t become a director overnight.His path included early learning and […]
Celebrity NewsDirector S K Singh Rajput is quickly making waves in the film world. His talent and respectful & humble attitude are winning over actors. This director’s journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput didn’t become a director overnight.His path included early learning and big breaks during his TV serials acting also he was fully involved in scripting and crative department too. Now he’s known throughout the industry and still learning the craft.
His Debut film as assistant director pushed S K Singh Rajput into the spotlight. This project showed his unique vision. His name started appearing on “best of” lists.These defining moments proved his talent was undeniable.
As a assistant director “Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam” wasn’t just a movie. It was an learning experience, to get ready to go behind the scenes! Experience it all through the eyes of an assistant director (AD) who worked with the one and only Writer Director
K.S. Adiyaman.It’s a personal story. it’s about making movie magic, one film at a time with Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Madhuri Dixit, and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Thereafter he got an oppurtunity to direct a advertisement commercial film for a soap product in which Mamta Kulkarni was playing the lead under supervision of Late legend cinematographer Ashok Mehta in a beautiful island Seychelles. He successfully shot and completed that ad film there with all the experienced team support.
S K Singh Rajput encourages ideas from everyone. He makes his set a place where creativity thrives. He values input from actors and crew. This makes filming a collaborative effort. Everyone feels part of something special. Apart from scripting he sits with lyrics writer like genius Sameer and discussed about lyrics then finalised the singers Udit Narayan,Sunidhi Chauhan,Altmas,Prem Praksh Dubey, Pamila Jain and others thereafter went for song recordings. That shows his interest, love, passion and dedication about film making.
After years of experience and a burning desire to create, a visionary is stepping into the director’s chair for the very first time. “Shiva 777” isn’t just a movie it’s a statement. It is a testament to passion, dedication, and the drive to make dreams into reality.
This isn’t S K Singh Rajput average debut. “Shiva 777,” starring a talented star, is already creating a buzz as a mega-budget production.Filming is underway. The origins of “Shiva 777” are rooted in the director’s creative vision. It represents the culmination of years of hard work, inspiration, and careful planning. He spent years working on the script.S K Singh Rajput learned the inns and outs of filmmaking as a student of cinema. He honed his skills in different roles. The experiences developed skills that were necessary for this film. Early projects provided a foundation of knowledge.This knowledge is now the bedrock of “Shiva 777.” His journey proves that every step matters. His talent, politeness, and professionalism stand out. He is set to leave a lasting mark in Indian cinema.Watch out for his next big project.
Film “Shiva 777” starring himself with so many talented actors Madhumita, Payal,Kiran kumar, Most versatile Brij Gopal, Rajpal Yadav, Mustaq Khan,Arun Govil, Bindu Dara Singh, Akhilendra Mishra, Milind Gunaji,Kunal Singh,Ram Mishraa,Pankaj Berry,Chaubey ji of Dabangg Ram Sujan Singh, Ashish Sharma,Chandni Gupta, Harish,Neyaz Ahmed, Sanjay Singh and in very special appearance Shatrughan Sinha, Hema Malini and others.As he is directing the film in Hindi/Tamil billingual so he chose some very renowned actor who is very familiar with south too so he casted Mukesh Rishi and Ashish Vidyarthi for very importnt roles in the film. Sachin Karande is the Creative Director of the film.
“Shiva 777” will be released in Tamil also simultaneously with Hindi release.
S K Singh Rajput dedication ensures the film stays on track. It shows his commitment to excellence. He is ready to handle anything or projects that comes his way.As director’s vision he is clear to create a lasting impact. He hopes the film will stay with viewers long after they leave the theatres. The film cinematography is handled by T. Kaviyarasu D.F.Tech from south, Associate DOP N. Ravindra, Stunt Directors Mahendra verma & Ghajini Kubendar from south, music by Dilip Sen and Shareeph-Nizam, Lyrics penned by Sameer & Pandit Kiran Kumar Mishra, special stills shot by the legend lensman Haresh Daftary all time favourite of thespian Dev Anand and SK Singh Rajput. EP Rajkumar Chaudhary, Chief Make- Up Artists Bharat Nag who did make up for Salman Khan and Iqbal Shaikh. Edited by Ram Prajapti. The film shooting is almost nearing completions and post Productions work is also under way. There is a special holi song in the film in which director S K Singh Rajput wanted only this song to be sung by folk singer Guddu Rangila and he sang the song its really highlight in the film. Probably this film will be release in May or june this year.
“Shiva 777” has all the elements to make films to reach all the cinema has fantastic stoy line with emotions,romance,comedy,action and beautiful message for all age group and society. Be ready to watch this film very soon nearer to your theatres. After this film S K Singh Rajput is working on other script which he will start immediately after “Shiva 777” shootings gets over. This script which he is working now is almost inspired by real incidents which he experienced himself during his research is never seen before on silver screen. Wait and watch for his next venture.
Wishing All The Cinema Lovers Around The World And Their Families A Superb N Colourfull Holi. S K Singh Rajput’s Debut Directorial Venture SHIVA 777 A Multi Starer Mega-Budget Film Production
Deltin, India’s leading gaming and entertainment brand, is thrilled to announce the return of its flagship poker festival, ‘iMMORTALS’ – Season 2. The same will be hosted at Deltin Royale ,Goa, India’s most iconic floating casino destination, between 18th to 25th March 2025. Building on […]
Business NewsDeltin, India’s leading gaming and entertainment brand, is thrilled to announce the return of its flagship poker festival, ‘iMMORTALS’ – Season 2. The same will be hosted at Deltin Royale ,Goa, India’s most iconic floating casino destination, between 18th to 25th March 2025.
Building on the tremendous success of its inaugural edition, the second season has been reimagined with a futuristic theme, symbolizing intelligence, wit, and advancement—signified by the lowercase ‘i’ in iMMORTALS.
The event is all set to take place from March 18th -25th, 2025. The festival will feature the first ever edition of PLO 5 card tournament, an exciting mix of leaderboard prizes, daily lucky draws, and a mega freeroll on the grand finale day on 25th March. Poker enthusiasts registering for ‘iMMORTALS’ would stand a chance to win an array of premium giveaways and cash prizes, including latest iPhones, Apple Watches, AirPods, Mont Blanc pens, Marshall Headphones and much more, making this a not-to-miss event.
“We are thrilled to bring back iMMORTALS for its second edition, elevating the poker experience with a futuristic theme and unmatched rewards. iMMORTALS has already become the largest poker cash festival organised in India and participating here is not just about winning but also about enjoying the thrill of competition along with the experience we have curated for every guest. We are excited to welcome the finest poker players in India to Deltin Royale, as this festival represents our commitment to providing outstanding gaming experiences and entertainment,” said Mr. Manoj Jain, COO of Delta Corp Ltd.
On March 25th, iMMORTALS will culminate in an exclusive after-party and award ceremony named ‘iMMORTALS NIGHT’, – an iconic event to celebrate the players’ poker prowess. Along with the never-before-seen entertainment, guests will have the opportunity to engage with the electrifying beats of DJ Julia Bliss and experience an unforgettable performance by India’s famous mentalist and mind reader Suhani Shah.
For more information about iMMORTALS and to register, please visit the event website: or call the hotline number 90110 13514
Deltin Announces iMMORTALS Season 2: A Fusion Of High-Stakes Poker, Premium Giveaways, And Futuristic Vibes
Mumbai, 08.3.2025: On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2025, the Progressive Foundation of Human Rights (PFHR) organised National Convention on International Women’s Day – “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”, March 08, 2025 at Hotel Citizen, Juhu, Mumbai. Amar Shaheed Mangal Pandey […]
EventsMumbai, 08.3.2025: On the occasion of International Women’s Day 2025, the Progressive Foundation of Human Rights (PFHR) organised National Convention on International Women’s Day – “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”, March 08, 2025 at Hotel Citizen, Juhu, Mumbai.
Amar Shaheed Mangal Pandey Memorial Awards Of Excellence Were Also Presented To Eminent Personalities For Their Invaluable Contribution To The Society.
International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on the 8th of March every year around the world. It is a focal point in the movement for women’s rights. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 was predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted by the feminist movement in about 1967. The United Nations began celebrating the day in 1977.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8th March, 2025, the Progressive Foundation of Human Rights (PFHR) organised a National Convention on the theme of the International Day – “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” at Hotel Citizen, Juhu, Mumbai, wherein renowned personalities of the country and representatives from 28 states participated. This National Convention is being organised by Progressive Foundation of Human Rights for the last 19 years.
“Let us celebrate the birth of the girl child. We should be equally proud of our daughters. I urge you to sow five plants when your daughter is born to celebrate the occasion,” said honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji. Women are underprivileged in different ways in different societies. The causes of suppression of women — social, economic and political — are deep within not only Indian culture, but many cultures throughout the world. Violations of human rights of women have varied manifestations.
The majority of crimes against women under the Indian penal code were cruelty by husband or his relatives (31.4 per cent) followed by kidnapping and abduction of women (19.2 per cent), assault on women with intent to outrage her modesty (18.7per cent) ,and rape (7.1per cent),the NCRB stated. It is high time that the society at large wake up and understand that it can’t survive without respecting women and no society can be called a civilised society if it disrespects the womenfolk.
The program was presided over by President of Progressive Foundation of Human Rights and Actor Shri Rakesh Pandey.
PFHR is registered with NITI AAYOG & Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India and has organised numerous Seminars, Conventions and Conferences on all the occasions concerning the society at large in all States and UT’s ever since its inception in 2006. PFHR has organised numerous seminars, national conventions, on human rights and social justice at Goa, Delhi, Dehradoon, Shimla, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ranchi, Raipur, Gandhinagar- Gujarat, Varanasi, Lucknow, Vikas Nagar, Ahmedabad and observed World Environment Day, Women’s Day, Humanitarian Day, Human Rights Day, Yoga Day, Anti-Terrorism Day, Health Day and many more occasions of organising Blood Donation Camps, Save Girl Child Drives, Female & Adult Literacy Drives, etc.
This National Convention on International Women’s Day – “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment” was Co-sponsored by Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Punjab National Bank, NTPC Limited, Hindustan Shipyard Limited, Central Coalfields Limited, Rallis India Limited, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Union Bank of India, Numaligarh Refinery limited. Myth Media Pvt. Ltd. was the media partner in this National Convention.
Honourable Guest Speakers At The Maga Event:
*Shri Raju Bhai Parmar – Ex. Member of National Commission for Scheduled Castes, Member of Parliament & Sr. BJP Leader
*Shri Anand Dubey – National Spokesperson, Shiv Sena (Ubt)
* Shri Pawan Ram Tripathi – Bjp Vice President (Mumbai) & Treasurer Of Shri Siddhivinayak Mandir, Mumbai
* Shri Jitendra Singh – Public Prosecutor Of National Investigation Agency (Nia), Govt. Of India, Ex. Sessions Court Judge
* Shri Suvir Mishra (Irs) – Commissioner, Good & Services Tax (Mumbai)
*Shri R. R Prasad – Ex. Chief Commissioner Income Tax (Retd.), Mumbai
*Shri Mohan Rathod (Ips) – Spl. Inspector General Of Maharashtra Police (Retd.), President– Top Security
*Shri Sanjay Patil – Assistant Commissioner Of Police, Mumbai
*Shri Janak Thakkar – Convenor, Bjp Cultural Cell, Gujarat
*Shri Mukesh Pandey – National General Secretary & Spokesperson (Rashtriya Lok Janshakti Party)
*Sh. Rohit Pandey – Ex. Secretary Of Supreme Court Bar Association
*Shri J. J Shukla – Industrialist & Social Worker
*Shri Eknath Hundare – Corporator, Kandivali (E) Vidhansabha & Social Worker
*Shri Sunil Pal – Famous Bollywood Comedian
*Shri Mithilesh Kumar Mishra – Founder (Myth Media Pvt. Limited)
Progressive Foundation of Human Rights organises ‘National Conference on ‘GANDHI, MISSION CLEAN INDIA, HUMAN RIGHTS & SOCIAL JUSTICE’
The Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organisation (DPIAF) NGO is organizing a spectacular award show and DPIAF – Cultural and Tourism Shikhar Sammelan 2025 on 23rd and 24th March in Delhi, The main goal of this award show is to promote and preserve the culture, […]
Breaking NewsThe Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organisation (DPIAF) NGO is organizing a spectacular award show and DPIAF – Cultural and Tourism Shikhar Sammelan 2025 on 23rd and 24th March in Delhi,
The main goal of this award show is to promote and preserve the culture, heritage and tourism of India. The Founder of DPIAF- Shri Kalyanji Jana shares this vision of representing and celebrating India’s culture and tourism both within the country and internationally This show will reflect the beauty of Bharat and highlight its rich cultural and tourism significance,
*What’s happening in Delhi on 23rd and 24th March:*
On 23rd March the *6th Nari Shakti Icon Achiever Award* will be held This award show, which has been running for the last five years, will honor women who have made significant contributions to society and the nation, regardless of the field they belong to Hundreds of remarkable women will be recognized for their achievements. In addition to this the *DPIAF- Iconic Award Delhi* & *DPIAF- Business Global Icon Achiever Award* will be presented to individuals who have excelled in their respective fields and made significant contributions.
On 24th March the *Minister, MP & MLA Gold Award 2025* will be presented marking the first award show of its kind in the country. This award will honor MPs, MLAs, and Ministers for their exceptional work. This prestigious event recognizes outstanding political leaders across various constituencies. Additionally, the *DPIAF Bharat Gaurav Icon Award 2025* will be held both in India and Dubai, recognizing those who have contributed to the betterment of the nation and society.
The *DPIAF- Cultural and Tourism Shikhar Sammelan 2025* is a unique program that will discuss the pressing issues related to India’s culture, heritage, and tourism. We will address the growing concerns of how our culture is being overlooked and the values of respecting our elders, parents and teachers are fading away. Moreover we will explore the impact of social media on our cultural identity and how it is distorting traditions.
The youth of today are heavily influenced by trends and foreign cultures, neglecting the beautiful traditions and values that have been passed down through generations. We need to focus on preserving our identity, stopping the rampant drug abuse and ensuring the wellbeing of future generations.
As a nation we must protect and nurture our cultural heritage and tourism, which are being threatened by urbanization and environmental degradation. We need to work together to preserve trees, forests and mountains If we fail to protect our natural resources we risk facing the consequences that countries like the U.S. are already experiencing such as volcanic eruptions.
Our program is dedicated to addressing these challenges and preserving the natural beauty and culture of India for future generations.
We are determined to represent India’s cultural and tourism values through these programs whether they are held in India or abroad. To make this program successful, we need your support and blessings. We don’t need your money just your belief in the cause and your participation in this movement. Together we can protect and celebrate the beauty of our nation, taking it forward for a better future.
Let’s unite for this noble cause on 23rd and 24th March in Delhi. Your presence and support are crucial to making this program a success.
Thank you.
Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!
Kalyanji Jana
Founder and Chairman
Dadasaheb Phalke Icon Award Films Organisation (NGO)
09167827020/ 08169461311
2nd DPIAF- Bharat Guarav Iconic Award, 2nd DPIAF Minister MP & MLA Gold Award, 6th Nari Shakti Icon Achiever Award & DPIAF Iconic Award Delhi 23rd And 24th March 2025 Delhi Organiser Kalyanji Jana And DPIAF Team
Director S K Singh Rajput is quickly making waves in the film world. His talent and respectful & humble attitude are winning over actors. This director’s journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput didn’t become a director overnight. His path included early learning […]
Celebrity NewsDirector S K Singh Rajput is quickly making waves in the film world. His talent and respectful & humble attitude are winning over actors. This director’s journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput didn’t become a director overnight. His path included early learning and big breaks during his tv serials acting also he was fully involved in scripting and crative department too. Now he’s known throughout the industry and still learning the craft.
His Debut film as assistant director pushed S K Singh Rajput into the spotlight. This project showed his unique vision. His name started appearing on “best of” lists. These defining moments proved his talent was undeniable.
As a assistant director “Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam” wasn’t just a movie. It was an learning experience, to get ready to go behind the scenes! Experience it all through the eyes of an assistant director (AD) who worked with the one and only Writer Director K. S. Adhiyaman. It’s a personal story. It’s about making movie magic, one film at a time with Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Madhuri Dixit, and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan.
Therafter he got an oppurtunity to direct a advertisement commercial film for a soap product in which mamta kulkarni was playing the lead under supervision of Late legend cinematographer Ashok Mehta in a beautiful island Seychelles. He successfully shot and completed that ad film there with all the experienced team support.
S K Singh Rajput encourages ideas from everyone.He makes his set a place where creativity thrives. He values input from actors and crew.This makes filming a collaborative effort. Everyone feels part of something special.
After years of experience and a burning desire to create, a visionary is stepping into the director’s chair for the very first time. “Shiva 777” isn’t just a movie it’s a statement. It is a testament to passion, dedication, and the drive to make dreams into reality.
This isn’t S K Singh Rajput average debut. “Shiva 777,” starring a talented star, is already creating a buzz as a mega-budget production. Filming is underway. The origins of “Shiva 777” are rooted in the director’s creative vision.It represents the culmination of years of hard work, inspiration, and careful planning. He spent years working on the script.S K Singh Rajput learned the inns and outs of filmmaking as a student of cinema.He honed his skills in different roles.The experiences developed skills that were necessary for this film. Early projects provided a foundation of knowledge. This knowledge is now the bedrock of “Shiva 777.” His journey proves that every step matters. His talent, politeness, and professionalism stand out.He is set to leave a lasting mark in Indian cinema.Watch out for his next big project.
Film “Shiva 777” starring himself with so many talented actors Madhumita, Payal, Kiran kumar, Rajpal Yadav, Mustaq Khan, Arun Govil, Bindu Dara Singh, Akhilendra Mishra, Milind Gunaji, Ram Mishraa, Kunal Singh, Sanjay Singh,Chaubey ji of Dabangg Ram Sujan Singh, Ashish Sharma, Brij Gopal, Neyaz Ahmed and in very special appearance Shatrughan Sinha & Hema Malini with others. As he is directing the film in Hindi/Tamil billingual so he chose some very renowned actor who is very familiar with south too so he casted Mukesh Rishi and Ashish Vidyarthi for very importnt roles in the film. Sachin Karande is the Creative Director of the film.
“Shiva 777” will be released in tamil also simultaneously with hindi release.
S K Singh Rajput dedication ensures the film stays on track. It shows his commitment to excellence.He is ready to handle anything or projects that comes his way. As director’s vision he is clear to create a lasting impact. He hopes the film will stay with viewers long after they leave the theatres.The film cinematography is handled by Kaviyarasu from south,action by Mahendra verma, music by Dilip Sen and Shareeph-Nizam, Ratan Suryavanshi & Murli Sabat is the Production Designer.
The film shooting is almost nearing completions and post Productions work is also under way. Probably this film will be release in May or june this year. “Shiva 777” has all the elements to make films to reach all the cinema has fantastic stoy line with emotions, romance, comedy, action and beautiful message for all age group and society. Be ready to watch this film very soon nearer to your theatres. After this film S K Singh Rajput is working on other script which he will start immediately after “Shiva 777” shootings gets over. This script which he is working now is almost inspired by real incidents which he experienced himself during his research is never seen before on silver screen. So wait and watch for his next.
S K Singh Rajput’s Debut Directorial Venture SHIVA 777 A Mega-Budget Film Production
Devidas Shravan Naikare He Has Been Honored With Over 30 National Awards, Including The Young Entrepreneur Award (2022), Maharashtra Business Icon Award (2023), And The Mahatma Gandhi National Honor Award (2023) Devidas Shravan Naikare is a distinguished personality who has successfully integrated business and spirituality, […]
Breaking NewsDevidas Shravan Naikare He Has Been Honored With Over 30 National Awards, Including The Young Entrepreneur Award (2022), Maharashtra Business Icon Award (2023), And The Mahatma Gandhi National Honor Award (2023)
Devidas Shravan Naikare is a distinguished personality who has successfully integrated business and spirituality, paving a unique path to success. As the founder of Devidas Group of Companies, he has been inspiring people not only to grow professionally but also to develop personally through his innovative ideas and visionary approach.
A prolific author, Mr. Naikare has written 12 inspirational books in two languages, guiding thousands of entrepreneurs and business professionals toward self-development and success. His profound knowledge and experience are deeply enriched by the teachings of his five great mentors, who have influenced his way of thinking and working.
Mr. Naikare firmly believes that true success is not just about wealth accumulation but also about inner peace and a clear, focused mindset. He seamlessly blends positive thinking, mindfulness, and spiritual techniques with modern business strategies. His coaching methodologies empower entrepreneurs and professionals to accelerate their growth while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.
From a young age, Mr. Naikare had a strong inclination towards both business and spirituality. He constantly explored ways to merge these two powerful domains, ensuring not just financial success but also inner stability and peace. This philosophy led him to carve a unique path where business strategies are complemented by mental and spiritual growth.
One of his most remarkable qualities is his ability to transform ordinary individuals into extraordinary entrepreneurs. His coaching is not limited to technical or business knowledge; rather, it reshapes the way people think, act, and lead. By incorporating meditation, mindfulness, and ancient spiritual techniques into modern business practices, he enables his students to develop a sharp, focused, and resilient mindset. This is why his seminars and workshops attract thousands of business owners, entrepreneurs, and students who aspire to achieve both professional success and personal harmony.
Throughout his career, he has been honored with over 30 national awards, including the Young Entrepreneur Award (2022), Maharashtra Business Icon Award (2023), and the Mahatma Gandhi National Honor Award (2023). These accolades reflect his business excellence and significant contributions to society.
Beyond business, Mr. Naikare is deeply committed to social service. He actively participates in initiatives related to education, healthcare, and empowerment, striving to create a better society through knowledge-sharing, self-reliance, and the spirit of service.
His life and teachings stand as a testament to the power of the right guidance and a positive mindset. Mr. Naikare is not just a business mentor; he is a true guide and thought leader who empowers individuals to reach new heights of success while leading a balanced, fulfilling, and meaningful life.
Devidas Shravan Naikare Author, Has Written 12 Inspirational Books In 2 Languages, Guiding Many Entrepreneurs & Business Professionals Toward Self-Development & Success
The Innovative Artists Welfare Association (IAWA) NGO is set to host a virtual Mental Health Awareness event on March 15, 2025, in collaboration with The American University, USA. This initiative, aligned with Women’s Day, will feature top mental health professionals addressing crucial issues related to […]
IAWAThe Innovative Artists Welfare Association (IAWA) NGO is set to host a virtual Mental Health Awareness event on March 15, 2025, in collaboration with The American University, USA. This initiative, aligned with Women’s Day, will feature top mental health professionals addressing crucial issues related to mental well-being.
Addressing the Global Mental Health Crisis
With suicidal rates increasing worldwide, mental health has become a critical issue. Conditions like dementia, depression, and social isolation are on the rise, often fueled by the pressures of modern life, the relentless race for success, and the absence of strong emotional support systems. This event will focus on addressing these challenges, spreading awareness, and providing solutions for mental well-being.
A Decade of Social Service: Dr. Amb. Daljeet Kaur’s Contribution
This initiative is spearheaded by Dr. Amb. Daljeet Kaur, a passionate social activist who has been working for various social causes for over 10 years. Through IAWA NGO, she has championed causes related to mental health, women’s empowerment, education, and social welfare. Her continuous efforts have positively impacted countless lives, and this event is yet another step toward breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.
IAWA NGO actively creating Awareness .
For the past 10 years, IAWA NGO has been actively creating awareness on critical women’s issues every Women’s Day. Topics such as menopause, health, hygiene, and overall well-being have been the focus, empowering women with knowledge and support.
IAWA NGO has also set a world record by organizing the longest conclave on cancer awareness, lasting for 12 continuous hours. Participants from 20 countries came together to share their insights and perspectives on cancer awareness, making it a truly global initiative.
Recognizing Excellence: ‘Women of Substance’ Awards.
In addition to promoting mental health awareness, IAWA NGO will also felicitate successful multitasking women as ‘Women of Substance’ in recognition of their resilience, dedication, and outstanding contributions to society. These awards aim to honor women who have balanced multiple roles and responsibilities while excelling in their respective fields.
Expert Insights & Global Recognition
The event will feature renowned Mental Health Professionals discussing key topics such as Stress Management, emotional resilience, and mental health advocacy. A major highlight is that all participating speakers will receive a certification from The American University, USA, acknowledging their valuable contributions.
By bringing together experts, activists, and participants from around the world, IAWA aims to create a global movement for Mental Health Awareness and women’s empowerment.
Join the Movement
This virtual event is open to everyone interested in mental health and women’s empowerment. For registration send your profile at
IAWA NGO To Host Virtual Mental Health Awareness Event Curated By Dr Daljeet Kaur On March 15, 2025
S K Singh Rajput is making waves! He’s not just another face in Indian entertainment. He’s got talent and a unique acting style. From TV lead roles to more, his journey is one to watch. S K Singh Rajput’s early life, but his passion for […]
ActorsS K Singh Rajput is making waves! He’s not just another face in Indian entertainment. He’s got talent and a unique acting style. From TV lead roles to more, his journey is one to watch.
S K Singh Rajput’s early life, but his passion for acting was clear. This led him to the world of entertainment. Perhaps schooling helped in some way. Rajput started his career on television. He grabbed a lead role early on. This jump-started his career. He jumped right into the acting pool!
The start wasn’t always smooth. Early on, he had to learn to adjust to the industry. No doubt, he made adjustments to his approach. He likely worked hard to grow his skills. Rajput gained attention for certain roles in some serials.These showcased his raw talent. Critics and fans noticed his hard work and skill.
S K Singh Rajput can play different characters.He isn’t stuck in one type of role.This ability makes him a sought-after actor.This showcases how adaptable and skillful he is.He connects with viewers on an emotional level. He communicates on deeper level.It could be his genuine approach to character development.This helps viewers feel invested in the story.
Welknown star S K Singh Rajput had hitting the Bhojpuri film scene. His debut The exciting film “Chor Machaye Shor.” It’s was produced by the legendary Kunal Singh! S K Singh Rajput had to get ready for this big role where he played an IPS officer.Imagine the pressure of working with senior’s He wanted to do his best in “Chor Machaye Shor.”
Director Hari, a renowned director from Tamil industry,After watching
S K Rajput profile when he was searching for a north indian face he took his audition and offered him a inspector role in tamil film Poojai alongwish Vishal n shruti hasan,sathyaraj. Hari’s films are known for their racy screenplays. Action sequences are intense. He masterfully intertwines family drama. Music plays a crucial role in his movies. These elements contribute to their commercial success. He carves out a special brand of commercial cinema.
“Singaham” catapulted Hari into the top tier of directors.It became a cultural phenomenon.
Hari and S K Singh Rajput still doing films together.
S K Singh Rajput’s Tamil Debut: A Star’s Linguistic Triumph Ever wondered what lengths some actors will go to, for a role? S K Singh Rajput shows that commitment! He’s an actor making waves. Now, he’s stepping into Tamil,telugu,malayalam,n kanada cinema too. He’s doing something amazing! He is trying to learn south languages for the role wat he is going to do in his future endeavours.He didn’t use a dubbing actor. S K Singh Rajput’s dedication sets a new standard. He proves authenticity matters in film.
S K Singh Rajput didn’t just wake up dubbing Tamil.His journey is interesting.His past work shows a pattern. He is always pushing boundaries.
At Present S K Singh Rajput is playing the lead man in “Shiva 777” hindi tamil billingual film as well as he’s directing himself with a very renowned and very experienced and excellent technicians alongwith the stars like Shatrughan sinha,hema malini,mukesh rishi,rajpal yadav,brij gopal,milind gunaji,bindu dara singh,kunal singh,akhilendra mishra,kiran kumar and others.
He will be featuring in many web series For popular OTT and he will be directing.
Follow Him On Social Media For Latest Updates.
S K Singh Rajput An Outstanding Actor With Rare Acting Calibre
Mira Bhayandar. : Madhusudhan Global School commemorated its 10th Annual Day with an evening of grandeur, cultural brilliance, and academic celebration. The event, held in the presence of eminent dignitaries, parents, and faculty, witnessed the enthusiastic participation of 2,500 students, making it a truly momentous […]
Breaking NewsMira Bhayandar. : Madhusudhan Global School commemorated its 10th Annual Day with an evening of grandeur, cultural brilliance, and academic celebration. The event, held in the presence of eminent dignitaries, parents, and faculty, witnessed the enthusiastic participation of 2,500 students, making it a truly momentous occasion.
A Grand Inauguration
The festivities commenced with a traditional lamp-lighting ceremony by honourable Chairman sir Shree Madhusudan Sharma ji , Chairperson Mrs Meena Sharma , Trustees Dr Gaurav M. Sharma , Assistant Professor Mr Tushar Sharma , Directors Mrs Priyamvada Sharma and Mrs Drishti Sharma signifying the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. The school’s Director Mrs Priyamvada Sharma, along with the esteemed Chief Guest, addressed the audience, reflecting on the institution’s decade-long journey of academic excellence, character building, and holistic development. In their speeches, they emphasized the importance of perseverance, innovation, and moral values in shaping young minds for the future.
A Kaleidoscope Of Cultural Performance
The stage was set ablaze with a series of mesmerizing performances, showcasing the boundless talent and creativity of the students. From graceful classical dance sequences to electrifying contemporary numbers, from harmonious choral symphonies to riveting theatrical acts, each performance was a testimony to the students’ dedication and the school’s commitment to nurturing artistic excellence.
One of the highlights of the evening was a theme-based dance drama, weaving together elements of mythology, history, and modern-day challenges, delivering a powerful message on unity, sustainability, and resilience. The performance struck an emotional chord with the audience, leaving them spellbound and earning a well-deserved standing ovation.
Recognizing Academic And Extracurricular Excellence
The Annual Day was also a platform to honor the achievements of students in various domains. The Academic Excellence Awards were bestowed upon students who demonstrated exceptional scholastic performance, while special accolades were presented to those excelling in sports, arts, music, and leadership activities. The awardees beamed with pride as they received their trophies and certificates, a testament to their hard work and determination.
The school also took this opportunity to express gratitude to the teachers and staff, whose unwavering commitment and guidance played a crucial role in shaping the students’ futures.
A Momentous Conclusion
As the evening drew to a close, a heartfelt vote of thanks was delivered, acknowledging the relentless efforts of students, teachers, parents, and support staff in making the event a resounding success. The grand celebration culminated with the resonating beats of the school anthem, filling the atmosphere with pride and nostalgia.
With a decade of excellence behind it and a future brimming with possibilities, Madhusudhan Global School’s 10th Annual Day was not merely an event but a defining milestone, reaffirming its legacy of academic distinction and cultural brilliance.
Madhusudhan Global School Celebrates A Decade Of Excellence With A Spectacular 10th Annual Day
Feel the fragrance of true Saffron across India .From The mouth watering apricots to Kashmiri Almonds suave in taste and nutritional value .Meet Mudasir Lone a new face from jammu and kashmir in contemporary era Inspiring youth towards “Go back to roots ” ,from foothill […]
Business NewsFeel the fragrance of true Saffron across India .From The mouth watering apricots to Kashmiri Almonds suave in taste and nutritional value .Meet Mudasir Lone a new face from jammu and kashmir in contemporary era Inspiring youth towards “Go back to roots ” ,from foothill Mountains of Trikuta Hills District Reasi of Jammu and kashmir, this sensation is setting example through his brand “Flevours de Kashmir ” .A JNU pass out has started his startup of Dry fruits reaching every door step online by his authenticity and purity of products. Certified by Food safety and standards Authority of India (FSSAI) .The juxtaposition of Masters in geography to Mastering in Service of quality delivery is Wonderful. The products include Kashmiri Shilajit, Kashmiri Almonds, Cashew nuts, Apricots, Fig of several types, Dates, Kashmiri Walnuts, Kashmiri Saffron, walnuts giri, Mix dry fruits etc at reasonable price and hundred percent purity and fast delivery service across india.
Lets know about ” Flavours de Kashmir ” of Mr Mudasir Lone from Jammu and Kashmir reaching Every corner of India.
Well im Mudasir Lone from Reasi Jammu Kashmir. I did Msc Geography from Department of Geography, Central University of Haryana, after completion of Degree I was in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) New Delhi where I found that People are much Crazy about Kashmir & Kashmiri Products.
So when I came back to Kashmir & start exploring new Idea’s so I found that DryFruits are one of the best option as it is much Healthier & suitable for Everyone, So I started my own Brand I.e Flavours de Kashmir where our Prime Motive is to Provide Premium Quality of Kashmiri Delicacies. We Deliver All over India with C.O.D option. People can easily place their orders from our website or just by dropping a Text on our WhatsApp+91 9797780210 or Instagram Flavours de Kashmir page.
Kashmir is indeed known for its Premium quality of dry fruits, especially Mammra almonds, kashmiri walnuts, and Mongra saffron. The dry fruits from Kashmir are often prized for their unique flavors and superior quality, The quality of dry fruits can differ in several ways:
As I already Told You that our Prime Motive is to Provide Premium Quality of Kashmiri Delicacies so please clear this thing from mind that we never ever compromise with Quality, Flavours de Kashmir is one the Authentic Brand where you will never feel any kind of cheating, it’s our promise that you won’t Regret after using our products.
Our Kashmir Mongra Saffron is completely hand-picked from Dussu Village of Pampore Town in Pulwama District of Kashmir it is to ensure only the best quality of kesar are selected. This careful selection process helps to maintain a superior standard.
The dry fruits & Saffron from Kashmir Valley are typically preserved and packaged with great care to maintain freshness & ensuring that they reach to customer in their best form.
Thank you for your kind words! If I had to give an advice to the youth, particularly in the context of e-business, it would be like, As We all know that In today’s world, technology is at the heart of every business. From social media marketing to e-commerce platforms, technology makes it easier than ever to start and scale a business.
You don’t need massive capital or infrastructure to start. Begin small, with a clear vision, and scale up as your business grows
Your customers are the backbone of your business. In e-business, direct feedback from customers helps you improve and evolve.
Building a successful e-business takes time. It’s important to stay consistent in delivering value, building your brand, and improving your services. Overnight success is rare; it’s the continuous effort and learning that eventually leads to success.
Initially, focus on providing value to your customers rather than chasing profits. When you build trust and deliver exceptional value, the profits will naturally follow.
Entrepreneurship has its ups and downs. There will be failures, but each failure is a lesson that pushes you closer to success.
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Feel Purity Of Kashmir In Dryfruits Of FLAVOURS DE KASHMIR Brand
Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honoured for 40 Years in Creative Arts by the Vice President of Madagascar London, UK – In a remarkable tribute to his extraordinary contributions to the world of art and culture, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was honoured by H.E. Richard Ravalomanana, the Vice President […]
Breaking NewsDr. Sandeep Marwah Honoured for 40 Years in Creative Arts by the Vice President of Madagascar
London, UK – In a remarkable tribute to his extraordinary contributions to the world of art and culture, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was honoured by H.E. Richard Ravalomanana, the Vice President of Madagascar, for completing 40 illustrious years in the creative arts. Dr. Marwah, a visionary leader and global cultural icon, has dedicated his life to promoting art, cinema, media, and education on an international scale, earning worldwide recognition for his pioneering work.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Founder of Noida Film City, has been nominated as a Cultural Ambassador by 83 countries—a world record in itself. His immense influence has extended across 8,500 events, welcoming a staggering three million visitors from 156 countries to his iconic Marwah Studios in Noida Film City. His unwavering dedication to cultural diplomacy has positioned him as a bridge between nations, using art and media as powerful tools of global unity.
A passionate educator and mentor, Dr. Marwah has taught and trained more than 35,000 students from 145 countries. As the Chancellor of AAFT University, he leads 18 departments dedicated to creative education, shaping the future of over 12,000 students. His educational initiatives continue to empower young minds, providing them with the skills and opportunities needed to excel in the media and creative industries.
Dr. Marwah holds yet another unparalleled record as the producer of the largest number of short films in the world. His impact extends far beyond filmmaking—he chairs more than 100 creative organizations, fostering global collaboration in media, arts, and culture. His relentless efforts in promoting journalism and Asian unity have led to the official recognition of February 12th as International Day of Journalism and April 2nd as Asian Unity Day.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s journey is a testament to the power of creativity, perseverance, and leadership. His remarkable achievements have placed India at the forefront of the global creative industry, inspiring generations to embrace art, culture, and media as a means of international collaboration. His recognition by the Vice President of Madagascar is yet another milestone in his illustrious career, reaffirming his status as a true cultural ambassador of the world.
Speaking at the event, H.E. Richard Ravalomanana the Vice President of Madagascar praised Dr. Marwah’s dedication to global cultural promotion, stating: “Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s incredible journey in the world of arts and media has been truly inspiring. His contributions in fostering international cultural exchange and his relentless efforts in education, media, and filmmaking have set new benchmarks. Recognizing his achievements is a privilege, as his work continues to strengthen the creative industries worldwide and bring nations closer together.”
While receiving the honor, Dr. Sandeep Marwah expressed his gratitude, stating: “I am deeply humbled to receive this recognition from the esteemed Vice President of Madagascar. My journey in the creative world has been fueled by a passion for art, cinema, and education. This honor is not just for me but for the entire creative community that has worked tirelessly to promote cultural exchange and unity. I remain committed to strengthening artistic collaborations and fostering new opportunities for young talent globally.”
Vice President Of Madagascar Honours Dr. Sandeep Marwah For Four Decades In Creative Arts
Mumbai witnessed the grand launch of a new OTT platform, Cinewave Universe, on March 1 at the Raheja Classic Hotel in Andheri. The platform is a collaboration between Impeeduss Cine Solutions, owned by Sayeed Akhtar and Kavyanayan Production, headed by Baalasaaheb Bharadwaj. Cinewave Universe is […]
UncategorizedMumbai witnessed the grand launch of a new OTT platform, Cinewave Universe, on March 1 at the Raheja Classic Hotel in Andheri. The platform is a collaboration between Impeeduss Cine Solutions, owned by Sayeed Akhtar and Kavyanayan Production, headed by Baalasaaheb Bharadwaj. Cinewave Universe is set to be available soon on Google Play Store, offering viewers a diverse range of fresh, entertaining, and unique-themed stories, web series, films, religious content, and music videos.
A Grand Launch with Industry Celebrities
The launch event saw the presence of several well-known personalities from the entertainment industry. Veteran actor Vikram, famous for his role in the classic hit film Julie, inaugurated the OTT platform. Other notable attendees included actor Abhishek Bharadwaj, Maddam Sir fame Satya Pal, actress and social activist Zaara Khan, Shiv Kumar, Anjali Bharti, and Dr. Mahesh. Several other industry guests such as Shivkumar Ade, Subodh Pawar, Mandar Gujar, Akash Dudhankar, Yatish Acharya, and Swami Sudhakar Sneh also graced the occasion.
A unique collaboration between Impeeduss Cine Solutions and Kavyanayan Production, Cinewave Universe aims to provide a fresh perspective on entertainment. The platform does not confine itself to a single language or ideology; instead, it is set to reach a broad audience with its innovative and engaging content. Currently, Cinewave Universe hosts 25 films and web series, with plans to introduce new content every week, ensuring a continuous stream of fresh entertainment for viewers. The platform is designed to be suitable for both young audiences and family viewing.
A Vision to Empower Emerging Talent
Sayeed Akhtar, the co-partner and owner of Cinewave Universe, expressed his excitement about the launch, emphasizing that the platform is dedicated to newcomers in the industry. He highlighted that Cinewave Universe will serve as a gateway for aspiring artists who struggle to find opportunities to showcase their talent.
Sayeed Akhtar is a well-established producer, director, and lyricist who has worked with leading music companies like T-Series, Venus, Saregama, and HMV. He has also directed and produced Marathi films such as Bha and Raiba Imaandar and has written the screenplay for the Marathi movie Bhonga. His vast experience in the entertainment industry, along with his past accolades—including the Best Lyricist Award and recognition from the Maharashtra State Government Film Awards (53rd edition)—solidifies his reputation as a creative force in the industry.
His company, Impeeduss Cine Solutions, was once ranked among the top 500 companies in the industry. Currently, Akhtar is focused on upcoming projects for Cinewave Universe, aiming to make it a game-changer in the world of OTT entertainment.
With its diverse content offerings, commitment to fresh talent, and a strong creative team, Cinewave Universe is poised to make a significant impact in the OTT industry.
A Unique Collaboration Between Impeeduss Cine Solutions And Kavyanayan Production, New OTT Platform Cinewave Universe
From: 25 February to 3 March 2025 “FUSION” Chaapkhana’s Group Exhibition at Kismat Art Gallery, Mumbai. Participating artists: Milind Limbekar, Sadanand Chaudhary,Virendra Chopde Abhishek Chaurasia, Shekhar Tandekar, Mauktik Kate, Vinod Chachere, Milind Atkle, Akshay Tijare. VENUE: Kismat Art Gallery, 3rd Pasta Lane Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 25 February to 3 March 2025
Chaapkhana’s Group Exhibition at Kismat Art Gallery, Mumbai.
Participating artists:
Milind Limbekar, Sadanand Chaudhary,Virendra Chopde Abhishek Chaurasia, Shekhar Tandekar, Mauktik Kate, Vinod Chachere, Milind Atkle, Akshay Tijare.
Kismat Art Gallery,
3rd Pasta Lane
Colaba, Mumbai 400 005
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: +91 8446239503
“Fusion” group show, organized by Chhapkhana Group artists, Nagpur was inaugurated by renowned Indian painter Dr. Sudhir Patwardhan on 25th February 2025. During the opening ceremony, Dr. Patwardhan emphasized that unity among artists is essential for the success and progress art world today.
Apart from the Chhapkhana artists, notable attendees included Principal Nitin Kitukale of J KAcademy of Art and Design Shri Pritam Deuskar, Prof. Surendra Jagtap, Dr. Kishor Ingle, and several other artists. While introducing Chhapkhana, the Founder of Chhapkhana Shri Milind Limbekar gave a brief overview of the group’s ten-year journey and explained its core objectives. He also introduced all the Members of the group and explained their expertise.
Engaging in a dialogue with the artists, Dr. Sudhir Patwardhan had conversations with the Artists and exchanged ideas about the artworks, He offered insightful guidance. His wife, Mrs. Shanta Patwardhan, was also present on the occasion.
Gallery curators Mr. Vinod Solanki and Yogeshree welcomed the artists, while Mr. Mohan Solanki expressed that Kismat Art Gallery could serve as an accessible platform for emerging artists.
“FUSION” I Chaapkhana’s Group Exhibition By 9 Contemporary Artists At Kismat Art Gallery
London: In a significant meeting held at the prestigious Hotel Taj – St. James Court, London, Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, presented a collection of books highlighting his accolades and accomplishments to Lord Raj Loomba, a distinguished Member of the UK’s House of Lords and […]
International NewsLondon: In a significant meeting held at the prestigious Hotel Taj – St. James Court, London, Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, presented a collection of books highlighting his accolades and accomplishments to Lord Raj Loomba, a distinguished Member of the UK’s House of Lords and a prominent advocate for widows’ rights. The meeting took place ahead of the International Widow’s Day event scheduled for 23rd June.
During this intellectual exchange, Lord Raj Loomba also presented his book, “Widow Warrior – The Cause That Shaped My Life”, to Dr. Sandeep Marwah. The book encapsulates Lord Loomba’s inspiring journey and his relentless efforts to uplift widows across the globe.
Recognized for his humanitarian initiatives, Dr. Raj Loomba took the opportunity to share insights about his ongoing projects dedicated to supporting widows worldwide. His foundation, The Loomba Foundation, has been at the forefront of advocating for the welfare, empowerment, and recognition of widows, ensuring they receive social and economic support.
Expressing his admiration for Lord Loomba’s contributions, Sandeep Marwah stated:“It is an honor to meet Lord Raj Loomba, whose relentless commitment to the cause of widows has brought about real change. His work is an inspiration, and I am privileged to engage in this discussion that aligns with our shared vision of global empowerment.”
Lord Raj Loomba reciprocated the sentiment, adding: “Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s contributions to media, education, and social service are truly commendable. His dedication to fostering positive change resonates with the mission we uphold through The Loomba Foundation.”
The meeting concluded on a promising note, with both eminent personalities discussing future collaborations to create a meaningful impact on marginalized communities.
Sandeep Marwah And Lord Raj Loomba Join Hands To Promote International Widow’s Day
Writer Amit Gupta said that I have no problem, now whatever happens will be done by the court, lawyer Sunil Shukla said that all arguments are in favor of Amit Gupta. Mumbai: The controversy over “Vicky Vidya ka woh wala video” starring Raj Kumar Rao […]
Breaking NewsWriter Amit Gupta said that I have no problem, now whatever happens will be done by the court, lawyer Sunil Shukla said that all arguments are in favor of Amit Gupta.
Mumbai: The controversy over “Vicky Vidya ka woh wala video” starring Raj Kumar Rao and Tripti Dimri is now increasing and is not taking the name of stopping. Arguments have also been given about the modus operandi in this case going on in Borivali court.
Lawyer Sunil Shukla, who is officially looking after his case, said that Amit ji’s case is very strong and all the evidence from his side is strong. At present, his hearing could not be done but he will get a good decision in the next hearing. Till now, no action has been seen from the producers except T-Series.
Well, everything will be clear in the coming time. Let us tell you that 9 producers are being considered guilty in that video case of the film Vicky Vidya. These include Bhushan Kumar, Kishan Kumar, Ekta Kapoor, Shobha Kapoor, Raj Sandaliya, Vipul D Shah, Vimal Lahoti, Ashwin Varde and Rajesh Bahl.
Amit Gupta said that he was cheated, he was mentally harassed and he was also threatened with death. Amit Gupta told the media that I have full faith in myself, whatever decision the court takes will be good.
The Ongoing Controversy Over “Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video” Should Be Heard Soon, The Court Gave The Date Of The Next Hearing
From: 24th February to 2nd March 2025 “MONKS” Legends & Traditions Solo Show of Paintings by well-known artist Vijay Kiyawat VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm. Contact: +91 98100 38212 Vijay Kiyawat’s Solo Exhibition: “Monks” Legends & […]
Art ExhibitionFrom: 24th February to 2nd March 2025
Legends & Traditions
Solo Show of Paintings by well-known artist Vijay Kiyawat
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm.
Contact: +91 98100 38212
Vijay Kiyawat’s Solo Exhibition: “Monks” Legends & Traditions”
Acclaimed contemporary artist Vijay Kiyawat presents his latest solo exhibition, unveiling a mesmerising collection of watercolour paintings that embody his signature blend of optimism, serenity, and surrealism. With works gracing esteemed corporate spaces in the country and abroad, Kiyawat’s art continues to transcend borders and inspire audiences worldwide.
Kiyawat’s much-anticipated solo exhibition, ‘Monks: Legends and Traditions’, will be held at Jehangir Art Gallery from 24th February to 2nd March. This series delves into the profound world of spirituality, capturing the essence of monastic life through his intense, meditative, and soulful watercolours. Each piece invites the viewer into a realm of contemplation and inner peace, reflecting Kiyawat’s deep engagement with the ethereal and the philosophical.
Having established himself as an IIT engineer and corporate professional, Kiyawat successfully integrated his analytical precision with his artistic pursuits. The mentorship of acclaimed artists, Manish Pushkale, Vasundhara Tewari Broota, the late Surinder Kaur, Rajesh Sharma, Julie Cohn, and Raymond Yap, has shaped his work into a distinctive representation of colour, light, and emotion. His compositions, influenced by nature, literature, and his wide-ranging travels, possess a dreamlike quality, which has led to their being called Happy Paintings.
Beyond the canvas, Kiyawat’s creative pursuits extend to music and nature, as an accomplished pianist and avid birdwatcher. His latest exhibition is a testament to the enduring power of art to uplift, inspire, and create a world of wonder.
—–Sushma Sabnis. Mumbai
“MONKS” Legends & Traditions I Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Vijay Kiyawat At Jehangir
अपने दादा पी सी सरकार के 113वें जन्मदिन पर मुम्बई में किया गया मैजिक शो भारत के सबसे मशहूर जादूगर पद्मश्री से सम्मानित पी सी सरकार के पोते मैजिशियन पी सी सरकार पौरुष ने भी जादू की प्रदर्शनी द्वारा अपनी अलग पहचान बनाई है। मुम्बई […]
Breaking Newsअपने दादा पी सी सरकार के 113वें जन्मदिन पर मुम्बई में किया गया मैजिक शो
भारत के सबसे मशहूर जादूगर पद्मश्री से सम्मानित पी सी सरकार के पोते मैजिशियन पी सी सरकार पौरुष ने भी जादू की प्रदर्शनी द्वारा अपनी अलग पहचान बनाई है। मुम्बई के दीनानाथ मंगेशकर नाट्यगृह में 23 फरवरी को मैजिशियन डे और अपने दादा जादू सम्राट पी सी सरकार (1913 – 1971) के 113वें जन्मदिन पर वह मैजिक शो किया गया।
28 सितंबर 2024 से इन्होंने जादू की प्रदर्शनी कर्नाटक से शुरू की थी। उसके बाद सतारा, कोल्हापुर, पुणे में परफॉर्म किया। मुम्बई, हैदराबाद, बेंगलुरु में एक एक महीना शो किया। 23 फरवरी 2025 को इस सीजन का उनका आखरी शो होगा। लगातार 6 महीने तक परफॉर्मेंस, यह थका देने वाला था मगर रिकॉर्ड होल्डिंग परफॉर्मेंस थी। पीसी सरकार पौरुष कहते हैं “मैं बहुत खुश, सम्मानित और गौरवांवित महसूस कर रहा हूँ कि मैंने लगातार 6 महीने की परफॉर्मेंस सफलतापूर्वक संपन्न की। मुम्बई, बेंगलुरु, हैदराबाद, पुणे हर जगह शोज़ हाउसफुल रहे, रेस्पॉन्स कमाल का मिला। यंगस्टर्स, किड्स और युवाओं ने भी शोज़ को एन्जॉय किया उनका रिएक्शन देखने लायक था। 23 फरवरी मेरे लिए खास दिन है क्योंकि मेरे दादा पद्मश्री जादूगर पी सी सरकार
का जन्मदिन है। इस दिन उनकी याद में देश भर में मैजिशियन डे मनाया जाता है। मैं 23 फरवरी को मुम्बई में परफॉर्म कर रहा हूं यह मेरे लिए बड़ा आशीर्वाद है। इस शो में कई गेस्ट्स भी उपस्थित होंगे। यह एक शानदार अनुभव रहा।”
उनके जीवन मे भी कई उतार चढ़ाव आए।
2022 में उन्होंने अपनी मां को खो दिया। उसके बाद लगभग तीन साल उन्हें मेनस्ट्रीम में वापस आने में लगे। और उन्होंने 2024 के मध्य से परफॉर्मेंस देना शुरू किया। पी सी सरकार पौरुष ने कहा कि मैं अपने सभी शुभचिंतकों का आभार प्रकट करता हूँ। बाबू, सुमित सहित टीम के सभी लोगों का धन्यवाद, जिनके सहयोग के बिना यह सफर आसान नहीं होता।
बंगाल के जादूगर पीसी सरकार पौरुष ने देश भर में अपने जादू के शो दिखाकर दर्शकों को हैरत में डाल दिया है। पीसी सरकार पौरुष अपने परिवार में जादूगरी का करतब दिखाने वाली नौवीं पीढ़ी के सदस्य हैं।
महान जादूगर पी सी सरकार के पोते मैजिशियन पी सी सरकार पौरुष ने लगातार 6 महीने तक शोज़ करके बनाया रिकॉर्ड
Producer-director Nileish Malhotra’s official English music video “TickTock Dreams” was launched on February 17, 2025. The video features newcomer Daniel in the lead role, who has also sung the song alongside Emil Mohan. The unveiling will take place at the IMPPA office in Andheri, Mumbai.Guest […]
AlbumsProducer-director Nileish Malhotra’s official English music video “TickTock Dreams” was launched on February 17, 2025. The video features newcomer Daniel in the lead role, who has also sung the song alongside Emil Mohan. The unveiling will take place at the IMPPA office in Andheri, Mumbai.Guest of Honour -H.E. Aliaksandr Matsukou, Consul General of Belarus. H.E. Mr.Eddy Wardoyo Indonesian, Consul General of IndonesiaGuest – Dilip Sen Ji – Music Director; Bobby Vats – Actor; Sanjay Verma – Comedy Actor graced the occasion.Produced under the banner of Panorama Visuals in collaboration with Malhotra Productions, the music video “TickTock Dreams” stars Daniel alongside Poly.
The team behind the video includes co-director Dr. Suraina Malhotra, singer Emil Mohan, lyricist Karyn Watt, music composer Amar Prabhakar Desai, choreographer Ajit Gade, D.O.P. Sethuraman r and editor Vaibhav Kamble.Filmed in Mumbai, this song marks Daniel’s debut as an actor, and his look has already caught everyone’s attention. The song will be released on PV (Panorama Visuals Music) YouTube channel.Apart from being a producer and director, Nileish Malhotra is a multi-talented and experienced personality.
He states that the concept of this video song revolves around the lives of youngsters influenced by social media. The story follows a boy and a girl who meet through Facebook and other social media platforms, start liking each other, fall in love, and dream together. However, the video has a shocking climax that will leave the boy stunned and the audience surprised.Director Nileish Malhotra also mentioned that they are considering a part 2 of this song, which will continue the story.With a career spanning 5 Hindi films, 15 TV shows, and 35 product advertisements as a model, Nileish Malhotra has made a significant impact in the industry. As a filmmaker, he has produced 3 films and directed two films and his first film and consistently produces music videos. “TickTock Dreams” is his 8th album as a producer-director, following 7 music videos filmed internationally.
Dr. Suraina Malhotra is a senior leader of the Nationalist Congress Party – Sharadchandra Pawar faction and holds several key positions, including: Chairperson – All India IT Cell & Social Media, NCP Women’s Congress – Sharadchandra Pawar faction; National General Secretary – NMCSP; Maharashtra Spokesperson – NCPSP; Observer – Mumbai Women’s Wing As a producer-director and lead actor, Nileish Malhotra’s first English film “Hanki Panki” was selected at the Cannes Film Festival (Short Film Corner) in 2013.
That same year, he won the Best Director Award at the Mini Box Office Film Festival in Mumbai.His Hindi feature film “Misty Pay” features a star-studded cast including Zeenat Aman, Javed Sheikh, Karan Khanna, Nikita Anand, Rajat Bedi, Roja, and Nilesh Malhotra himself.
As an actor, he has worked in several Hindi and English feature films under renowned directors.Nileish Malhotra has also acted in three Hollywood films, including “The Deceivers”, where he shared the screen with Hollywood star Pierce Brosnan. His television credits include iconic series like “Mahabharat,” “Chanakya,” “The Great Maratha,” “Chandrakanta,” “Yug,” and “Jai Ganesh Silsila”.
He also has his own YouTube music channel “Panorama Visuals Music”, under which “TikTok Dreams” is being released. His & Dr. Suraina Malhotra’s son, Daniel, is now stepping into the world of acting, continuing his father’s legacy.DANIEL – THE MAN ALWAYS ON THE MOVE Daniel represents an active and disciplined lifestyle. His daily routine includes: Early morning meditation, stretching, fitness, and nutrition training.
He is into Marathon running and gym workouts, Promoting effective weight loss techniques, Teaching English, aptitude, and health-related subjects. He is Managing a foreign language academy and constantly learning new languages. He has Deep interest in politics and economicsHis days are filled with learning, teaching, fitness, and work. The only time he is still is when he is sleeping—unless he is chasing his dreams!Dr. Suraina Malhotra –Filmmaker, Actor, Director, and Scriptwriter.Dr. Suraina Malhotra contributed to the English film “Hanki Panki” as a dialogue writer, actor, and creative director.
The film was selected at the Cannes Film Festival (Short Film Corner) in 2013, competing among 50,000 films from 88 countries.Her work includes: Co-Direction & Creative Direction for “Panorama Visuals Music” YouTube channel. Creative Director for the Hindi feature film “Misty Pay” (Directed by Nileish Malhotra) Scriptwriting for films -“Marriage Murder Mystery” (Hindi feature film)Associate Producer of “Mohre” (Released in 2008)Acting experience in films:”Misty Pay,” “Hanki Panki,” “Indi Goes Bollywood” (aired on VOX Channel, Germany)Acting in Punjabi music videosProfessional Live Theatre performances at Prithvi Theatre in plays like “Anji” and “Biwiyon Ka Madarsa”
Pics :- Ramakant Munde Mumbai
Actor Daniel Debuts With Social Media Love-Themed Music Video TICK TOCK DREAMS ; Directed By Nileish Malhotra And Co-Directed By Dr. Suraina Malhotra
London, UK – In a remarkable event held at the esteemed Devonshire House, Mayfair, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was honored and officially nominated as the Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization. The prestigious title was conferred by Neelam Chawla, the Founder and Director of MAXable, in recognition […]
Breaking NewsLondon, UK – In a remarkable event held at the esteemed Devonshire House, Mayfair, Dr. Sandeep Marwah was honored and officially nominated as the Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization. The prestigious title was conferred by Neelam Chawla, the Founder and Director of MAXable, in recognition of Dr. Marwah’s relentless dedication to social causes and his commitment to mental health awareness.
MAXable is a renowned organization focused on promoting awareness about mental health issues and providing medical support to those in need. The event served as a significant platform to shed light on the importance of mental well-being and the necessity of community-driven initiatives to address mental health challenges.
Neelam Chawla, the visionary leader behind MAXable, emphasized the need for collective efforts in advocating mental health. She expressed her gratitude towards Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his contributions, stating, “Dr. Marwah’s dedication to humanitarian causes and his efforts in spreading awareness about social issues make him a perfect choice for this honorary position. His support will further amplify our mission of creating a more informed and supportive society for mental health.”
As the Chief Guest of the event, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chair for Indo UK Film and Cultural Forum, took the stage and delivered a compelling address on the significance of mental health. He highlighted the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental health issues and fostering a culture of openness, understanding, and support.
Speaking at the event, Dr. Marwah Chair for AAFT School of Health & Wellness said, “Mental health is a crucial aspect of our well-being, and it is imperative that we as a society take proactive measures to support those who are struggling. Organizations like MAXable are doing incredible work in raising awareness and providing medical assistance to those in need. I am honored to be associated with this noble cause and look forward to contributing to their efforts in every possible way.”
The grand event was attended by notable dignitaries, healthcare professionals, and social activists, all of whom reiterated the importance of mental health initiatives. The evening concluded with a call to action for increased support, collaboration, and community participation in mental health advocacy.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s nomination as the Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization marks a significant step towards strengthening mental health awareness campaigns worldwide. His vast experience in media, education, and social activism will undoubtedly add great value to the mission of MAXable, inspiring positive change and impactful initiatives.
Sandeep Marwah Honored As Global Ambassador Of Maxable Social Organization In A Prestigious Event In London
सरकारी नौकरी की तलाश के बीच एक रोमांचक सफर की कहानी… 28 फरवरी, 2025 को प्रदर्शन के लिये तैयार। प्यार, हंसी और पक्की सरकारी नौकरी, सरकारी बच्चा 28 फरवरी, 2025 को प्रदर्शित होगी। रुसलान मुमताज़ की ‘सरकारी बच्चा’ की कहानी प्यार, करियर पर एक मज़ेदार […]
Digital Newsसरकारी नौकरी की तलाश के बीच एक रोमांचक सफर की कहानी…
28 फरवरी, 2025 को प्रदर्शन के लिये तैयार।
प्यार, हंसी और पक्की सरकारी नौकरी, सरकारी बच्चा 28 फरवरी, 2025 को प्रदर्शित होगी।
रुसलान मुमताज़ की ‘सरकारी बच्चा’ की कहानी प्यार, करियर पर एक मज़ेदार नज़रिया पेश करती है।
क्या आपने कभी ऐसी प्रेम कहानी सुनी है जिसमें शादी प्यार पर नहीं बल्कि “सरकारी नौकरी” पर निर्भर करती हो? तो लीजिए! एक मज़ेदार रोलरकोस्टर राइड के लिए तैयार हो जाइए, क्योंकि “सरकारी बच्चा” पारंपरिक रोमांस को पूरी तरह से बदल देने के लिए तैयार है!
“फ्लाइंग बर्ड पिक्चर्स” के बैनर तले दानिश सिद्दीकी द्वारा निर्मित और सूर्यकांत त्यागी व दानिश सिद्दीकी की जोड़ी द्वारा निर्देशित जिसका फिल्मांकन बुंदेलखंड, महोबा उत्तरप्रदेश में किया गया, फ़िल्म “सरकारी बच्चा” आधुनिक समय के प्यार पर एक नया, अनोखा नज़रिया पेश करती है, जहाँ अंतिम परीक्षा सिर्फ़ दिल की नहीं बल्कि एक स्थिर सरकारी तनख्वाह की भी होती है!
“सरकारी बच्चा” का आधिकारिक पोस्टर हाल ही में रिलीज़ किया गया, जिसमें फ़िल्म की मस्ती भरी अराजकता और प्यारे किरदारों की झलक दिखाई दी। यह नायक के मिशन को भी विचित्र रूप से दर्शाता है, जो सिर्फ़ प्यार में ही नहीं, बल्कि अपने होने वाले ससुर की शर्तों के मुताबिक नौकरी हासिल करने के लिए अपनी योग्यता साबित करना चाहता है।
रुसलान मुमताज़ और अन्या तिवारी अभिनीत, सरकारी बच्चा एक ऐसे युवक की कहानी है जो प्यार में डूबा हुआ है, लेकिन उसे एहसास होता है कि उसकी सबसे बड़ी बाधा लड़की को प्रभावित करना नहीं है, बल्कि एक सुरक्षित सरकारी नौकरी से उसके परिवार को प्रभावित करना है – जो उसके पास नहीं है। हास्य, रोमांस, विचित्रता और ड्रामा से भरपूर यह फिल्म एक मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार के जुनून और प्यार पर स्थिरता के जुनून को दर्शाती है।
मुख्य जोड़ी में बिजेंद्रे काला, एहशान खान, दिवंगत जूनियर महमूद, आशीष सिंह, दानिश सिद्दीकी, गुरप्रीत कौर चड्ढा, रिजवान सिकंदर, अनुपूर्णिमा, सुहानी सुधी, नसीम सिद्दीकी, आन्या और हेमंत चौधरी जैसे प्रतिभाशाली कलाकारों की टोली शामिल है।
फिल्म में प्रसिद्ध गायक जावेद अली, रितु पाठक, रितु राज मोहंती और हरमन नाजिम के साथ एक गतिशील साउंडट्रैक है, जिसका संगीत दानिश अली, नजाकत शुजात और सहजन शेख सागर ने तैयार किया है। जहाँ तक निर्माता दानिश सिद्दीकी जो युवा व ऊर्जावान हैं कि बात करें तो, इन्होंने वर्तमान समय के अनुसार सटीक विषय को लेकर एक दमदार फ़िल्म का निर्माण किया है
फिल्म के बारे में बात करते हुए निर्माता दानिश सिद्दीकी ने साझा किया कि, “सरकारी बच्चा” एक हल्की-फुल्की लेकिन प्रासंगिक कहानी है जो कई युवा भारतीयों द्वारा सामना की जाने वाली वास्तविक जीवन की दुविधा को दर्शाती है। यह हास्य, भावनाओं और संगीत से भरपूर है जो निश्चित रूप से दर्शकों को पसंद आएगी।
निर्देशक सूर्यकांत त्यागी ने कहा, “हम एक ऐसी फिल्म बनाना चाहते थे जो मनोरंजन करे, लेकिन साथ ही समाज के एक खास तबके के जुनून को भी सूक्ष्मता से दिखाए, जो मानते हैं कि आज की तकनीकी दुनिया में करियर के ढेरों विकल्पों के बीच केवल सरकारी नौकरी ही सबसे सुरक्षित है। हमारे नायक की यात्रा हास्यप्रद और प्रेरणादायक दोनों है।”
सुरेश एल वर्मा और चंदन के पंडित द्वारा सिनेमैटोग्राफी और एसवाई77 पोस्टलैब व साउंड डिज़ाइनर इमरान सैफ़ी के द्वारा पोस्ट-प्रोडक्शन के साथ, सरकारी बच्चा एक आकर्षक और मनोरंजक सिनेमाई अनुभव देने के लिए तैयार है।
यह फिल्म 28 फरवरी 2025 को सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज होने वाली है।
फिल्म की एक और खासियत अभिनेत्रि श्रेष्ठा अय्यर का शानदार अभिनय व आईटम सॉन्ग जो सर्वोत्कृष्ट बॉलीवुड मसाला जोड़ देगा। बतादें श्रेष्ठा प्रसिद्ध क्रिकेटर श्रयेश अय्यर की बहन हैं। फ़िल्म “सरकारी बच्चा” अपने मजाकिया संवादों, आकर्षक पटकथा और एक ऐसे विषय के साथ जिससे हर भारतीय घर जुड़ा हुआ है, आपको गुदगुदाने और आपके दिल को छूने के लिए तैयार है।
फ़िल्म: सरकारी बच्चा 28 फरवरी, 2025 को प्रदर्शन के लिये तैयार।
London, UK: In a moment of pride and recognition, Sandeep Marwah, an eminent figure in global media, arts, and cultural diplomacy, has once again been honored at the British Parliament. This marks the eighth time Marwah has been recognized at this prestigious venue, solidifying his […]
International NewsLondon, UK: In a moment of pride and recognition, Sandeep Marwah, an eminent figure in global media, arts, and cultural diplomacy, has once again been honored at the British Parliament. This marks the eighth time Marwah has been recognized at this prestigious venue, solidifying his contributions to international cultural exchange. He was bestowed with the esteemed Bharat Gaurav Award at the House of Lords, British Parliament, London, UK.
The award was presented by Lord Raj Loomba, Commander of the British Empire, in acknowledgment of Marwah’s unwavering dedication to fostering cultural harmony and strengthening relations between India and the rest of the world, including the United Kingdom, through the universal language of art, media, and culture.
Sandeep Marwah has long been an advocate for the arts as a powerful medium to unite people beyond borders. Through his various initiatives, he has continuously worked to promote collaboration between Indian and international creative industries, using cinema, television, fashion, and performing arts as vehicles for diplomacy.
Accepting the award, Marwah expressed his heartfelt gratitude, stating:” I am deeply humbled to receive this honor at the British Parliament for the eighth time. This award is not just a personal recognition, but a testament to the power of art and media in bridging cultures, fostering friendships, and building lasting international relationships. The United Kingdom has always held a special place in my heart, and I look forward to strengthening our shared artistic and cultural heritage even further.”
Marwah, the founder of Noida Film City and Marwah Studios, has played a pivotal role in shaping India’s media landscape. His educational initiatives, international collaborations, and leadership in film and television production have not only put India on the global creative map but have also opened doors for thousands of aspiring artists and filmmakers.
Over the years, Marwah’s work has been recognized by various governments, cultural organizations, and international bodies. His contributions include: Establishing Noida Film City, which has become a hub for global media production. Founding AAFT (Asian Academy of Film & Television), one of the most sought-after institutions for media education. Serving as a cultural bridge between India and several nations, promoting artistic collaborations through film festivals, media conclaves, and bilateral cultural agreements.
Sandeep Marwah Becomes First Indian To Receive Eighth Honor In British Parliament
February 17–23, 2025 “Home & Abroad” A Painting and a Thought An Exhibition of recent works by London based artist Dr. Mohan Luthra VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 9910287876 Home & Abroad: Dr. […]
Art ExhibitionFebruary 17–23, 2025
“Home & Abroad”
A Painting and a Thought
An Exhibition of recent works by London based artist Dr. Mohan Luthra
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: +91 9910287876
Home & Abroad: Dr. Mohan Luthra’s Exhibition Explores Beauty and Truth
Mumbai’s iconic Jehangir Art Gallery is currently hosting a compelling exhibition by London-based artist Dr. Mohan Luthra, titled Home & Abroad – A Painting and a Thought. The exhibition features 28 evocative landscapes and has been drawing a steady stream of visitors, including art enthusiasts, critics, and cultural figures, with nearly 100 attendees daily.
The exhibition was inaugurated on 17th February 2025 by Mr. Kaiyoze Billimoria, a distinguished Mumbai citizen, who reflected on Dr. Luthra’s multifaceted career in the UK while maintaining a lifelong dedication to the arts. Speaking at the event, Billimoria noted, “Each painting here is not just a depiction of a place, but an exploration of how those places have shaped the artist’s thought and spirit.” He also emphasized Luthra’s deep connection to Indian landscapes, particularly through his recent work in shared studios in Goa and Reva Kancheta, along the banks of the Narmada River.
The exhibition was also attended by Senior Advocate Rui Rodrigues, a board member of the YMCA committee, who was particularly drawn to the poetic depth woven into Luthra’s work.
Home & Abroad showcases a diverse range of landscapes, from architectural panoramas to what the artist describes as “wastescapes.” Yet beyond their striking visual appeal, these works carry deeper narratives—questioning the realities behind idyllic settings through poetic reflections and self-exploration. Luthra’s approach challenges viewers to move beyond aesthetics and engage with the truths hidden beneath the surface.
A notable aspect of the exhibition is its curation, subtly tracing the artist’s evolution from childhood to the present. Through this lens, Home & Abroad not only highlights Luthra’s artistic growth but also explores how his journeys—both physical and emotional—have shaped his perspective and creative voice.
With Home & Abroad, Dr. Mohan Luthra once again demonstrates his ability to merge visual splendor with introspective depth, offering audiences a thought-provoking experience that lingers long after they leave the gallery.
The exhibition runs until Sunday, 23rd February.
“Home & Abroad” Dr. Mohan Luthra’s Exhibition Explores Beauty and Truth at Jehangir Art Gallery
In the glittering world of Bollywood, new talents often emerge, capturing audiences’ hearts with their charm and charisma. One such promising star is Ruchi Sharma, who has recently been nominated for a noteworthy accolade, marking a significant milestone in her burgeoning career. With her striking […]
ActressIn the glittering world of Bollywood, new talents often emerge, capturing audiences’ hearts with their charm and charisma. One such promising star is Ruchi Sharma, who has recently been nominated for a noteworthy accolade, marking a significant milestone in her burgeoning career. With her striking appearance and vibrant personality, Ruchi is not just another face in the industry; she represents the blend of talent and allure that is essential for success in Bollywood. Currently, she is captivating audiences with a seductive song for Leo Media Digital’s upcoming Hindi film, showcasing her versatility as an artiste and performer.
Her Professional Journey
Ruchi Sharma is not just a model or a performer; she embodies the spirit of multitasking in a highly competitive space. Here are some highlights of her career:
*Artiste and Performer*: Ruchi has showcased her acting prowess through various platforms, including two web series—one focused on crime and another on comedy. Her ability to adapt to different genres speaks volumes about her potential to captivate diverse audiences.
*Current Projects*: At present, Ruchi is involved in a musical venture for a film produced by Dr. Keval Kumar. The song sung by Mamta Sharma, known for her hit “Munni Badnaam Hui,” is penned and composed by the talented Ravi Chopra, further elevating Ruchi’s profile in the industry. The song is being directed by playback singer cum director Pratibha K Saini.
*Flexibility and Experience*: Ruchi’s openness to both domestic and international shoots, coupled with her comfort with varying time commitments, makes her a valued asset for directors and producers alike. She is keen on exploring opportunities beyond geographical boundaries.
Physical Attributes
Ruchi Sharma stands out, not just for her talent but also for her physical attributes that leave a lasting impression:
– *Skin Tone*: Fair
– *Eye Color*: Dark brown eyes that convey deep emotions, often described as “speaking” in ways words cannot.
– *Hair Color*: A striking combination of black and golden hues, adding a distinct flair to her artistic persona.
– *Shoe Size*: 5, which complements her fashion sense.
Ruchi’s physical appearance, combined with her artistic flair, positions her effectively in the industry, with potential endorsements and modeling opportunities in the wings.
Fashion Sense and Interests
What’s remarkable about Ruchi is her diverse fashion sense and interests. She is comfortable wearing a variety of outfits, from ethereal ethnic garments to bold western styles. Here’s a detailed list of her fashion preferences:
*Ethnic Wears*: Ruchi carries traditional attire with grace and elegance, making her a popular choice for cultural events and fashion shows.
. *Western Wears*: She embraces modern fashion, often seen in chic and trendy western outfits that accentuate her style.
*Print Shoots and Ramp Shows*: With experience in print media and ramp modeling, Ruchi showcases her adaptability and comfort in front of the camera.
*Specialty Shoots*: She’s open to bikini, lingerie, and swimsuit shoots, indicating her confidence and commitment to her craft.
*Music Albums and Calendar Shoots*: Ruchi’s versatility extends to music albums and themed photo shoots, highlighting her multifaceted artistic abilities.
Education and Language Proficiency
Education plays a vital role in Ruchi’s profile, as she is an undergraduate who believes in continuous learning and development. Her linguistic skills are equally impressive; she is proficient in English, Hindi, and Marathi, enabling her to communicate effectively and connect with a broader audience.
Ruchi Sharma is on the rise, captivating the Bollywood scene with her undeniable talent and charm. Her nomination reflects not only her hard work but also her potential to leave a lasting impact on the industry. As she embarks on her journey with the exciting song project for Leo Media Digital, Ruchi demonstrates that she is ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that come her way.
In a world where talent and looks can often be overshadowed, Ruchi’s capability to “speak with her eyes” makes her a star to watch. As she continues to embrace opportunities, it will be intriguing to see how her career unfolds and how she leaves her mark in the ever-evolving landscape of Bollywood cinema.
Ruchi Sharma Nominated For Bollywood: A Rising Star That Speaks With Her Eyes
Noida, India – The 13th Global Festival of Journalism & AVGC Noida 2025 commenced with grandeur at Marwah Studios, Film City, Noida, organized by the International Journalism Centre (IJC), Asian Academy of Film & Television (AAFT), and International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI). […]
Breaking NewsNoida, India – The 13th Global Festival of Journalism & AVGC Noida 2025 commenced with grandeur at Marwah Studios, Film City, Noida, organized by the International Journalism Centre (IJC), Asian Academy of Film & Television (AAFT), and International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI).
This pioneering festival, the first of its kind in the world, has become a landmark event in the media industry, uniting journalists, filmmakers, media professionals, and students from India and abroad. Designed to honor and celebrate journalism, the festival truly embodies the spirit of being “of the journalist, by the journalists, for the journalists.”
With a record-breaking 33 media and AVGC-related events, the festival serves as a vibrant platform for discussions on press freedom, ethical journalism, technological advancements in media, and the growing AVGC (Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming, and Comics) sector.
Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Festival President, President of ICMEI, and Chancellor of AAFT University of Media and Arts, initiated and expressed his vision, stating: “Journalism is the pillar of democracy, and through this festival, we aim to spread the message of love, peace, and unity. The media has the power to bridge gaps and foster global harmony. The integration of AVGC into this festival is a step towards embracing the future of digital media and entertainment.”
The event was graced by several renowned national and international dignitaries, each sharing their thoughts on the significance of journalism and media in today’s world: Dr. Kiran Bedi, Former Governor of Puducherry, emphasized the role of journalism in shaping public opinion and holding authorities accountable. She stated: “A responsible media is the backbone of any democratic society. Truthful, unbiased, and ethical journalism must always be upheld. Festivals like GFJN inspire young journalists to embrace the core values of this noble profession.”
Deepak Singhal, Former Chief Secretary, UP, spoke about the evolving nature of journalism, saying: “The digital era has transformed the way news is consumed. The challenge for today’s journalists is to maintain authenticity amidst the rapid spread of misinformation.” Cdr. K.L. Ganju, Hon. Consul General of Comoros, highlighted the global importance of ethical journalism and stated:
“Journalism has the power to influence international relations. Ethical reporting is essential in maintaining peace between nations.”
Dr. Waiel Awwad, Senior Journalist from Syria, provided insights into journalism in conflict zones, saying:
“Reporting in war-torn areas comes with immense challenges. It is crucial that journalists remain fearless yet responsible in their pursuit of the truth.” Aji Fatoumatta Joof, First Secretary, Gambia High Commission, shared her experience of media’s role in diplomatic relations, noting: “Journalism is not just about reporting; it is about storytelling that educates and connects cultures worldwide.”
Anil Sharda, Senior Journalist, narrated his experiences and emphasized: “Journalism should never be about sensationalism. Instead, it must be about facts, research, and impact.” Sharmishtha Sharma, Senior Journalist, spoke on the need for gender balance in journalism, stating: “More women in media leadership positions will bring diverse perspectives and create a more inclusive media landscape.”
Naveen Choudhary, Senior Journalist & Author, expressed his views on the future of journalism, saying: “With AI and technology shaping news consumption, it is imperative to uphold credibility and journalistic ethics.” Aparna Moazzam, TV Anchor, stressed the importance of responsible television journalism, adding: “As journalists, we must ensure that we report with integrity and contribute to an informed society.”
Alongside thought-provoking discussions, the festival featured prestigious releases, including: Poster Release: Shaheed Bhagat Singh Forum, honoring the legendary freedom fighter. Book Launch: Mere Bachpan Ka Chand by Dr. Dewakar Goel, reflecting on childhood memories and the evolving landscape of education.cThe event was skillfully anchored by Mehak Zaidi, Assistant Professor at AAFT School of Journalism & Mass Communication, who kept the audience engaged and inspired.
The 13th Global Festival of Journalism & AVGC Noida 2025 set a new benchmark for media festivals worldwide. With its strong focus on journalistic integrity, media ethics, and technological advancements, the festival is expected to influence future generations of journalists and media professionals.
13th Global Festival of Journalism Opens at Marwah Studios: A Celebration of Media Excellence
Arpita Das, who hails from a small town near Kolkata, is a model, actress and dancer. She started her acting career from Kolkata. She has worked in five Bengali serials. After that, she came to Surat and did many ad films for print, catalogue, jewellery, […]
ActressArpita Das, who hails from a small town near Kolkata, is a model, actress and dancer. She started her acting career from Kolkata. She has worked in five Bengali serials. After that, she came to Surat and did many ad films for print, catalogue, jewellery, medicine and many brands. She has also acted in ad films and series in Mumbai. Arpita is excited about her upcoming projects. She wants to act in films and TV serials. She wishes to work in a Hindi mythology serial or film.
Arpita has already got a chance to work in the Bengali mythology serial ‘Mangal Chandi’. Arpita has been dedicated to her work since childhood. Whatever work she does, she does it with full passion and dedication. She is influenced by Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. She likes to watch films based on fantasy and unique stories like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings.
She watches almost all the films that have won Oscar awards. She likes songs of singers Kailash Kher, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and Himesh Reshammiya. Arpita Das has acted in theatre and has also done some plays. Arpita is a very good singer and dancer.
She has learnt classical and Rabindra Sangeet. She is a graduate in BSc and is going to study LLB further. Arpita Das is not from any film background but on the strength of her dedication and talent she has come to Mumbai and is doing acting and modelling.
Arpita says that if you want to make a career in the field of acting then have patience to establish yourself here and take the step only after making yourself financially and mentally strong because you cannot complete the journey of reaching your destination in a day, you have to give time and during this time money and patience are very important.
Arpita further says that she is getting full support of her family in this acting career. Along with this she is also getting some good projects. She will definitely be seen on the silver screen in the near future.
Actress Arpita Das With Her Dedication And Talent Towards Acting Is Doing Acting And Modelling Has Become Popular In A Short Span Of Time
BBC, a prestigious platform that unites professionals from diverse fields to foster innovation and collaboration, is delighted to announce the appointment of internationally acclaimed choreographer Mr. Sandip Soparrkar as its Brand Ambassador. In a formal meeting, the founders, Mr. Haresh Mehta and Dr. Alka Walavalkar […]
Breaking NewsBBC, a prestigious platform that unites professionals from diverse fields to foster innovation and collaboration, is delighted to announce the appointment of internationally acclaimed choreographer Mr. Sandip Soparrkar as its Brand Ambassador.
In a formal meeting, the founders, Mr. Haresh Mehta and Dr. Alka Walavalkar had the honor of presenting Mr. Soparrkar with his appointment letter. This momentous occasion marks the beginning of an exciting collaboration aimed at promoting creativity, cultural exchange, and professional excellence.
With his remarkable contributions to the field of dance and the arts, Mr. Soparrkar embodies the spirit of BBC’s mission. His extensive experience and global recognition will play a pivotal role in strengthening BBC’s outreach and inspiring professionals across various domains.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Soparrkar expressed his gratitude and enthusiasm, stating, “I am honored to be associated with BBC, a platform that celebrates talent and fosters meaningful connections across industries. I look forward to contributing to its vision and working closely with professionals from different fields.”
BBC is confident that this collaboration will lead to significant milestones in the promotion of arts, culture, and professional excellence.
Sandip Soparrkar Appointed As Brand Ambassador Of Big Business Council (BBC)
From:13th to 16th February 2025 “GULZAR” 8th Solo show of paintings from the series of Chhapkhana Group by renowned artist Virendra Chopde VENUE: Kismat Art Gallery 11, Dena Bank Building, 3rd Pasta Lane, Opp. Colaba Market Colaba, Mumbai 400 005 Timing: 10am to 7pm. Contact: […]
Art ExhibitionFrom:13th to 16th February 2025
8th Solo show of paintings from the series of Chhapkhana Group by renowned artist Virendra Chopde
Kismat Art Gallery
11, Dena Bank Building,
3rd Pasta Lane, Opp. Colaba Market
Colaba, Mumbai 400 005
Timing: 10am to 7pm.
Contact: +91 8087004700
Solo exhibition of paintings by a contemporary Renowned artist, Virendra Chopde is showing his recent work at Kismat Art Gallery, 11, Dena Bank Building, 3rd Pasta Lane, opposite Colaba Market, Mumbai 400005 from 13th to 16th February 2025 between 11 am to 7 pm.
This show was inaugurated on 13th February 2025 by Chief Guest Philip D’Mello(Eminent Artist), Guest of Honour Vinita Mirchandani(Owner of Gallery Studio – 3) in the presence of Vishakha Apte, Shilpa Pachpor, Sheetal Bawkar, Ashwita Meher, Prof. Vinod Chachere, Ashish Telangur, Yogesh Patil, Umesh Patil, Vinayak Sarvankar, Shubham Kesur among others.
Virendra Chopde hails from Kamptee. He had his art education degrees from Rashtrasanta Tukdoji Maharaj University, Nagpur like BFA Drawing / Painting in 2002, M.F.A – Drawing / Painting in 2005 and Diploma Art Education in 2005 in Mumbai. He was a recipient of several meritorious awards and prizes during his student days at Government Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya Nagpur and thereafter as well as during his illustrious art journey spanning over 2 decades from various art promotional institutions of national and international reputation. He actively participated in several art shows, workshops, camps etc at Nagpur, Mumbai, Ujjain, Pune, Jodhpur, Khajuraho – M.P., New Delhi, Chennai, Dhanbad, Bhopal, Kamptee, Baramati, Manali – M.P. , Chandrapur etc. His presentations in these art shows were highly applauded which duly inspired him for the future. His works are in proud collection of many prominent art collectors in India and abroad.
The present series in mix medium on canvas illustrates his deep attachment with Nature and its many wonders in different seasons having conducive environments as well as human emotions in sensitive minds of young women or ladies. He has adopted a minimalistic approach in his creations which are also having simplicity and clarity as well as transparency achieved through relevant aesthetic sense and spirits. He has exemplified subtle nuances of shape, form, texture, colour, tonal harmony through the textures and the aroma and fragrance of the desired visual effects achieved in the apt perspectives of visual arts. He has mostly focused on vivid human emotions in a sensitive mind like love, friendship, innocence, devotion, excitement, memories, greed, anger, sadness, pain etc alongwith happiness, joy, exhilaration, anticipation (waiting) and many more. His works reveal visual experience of flowers like champa / Chameli etc along which scent aroma and freshness emanating therefrom that, in turn, leave an everlasting and profound visual impact on human mind in apt perspectives. The works also highlight the artistic visual language of artistic expressions to focus on the desired visual perspectives of ecstasy and aesthetics in the creative endeavor which always share a dialogue with the viewers leading to their appreciation and encouraging response.
GULZAR 8th Solo Show Of Paintings By Artist Virendra Chopde At Kismat Art Gallery
EXCLUSIVE STORY Let us know about your journey as Fitness entrepreneur? Since childhood, I had a passion for the fitness industry. I used to watch bodybuilders on YouTube and television, observing how they performed their exercises and followed their routines. Eventually, I set up a […]
Let us know about your journey as Fitness entrepreneur?
Since childhood, I had a passion for the fitness industry. I used to watch bodybuilders on YouTube and television, observing how they performed their exercises and followed their routines. Eventually, I set up a small gym in my village and started working out myself. Whenever I didn’t know how to perform a particular exercise, I would search for it on YouTube or Google and learn. As I progressed, I also started teaching the local kids. Initially, the children in my village had no knowledge of the gym, but after I set it up, their interest in fitness gradually started to grow.
How tough is reaching people in villages regarding fitness?
Reaching people in villages regarding fitness is quite challenging, especially in the beginning. Creating awareness, providing knowledge, and encouraging them to adapt to something new can be difficult. Many villagers initially believed that fitness was unnecessary because, in the past, their daily activities-like working in the fields and managing household chores-kept them physically active.
However, as time passed and people gained more knowledge about fitness, doubts regarding the gym industry and fitness began to clear. The main issue is that while their physical activity has decreased, their diet remains the same as it was in earlier times. But villages are also modernizing now, and people are gradually realizing that fitness is not just a necessity but an essential part of life.
How important are Health Supplements in fitness industry?
Your journey is inspiring what is your massage to youth especially regarding to fitness?
In today’s time, health supplements have become essential because our diet has become sedentary, providing very little nutrition. People either don’t have time to prepare healthy meals or get bored of eating the same nutritious food. Supplements help fulfill the nutritional gaps that our regular diet cannot provide.
For example, protein is crucial for muscle growth and recovery. BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) support muscle repair, while macro and micro nutrients are essential for overall health.
Additionally, supplements play a vital role in bone health, heart health, joint health, muscle recovery, and brain function. They ensure that our body gets the necessary nutrients to stay strong, energetic, and healthy. However, it’s important to take supplements wisely and as per individual needs, preferably under expert guidance.
SAHIL DUTTS Alone Fitness Is Inspiring In Chinab Velley
शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ की निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा इन दिनों चर्चा में हैं। उनसे लिए गए इंटरव्यू के अंश… सवाल :- इसकी प्रेरणा कहाँ से मिली रमीरा तनेजा:- मैंने विभिन्न फिल्म निर्माताओं की कई शार्ट फिल्में देखी हैं, और मैंने देखा है कि उनमें से […]
Celebrity Newsशॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ की निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा इन दिनों चर्चा में हैं। उनसे लिए गए इंटरव्यू के अंश…
सवाल :- इसकी प्रेरणा कहाँ से मिली
रमीरा तनेजा:- मैंने विभिन्न फिल्म निर्माताओं की कई शार्ट फिल्में देखी हैं, और मैंने देखा है कि उनमें से कई जटिल पात्रों या बौद्धिक विषयों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती हैं। मुझे लगा कि परिवार के अनुकूल शॉर्ट फिल्मों में एक कमी है – कुछ सरल लेकिन प्रभावशाली, एक सार्थक संदेश को एक संबंधित तरीके से देना। समाज में सब कुछ नकारात्मकता के इर्द-गिर्द नहीं घूमता; कई अच्छे और दयालु लोग हैं, और मैं इसे उजागर करना चाहती थी। दुनिया खूबसूरत है, और इसे ऐसा बनाने वाले लोग भी।
सवाल :- इसकी कहानी और इसके मुख्य विषय के बारे में बताएं
रमीरा तनेजा:- वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स लक्ष्यहीन युवाओं के एक ग्रुप के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है, जिनके पास जीवन में दिशा और मार्गदर्शन की कमी है। जब एक बुजुर्ग दंपति, अर्जुन और गीता, उनके पड़ोस में रहने आते हैं, तो वे शुरू में इन युवाओं के व्यवहार से परेशान होते हैं। हालाँकि, जब उन्हें यह समझ में आता है कि ये युवा अच्छे दिल वाले अनाथ हैं, लेकिन उनके काम गलत हैं, तो उनका नज़रिया बदल जाता है। घटनाओं की एक श्रृंखला के माध्यम से – विशेष रूप से जब लड़कों में से एक, करण, अनजाने में गीता की मदद करता है – दंपति उन्हें सलाह देने का फैसला करता है। उनका समर्थन न केवल करण के जीवन को बदलता है, बल्कि अन्य युवाओं के जीवन को भी बदल देता है, जो दयालुता और सलाह के गहन प्रभाव को दर्शाता है।
सवाल :- आप दर्शकों को इस फिल्म से क्या संदेश देना चाहती हैं? रमीरा तनेजा:- वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स का मुख्य संदेश सरल लेकिन गहरा है – दयालुता के छोटे-छोटे कामों की शक्ति को कभी कम मत समझो। दूसरों की मदद करना, चाहे छोटे-छोटे तरीकों से ही क्यों न हो, अच्छाई एक लहर जैसा प्रभाव पैदा कर सकती है। लोग, स्वभाव से, स्वाभाविक रूप से अच्छे होते हैं, और अगर उन्हें सही समर्थन और अवसर दिए जाएँ, तो वे अपनी क्षमता को सकारात्मक बदलाव की ओर मोड़ सकते हैं।
सवाल :- क्या फिल्मांकन के दौरान कहानी विकसित हुई?
रमीरा तनेजा:- इसकी कहानी मूल रूप से अनिल क्रिस्टी द्वारा लिखी गई थी, लेकिन यह फिल्मांकन के दौरान स्वाभाविक रूप से विकसित हुई। हमें लोकेशन की कमी, एक्टर की उपलब्धता और कहानी के प्रवाह के आधार पर सेट पर सुधार करना पड़ा। कहानी का सार वही रहा, लेकिन वास्तविक समय में अनुकूलन ने परफॉर्मेंस और कहानी कहने में प्रामाणिकता जोड़ दी।
सवाल :- प्रमुख निर्देशकों की सहायक रहने और एक फीचर फिल्म का सह-निर्माण करने के बाद, आपने अपने करियर के इस चरण में एक लघु फिल्म बनाने का विकल्प क्यों चुना?
रमीरा तनेजा:- मैं फिल्म निर्माण के व्यवसाय को बहुत अच्छी तरह से समझती हूं, और मेरा मानना है कि कहानी कहने को विभिन्न माध्यमों में अनुकूलित किया जाना चाहिए। नए प्लेटफ़ॉर्म के उदय और दर्शकों की बदलती प्राथमिकताओं के साथ, कोई भी माध्यम बहुत बड़ा या बहुत छोटा नहीं है। लघु फिल्में हमें संक्षिप्त प्रारूप में एक शक्तिशाली संदेश देने की अनुमति देती हैं, और इस मामले में, वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स केवल 6 मिनट और 20 सेकंड में अपना संदेश खूबसूरती से व्यक्त करती है।
सवाल :- इस लघु फिल्म को बनाने में सबसे बड़ी चुनौती क्या थी?
रमीरा तनेजा:- सबसे बड़ी चुनौती समय थी। मैं अनिल क्रिस्टी से तब मिली जब वे फिल्म के अन्य अभिनेताओं त्रेहान और बबीता के साथ भारत में थे। वे दूर के परिवार से मिलने के लिए लंदन से सिर्फ़ दो दिनों के लिए आए थे। जो एक सामान्य चर्चा के रूप में शुरू हुआ, वह 24 घंटे की फिल्म निर्माण चुनौती में बदल गया। हमें लंदन के लिए रवाना होने से एक दिन पहले फिल्म का कॉन्सेप्ट बनाना था, शूट करना था और संपादित करना था। लगभग बिना किसी बजट के, हमने इस कहानी को जीवंत करने के लिए सद्भावना, वास्तविक स्थानों और गैर-अभिनेताओं पर भरोसा किया। यह एक गहन लेकिन पुरस्कृत अनुभव था।
सवाल :- आपकी फिल्म अब तक कहां प्रदर्शित हुई है?
रमीरा तनेजा:- फिल्म बिल्कुल नई है, और हमने हाल ही में बॉबी वत्स के प्लेटफ़ॉर्म क्रिएटिवकर्मा.इन पर इसका प्रीमियर करने का फैसला किया है। पहली स्क्रीनिंग 14 फरवरी, वैलेंटाइन डे पर होगी, क्योंकि फिल्म उम्र, पृष्ठभूमि या परिस्थितियों से परे प्यार और दयालुता का जश्न मनाती है।
सवाल :- एक फिल्म निर्देशक के रूप में आपके लिए आगे क्या है? क्या आप किसी नए प्रोजेक्ट पर काम कर रहे हैं?
रमीरा तनेजा:- मैं वर्तमान में थ्रिलर, रोमांस और एक्शन सहित विभिन्न शैलियों में कई स्क्रिप्ट विकसित कर रही हूं। मैं जल्द ही और अधिक विवरण साझा करने की उम्मीद करती हूं, और उम्मीद है कि निकट भविष्य में मेरी अगली परियोजना की घोषणा की जाएगी।
सवाल :- आप महत्वाकांक्षी लघु फिल्म फिल्म निर्माताओं को क्या सलाह देंगी?
रमीरा तनेजा:- अपने विजन के प्रति सच्चे रहें। ऐसी फिल्में बनाएं जो आपको व्यक्तिगत रूप से प्रभावित करें क्योंकि प्रामाणिकता आपके काम में झलकती है। एक फिल्म निर्माता को खुद और अपने शिल्प दोनों के प्रति ईमानदार होना चाहिए। साथ ही, अपने पास उपलब्ध संसाधनों का उपयोग करें- बाधाएं अक्सर रचनात्मक सफलताओं की ओर ले जा सकती हैं। सही अवसर का इंतजार न करें; जो आपके पास है, उसी से शुरुआत करें और कुछ सार्थक बनाएं।
निर्देशक रमीरा तनेजा की शॉर्ट फिल्म ‘वाइल्ड फ्लावर्स’ ऐसे युवाओं की कहानी है, जिनके पास लक्ष्य नहीं है
11th to 17th February 2025 ARTIVAL FOUNDATION Presents “ART CONTINUUM” An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures VENUE Nehru Centre Art Gallery Dr. Annie Besant Road Worli, Mumbai 400018 Timing: 11am to 7pm For More Details CALL / WHATSAPP + 91 9920804573 + 91 9833949788 Art Continuum: A […]
Art Exhibition11th to 17th February 2025
An Exhibition of Paintings & Sculptures
Nehru Centre Art Gallery
Dr. Annie Besant Road
Worli, Mumbai 400018
Timing: 11am to 7pm
For More Details
+ 91 9920804573
+ 91 9833949788
Art Continuum: A Journey Through Artistic Expression
Visual Art forges connections between knowledge, culture, and expression. While its visual impact remains undeniable, the true catalyst for artistic evolution lies in the platforms that nurture creativity. It is within these dynamic spaces that emerging talent finds its voice and established artists receive due recognition.
With this philosophy, the Artival Foundation presents Art Continuum, an ambitious, nationwide exhibition that fosters artistic inclusivity. Started by Satish Patil and Sharad Gurav in 2018, Director Prashant Kashikar & Dr. Jayesh Dakre the foundation serves as a non-commercial sanctuary for artists, championing both contemporary and indigenous art forms. With a commitment to amplifying voices often overshadowed in mainstream narratives—particularly folk and tribal artists—Artival provides a vital space for artistic exchange and appreciation.
Having begun its journey at the Visual Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi in 2024, Art Continuum will embark on a national tour, celebrating the diverse artistic landscapes of India. The upcoming Mumbai leg at the Nehru Centre marks a significant milestone in this journey. This prestigious venue will host a compelling selection of works by contemporary visual artists, uniting urban and rural artistic expressions under one roof.
Beyond an exhibition, Art Continuum embodies an ethos of accessibility, cultural preservation, and philanthropy. A portion of the proceeds from artwork sales will be donated to the Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA), reinforcing Artival’s commitment to social impact. The show invites art enthusiasts, collectors, and the public to engage in a transformative experience that bridges tradition and modernity. As Art Continuum arrives in Mumbai, it reaffirms the profound, enduring relationship between humanity and artistic expression—a celebration of creativity, heritage, and collective consciousness.
ART CONTINUUM National Art Exhibition Organized By Artival Foundation At Nehru Centre Art Gallery
From 11th to 17th February 2025 “Urban Whispers” The Cityscapes by renowned artist Ajit Deswandikar VENUE: Jehangir Art Gallery 161-B, M.G. Road Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001 Timing: 11am to 7pm Contact: +91 9322234057 This show was inaugurated on 11th February 2025 by Chief Guest Shri.Prakash Bal Joshi(Senior Journalist, […]
Art ExhibitionFrom 11th to 17th February 2025
“Urban Whispers”
The Cityscapes by renowned artist Ajit Deswandikar
Jehangir Art Gallery
161-B, M.G. Road
Kala Ghoda, Mumbai 400 001
Timing: 11am to 7pm
Contact: +91 9322234057
This show was inaugurated on 11th February 2025 by Chief Guest Shri.Prakash Bal Joshi(Senior Journalist, Eminent Artist, and Writer), Guests of Honor Dr. Sanjay Bhide(Founder & Convenor, Trans Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Shri. Aleksander Perminov(Representative, Russian Chamber of Commerce & Industry), Shri. Jesus Alejandro De la Rosa (Consul of Mexico), Shri. Graham London (Graffic Artist from UK). Smt. Fiona Graham Rouse Art Lover and the Wife of Consul General of New Zealand), Smt. Sarala N. (Managing Director, Artquest Art Gallery(AAG).
Urban Whispers: The Cityscapes of Ajit Deswandikar Ajit Deswandikar’s upcoming solo show offers a poignant glimpse into the heart of India’s urban existence. With a masterful hand, he captures the hustle and quietude of city streets, where life unfolds in layers. His subdued palette of whites and greys mirrors the muted tones of urban chaos. Yet, amidst the quiet monotones, a splash of vibrant color breathes life into his compositions. Rickshaw pullers pause mid-journey, their silhouettes etched against crumbling buildings. Vendors gather in bustling markets, their movements merging into a rhythmic urban dance. Streams of water wind their way through the city, reflecting the gritty skyline. Tall, looming structures frame the horizon, marking the city’s relentless growth. The skylines Deswandikar paints are not mere backdrops but protagonists in their own right. His work speaks of the fragile balance between progress and the remnants of the past. Through restrained hues, he conveys the resilience of those who inhabit these spaces. A lone streak of red or yellow symbolizes hope amid the greys of urban monotony. The artist’s brush strokes are deliberate yet fluid, echoing the city’s dynamism. Every frame is a narrative, alive with the pulse of humanity and its struggles. Deswandikar’s cityscapes are not just visuals but a sensory experience. You can almost hear the honking rickshaws and the chatter of street vendors. The juxtaposition of stillness and motion defines his artistic language. In his work, modernity coexists with traces of a simpler, bygone era. Ajit Deswandikar invites us to pause and reflect on our relationship with urban spaces. His paintings remind us that beneath the grey, every city holds a vivid, untold story.
———- Prakash Bal Joshi
URBAN WHISPERS Solo Show Of Paintings By Renowned Artist Ajit Deswandikar At Jehangir Art Gallery
In a world where healthcare, diplomacy, and national security intersect, Dr. Anurita Kapur stands as a remarkable figure who embodies an exceptional blend of her expertises and dedication. With an impressive array of qualifications—including M.D., A.S., B.S., M.A.S., and M.S.—Dr. Kapur’s journey is nothing short […]
Exclusive NewsIn a world where healthcare, diplomacy, and national security intersect, Dr. Anurita Kapur stands as a remarkable figure who embodies an exceptional blend of her expertises and dedication. With an impressive array of qualifications—including M.D., A.S., B.S., M.A.S., and M.S.—Dr. Kapur’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Her accolades, such as being inducted into the Omicron Sigma Sigma Order of Sword Shield and receiving the National Honor Award Gold Medal, highlight her commitment to excellence in both her professional undertakings and humanitarian efforts.
Born into a family with a rich legacy of political involvement in the United States, Dr. Kapur has played a significant role in shaping the electoral landscape since 2009. As Dr. Kapur was a U.S. Presidential candidate herself in 2024, she was honored to have the trust and endorsement of the American people by ballot votes for her, vying for the prestigious position of U.S. President for 2025. Her deep-rooted ties to American history extend back five generations, showcasing a legacy of support for prominent leaders and the U.S. Presidents including Hon. President John F. Kennedy.
Anurita was a supporter, campaigner, donor and endorser of Hon. Donald J. Trump in 2015 to present.
Dr. Kapur’s academic journey is equally commendable. With a perfect 4.0 GPA, she has excelled in her studies at some of the most prestigious American universities in the world, she also attended Harvard University. She honed her skills in medicine, law, intelligence (specializations in national & global security, terrorism studies & WMDs CBRNEs), political science and diplomatic international relations. This solid educational background has empowered her to tackle some of the most pressing issues of our time, particularly in the fields of terrorism studies, national security, WMD’s (CBRNEs) and emergency management.
Her career spans a multitude of sectors, including her impactful work at the United Nations Institute of Training and Research in Geneva, and as a producer at the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Dr. Kapur has engaged with heads of states from 193 countries, participating in high-level sessions at the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly as well as contributing to organizations such as the World Health Organization, International Monetary Fund, and European Union and more.
In the aviation industry, Dr. Kapur had made strides as a contracted professional, engaged in the commercial acquisition and sales of aircraft, further showcasing her versatile skill set.
As a successful medical administrator since 2002, she founded Livingston Medical Groups (LMG), dedicated to delivering high-quality medical services to underserved populations. Her vision extends globally with plans for Trillion Dollar Medical Projects aimed at establishing state-of-the-art hospitals in the U. S. and worldwide, elevating healthcare standards to match those found in the United States.
A person of extraordinary achievements, Dr. Kapur’s legacy is also tied to her heritage, as she is the great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Maharaja Ranjit Singh of Punjab, India. This royal lineage influences her leadership style, embedding cultural wisdom and a sense of responsibility toward her community.
Dr. Anurita Kapur considers Bollywood film director Rajesh Bhatt as her best friend who keeps guiding her from time to time.
As a visionary, she stated, “I diligently strive to create and sustain: understanding, love, peace, security, stability and prosperity to prevail globally in our world and in the entire cosmos.”
With this note, Dr. Kapur stated, “In the U.S. , I promote, endorse and advocate for Artificial Intelligence (AI) fundings to bring into action proper research, training and integration of (AI) into human lives. This action should start by providing proper human training and within the governing bodies. In order to implement (AI) into action, we require proper laws to govern (AI).”
As Dr. Anurita Kapur continues to break barriers and create meaningful change, she remains a beacon of hope and inspiration for future generations, exemplifying how one individual can profoundly affect the medical, political, diplomatic,
intelligence and global landscape. Her commitment to gold standards, excellence, leadership, and service ensures that her contributions will resonate for years to come, solidifying her place as a transformative figure in the modern world.
Written by Robin Hayes
United States of America
Dr. Anurita Kapur: An American, Visionary Leader Bridging Medicine, Diplomacy, Intelligence, Political Science And Global Security
अगर आप भी ओटीटी पर फिल्में और वेब सीरीज देखने का शौक रखते हैंतो आॅनलाइन मूवी स्ट्रीम हो रही है जिसकानाम है शुगर फ्री गर्ल्सजो आपका भरपूर एंटरटेन करेंगी। यह मूवी को आप ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म स्टोरीडेक पर देख सकते हैं। क्राइम थिलर के तौर पर […]
Web Seriesअगर आप भी ओटीटी पर फिल्में और वेब सीरीज देखने का शौक रखते हैंतो आॅनलाइन मूवी स्ट्रीम हो रही है जिसकानाम है शुगर फ्री गर्ल्सजो आपका भरपूर एंटरटेन करेंगी। यह मूवी को आप ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म स्टोरीडेक पर देख सकते हैं। क्राइम थिलर के तौर पर दिग्गज अभिनेता राजू खेर की अपनी इस मूवी को लेकर फैंस काफी एक्साइटेड हैं। इस मूवी शुगर फ्री गर्ल्स को फेमस ओटीटी प्लटफार्म स्टोरीडेक पर स्ट्रीम किया गया है।
सोशल मीडिया अकाउंट पर क्रिप्टिक पोस्ट और उसके बाद ब्रेकअप की खबरों का ताना बाना बुनती फिल्म सुगर फ्री गर्ल आपको एक ऐसी दुनिया की ओर ले जाती है जहां बात फ्रेंडली भी है और एक ऐसे सस्पेंश की जिसकी परतें खुलेंगी तो चौकना लाजमी है। कहते हैं काम ही पूजा है और अपने काम को पूजा समझनेवाली निर्माता पल्लवी आनंद गुप्ता के डेडिकेशन को देख लोग उनके कायल हो गए हैं। उनके वर्कआउट की बात करेंतो वे बतौर निर्माता स्टोरीडेक के लिए लेकर आई हैं अपनी नई फिल्म शुगर फ्री गर्ल्स जिसको रिलिज से पहले मीडिया को अंधेरी के एक प्रिव्यु थियेटर में दिखाया गया।
पल्लवी आनंद गुप्ता के काम के प्रति समर्पण को देख प्रिव्यु में पहुंचे लोग इंप्रेस हो गए। जाने माने निर्देशक कवल शर्मा द्वारा लिखित और निर्देशित तथा बोर्डेन भंगा एवं विनायक कोंडे द्वारा निर्मित इस फिल्म में अभिनेता राजू खेर जहां मुख्य खलनायक की भुमिका में हैं वहींदीपक केजरीवाल ,राजू श्रेष्ठ, शेनाज सेहर , डॉली चावला,नेहा पारीक,अर्लिन उपासना,पोईटर पामुला,नेहा पोखर,ेअंकिता,संदीप वर्मा,जेडी शर्मा,मिलिंद जोशी,राज सुरंग,नरेश अशिजा,सूरी टाक और रशियन मॉडल तमारा,ओकसाना,प्रनिति हित्ते, विजय और सजीव खन्ना।
इस फिल्म के डीओपी पंकज कच्छावा, योगेश अंधारे और मोहित,संगीत बोर्डेन भंगा,एक्शन डायरेक्टर महमूद खान,कॉस्ट्यूम डिजाइनर रेनू पिठवा और कला निदेशक दिलीप पिठवा हैं। पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन सुमित स्टूडियो,एडिटर पंकज सपकाले और कोरियोग्राफर कमल नाथ हैं।
स्टोरीडेक की ओटीटी मूवी शुगर फ्री गर्ल्स हुई स्ट्रीम
Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli – February 08, 2025: The second edition of the One World One Family Cup (OWOF Cup), a unique cricketing event uniting sports and humanitarian service, concluded successfully at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Spearheaded by Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission (SMSGHM) under the guidance of Sadguru Sri […]
Breaking NewsSathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli – February 08, 2025: The second edition of the One World One Family Cup (OWOF Cup), a unique cricketing event uniting sports and humanitarian service, concluded successfully at Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. Spearheaded by Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission (SMSGHM) under the guidance of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, the event saw retired cricketing legends come together to support the noble cause of Nutrition, Health, and Education for All.
The much-anticipated match witnessed cricketing greats from India and Sri Lanka, including Venkatesh Prasad, Irfan Pathan, Yusuf Pathan, Marvan Atapattu, Aravinda De Silva, Muthiah Muralitharan, Arjuna Ranatunga, and Chaminda Vaas, among others, competing with great fervor.
Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai, the visionary behind this initiative, stated, “The One World One Family Cup is more than just a cricket match; it is a platform where the sporting fraternity unites for a greater cause—to uplift those deprived of essential necessities like education, healthcare, and nutrition. This is a testament to our commitment to humanity, and I am grateful to all those who took time to join hands in spreading the message of unity and compassion.”
Cricketing legend Dr. Sunil Gavaskar, who presided over the event, added, “Cricket for a Cause is a celebration of humanity. In India, cricket is more than a sport—it is a unifying force. Nothing is more meaningful than cricketing icons coming together to support millions through such a noble initiative. We deeply appreciate the efforts of Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai in organizing this remarkable event. We look forward to returning for the third edition next year.”
Under the leadership of Venkatesh Prasad, One World (India) secured a thrilling six-run victory over One Family (Sri Lanka). However, in the spirit of OWOF, the match had no losers—only winners united by the love for cricket and a commitment to global welfare.
Captain Venkatesh Prasad reflected on the significance of the event, stating, “Winning or losing does not matter here; the real victory is in the lives that will be transformed through this initiative. We are humbled to contribute to SMSGHM’s mission of providing free education, healthcare, and nutrition to the needy.”
Echoing similar sentiments, Marvan Atapattu, Captain of One Family (Sri Lanka), expressed his gratitude, saying, “It is an honor for us Sri Lankans to be part of this initiative. Cricket has the power to unite, and today, it has brought us together to serve humanity. We look forward to more such opportunities.”
Adding to the excitement, Sadguru Sri Madhusudan Sai announced the launch of the Vishwanath-Gavaskar Cricket Academy for Boys at Sri Sathya Sai Grama, Muddenahalli. This free-of-cost residential cricket academy, named in honor of legendary cricketers, will select students purely on merit, ensuring that deserving young talents receive professional training without financial constraints.
Engraved with the message “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”—The World is One Family—the One World One Family Cup 2025 successfully embodied the spirit of unity and collective responsibility.
One World One Family is a humanitarian movement led by Sri Madhusudan Sai, dedicated to uplifting marginalized communities through transformative initiatives in Nutrition, Education, and Healthcare. Over the past 12 years, the Sri Madhusudan Sai Global Humanitarian Mission has positively impacted over 13 million lives worldwide informed Dr Sandeep Marwah President of Marwah Studios and Chancellor of AAFT University while talking to the press. The One World One Family movement continues to pave the way for a future where compassion leads the way, ensuring that no one is left behind added Marwah.
One World One Family Cup 2025: Cricket For A Cause Concludes
भोजपुरी सिनेमा के देसी स्टार समर सिंह और बिहार की धड़कन लकी स्टार पाखी हेगड़े एक साथ होली से पहले ही होली का हुड़दंड मचाकर तहलका मचा दिया है। टेक मी यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज हुआ होली सांग ‘28% जीएसटी कटेला’ रिलीज होते ही वायरल […]
Albumsभोजपुरी सिनेमा के देसी स्टार समर सिंह और बिहार की धड़कन लकी स्टार पाखी हेगड़े एक साथ होली से पहले ही होली का हुड़दंड मचाकर तहलका मचा दिया है। टेक मी यूट्यूब चैनल पर रिलीज हुआ होली सांग ‘28% जीएसटी कटेला’ रिलीज होते ही वायरल हो गया है। इस गाने को लाखों की तादाद यूट्यूब पर व्यूज मिल चुके हैं। इसे काफी लाईक और कमेंट्स भी मिले हैं। इस गाने में पाखी हेगड़े और समर सिंह देवर-भाभी के रोल में होली की मस्ती में डूबे नजर आ रहे हैं। होली के हुड़दंड सराबोर यह होली सांग मनोरंजन से भरपूर है। इन गाने पाखी हेगड़े अपनी मोहक अदा से लोगों को हैरान कर रही है।
बता दें कि इसके पहले पाखी हेगड़े ने समर सिंह के साथ सुपरहिट गाना ‘कमरिया आटोमेटिक लेफ्ट राइट’ में खूब धमाल मचाया था। अब फिर से समर सिंह और पाखी हेगड़े की केमेस्ट्री होली धमाका सांग ‘28% जीएसटी कटेला’ में दर्शकों को खूब पसंद भी आ रही है। इस गाने को समर सिंह और पॉपुलर सिंगर शिल्पी राज ने गाया है। इस गाने को गीतकार छोटन मनीष ने लिखा है। जबकि मधुर संगीत से इस गीत को संगीतकार रौशन सिंह ने सजाया है। इस गाने के निर्माता सोमित जेना हैं। संकल्पना समर मोदी का है। वीडियो निर्देशक आशीष सत्यार्थी, कैमरामैन संतोष यादव और सरोज हैं। एडीटर पप्पू वर्मा एवं रवि यादव, कोरियोग्राफर अनुज मौर्य हैं। डीआई रोहित सिंह, टीटीएफ प्रोडक्शन, को-प्रोडक्शन लक्स एंटरटेनमेंट प्राइवेट लिमिटेड, प्रोडक्शन डिज़ाइन एसके आनंद यादव ने किया है। रिकॉर्डिंग स्टूडियो एसएस रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी है।
इस गाने को लेकर पाखी हेगड़े ने कहा कि ‘यह सांग मेरे दिल के बहुत करीब है। इस गाने में देसी स्टार समर सिंह के साथ काम करके एक बार फिर बहुत अच्छा लगा। हमारी केमिस्ट्री दर्शकों को बहुत अच्छी लग रही है। मेरा सुपर हिट गाना ‘कमरिया आटोमेटिक लेफ्ट राइट’ को जिस तरह अपना प्यार मिला था, वैसे मेरे इस गीत को भी ऑडियंस का भरपूर प्यार मिल रहा है। इसके लिए मैं सभी को तहेदिल से धन्यवाद देती हूं।’
वायरल हुआ समर सिंह और पाखी हेगड़े का होली सांग ‘28% जीएसटी कटेला’, मिले लाखों व्यूज
Rajasthani actress Priya Rajpoot is ready to shine in the spotlight with her role in Taandav 2, the much-anticipated sequel to a blockbuster hit. This exciting opportunity marks a bold shift from her established career in Rajasthani cinema, where she has already made a significant […]
ActressRajasthani actress Priya Rajpoot is ready to shine in the spotlight with her role in Taandav 2, the much-anticipated sequel to a blockbuster hit. This exciting opportunity marks a bold shift from her established career in Rajasthani cinema, where she has already made a significant impact.
Priya’s love for acting sparked during her school days, where her natural charm won over many. As she matured, her passion only grew, leading her to star in popular Rajasthani films like Nani Bai, Rakhi Ro Kawach, and Jawai Ji Pavana.
Now, with Taandav 2, Priya is stepping into uncharted territory by portraying a negative character, showcasing her range as an actress. She’s thrilled about this new role and hopes the audience will connect with her character.
Her enthusiasm for acting is contagious, and her commitment to elevating Rajasthani cinema is admirable. Priya believes that with the right promotion, Rajasthani films can truly resonate with audiences far and wide.
As she prepares for the release of Taandav 2, Priya is also diving into another exciting project, Mhare Shyam. With these two films on the horizon, she’s set to make a significant impact in the entertainment world, and we’re eager to see what she brings to the table.
Priya Rajpoot’s journey reflects her dedication, hard work, and love for her craft. As she continues to break new ground and embrace fresh challenges, it’s clear she’s on her way to becoming one of the most talented and versatile actresses around.
Rajasthani Cinema’s Rising Star Priya Rajpoot Set To Make A Mark With TAANDAV 2
कर्वी ग्लॅमरने गर्वाने *इंटरनेशनल मिस मुंबई प्लस साइज ब्यूटी पेजेंट* मुंबईत प्रथमच आयोजित केला. हा एक क्रांतिकारी उपक्रम आहे, जो *मेघना शेंडगे*, कर्वी ग्लॅमरच्या संस्थापकांनी संकल्पित आणि आयोजित केला होता. या कार्यक्रमाला अप्रतिम प्रतिसाद मिळाला, ज्यामुळे हे सिद्ध झाले की प्लस साइज महिलाही सौंदर्य आणि […]
Breaking Newsकर्वी ग्लॅमरने गर्वाने *इंटरनेशनल मिस मुंबई प्लस साइज ब्यूटी पेजेंट* मुंबईत प्रथमच आयोजित केला. हा एक क्रांतिकारी उपक्रम आहे, जो *मेघना शेंडगे*, कर्वी ग्लॅमरच्या संस्थापकांनी संकल्पित आणि आयोजित केला होता. या कार्यक्रमाला अप्रतिम प्रतिसाद मिळाला, ज्यामुळे हे सिद्ध झाले की प्लस साइज महिलाही सौंदर्य आणि फॅशन इंडस्ट्रीमध्ये आपले स्थान निर्माण करू शकतात आणि आकार-शून्य सौंदर्य मानकांवर प्रहार करू शकतात.
*”महिला ही सर्वात शक्तिशाली असलेली प्राणी आहे; ती एक दिव्य ऊर्जा रूप आहे आणि जीवनातील प्रत्येक आव्हानाला सामोरे जाऊ शकते.”*
– *मेघना शेंडगे*
*मेघना चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्ट* आणि *”आय ऍम द बेस्ट लेडी क्लब”* यामधून, मेघना मॅमने महिलांना जीवनाच्या आव्हानांचा सामना करण्यासाठी आणि स्वतःला सशक्त करण्यासाठी एक मंच उपलब्ध केला आहे. हा कार्यक्रम आता एक वार्षिक उपक्रम होईल, जो जगभरातील महिलांना प्रेरित आणि सशक्त करेल.
*इव्हेंट आयोजक आणि मुख्य सदस्य*
– *संस्थापक मेघना शेंडगे
– *प्रबंधक संचालक सपना पिल्लै
– *रिक्रूटमेंट डायरेक्टर रेनाल्डो रोसारियो
– *सदस्य अरुण हरिजान
*मिस मुंबई प्लस साइज ब्यूटी पेजेंटचे विजेते*
– *विजेता: वकील **लतिका रघुवंशी*
– *1st रनर-अप: **जिग्न्यासा चव्हाण*
– *2nd रनर-अप: **कशमीरा*स्वाईन
*फायनलिस्ट आणि सहभागी*
या पेजेंटच्या यशात योगदान देणारे अद्वितीय स्पर्धक:
– *मालती पाल*
– *शीला जाधव*
– *प्रियंका कापडिया*
– *सुनंदा माने*
– *सोनाली सावंत*
– *माललेट पेरेरा*
– *जिनू सोलकर*
– *मीनल मोरे*
– *चित्रा काकडे*
*विशेष सादरीकरणे*
या कार्यक्रमाला अजून अधिक संस्मरणीय बनवण्यासाठी चमकदार सादरीकरणे केली गेली:
– *सई शेंडगे: एक बाल कलाकार, ज्यांनी *”सेनोरीटा” (ज़िंदगी ना मिलेगी दोबारा) वर नृत्य केले आणि आत्मविश्वासाने रॅम्प वॉक करून सर्वांचं मन जिंकले.
– *पल्लवी थोरवे: लावणी क्वीन, ज्यांनी *”चंद्र” (चंद्रमुखी) वर अप्रतिम सादरीकरण केले.
– *डेसी वाजिरानी: फिल्म अभिनेत्री, ज्यांनी *”लैला मैं लैला” (रईस) वर नृत्य केले.
– *अंबिका पुजारी: *मद्रास की कली म्हणून ओळखली जाणारी, जीने सुंदर गणेश वंदना सादर केली, ज्यामुळे कार्यक्रमाला आध्यात्मिकता प्राप्त झाली.
*समर्थन आणि योगदान*
या पेजेंटच्या यशात योगदान देणारे प्रमुख व्यक्ती:
– *राजीव रुइया*: फिल्म दिग्दर्शक
– *शब्बीर शेख*: पीआर तज्ञ
– *जुबैर शेख*: ग्लोबल पीआर तज्ञ
या लोकांच्या मदतीमुळे फिल्म इंडस्ट्रीतील प्रसिद्ध व्यक्ती, प्रायोजक आणि भागीदार जोडले गेले, ज्यामुळे हा पेजेंट आणखी शानदार झाला.
*मुख्य अतिथी आणि मान्यवर*
आपल्या कार्यक्रमात निमंत्रित केलेल्या प्रतिष्ठित अतिथींचा सन्मान:
– *मुख्य सल्लागार मेघना चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्ट*
– *आदर अतिथी: **श्री. असलम शेख* – माजी मंत्री आणि आमदार
– *विशेष अतिथी*:
– *श्रीमती. वर्षा गायकवाड* – खासदार आणि माजी मंत्री
– *श्री. आशीष शेलार* – सांस्कृतिक मंत्री आणि आमदार
– *श्री. विनोद शेलार* – माजी नगरसेवक आणि जिल्हाध्यक्ष
– *जान्हवी किलेकर* – बिग बॉस मराठी फेम (सोशल मीडियाद्वारे शुभेच्छा पाठवलेल्या)
*कार्यक्रमाच्या मुख्य वैशिष्ट्ये आणि योगदान*
– *फॉर्च्यून लिमिटेड कंपनीने त्यांची आगामी फिल्म *”सरकारी बच्चा” प्रमोट केली, ज्यात प्रमुख कलाकार आहेत.
– *सुनील पाल*, एक कॉमेडियन, ज्यांनी प्रेक्षकांना हसवले आणि रॅम्प वॉक देखील केला, ज्यामुळे कार्यक्रमात जोश भरला.
– *लैक्मे मलाड टीम* आणि *ज्युरी सदस्य* देखील रॅम्प वॉक केले, ज्यामुळे शोला अधिक चमक मिळाली.
जूरी सदस्य
– मुख्य निर्णायक *विजय बाविस्कर* – एक प्रसिद्ध सेलिब्रिटी बाॅलीवुड कोरियोग्राफर, जो अपनी रचनात्मक विशेषज्ञता के लिए जाने जाते हैं।
– *सनीभूषण मुंगेकर* – प्रसिद्ध मराठी अभिनेता, निर्माता और निर्देशक।
– *पल्लवी थोरवे* – एक प्रसिद्ध मराठी अभिनेत्री और एक कुशल लावणी नर्तकी, इस कार्यक्रम में सांस्कृतिक समृद्धि जोड़ रही हैं।
– *अज़िया सबरवाल* – मावेन प्लस साइज वेस्ट जोन विजेता 2024, प्लस साइज महिलाओं के लिए एक रोल मॉडल।
– *टीना डे* – मेवेन प्लस साइज ईस्ट ज़ोन विजेता 2024, अपनी सुंदरता और आत्मविश्वास के लिए जानी जाती हैं।
– दीपाश्री सनी भूषण मुंगेकर
– अभिनेत्री और नाटक कलाकार
जूरी सदस्य न केवल निर्णय देने के लिए बल्कि प्रेरित करने के लिए भी वहां मौजूद थे। शाम का मुख्य आकर्षण वह था जब उन्होंने अनुग्रह और आत्मविश्वास दिखाते हुए रैंप वॉक किया, जिससे साबित हुआ कि सुंदरता सभी आकारों और आकारों में आती है
*प्रायोजक आणि गिफ्ट वाउचर भागीदार*
आमच्या हृदयापासून धन्यवाद सर्व प्रायोजकांना ज्यांनी *कर्वी ग्लॅमर मिस मुंबई प्लस साइज ब्यूटी पेजेंट* ला एक अद्वितीय यश मिळवून दिले:
– *शब्बीर शेख* – फॉर्च्यून लाइफलाइन मीडिया आणि एंटरटेनमेंटचे मालक
– *श्रीमती. रुपल मोहता* – मिस इंडिया यूनिवर्स
– *श्रीमती. नेहा सुराडकर* – योगी/योगेज च्या सह-संस्थापक, फॅशन एज्युकेटर आणि स्टाइल कोच
– *श्रीमती. विभूति / श्रीमती. सुप्रिया* – अरेका क्रिएशन्सच्या संस्थापक
– *श्री. सनी अग्रवाल* – लैक्मे मेकअप पार्टनर
– *श्रीमती. प्रजक्ता देसाई* – बो’स बटनच्या मालक
– *श्री. प्रवीण चंद्र* – डायमंड ग्रुप ऑफ पब्लिकेशन्स, मुंबई हेड
– *श्री. सुरेश गुप्ता* –ऑल इंडिया सिने वर्कर्स असोसिएशन (AICWA) चे मालक
– *श्री. राजीव रुइया* – फिल्म दिग्दर्शक, निर्माता आणि लेखक
– *श्री. मोहम्मद रईस भाई* – अरबीय दरबार रेस्टोरंटचे मालक
*कंट्री क्लब* ला या कार्यक्रमाला त्यांच्या महत्त्वपूर्ण समर्थनासाठी विशेष धन्यवाद.
*इंटरनेशनल मिस मुंबई प्लस साइज ब्यूटी पेजेंट* ने आत्मविश्वास, सौंदर्य आणि सशक्तिकरणाचा उत्सव साजरा केला, आणि विजेत्यांना ताज दिला ज्यांनी या मूल्यांचे प्रतीक दर्शवले. *कर्वी ग्लॅमर* भविष्यामध्ये अशा प्रेरणादायक कार्यक्रमांचे आयोजन करण्यासाठी प्रतिबद्ध आहे, जे महिलांना सशक्त बनवेल आणि समाजाच्या रूढीवादी विचारधारांना तोडेल.
मेघना चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्ट प्रस्तुत कर्वी ग्लॅमर इव्हेंट असोसिएशन
महाकुंभ मेले की यात्रा के दौरान गौतम अदाणी ने कहा था कि उनके बेटे की शादी “सादगी और पारंपरिक तरीके” से होगी। गौतम अदाणी ने न केवल शादी को साधारण रखा, बल्कि समाज सेवा के लिए 10,000 करोड़ रुपये भी दान किए। बेटे की शादी […]
Breaking Newsमहाकुंभ मेले की यात्रा के दौरान गौतम अदाणी ने कहा था कि उनके बेटे की शादी “सादगी और पारंपरिक तरीके” से होगी। गौतम अदाणी ने न केवल शादी को साधारण रखा, बल्कि समाज सेवा के लिए 10,000 करोड़ रुपये भी दान किए। बेटे की शादी के अवसर पर यह अनोखा उपहार उन्होंने समाज के कल्याण के लिए दिया है।
गौतम अदाणी का यह दान उनके परमार्थ के विचार “सेवा साधना है, सेवा प्रार्थना है और सेवा ही परमात्मा है” पर आधारित है। उनके दान का बड़ा हिस्सा स्वास्थ्य , शिक्षा और कौशल विकास के इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर डेवलपमेंट पर खर्च किया जाएगा। इस पहल से समाज के सभी वर्गों को किफायती विश्व स्तरीय अस्पतालों, मेडिकल कॉलेजों, शीर्ष स्तरीय के-12 स्कूलों और सुनिश्चित रोजगार क्षमता के साथ ग्लोबल स्किल एकेडमी के नेटवर्क तक पहुंच प्रदान होगी ।
अपने छोटे बेटे जीत की शादी के अवसर पर गौतम अदाणी ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म एक्स (पहले ट्विटर) के संदेश में अपनी बहू को “बेटी दिवा” कहकर संबोधित किया। उन्होंने लिखा, “परमपिता परमेश्वर के आशीर्वाद से जीत और दिवा आज विवाह के पवित्र बंधन में बंध गए। यह विवाह आज अहमदाबाद में प्रियजनों के बीच पारंपरिक रीति रिवाजों और शुभ मंगल भाव के साथ संपन्न हुआ। यह एक छोटा और अत्यंत निजी समारोह था, इसलिए हम चाह कर भी सभी शुभचिंतकों को आमंत्रित नहीं कर सके, जिसके लिए मैं क्षमाप्रार्थी हूँ। मैं आप सभी से बेटी दिवा और जीत के लिए स्नेह और आशीष का हृदय से आकांक्षी हूँ। “
शादी आज दोपहर, अहमदाबाद के बेल्वेडियर क्लब, अदाणी शांतिग्राम टाउनशिप में संपन्न हुई, जहां जीत अदाणी और हीरा कारोबारी जैमिन शाह की बेटी दिवा शादी के बंधन में बंध गए। शादी पूरी तरह से पारंपरिक रूप से संपन्न हुई । सामान्य धार्मिक अनुष्ठानों और पारंपरिक गुजराती समारोह में केवल करीबी रिश्तेदार और दोस्त शामिल हुए। शादी में राजनेता, बड़े कारोबारी, फिल्मी सितारे, नौकरशाह और अन्य कोई प्रमुख हस्तियां शामिल नहीं हुईं।
जीत अदाणी इस समय अदाणी एयरपोर्ट्स के निदेशक हैं और छह अंतरराष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डों का प्रबंधन देख रहे हैं, साथ ही नवी मुंबई में बन रहे सातवें हवाई अड्डे की जिम्मेदारी भी संभाल रहे हैं। उन्होंने यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ पेनसिल्वेनिया के स्कूल ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग एंड एप्लाइड साइंसेज से पढ़ाई की है।
अपने बेटे की शादी के उपलक्ष्य पर गौतम अदाणी ने लिया सेवा का संकल्प समाज सेवा के लिए 10,000 करोड़ रुपये किए दान
The “Destroying Diabetes: Interpretation & Implementation” webinar, hosted by IIS USA, was a resounding success, bringing together experts from diverse fields to deliver powerful insights and real-world solutions for diabetes prevention and reversal. With an engaged audience and transformative discussions, this event marked a significant […]
Digital NewsThe “Destroying Diabetes: Interpretation & Implementation” webinar, hosted by IIS USA, was a resounding success, bringing together experts from diverse fields to deliver powerful insights and real-world solutions for diabetes prevention and reversal. With an engaged audience and transformative discussions, this event marked a significant step toward actionable health solutions.
The session was opened by Arun Gandhi, Founder of IIS USA and the sole sponsor of the event, whose vision for holistic well-being and impactful change set the stage for an enlightening discussion. Each speaker provided unique and practical insights, equipping attendees with knowledge that extends far beyond conventional approaches.
Key Takeaways from Our Esteemed Speakers:
* Madhura Kulkarni – The importance of preconceptional detox and how early intervention can shape long-term health.
* Vaidya Ashlesha Raut – A deep dive into the role of diet in preventing and reversing diabetes.
* Mr. Jay – The essential role of minerals in diabetes management and overall wellness.
* Dr. Navinji Gupta – Practical, science-backed steps toward type 2 diabetes reversal.
* Dr. Garimaji Agrawal – Understanding the link between stress and diabetes and effective management techniques.
* Dr. Vanita Sharma – Epigenetics and diabetes, exploring how lifestyle choices influence genetic expression.
* Dr. Udai Kulkarni – The concept of detox and its critical role in metabolic health.
* Dr. Vijay Kushvaha – Real-life experiences and evidence supporting diabetes reversal strategies.
This interactive session was more than just a discussion—it was a movement toward transformation. Attendees left with clarity, confidence, and actionable steps to take charge of their health and contribute to a larger mission of wellness and sustainability.
Next Steps & Taking the Mission Forward
The insights shared in this webinar are just the beginning. IIS USA is committed to expanding this initiative, offering practical solutions and creating a platform for global impact. Attendees are encouraged to apply the knowledge gained, share their learnings, and stay connected for future sessions and collaborations.
A special thank you to Arun Gandhi for his vision and unwavering support in making this event possible, and to all our speakers for their invaluable contributions. Together, we are not just discussing change—we are driving it.
Stay tuned for more initiatives from IIS USA as we continue shaping a healthier, diabetes-free future!
Webinar Recap: A Groundbreaking Initiative In Diabetes Reversal, Webinar, Hosted By IIS USA
In an era where commercialized rap dominates the airwaves, independent artist D PAC is carving his own path with raw storytelling, relentless hustle, and a commitment to real music. From humble beginnings to a rising star in the underground rap scene, his journey is a […]
Breaking NewsIn an era where commercialized rap dominates the airwaves, independent artist D PAC is carving his own path with raw storytelling, relentless hustle, and a commitment to real music. From humble beginnings to a rising star in the underground rap scene, his journey is a testament to resilience, hard work, and staying true to one’s roots.
Born and raised in a modest household, D PAC moved abroad as an international student, balancing multiple jobs while chasing his passion for music. The struggles of working 16-hour shifts to pay tuition and rent fueled his lyrics, giving birth to tracks that speak to the heart of every dreamer and hustler. His breakthrough came with “7 Sins,” a conceptual album that explores the complexities of human nature through gripping narratives and hard-hitting beats.
Now, he is gearing up for his next ambitious project, “DPACYCLOPEDIA,” a 17-track album that delves into the grind, struggles, and triumphs of an independent artist. His music isn’t just about beats and rhymes—it’s a movement, inspiring a generation of dreamers to push forward despite the odds.
With a rapidly growing fanbase and a reputation for unfiltered lyricism, D PAC stands as a beacon of independent rap, proving that authenticity and perseverance can break barriers. As he puts it: “Hustle don’t sleep, and neither do I. Dreams take wings when you aim for the sky.”
D PAC: The Independent Rap Sensation Redefining Hip-Hop With Authenticity
The Indian music industry is abuzz with excitement as beauty pageant winner, actress, and model *Rehaa Khann* takes on the responsibility of launching *Zaid Darbar* as a pop star. Zaid, the son of renowned Bollywood music director *Ismail Darbar* and husband of actress *Gauahar Khan, […]
Breaking NewsThe Indian music industry is abuzz with excitement as beauty pageant winner, actress, and model *Rehaa Khann* takes on the responsibility of launching *Zaid Darbar* as a pop star. Zaid, the son of renowned Bollywood music director *Ismail Darbar* and husband of actress *Gauahar Khan, is all set to make his mark in the music world with his upcoming song *”Hella”*, which is expected to release on **February 8*.
Rehaa Khann, who has gained recognition for her exceptional talent in the modeling and acting industry, is now stepping into music production. Her journey has been inspiring, transitioning from beauty pageants to films and now to music. She is known for her glamorous presence, strong screen appeal, and dedication to her work. Taking Zaid Darbar under her wing is a significant move that highlights her ability to recognize and nurture talent.
*Who is Rehaa Khann?*
Rehaa Khann is not just a beauty queen but also an accomplished actress and model. Over the years, she has worked in various Bollywood and Telugu films, earning praise for her acting skills. Her elegance and confidence have won her multiple accolades, and she continues to be a prominent figure in the fashion and entertainment industry.
Apart from acting, Rehaa is now exploring new avenues as a producer. Her decision to support Zaid Darbar in launching his career as a pop star is a bold and strategic move. Given her experience in the entertainment industry, she brings valuable insights and a fresh perspective to the music scene.
*Zaid Darbar’s Journey into Music*
Zaid Darbar is widely known for his charismatic personality and talent. As the son of *Ismail Darbar, a respected composer in Bollywood, Zaid has grown up in a musical environment. While he has previously been recognized for his social media presence, dance skills, and collaborations with his wife **Gauahar Khan*, “Hella” will mark his official entry into the world of pop music.
This project is expected to showcase his vocal abilities, musical talent, and unique style. With the backing of Rehaa Khann and her production expertise, the anticipation surrounding “Hella” is at an all-time high.
*What to Expect from “Hella”*
The song “Hella” is expected to be a high-energy track with catchy beats and a modern pop vibe. Industry insiders suggest that it will feature a visually stunning music video, bringing together stylish cinematography and engaging choreography.
Given Rehaa Khann’s track record of excellence in entertainment and Zaid Darbar’s potential as an emerging music star, “Hella” is likely to make a strong impact. Fans are eagerly waiting to see this collaboration unfold and witness the transformation of Zaid Darbar into a pop sensation.
As the countdown to the release begins, all eyes are on February 8, when “Hella” will finally be unveiled, marking a new chapter in both *Rehaa Khann* and *Zaid Darbar’s* careers.
Beauty Queen Rehaa Khann To Launch Zaid Darbar As A Pop Star With “HELLA”
The India International Shopping Carnival witnessed participation from many veterans, including those from Mumbai and its surrounding areas. Numerous companies from India and abroad showcased their products, which were highly appreciated by thousands of visitors. The specialty of this exhibition was that it was the […]
Breaking NewsThe India International Shopping Carnival witnessed participation from many veterans, including those from Mumbai and its surrounding areas. Numerous companies from India and abroad showcased their products, which were highly appreciated by thousands of visitors.
The specialty of this exhibition was that it was the first of its kind to be inaugurated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony and lamp-lighting event in a residential area. The ribbon was cut by Advocate Ashish Shelar ji , along with the founders of Eventra Exhibitions and Trade Fair LLP, Mayur Narwani and Ujaval Verma, in the presence of their dedicated team members.
A large crowd attended the exhibition, exploring various stalls and indulging in shopping. Notable political figure Sanjay Nirupam ji from Shiv Sena visited the exhibition, explored the stalls, and even purchased household items. Another influential political leader, Sachin Ahir, also honored the event with his presence. Additionally, the well-known IPS officer Krishna Prakash ji , was part of the exhibition, adding to its prestige.
The exhibition featured a wide range of attractions, including interior and home décor, lifestyle and cosmetics, garments and jewelry, handloom and handicrafts, Iranian carpets, handbags, wooden crockery, designer garments, Afghan dry fruits, massage chairs, and decorative lamps, which captivated the interest of the attendees.
India International Shopping Carnival Exhibition In Mumbai By Eventra Exhibitions And Trade Fair LLLP Mayur Narwani And Ujawal Verma